Kings Cup
Need some help with "Kings Cup" Drinking Game? We've got you covered! Check out our guide to rules so you can become a pro in no time. Have a blast with friends and make your party the talk of the town.
Play Online ✍️ May 2, 2024
- 📱 Play “King’s Cup” Online
- 👌 How to Play “King’s Cup”
- 🃏 “King’s Cup” Card Rules
- 😍 “King’s Cup” Rules PDF Print Version
- 👌 Make your own “King’s Cup” rule!
“King’s Cup”, also known as “Circle of Death”, “Ring of Fire”, “Waterfall”, or “Kings”, is a card-drinking game that’s been a staple in parties, and for a good reason! It is an iconic game that will make you drink and get to know your friends better.
This fun drinking game is perfect for any occasion - from pre-games to house parties to camping trips. So gather your friends, grab some drinks, and get started!
Play “Kings Cup” Online
Wanna play “Kings Cup” but don’t have cards? No problem! You can also play “King’s Cup” online on your mobile, tablet, or desktop. It’s completely free!

How to play “Kings Cup”
Playing “Kings Cup” is simple. You can play this game indoors or outdoors - ensure you have enough space for all players to sit in a circle.
You need at least three players to play, but the more the merrier!
Equipment for “King’s Cup”
“Kings Cup” is easy to set up and won’t take you longer than 5 minutes. Here’s what you’ll need:
- A standard card deck with 52 cards
- Beer, hard liquor, or other alcoholic drinks
- A large cup
- At least two players, but we recommend a group of 4-12 people
👉 Check out more card drinking games here!
“Kings Cup” Setup and Gameplay
The “Kings Cup” rules are simple: “Kings Cup” is played clockwise and round-based. Each turn, a player picks and turns over a card. Each card represents an action. When a card is turned over, the player who uncovers the card executes the action assigned to the card.
1. Gather all the people around a table. Place a big cup in the middle of the table. This Cup is called the “Kings Cup”. Now distribute all the cards face down around the King Cup. You’re all set!
“Kings Cup” Card Rules
In “Kings Cup”, each card has its rules that players must follow. The player who draws a card must do the action associated with the drawn card. In this section, we’ll go through each “King’s Cup” card rules:
Give 2: Pick a player. This player takes two sips. Or pick two players, and each one of those players needs to take one sip.
Take 1: If you pick this card, drink one sip!
Give 2, take 2: Pick a player. You and the chosen player take two sips each.
For the men: All the guys take a big sip.
For the Ladies: All girls must drink.
Thumb Master: Whenever the player who drew this card places their thumb on the end of the table, however discretely, all other players must also place their thumbs there.
The last person who places their thumb has to drink. The drawer of this card has the power to do this at any point. Until the next jack is drawn or the “King’s Cup” game ends.
Drinking Mate: “Eight is for a mate”. Choose a person to be your mate; they drink when you drink for the rest of the game. If one of the mates draws another eight cards, they choose another player, and now all three have to drink.
You can also merge two mated pairs this way. If all “King’s Cup” players become mated, then all ties are canceled.
Rhyme: “Nine is Rhyme”. You say a word, and the person to your right has to say a word that rhymes.
This continues around the table until someone needs help to think of a word or takes too long to come up with a rhyme. This person must drink. The same word may not be used twice.
Social: Cheers, everyone drinks! 🍻
Make A Rule: This is my favorite card to get. You can create a new rule for the game or remove one. If a player breaks the rules, he must drink!
An example would be that everyone needs to chug their drinks with the left hand. Or does everyone need to moan while drinking? You get the idea.
“Kings Cup” Rule Ideas: If you need further inspiration for more “Make a Rule” - Card, have a look at our list of the best rules: “Kings Cup” Rule Ideas 👌
Categories: You come up with a category of things, and the person to your right must create something that falls within that category. This goes on around the table until someone can’t come up with anything. This person must drink.
“Kings Cup” Categories
Here are some possible categories to use while playing “Kings Cup”:
- Cocktails: Gin Tonic, Sex on the Beach, Pina Colada, Whisky Sour, Vodka Lemon, Sherry-Cocktail, etc.
- Sex Positions: The Bridge, 69, Tea Bag, Afternoon Delight, Eagle, Cowboy, etc.
More examples for “Kings Cup” categories: Brands, Pornstars, Pokémon, Movie Heroes, Sneaker brand names, etc.
“King’s Cup”: The first three people who draw this card pour their drinks into the “King’s Cup” in the middle of the table. The 4th player who gets this card must drink all the “King’s Cup” content.
Waterfall: Each player drinks their beverage simultaneously with the person to their left to perform a waterfall. No player can stop drinking until the player before them stops.
“Kings Cup” Rules PDF Print Version
Need a PDF copy of our “Kings Cup” rules? You can print it out and bring it to your next party! Download the PDF version right here:

Make your own “King’s Cup” rule!
While playing “Kings Cup” with the standard set of rules, it gets even more fun when someone draws the “Make a Rule” card. But with your increasing alcohol level, making creative new rules gets harder and harder. We’ve been there, and that’s why we created this list to spice up your Ring of Death game.
Here’s our ultimate list of new “Kings Cup” rules to make this already awesome game even more fun:
1. Don’t show your teeth 🤭
This “King’s Cup” rule can make for some really funny moments. Whenever a player laughs, smile, or show their teeth while talking, they have to drink.
2. No pointing 👉
As long as this “King’s Cup” rule is in effect, no one is allowed to point at objects or people. If someone does, they must take a sip.
3. Your Highness
Whoever draws a king card becomes the “Highness”. Everyone else must raise their hand or drink whenever they raise their hand.
4. The floor is lava!
If someone calls out, “The floor is lava”, all players must immediately get off the ground and onto their chairs. The last player to do so drinks.
5. No first names
Players can only refer to each other by nicknames or titles, such as “your majesty” or “sir”. If someone slips up and uses a first name, they drink.
6. T-Rex Rule 🦖

Everyone must hold their elbows to their body like a T-Rex. Hands are not allowed to be stretched. If someone violates this rule, they must drink and make a dinosaur roar!
7. One-Night Stand Rule
Each player may only be named by the person they slept with. This “King’s Cup” rule may lead to very embarrassing situations. And that’s great! 😁
8. Social Media Freeze
No one is allowed to check their social media during the game. If caught, they must take two drinks and do a fun dare.
9. Don’t give me the ick
One by one, mention all of your pet peeves. If somebody does one of those things, they drink.
10. TikTok Challenge 🕺
Whoever draws this card must perform a TikTok dance challenge. Failure or refusal results in drinking and nominating someone else to take the challenge.
11. Streaming Spoilers
No talking about TV shows, movies, or any streaming content unless you want to drink. If you reveal a spoiler, you finish your drink.
12. Look around everybody on mute.
You select someone who must stay silent until it’s their turn again. If they speak, they drink.
13. Story Time 📖
Each player adds a sentence to build a story whenever it’s their turn. Stuttering or hesitation means you drink.
14. Podcast Prodigy
Pretend to host a podcast and introduce every action you do dramatically. Failure results in drinking.
15. Fitness Freak
Do ten jumping jacks every time you drink. Refusal means drinking double next time.
Have fun while playing one of the most fun games out there: “King’s Cup”! Always remember to drink responsibly and care for each other while playing!