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How to Start a Conversation

If you’re looking for some good conversation starters, look no further! We’ve compiled 6 of the best first date questions that will make any date as fun as can be.

1. Talk about something that you have in common

First things first: Get to know what you’ve got in common! If you both work in the same profession, or love the same TV show, you can start a conversation by asking what they think of it. Discuss what you like and what you don’t like.

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2. Ask them for advice

People love giving advice! Ask them a question about what they think the best thing to do is in a given situation. This will show that you respect their opinions and open up new topics for discussion. You could also ask them if they have any good books to recommend, or if they’re planning on going anywhere fun soon.

3. Try small talk

Many people believe that small talk is unnecessary. But that’s not true at all! Questions about the weather, current events or other topics like this are great to start a conversation. It is best to start with small talk, especially if you are nervous. Few mistakes can happen here!

Want to know more about how to start a conversation? Check this out!

6 Great Conversation Starters for Dating

The best way to start a conversation is by asking an open-ended question. These 6 great questions we’ve provided are all delivered with the goal of getting your date talking about themselves and their passions, which will make it easier for you to find out what they like or don’t like. You can also use these conversations starters as opportunities to share embarrassing stories that will lead down another rabbit hole of hilarity!

1. What’s your favorite movie and why?

This is a great first question because it gives people something to say that they will be passionate about. Movies are loved by everyone, so this question is sure to get people excited and talking. The best part about this question is that you can learn a lot about someone just by asking them their favorite movie. Maybe they are an action junkie with crazy high adrenaline, or maybe they’re more of a romance person who loves happy endings.

2. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

This is a great question to ask because the person will most likely have something that they always wanted to be or do. Some of these superpowers could include flying, invisibility, and time travel! Or maybe they don’t want any superpower at all; you can also use this question as an opportunity to find out what they’re afraid of!

3. What is the one thing you want to do before the world ends?

This question can be a lot of fun, but it’s also really interesting to see what people are passionate about. Maybe someone wants to climb every mountain in the world, or maybe they want to go on an amazing vacation around Europe. If you can learn what people want to do before the world ends, you might be able to get an idea for another great date!

4. Who was your childhood hero or heroine?

This question is a great way to go down memory lane and find out more about someone’s childhood. This could be their favorite superhero or just some other completely random person who was important to them. Either way, it can tell you a lot about what type of person they are today!

5. What’s your favorite song right now (and why)?

This is another great question that will help give you an idea of someone’s personality and what they’re into. This question gives people the opportunity to tell you about themselves through music, which is always cool! It could be an upbeat song that gets them dancing or something totally heart-wrenching. Either way, this question is bound to give you some good conversation

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6. Share an embarrassing story that will make people laugh!

Embarrassing stories are great conversation starters because everyone loves to laugh! This is the perfect opportunity to share your embarrassing story or hear about someone else’s. You can ask them if they have an embarrassing story, too, and tell one of yours. But maybe try not to make it too awkward!

How to behave on the first date

Let them talk as much as they like without interrupting. Just like with a therapist, put your phone on airplane mode and don’t touch it for the duration of the date. To that end, don’t search online to find out more about what they said or didn’t say – you’ll be tempted to nod at things you already know and this will make it seem like you’re only listening out of politeness!

If they do tell a story and their voice gets quieter, lean forward and smile; we’ve all heard how important this is but its impact can never be overestimated. This doesn’t just mean one smile during the conversation - it means throughout!

Look them in the eyes when they’re telling you something important. Ask them questions to get them talking - the best way to understand somebody is to ask them about what they’re interested in and how they feel about it.

If you want more tips on how to get through first dates without awkward silences, be sure to check out this articles about First Date Coversations and What to talk about on a First Date!

Bonus: How to start a conversation on tinder

One of the most difficult things for many people is coming up with what to say when they match with someone on tinder. It’s hard to come up with something that will make them want to keep talking and not just swipe left and forget about you. Here are some tips and tricks so you can be sure to start a conversation that will leave an impression!

Let’s take a look at some of the best ways of starting a conversation that will leave an impression and get that person to keep talking! Whether online or in-person, these tips should help make for a memorable date experience.

1. Start a conversation with something that you both have in common

If they mention something in their bio that is of interest to you, send them a question about it. Another example, both being from the same city. This gives you something to talk about that’s not forced. You could also ask for travel advice if they mention that they enjoy traveling, or just start talking about your hometown!

2. Respond to something from their profile

If they mention that they love a certain TV show, then ask them if they have seen a particular episode. This is a safe way to start a conversation because you’re going off the topic that already interests them.

An easy way to get to know someone better is to talk about popular topics. It’s best if you avoid controversial topics in the beginning. Here are 5 ideas for popular topics:

  • What are some of your favorite websites to visit when you’re bored throughout the workday?
  • How to stay informed, but not overwhelmed
  • What is “fake news?”
  • How much time do you spend browsing social media during the work day?
  • What’s your opinion on dress codes in general?

4. Make jokes and laugh together - it’s easy!

One of the easiest ways to start a conversation is to tell a joke. You can search online for some good jokes, or just make one up on the spot. Laughing is always a great way to connect with somebody else. Another thing that’s really fun to do is show off your sense of humor. They don’t have to be inappropriate jokes, either! It could be as simple as a pun that makes you giggle. It can be a little nerve-wracking trying to get someone to laugh. If you aren’t very good at jokes, it’s best if you learn how to tell one or two good jokes consistently. The more often you tell a joke, the better it becomes.

5. Keep them guessing

This is a much-debated topic in the online dating world. You’ll have people telling you to be mysterious, others saying the opposite, so the real answer is really down to your own preference. If you’re looking for an approach that will work well with most people, I’d say try and be a little more specific about who you are and what you like and let them get to know more about you before they decide if they want to talk some more or not!

Some examples that will give you an idea of what I mean:

  • “I love this bar/restaurant, have you been here before?”
  • “Do you like animals? My cat is my best friend!”
  • “Do you enjoy going for long walks in the rain? It’s one of my favorite things to do.” This type of opening will help you get the conversation started, but still let them be curious about who you are and what your deal is. It gives you an opportunity to tell them more later on if they’re interested!

It’s hard to come up with what to say every time you match with someone on tinder. If you’re still looking for more Tinder Openers or How to Start a Conversation on Tinder, give these articles a try!!

100+ Fun Relationship Questions for Couples
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Conversation Starters

Looking for some conversation starters and icebreakers? Check out our collection of articles full of tips, tricks, and ideas to help get the conversation flowing! Get to know how to talk to anyone anytime, anywhere!