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A fun party game is what makes or breaks a gathering. And what better way to get people laughing and bonding than with a rousing game of “Never Have I Ever”?

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This classic game has been played for generations, but it never gets old. With our list of 150+ “Never Have I Ever” questions, you’ll have plenty of material to keep the party going all night long and get to know your friends in a whole new way.

Play “Never Have I Ever” Online

Don’t have a list of “Never Have I Ever” questions handy? No problem! You can easily access 3,000+ questions on our free online game. It’s a fun and easy way to play with friends or break the ice at any social gathering.

All you have to do is download our app or visit our website and start playing. You can even choose the theme of your questions – from “popular” to “party,” there’s something for everyone.

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Interactive “Never Have I Ever” Video

Why just read when you can watch and play? Elevate your “Never Have I Ever” game with our interactive videos, featuring a wild mix of classic and outrageous statements.

So, grab your friends and for a roller coaster of emotions - from chuckles to gasps, maybe even a blush or two. Check out our awesome list of “Never Have I Ever” videos now!

And the best part? You get to control the pace! Play, pause, and resume as you spill the beans or tease out confessions from your friends. Let’s get those stories rolling!

How to Play “Never Have I Ever”

Ready to delve into the world of unexpected confessions and shocking revelations? It’s simple, easy to set up, and always a hit with friends!

To begin, everyone holds up all their drinks or ten of their fingers. Decide which player goes first and they make a statement starting with “Never have I ever…”

For example: “Never have I ever been skydiving.”

If any of the other players have done that action before, they must take a sip of their drink or put down one finger. Keep going around in a circle until someone has no fingers left or finishes their drink. Then it’s the next player’s turn to make a statement.

Continue this pattern until you run out of questions or everyone is too tipsy and laughing too hard. Enjoy playing “Never Have I Ever” with these 150+ fun and revealing questions!

Now, who’s ready to get a little playful and daring? Let the games begin! 🥳

Funny “Never Have I Ever” Questions

Looking for some light-hearted fun? What better way to get everyone laughing than with some funny “Never Have I Ever” questions? From silly situations to embarrassing moments, these questions will have you rolling on the floor in no time.

1. Never have I ever picked my nose in the last week.


2. Never have I ever walked in on someone in the bathroom.

Let’s knock next time!

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3. Never have I ever been caught having an all-out dance party by myself in front of a mirror.

I was exercising!

4. Never have I ever left a drunk voicemail.

We’ve all been there!

5. Never have I ever accidentally sent a text to the wrong person.

Hope it was nothing too serious!

6. Never have I ever punched a wall and regretted it because it was painful.

Losing your temper can be painful.

7. Never have I ever accidentally eaten food meant for animals.

If you can still play the game, at least that means you survived.

8. Never have I ever flashed someone.


9. Never have I ever proudly belched the alphabet.

It’s a fun way to remember the alphabet!

10. Never have I ever laughed so hard I peed myself.

Oops! That joke was just so funny!

11. Never have I ever picked out a wedgie in public.

Hope no one saw.

12. Never have I ever farted in front of someone I liked.

So embarrassing!

13. Never have I ever jumped in a pool with clothes on.

It’s fun, but have you tried getting up from the pool with heavy wet clothing?

14. Never have I ever tried to impress a crush by seeming knowledgeable.

Google is my friend!

🤓 Suggested read: 200+ Fun Teen "Never Have I Ever" Questions

15. Never have I ever sent a dirty text to the wrong person.

Make double-checking texts a habit!

16. Never have I ever been in a physical fight.

Did you win?

17. Never have I ever accidentally liked a social media post from years ago while stalking someone’s profile.

It happens to the best of us!

18. Never have I ever eaten a whole pizza by myself in one sitting.

I’m confused. Who doesn’t eat a whole pizza in one sitting?

19. Never have I ever fallen asleep during a movie at the cinema and snored loudly.

That’s why I stopped going to the cinema with my dad.

20. Never have I ever made a livestream on any social media platform accidentally.

It’s way too easy to click that button on accident!

Good “Never Have I Ever” Questions

Want to spark interesting conversations? These good “Never Have I Ever” questions will have you and your friends sharing stories, revealing secrets, and getting to know each other on a deeper level.

From life experiences to personal preferences, these questions will have you discovering new things about your friends and maybe even yourself!

1. Never have I ever sat in first class in an airplane.

I hope to get a free seat upgrade someday!

👉 Suggested read: 40+ Fun "Put a Finger Down" Questions for Any Occasion

2. Never have I ever toilet-papered someone’s house during Halloween.

Give me candy, or you won’t like our treat!

3. Never have I ever driven a stick shift.

Why make it so hard for yourself?

4. Never have I ever used a fake ID.

If yes, who was it? And did the person know you were using it?

5. Never have I ever been to a destination wedding.

I would love to be part of such a special celebration.

6. Never have I ever missed a high five.

Up top!

7. Never have I ever regifted a gift.

That’s one thing nobody should do.

8. Never have I ever gone 48 hours without showering.

I shudder thinking of it.

9. Never have I ever sent my food back to a restaurant.

Is the pasta a bit bland?

10. Never have I ever saved someone else’s life.

It will be an honor if I can do this.

11. Never have I ever lied to my best friend’s face.

Honesty is the best policy!

12. Never have I ever been to a Disneyland.

I’ve never been to the happiest place on earth, and I’m still ok. I want to go there at least once in my life!

13. Never have I ever pretended to know a stranger to escape an uncomfortable situation.

It’s always good to be alert and seek help! You never know. The world is a crazy place!

14. Never have I ever disliked something that I cooked.

Salt and pepper can’t save you, eh?

250+ Dirty "Never Have I Ever" Questions for Adults (18+)
Suggested read: 250+ Dirty "Never Have I Ever" Questions for Adults (18+)

15. Never have I ever set something on fire.

Maybe while you were cooking the food you didn’t like?

16. Never have I ever tasted caviar.

I know it’s expensive because I’ve never tasted it.

17. Never have I ever used someone else’s Netflix password.

Sharing is caring.

18. Never have I ever fallen asleep in class.

Try staying up after having a good lunch while your teacher’s voice puts you to sleep.

19. Never have I ever been fired.

You can’t fire me! I quit!

20. Never have I ever watched an entire TV series in a day.

Time well spent!

21. Never have I ever met a celebrity.

Meeting a celebrity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Dirty “Never Have I Ever” Questions

Ready to turn up the heat? These spicy “Never Have I Ever” questions are for those who aren’t afraid of a little risk and want to push boundaries with their friends.

These questions will have you laughing, blushing, and maybe even a little shocked. But most importantly, they’ll bring you closer together as you bond over your shared experiences (or lack thereof).

1. Never have I ever had sex with more than one person in 24 hours.

Don’t kiss and tell!

2. Never have I ever had a one-night stand and stayed for breakfast.

There’s nothing wrong with a bit of chit-chat before you go.

3. Never have I ever done the walk of shame.

Your sex life is nobody’s business! Call it the stride of pride!

👉 Suggested read: 30+ Must-Ask "Have You Ever" Questions for Your Next Party

4. Never have I ever danced with someone too close in a club.

Just letting loose!

5. Never have I ever entered a sex shop.

Online-shops don’t count!

6. Never have I ever joined the mile-high club with a stranger.

It’s a fun club!

7. Never have I ever fallen asleep during sex.

People are just too tired sometimes. Sorry!

8. Never have I ever received a lap dance.

In my opinion, lap dances are only sexy in movies.

9. Never have I ever gone to a strip club.

It wasn’t what I was expecting.

10. Never have I ever done it on a kitchen counter.

You’ll never look at a kitchen counter the same way again.

11. Never have I ever had sex in a changing room.

It’s a thrilling experience!

12. Never have I ever slept with a friend’s partner.

This is such a low move.

13. Never have I ever had a sex dream about someone in this room.

I bet you all want the details!

14. Never have I ever given someone the wrong phone number.

It’s a case of selective amnesia.

15. Never have I ever been handcuffed.

Sounds kinky!

16. Never have I ever lied to protect a cheating friend.

That’s what you call an enabler.

17. Never have I ever looked at myself while masturbating.

Isn’t that the definition of self-love?

🤓 Suggested read: 450+ Best "Truth or Dare" Questions to Ask in Any Situation

18. Never have I ever role-played during sex.

We don’t judge!

19. Never have I ever made out with a friend’s older sibling.

Did your friend know?

20. Never have I ever taken nude pictures of a friend.

The things we do for friends…

21. Never have I ever gone skinny dipping.

This is a fun question that can help people bond over shared experiences.

22. Never have I ever had a threesome.

Break the ice with this fun and naughty question!

23. Never have I ever been to a nude beach.

This is an excellent question for getting to know your friends or family members better.

24. Never Have I Ever had a friend with benefits.

Trying out something new is always fun!

👉 Want more NSFW questions? Check out our complete list of Dirty “Never Have I Ever” questions for more naughty fun!

Crazy “Never Have I Ever” Questions

Feeling daring and adventurous? Try out these crazy “Never Have I Ever” questions and see how wild your friends really are.

You never know what secrets or hidden stories may be revealed with these daring questions. So buckle up and get ready for a thrilling ride!

1. Never have I ever been so hungover that I swore never to drink again.

Of course, that pledge didn’t last long.

2. Never have I ever been kicked out of a pub/club/bar.

I don’t even know why!

3. Never have I ever had a lover’s quarrel in public.

What are you looking at?!

4. Never have I ever skipped out on a restaurant bill.

It was a dare!

5. Never have I ever won the lottery.

I haven’t. Do you know anyone who has?

6. Never have I ever had to go to court.

I’ve never been called for jury duty.

7. Never have I ever crashed a wedding.

You may find your soulmate there.

8. Never have I ever trolled someone on social media.

Someone’s being stupid because they’re anonymous online.

9. Never have I ever climbed out of a window.

You must have been desperate!

10. Never have I ever laughed so hard that I peed my pants.


11. Never have I ever tried smoking cannabis.

I got the munchies right after.

12. Never have I ever gotten a tattoo.

I’m partial to getting a sunflower design.

13. Never have I ever made up a fake partner.

I should say that I’m single and loving it!

14. Never have I ever pretended I was sick so that people would give me attention.

Please take care of me!

15. Never have I ever spent more than $100 on an item of accessories.

It’s an investment!

16. Never have I ever thrown a drink at someone.

What a dramatic move!

17. Never have I ever worn someone else’s underwear.

I had no choice!

18. Never have I ever jumped off a cliff.

Why though?

19. Never have I ever been arrested because I joined a protest.

Let your voice be heard!

20. Never have I ever partied non-stop for more than twenty-four hours.

Don’t stop ’til you drop!

21. Never have I ever been to drunk to find my way home.

That’s kinda scary, to be honest!

22. Never have I ever gone to the movie theater alone.

Some movies are better enjoyed alone. Movie theaters are the best!

23. Never have I ever crashed a party.

Surprise! I’m here!

24. Never have I ever had a paranormal experience.

Be scared together!

25. Never have I ever created a card game by myself.

Creativity is what you make it!

26. Never have I ever tried a dating app.

Do you know anybody who hasn’t?

27. Never have I ever given me a sexy nickname.

We should all be more silly. We’re only here once!

28. Never have I ever stolen office supplies.

Who hasn’t?

29. Never have I ever pooped outdoors.

Sometimes, you have no option.

30. Never have I ever had a crush on a fictional character.

Everybody has to drink!

“Never Have I Ever” Questions for Teens

“Never Have I Ever” is a popular game among teenagers, and for good reason! It’s a fun way to bond with friends, break the ice, and learn more about each other.

If you’re looking for some teen-friendly “Never Have I Ever” questions that will spark interesting conversations and maybe even lead to some hilarious stories, we’ve got you covered.

250+ Best "Most Likely To" questions for Any Party 😃
Suggested read: 250+ Best "Most Likely To" questions for Any Party 😃

1. Never have I ever pretended to be sick to avoid going to school.

Cough! Cough! I’m sick…

2. Never have I ever bullied a classmate.

Teenagers suck sometimes.

3. Never have I ever been picked last for a group project.

I’ve always been the ace!

4. Never have I ever thrown up while on a school field trip.

They said snacks are best during a school field trip!

5. Never have I ever flirted with a teacher.

But they’re not that old!

6. Never have I ever been to prom.

Is it sad if I say no one asked me?

7. Never have I ever sworn at a classmate.

It’s the golden rule. I wouldn’t want anyone to swear at me too.

8. Never have I ever stolen from a classmate.

Of course not!

9. Never have I ever sung in the shower.

A shower concert it is!

10. Never have I ever watched an R-rated movie.

Why should I?

11. Never have I ever practiced how to kiss using my pillow.

It’s called being resourceful.

12. Never have I ever played Spin the Bottle.

Let’s play it now!

13. Never have I ever met someone famous.

Such as a starstruck moment!

14. Never have I ever played poker.

Does online poker count?

15. Never have I ever chatted with a stranger online.

Stranger danger!

16. Never have I ever been late for school.

Better late than never!

17. Never have I ever pantsed a kid.

I respect people!

📖 Suggested read: 70+ "Truth or Drink" Questions to to Spice up Any Party

18. Never have I ever farted in front of a classmate.

Can I blame it to someone else?

19. Never have I ever had a part-time job.

Maybe I’ll try during summmer!

20. Never have I ever cheated on a test.

They try to copy from me, not the other way around.

👉 Can’t get enough of questions? Follow this link for more “Never Have I Ever” Questions for Teens!

“Never Have I Ever” Questions for Kids

Kids love playing games, and “Never Have I Ever” is no exception! It’s a great way for them to bond with friends, learn more about each other, and have a good laugh.

But of course, not all questions are suitable for kids. That’s why we’ve come up with a list of fun and lighthearted “Never Have I Ever” questions that are perfect for kids of all ages.

1. Never have I ever hidden food under my bed.

Who wants to have snacks in their room?

2. Never have I ever tripped and fallen in the middle of a gathering.

I would have cried if this had happened to me.

3. Never have I ever made silly faces at my parents and teachers.

Who knew they were going to look at me?

4. Never have I ever sung miserably in a bathroom.

I’ve had lots of emo moments in the bathroom.

5. Never have I ever danced in front of a mirror.

I dance like nobody’s watching, which is good because I have two left feet!

6. Never have I ever pulled out my loose teeth and shown them to others.

Ready for the tooth fairy to come!

7. Never have I ever wondered what it is like to be a cat.

I won’t mind sleeping all the time.

8. Never have I ever fallen out of bed while sleeping.

It felt like falling off a cliff.

9. Never have I ever secretly stolen money from my dad’s pocket.

Consider it an advance on my allowance. Sorry, dad!

10. Never have I ever borrowed my sibling’s pens without asking.

What’s yours is mine. What’s mine is yours!

11. Never have I ever drawn a funny cartoon on the face of my sibling while they were asleep.

That’s real sibling love!

12. Never have I ever lied to my parents about how my sister pulled my hair when she didn’t.

They did it!

13. Never have I ever eaten something until it made me sick.

Never again!

14. Never have I ever been in the hospital.

Let’s try to stay healthy!

15. Never have I ever learned how to swim.

I love going to the beach, but I don’t swim.

16. Never have I ever seen a shooting star.

Make a wish!

17. Never have I ever worn mismatched socks by accident.

No one will notice anyway!

18. Never have I ever had a terrible haircut.

It’s going to be a bad hair day for a couple of weeks.

19. Never have I ever broken a bone.

Thank goodness!

20. Never have I ever gone out without brushing my hair.

I like the natural look!

21. Never have I ever cheated on a test.

Just be honest… We’ve all done it at least once, right?

22. Never have I ever lied to my parents.

This is an excellent question for getting to know your friends or family better.

👉 Looking for more questions? No problem, keep reading: “Never Have I Ever” for Kids!

“Never Have I Ever” Questions for Adults

Who says adults can’t have fun and play games? “Never Have I Ever” is a great way for adults to let loose, bond with friends, and maybe even reminisce about some wild experiences.

So grab your favorite drink, gather your friends, and get ready to share some hilarious stories and newfound revelations with these adult-friendly “Never Have I Ever” questions.

1. Never have I ever slept outside while drunk.

Where you sleep doesn’t matter when you’re drunk!

2. Never have I ever drunk whiskey like water.

Switching from beer to whiskey is such a flex!

3. Never have I ever drunk-called someone.

I miss you! Why didn’t you call?

4. Never have I ever gone home to the wrong house while drunk.

That’s why I always have a designated driver.

5. Never have I ever played a sport while drinking.

Does Beer Pong count?

6. Never have I ever blamed drinking for something I said.

You bring the alcohol, and I’ll bring the bad decisions.

7. Never have I ever had a pregnancy scare.

That’s one test I wanted to fail.

8. Never have I ever drunk while riding public transport.

We gotta have some boundaries on where we can walk around drunk.

9. Never have I ever passed out from drinking.

Even if you’re passed out, remember to look fabulous!

10. Never have I ever changed a light bulb by myself.

This is so adulting.

11. Never have I ever fallen over due to drinking.

I don’t always blackout, but it’s on the sidewalk when I do.

12. Never have I ever played a drinking game.

I believe in wholesome and clean fun!

13. Never have I ever opened a bottle with another bottle.

It’s a must-have skill!

14. Never have I ever drunk alone.

It’s such a lonely experience.

15. Never have I ever drunk to gain confidence.

Sorry, I got drunk and said everything that I always wanted to say.

16. Never have I ever had a sex injury.

Ouch, what happened?

17. Never have I ever chugged a beer in less than 10 seconds and then puked.

Not a smart move, I must admit.

18. Never have I ever done a body shot.

A night with body shots will surely be a night to (not) remember!

19. Never have I ever been skinny dipping.

It’s a rite of passage!

20. Never have I ever voted in an election.

We should all state our political opinion. It’s our civic duty!

21. Never have I ever been arrested.

By asking this question, you can find out who the wild ones in your group are.

“Never Have I Ever” Questions for Couples

“Never Have I Ever” is a popular choice for couples looking to spice up their date night or get to know each other better. It’s a fun and playful way to bond and maybe even learn something new about your significant other.

So light some candles, pour yourselves some wine, and try out these intimate “Never Have I Ever” questions that will make for a memorable and entertaining evening.

1. Never have I ever been gifted jewelry.

All I need are my engagement and wedding rings.

2. Never have I ever laughed so hard that my food or drink came out of my nose.

The real-life “snort laugh.” Embarrassing, but oh-so memorable!

3. Never have I ever imagined what our kids would look like.

Will they have your eyes and my smile?

4. Never have I ever Googled relationship advice.

Sometimes, the internet knows best.

5. Never have I ever tried speed dating.

I heard that it’s fun!

6. Never have I ever broken someone’s heart.

Oof, do we need to cue the sad breakup playlist now?

Rolling with the high school elite! Did you get an invite to the cool kids’ table, too?

8. Never have I ever had sex in a public bathroom.

That’s called keeping things spicy!

9. Never have I ever made out in a theatre.

My friend says the best spot is in the last row.

10. Never have I ever been embarrassed by my partner.

But let’s be honest, they’re still your favorite goofball, right?

11. Never have I ever tried to steal my partner’s passwords.

If we trust each other, we should know each other’s passwords.

📖 Suggested read: 100+ Exciting "Never Have I Ever" Questions for Kids 🧒

12. Never have I ever been to a strip club.

From curious peeks to bachelorette parties gone wild - spill the tea! 🍵

13. Never have I ever stalked someone on Instagram.

I’m doing research.

14. Never have I ever regretted dating someone.

There’s gotta be someone. They could be the one that got away or the one you wasted your time on.

15. Never have I ever tried to hide a hickey.

What’s a hickey? Asking for a friend.

16. Never have I ever lied to my partner.

Be honest!

17. Never have I ever been friend-zoned.

What is this zone that you speak of?

18. Never have I ever broken up with someone over text.

Let’s not make it any harder.

19. Never have I ever kissed someone in an elevator.

The elevator was stuck! We had to do something!

20. Never have I ever sent someone a sexy selfie.

Everything on the internet lasts forever!

21. Never have I ever looked through my partner’s phone without them knowing.

That’s not cool.

22. Never have I ever had sex on the first date.

There’s nothing wrong about that.

23. Never have I ever had sex in a public space.

Does the thought of getting caught excite you?

24. Never have I ever bumped into a glass wall/window.

Where are my fellow daydreamers?

25. Never have I ever taken a shower with a friend.

If you’re playing a team sport, this is probably totally normal for you.

👉 You can find more romantic, intimate, and dirty questions in our “Never Have I Ever” for Couples article!*

“Never have I Ever” Question List PDF

Still looking for more questions? You’re in luck! We’ve got something extra just for you:

Download the “Never Have I Ever” question list as a PDF for free to print at home. Say goodbye to running out of questions and hello to endless entertainment!

Never Have I Ever PDF

FAQ about “Never Have I Ever”

1. What is “Never Have I Ever”?

“Never Have I Ever” is a lively party game where players take turns sharing statements about experiences they’ve never encountered. The other players who have done or experienced the statement must take a drink or lose a point.

This classic game is perfect for breaking the ice, getting to know each other better, and having a good time with friends. You can play it with any group, anytime, anywhere!

2. How do you play “Never Have I Ever”?

Playing “Never Have I Ever” is easy. Each player takes turns making a statement about something they’ve never done or experienced, such as “Never have I ever gone skydiving.”

Anyone who has done that action before must take a sip of their drink or put down one finger. The game continues in a circle until someone has no fingers left or finishes their drink.

3. What’s the plot of the Netflix series “Never Have I Ever”?

“Never Have I Ever” is a Netflix original series about a teen girl named Devi who is grieving her father’s death and dealing with all the issues that come with it. The show follows her journey as she navigates high school, family drama, and first love while trying to make sense of her new normal.

It’s a funny, heartfelt story that will have you laughing, crying, and rooting for Devi every step of the way. This series is definitely worth a watch!

4. What kind of show is the Netflix original “Never Have I Ever”?

“Never Have I Ever” is a comedy-drama series. The show has moments of lighthearted comedy, more serious drama, and emotion.

It’s a perfect mix that will keep you hooked from beginning to end! You’ll find yourself sympathizing with the characters, laughing at their antics, and rooting for them to succeed.

5. What are some juicy questions for “Never have I Ever”?

The best “Never Have I Ever” questions are those that make people uncomfortable but can still be answered honestly. Some examples include:

  • Never have I ever been arrested.
  • Never have I ever cheated on a test.
  • Never have I ever lied to my best friend.
  • Never have I ever snooped through someone’s phone without them knowing.
  • Never have I ever pretended to laugh at a joke I didn’t get.
  • Never have I ever blamed a fart on someone else.
  • Never have I ever sung a song out loud and messed up the lyrics.
  • Never have I ever had a secret crush on someone in this room.

So, who’s daring enough to spill the beans? Remember, what happens in “Never Have I Ever”, stays in “Never Have I Ever”. Let’s get the juicy confessions rolling!

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Looking for some fun party games to liven up your next get-together? Check out our collection of 100+ party games for all ages!