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A timeless classic, the “Waterfall” Drinking Game is a must-play at any party or gathering! This simple game, also known as Kings Cup, Circle of Death, and Ring of Fire, involves cards and alcohol, making it perfect for bringing people together!

Whether you’re already familiar with the game or a beginner, this guide will provide everything you need about the “Waterfall” Drinking Game. From the basic rules to some fun tips, we guarantee this game will take your party to the next level!

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👉 We love drinking games with cards! That’s why we created a list of the best card-drinking games of all time!

Play “Waterfall” Drinking Game Online

If you find it inconvenient to shuffle cards, write the rules, think of new ones for the game, or simply because you can’t be with your friends to play the game, worry no more! We made a “Waterfall” Drinking App just for you!

But wait, there’s more! You can also download the Kings Cup gaming app, which we specially made for all Android and iOS users. Follow the links below to download the game to your PCs and mobile phones so you can play it anytime, anywhere!

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👉 Looking for more fun games? Check out more fun drinking games here!

How to Play “Waterfall” Drinking Game

The “Waterfall” Drinking Game has a lot of versions added to the original version of the game. Of all the versions of how to play this game, the most basic is this!

What you need for the “Waterfall” drinking game is pretty easy. You only need three things:

  • Bottle of liquor
  • Cup or shot glass for each player
  • Deck of cards

1. Mix up the cards. Make sure the cards are shuffled well to make the game more challenging.

2. Place them in a circle shape, with each card touching another card. This creates a “Waterfall” effect, hence the game’s name.

3. Establish rules for each type of card. This is what makes the game exciting and unpredictable!

4. Perform the corresponding action for each card drawn. Before starting the game, ensure everyone knows and agrees to the rules.

5. The last person to act must drink from the bottle at the center of the table!

“Waterfall” Rules

Aside from the many versions of the game, there are also a lot of rules that the players should decide before the game starts. Each type of card you pick entails a challenge or a rule you should perform and fulfill together with the rest of the game.

Here are the basic rules of the “Waterfall” Drinking Game, depending on which card you pick for the group during your every turn:

Waterfall Card Ace Illustration Ace

Drinks for all: Everyone must drink a shot!

Waterfall Card King Illustration King

A new rule: The player gets to be a king and create a new rule for the game. Anyone who breaks it drinks a shot!

Waterfall Card Queen Illustration Queen

Time for questions: The player can ask another player of their choice a question. That player can then choose another player and ask another question. This turn goes on until someone refuses to answer. That person should take a shot!

Waterfall Card Jack Illustration Jack

Thumb: The player who picks a Jack must quickly put his thumb on the table. The other players should do the same, and the last person to put their thumb down should take a shot!

Waterfall Card 10 Illustration Ten

Category: The player who picks a ten must pick a category, and every other player should say something that belongs to that category (without repeating something already said before). Whoever fails to do so takes a shot!

Waterfall Card 9 Illustration Nine

Rhyme: The player who picks a nine gets to pick a word. Every other player should say a word that rhymes with that word without repeating a word already taken. The first one to mess up the string of rhyming words should take a shot!

Waterfall Card 8 Illustration Eight

The drinking mate: The player who picks an eight also gets to pick a drinking mate! Every time they drink, the other should drink during the rest of the game!

Waterfall Card 7 Illustration Seven

To the sky: The player who picks a seven must reach for the sky, and all the other players should do the same. The last player to follow must take a shot!

Waterfall Card 6 Illustration Six

For the gentlemen: When someone picks a 6, all the guys in the group should take a shot.

Waterfall Card 5 Illustration Five

Let’s dance: The player who picks a five must teach the group a dance step and dance it first. The other players should each try to dance exactly as the first player did. The first one to mess up the steps should take a shot!

Waterfall Card 4 Illustration Four

For the ladies: When someone picks a 4, all the girls in the group should take a shot.

Waterfall Card 3 Illustration Three

Drink three: The player who picks a three must take three shots!

Waterfall Card 2 Illustration Two

Give two: The player who picks a two can pick another player to take two shots!

Bonus: Good Rules for “Waterfall”

As the game is passed from generation to generation, more rules are made. It’s important to note that you can be as creative as you want when setting the rules in this drinking game. Nothing is set in stone; that makes it so interesting and fun!

If you want to spice up your “Waterfall” Drinking Game, make up some new rules, or look at these rules, which will surely take any drinking game to a whole new level of wild and crazy!

1. Pump your arms back and forth when you laugh

You’ll look so ridiculous that everyone starts to laugh at you, and they should also pump their arms.

2. No touching your phone during the game

If you touch your phone, the other players can text anything to any of your contacts as punishment.

3. The Forehead Master Rule

It’s pretty similar to picking the Jack from the deck of cards, except this time, you will need to touch the table with your forehead, and the last player to do so takes a shot!

4. “I’ll tell you what”

Every sentence or action you take should include this statement. Forgetting to do so can result in a shot for you!

5. “Meow”

Instead of “now”, you should use “meow”. Forgetting this “Waterfall” rule will mean another shot for you!

6. Eye-Contact

There is no making eye contact with other players. If you make eye contact with someone, both of you should drink!

7. No-Teeth Laugh

Another thing to remember when you laugh is to tuck your lips in to cover your teeth. This will make your laugh contagious, and you’ll all look and sound stupid whenever you laugh!

8. Viking Rule

When the rule maker or designated leader of the group motions their hands like a horn on their imaginary Viking helmet, everyone should paddle. The last player to do so should take a shot!

9. No Speaking in the First Person

After everyone gets a little tipsy and slurry, what you’ve got to say will sound weirdly interesting!

10. T-Rex Rule

Every time a player drinks, they should place their arms on their sides like a T-Rex would. Forgetting this rule will entail a second shot for you!

The “Waterfall” drinking game will offer you and your friends a game night and party to remember and talk about for the upcoming years. Make sure everyone agrees on the rules and is open-minded enough to understand that it’s all just for some good-natured fun!

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