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Get ready to challenge your friends and have a good laugh with “Would You Rather”! This classic game is perfect for parties or game nights, and with over 500+ “Would You Rather” questions to choose from, you’ll never run out of options.

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Whether it’s a casual hangout or a competitive game night, these “Would You Rather” questions are sure to spice up the mood. From silly dilemmas to thought-provoking scenarios, this game is a great way to get to know your friends or even yourself better!

Play “Would You Rather” Online

Would you rather spend hours thinking of your own “Would You Rather” questions, or access a ready-made list of questions at your fingertips? With our online version of “Would You Rather”, now you can do the latter!

Simply download our free app or play the game on our website and unlock access to over 1,000 “Would You Rather” questions. No more struggling to come up with new questions or repeating the same ones over and over again!

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Interactive “Would You Rather” Video

Want more fun and exciting ideas for “Would You Rather?” Check out our “Would You Rather” video playlist, including questions for couples and friends or to use as icebreakers at parties.

We also have videos perfect for family game nights or team-building activities. With our entertaining and interactive videos, you’ll never have a dull moment playing “Would You Rather”!

How to Play “Would You Rather”

Ready to play “Would You Rather” and unveil your friends’ quirkiest preferences? Follow these easy steps and let the fun begin:

1. Gather players

Assemble your group. It could be a small gathering or a big party. Anyone can play!

2. Decide the order

Determine which player starts the game. Decide the sequence - clockwise or counterclockwise.

3. Ask a “Would You Rather” Question

The first player begins by posing a question starting with “Would you rather…”.

For example: “Would you rather be able to fly or turn invisible?”

4. Answer & Discuss

Starting with the player next to the question-asker, everyone states their preference. Then, players explain their choices, sparking fun discussions and friendly debates.

5. Rotate & Continue

Once every player has answered, the next person poses a new “Would You Rather” question. The cycle continues, providing endless fun!

Want to spice up your game?

Turn up the competitiveness by introducing a points system. Players write down their answers, and points are awarded based on the most popular choices.

Adults can also add twist with a drinking game version. Players simultaneously reveal their choices. Those in the minority take a sip. If there’s a tie, it’s a pass for everyone!

Funny “Would You Rather” Questions

Ready for some laughs? This collection of funny and entertaining questions is ideal for a lighthearted game of “Would You Rather”.

1. Would you rather always fart in colors or consistently fart loudly?

In both cases, people will know that you farted.

2. Would you rather forget your password every weekend or forget your name every time you meet someone for the first time?

Forgetting your password is pretty annoying. However, forgetting your name is quite embarrassing. What would you choose?

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3. Would you rather be stuck on a broken ski lift or in a broken elevator?

In other words, are you afraid of heights or claustrophobic?

4. Would you rather have eyes the size of a baseball or eyes the size of a pea?

If you play the game “The Sims 4” you can try it out and see what you would look like.

5. Would you rather always ride a unicycle to get to work/school or use a pogo stick to get to work/school?

Both options are most definitely good for the environment. However, there’s a good chance that you get bullied for it.

6. Would you rather wear a T-shirt the wrong way around while giving a speech or have toilet paper stuck on the bottom of your shoe while giving a speech?

If you’re lucky, they won’t even notice it. 😬

7. Would you rather live in a world full of Scientologists or live in a world full of Flat Earthers?

Do you remember Tila Tequila? She is one of the most popular Flat Earthers, and there are rumors that she also believes she’s a clone. And then we have Tom Cruise as an example of a famous Scientologist supporter. Did that help with your decision?

8. Would you rather be an average person in the present or a king of a large country 2500 years ago?

You have to decide between fame and things like the internet, heating, smartphones, Air Conditioning, and higher life expectancy… What’s more important to you?

👉 Suggested read: 100+ Fun and Exciting "Would You Rather" Questions for Kids

9. Would you rather always feel like you’re about to sneeze or always feel like you’re about to poop?

So either you will make a funny face for the rest of your life or always walk like you’re shitting yourself.

10. Would you rather be a carrot or a pickle?

Pickle Rick!

11. Would you rather fart loudly in an elevator or in a public restroom with an occupant in the next stall?

What is more embarrassing to you?

12. Would you rather be covered in fur or be covered in scales?

Do you want to be super fluffy or look like a lizard?

13. Would you rather be immortal or have nine lives?

The question is, do you really want to die nine times?

14. Would you rather wear adult diapers or change an adult’s diaper?

Wearing a diaper could be convenient sometimes, especially when you are stuck in traffic or binge-watch Netflix. 🤔

15. Would you rather poop bricks or puke snakes for the rest of your life?

There is nothing to add.

16. Would you rather have eyebrows that never stop growing or eyelashes that never stop growing?

Bushy eyebrows are a fashion statement today, and long eyelashes are every girl’s dream. What would you want?

17. Would you rather buy ten things you don’t need every time you go shopping or always forget the one thing you need when you go to the store?

The first option could get you in financial trouble, and the second is very annoying.

👉 Suggested read: 70+ Dark "Would You Rather Questions" to Test Your Limits

18. Would you rather have a horse’s tail or a unicorn horn?

Either you say Goodbye to all your trousers forever, or you have a giant horn on your forehead.

19. Would you rather have to lick people’s cheeks whenever they go to shake your hand or scream, “I didn’t wash my hands!” to all of your co-workers every time you come back from the bathroom?

I’d pick the third option: Avoiding people. Forever.

20. Would you rather win the lottery or live twice as long?

If you live twice as long, you also have a higher chance of winning the lottery. 😎

21. Would you rather be allergic to babies or older people?

If I were allergic to babies, maybe my mother wouldn’t ask when she’s going to be grandmother every time we meet.

22. Would you rather be a chicken or a pig?

Pigs are very intelligent. Chickens are… just chickens.

23. Would you rather lock eyes with a stranger through the bathroom stall or accidentally walk in on your boss on the toilet?

Has any of the two things happened to you before?

24. Would you rather dance the Macarena for an hour straight in front of your partner’s parents or have your partner do the Macarena dance for an hour straight in front of your parents?

If the parents are joining you, you know you have cool parents-in-law.

The Ultimate List of "Would You Rather" Questions for Teens
Suggested read: The Ultimate List of "Would You Rather" Questions for Teens

25. Would you rather be naked all the time or never leave your home again?

How long could you walk naked before getting arrested by the police?

26. Would you rather get away with lying every time or always know that someone is lying?

Would you lie more if you knew you could always get away with lying?

27. Would you rather wear the same socks for a month or the same underwear for two weeks?

Have you ever wanted to know what a yeast infection feels like? Then it would be best if you chose the second option.

28. Would you rather live without coffee or chocolate?

Can you be a functional human being without coffee? If yes, what’s your guilty pleasure?

29. Would you rather be able to fly everywhere you want or be invisible?

The good thing about both options is that you never have to pay for public transportation again. Either you fly yourself, or you’re invisible and can take a plane for free.

30. Would you rather have a dog’s nose or a dog’s eyes?

Who doesn’t want to have the trusting eyes of a dog? 🐶

31. Would you rather have a rewind or pause button in your life?

Imagine how many mistakes in your life you could prevent or correct.

32. Would you rather clog the toilet at your workplace or your crush’s house?

If you clog the toilet at work, you can always blame a colleague. 😈

33. Would you rather sniff a dog’s butt or a stranger’s butt?

What butt do you choose?

🤓 Suggested read: 50+ "Would You Rather" Questions for Any Adults-Only Party

34. Would you rather be a dragon or a unicorn?

Do you want to have a fire breath and be able to fly or look fabulous?

35. Would you rather laugh whenever you’re sad or cry like a baby when you’re happy?

Are you happy or sad more often?

36. Would you rather go into the past and meet your ancestors or go into the future and meet your great-great-grandchildren?

You certainly have ancestors. However, what if you never get children?

37. Would you rather have to shake hands with everyone you walk past on the street or bow to everyone you walk past?

How about I never leave my house ever again?

38. Would you rather have a dog with a cat’s personality or a cat with a dog’s personality?

If you are allergic to cats, you can finally make your dream come true and buy a cat-like dog.

39. Would you rather all traffic lights you approach be green or never have to queue again?

If you don’t own a car, that’s an easy one for you.

40. Would you rather only be able to speak in rhyme or only be able to talk using alliteration?

If you made a choice, you have to raise your voice…, or something like that. 😅

41. Would you rather only be able to listen to hardcore techno or only be able to listen to death metal?

Which kind of music do you like more? Or what do you find less horrible if you think both options are terrible?

📖 Suggested read: 90+ "Would You Rather" Questions to Ask a Guy You Like

42. Would you rather only read romantic novels or your favorite book repeatedly for the rest of your life?

Are you a bookworm, or do you hate reading anyway?

43. Would you rather be a cyborg or a shapeshifter?

Transform yourself into anything you want, or be the next Terminator?

44. Would you rather talk like Gollum or breathe like Darth Vader?

That’s a tough one.

45. Would you rather be banned from ordering delivery or using Uber (or any similar service) again?

What service do you use more?

46. Would you rather have Spaghetti come out of your nose or chocolate pudding?

Having either come out of your nose probably wouldn’t be comfortable.

47. Would you rather spend a day with your favorite fictional character or a day with your favorite historical figure?

That’s a tough one!

48. Would you rather be covered entirely in hair or be completely hairless?

Ah, such a smooth surface!

49. Would you rather have bad haircuts for the rest of your life or smell so bad that you repel people?

You’ll always be able to cover up that haircut with a hat. But how could you ever cover up that smell?

50. Would you rather slap your sibling for $25 or your grandmother for $1,000?

I would even slap my sibling for free! But no one gets to hurt my grandmother.

51. Would you rather have aliens as friends or travel in outer space alone?

What would you do with your alien friends? 👽

52. Would you rather sneeze glitter or have your burps sound like your favorite song?

It’s either a sparkly mess or a musical medley every time!

69+ Dirty "Would You Rather" Questions to Turn Up the Heat
Suggested read: 69+ Dirty "Would You Rather" Questions to Turn Up the Heat

53. Would you rather have hands that glow in the dark or feet that leave a trail of rainbow colors wherever you go?

Are you looking to light up the night or paint the town with every step? 🌈

54. Would you rather have your clothes spontaneously change colors based on your mood or have music play based on your feelings?

A life in technicolor or a personal soundtrack?

55. Would you rather be able to talk to plants and they reply, or every time you touch a book, instantly know its content?

Either become the ultimate gardener or the most knowledgeable person in the room!

Hilarious “Would You Rather” Questions

Looking for a game that will make everyone burst out in laughter? Here are some of the most hilarious “Would You Rather” questions to add some humor to your next game night.

1. Would you rather never wear underwear again or never wear socks again?

What’s worse?

2. Would you rather have no fingers or no toes?

What would change in your life if you had no fingers or toes?

3. Would you rather begin every sentence with “According to my calculations” or end every sentence with “Period”?

Let’s try both to annoy your friends!

4. Would you rather get sprayed by a skunk or stung by a whole wasps’ nest?

One stinks, and the other hurts like hell.

5. Would you rather have an annoying high-pitched voice or an incredibly deep voice?

Do you prefer sounding like a Chipmunk or a scary dude from a horror movie?

👉 Suggested read: 250+ Best "Most Likely To" questions for Any Party 😃

6. Would you rather be able to take back anything you say or hear any conversation about you?

I’m happy if I don’t hear every conversation about me.

7. Would you rather start a colony on another planet or be the leader of a small country on Earth?

On what planet would you start a colony?

8. Would you rather allow others to see everything you do or hear everything you say for a day?

Are you okay with others seeing you naked?

9. Would you rather get burps that smell like donuts or get farts that produce rainbow clouds?

Both options sound cool to me.

10. Would you rather be completely insane and know that you are insane or completely insane and believe you are sane?

There are some things you don’t want to know. Being crazy is one of them (at least for me).

11. Would you rather travel 100 years in the past or 100 years in the future?

If you could travel into the past, which person would you like to meet?

12. Would you rather have skin that changes color based on emotions or tattoos appear all over your body, depicting what you did yesterday?

Either you reveal your feelings or your actions.

13. Would you rather be a self-made millionaire or marry a billionaire?

Would you be happier if you worked for your money yourself?

14. Would you rather find a hair in your last bite of a Sandwich or a bug at the bottom of your drink?

Gross! Both would make me sick.

🤓 Suggested read: 200+ "This or That" Questions For Your Next Party

15. Would you rather your parents or your siblings pick your future spouse?

Who do you trust more?

16. Would you rather give up showering for a month or give up the internet for a month?

Being filthy or living in the 90ies for one month?

17. Would you rather poop out one butter knife or poop 1000 liters of mayonnaise?

Neither sounds healthy.

18. Would you rather whisper all the time or shout all the time?

Do you want nobody or everybody to hear what you say?

19. Would you rather have a nose that never stops growing or ears that never stop growing?

It NEVER stops!

20. Would you rather be able to talk to pigeons or read babies’ minds?

Are you interested in what babies think about? Or would you rather tell a pigeon to stop shitting on your car?

21. Would you rather show up to work with no pants for the rest of your life or pee yourself in front of your co-workers every time you have a presentation?

What’s the lesser evil?

22. Would you rather your boss catch you dancing in front of the mirror or picking your nose?

We all do it. Don’t deny it. However, do I want my boss to see me doing it? No.

23. Would you rather explore space or the ocean?

Astronaut or deep-sea diver?

24. Would you rather be a super slow lion or a super-fast sloth?

What’s your spirit animal?

25. Would you rather cuddle with a koala or a panda?

Both are adorable. 💕

250+ Dirty "Never Have I Ever" Questions for Adults (18+)
Suggested read: 250+ Dirty "Never Have I Ever" Questions for Adults (18+)

26. Would you rather be dumb and happy or intelligent and miserable?

What’s more important, happiness or intelligence?

27. Would you rather live in a cave or a treehouse?

What would your cave or treehouse look like?

28. Would you rather be bald or be forever cursed to have terrible haircuts?

Fortunately, there are hats and wigs.

29. Would you rather have a personal robot butler or a pocket-sized pet giraffe?

I want both!

30. Would you rather realize halfway through a date that there’s something in your nose or that your zipper was open the whole time?

Maybe your date didn’t even realize it. 🤷‍♀️

31. Would you rather have an arranged marriage or never marry at all?

Do you want to get married in the future?

32. Would you rather get sick every time after eating your favorite food or never eat your favorite food again?

How much does your favorite food mean to you? Is it worth getting sick after eating it?

33. Would you rather be the best player on a losing team or the worst player on a winning team?

Depends on how good the other team is.

34. Would you rather have one nipple or two belly buttons?

If I only had one nipple, I would get a second nipple tattooed on me.

35. Would you rather be glued to an airplane or a cruise ship?

What scares you more?

📖 Suggested read: 450+ Best "Truth or Dare" Questions to Ask in Any Situation

36. Would you rather do the first job you ever had for the rest of your life or have ten babies?

Did I hate my first job? Yes. Would I rather do this job for the rest of my life instead of having ten babies? Also yes.

37. Would you rather be trapped inside your favorite video game or have your favorite video game become alive in the real world?

If your favorite video game is an ego shooter, we have a problem.

38. Would you rather be gossiped about or be ignored forever?

Being ignored hurts the most.

39. Would you rather hang from trees like a three-toed sloth or have sticky feet like a tree frog?

What would you do when you were able to do those things?

40. Would you rather never be able to talk to anyone ever again or never be able to touch anyone ever again?

Both would be social distancing at its finest.

41. Would you rather cross a river full of piranhas or a river full of crocodiles?

Presented by “Dumb Ways To Die”.

42. Would you rather be tickled for 30 minutes or hit for 5 minutes?

Are you ticklish? For some people, 30 minutes of tickling is torture.

43. Would you rather be unable to say no or to say yes?

This is a great dilemma.

44. Would you rather be a clown or a mime?

A lot of people are more creeped out by clowns.

45. Would you rather never wear underwear or never wear deodorant?

I’d probably never leave the house.

🤓 Suggested read: 10 Must-Try Online Drinking Games for Your Next Online Party

46. Would you rather be a chicken or a cow for one day?

If you’re a chicken or cow in livestock farming, we hope things are going well for you.

47. Would you rather be able to read people’s thoughts or be able to talk to animals?

I’d love to know what my cat is thinking, but being able to read people’s thoughts would be handy too.

48. Would you rather be part of the Marvel or DC universe?

Be careful with this question; you might end up putting yourselves in a Marvel vs. DC debate!

49. Would you rather be Batman or Iron Man?

Both characters have looks and money. Choose wisely!

50. Would you rather be covered in scales or fur?

Both sound like my worst nightmare.

51. Would you rather date Yoda or Chewbacca?

This one is tough. On the one hand, Yoda is wise and has a great sense of humor. But on the other hand, Chewbacca is a big cuddly teddy bear. 🧸

52. Would you rather have a tail that wagged uncontrollably every time you got excited or ears that flopped down when you were sad?

Expressing emotions animal style!

53. Would you rather be stuck in an elevator for 48 hours with four wet dogs or four cats in heat?

That’s going to be an unforgettable experience.

54. Would you rather always have to use the restroom in an outhouse filled with spiders or a port-a-potty that’s been in the sun all day?

Choose your toilet terror.

55. Would you rather always have a song stuck in your head or always dream the same dream every night?

An internal jukebox or a nightly rerun?

30+ Hard "Would You Rather" Questions to Make You Think
Suggested read: 30+ Hard "Would You Rather" Questions to Make You Think

Deep “Would You Rather” Questions

In the mood for some thought-provoking discussions? These deep “Would You Rather” questions will challenge your perspectives and make you think outside the box.

1. Would you rather be filthy rich but sad or poor but happy?

Is money more important than happiness?

2. Would you rather be incredibly happy but forever alone or unhappy but with the love of your life?

Love or Happiness. That’s a tough choice.

3. Would you rather have the ability to rewind to a previous time in your life or have the ability to fast forward to a later time in your life?

Do you want to relive the good old days in Kindergarten, or do you want to see where you are in 10 years from now?

4. Would you rather be as you are now or have $100 million but have a 5% chance of instant death every day?

Would you take the risk for all that money?

5. Would you rather be smart but unlucky or be dumb but lucky?

Do you believe in luck?

6. Would you rather know when you die or how you die?

If you know how you die, at least you know what’s coming.

7. Would you rather stop climate change or end all wars on Earth?

Either way, you would be a hero!

8. Would you rather be able to read your partner’s mind or have a partner who can read your mind?

That’s an easy one if you ask me.

👉 Suggested read: 12 Phone Drinking Games For Your Next Game Night

9. Would you rather be stuck on an island with a Flat Earther or a Scientologist?

That’s a tough one.

10. Would you rather end world hunger or get every human on Earth free health care?

How about we do both?

11. Would you rather have an abortion or give your baby away for adoption?

There’s nothing wrong with both options, and it’s your choice.

12. Would you rather kill the president or the pope?

Anarchist or a mad atheist?

13. Would you rather lose all your money or all your pictures?

How much do your pictures mean to you?

14. Would you rather be able to change the future or the past just by imagining it?

If you decide to change the past, ensure you don’t extinguish your existence.

15. Would you rather be able to speak all human languages or talk to animals?

Do you want to travel the world and speak any language or have in-depth conversations with your pet?

16. Would you rather look like a child but have the mind of an adult or look like an adult but have the mind of a child?

I am an adult, and I look like a child. I stick to that.

17. Would you rather sue a charity organization and win or sue a corrupt organization and lose?

Do you prefer money and a guilty conscience or no money and a clear conscience?

18. Would you rather live in a library where books are your only form of entertainment or live in a prison cell where you can access any channel on TV?

Don’t they have Computers in libraries nowadays? 🤔

📖 Suggested read: 40+ Deep "Would You Rather" Questions to Make You Think

19. Would you rather live in isolation or face your biggest fear once a month?

I’m always for facing your fears.

20. Would you rather never read another book or never listen to another song?

What are you willing to cut off your life, books, or music?

21. Would you rather be able to fly at walking speed or run at the speed of cars?

Flying at walking speed if you just robbed a bank won’t be helpful. However, flying could save your life if you fell into a lion’s compound.

22. Would you rather have everything you’ve ever wanted but die in one year or live your life as it is now?

Would you sacrifice your life to get everything you’ve ever wanted this instant?

23. Would you rather snitch on your best friend for a crime they committed or go to jail for the crime a stranger committed?

How loyal are you to your friends? And would your friends do the same thing for you?

24. Would you rather kill one innocent person or five people who committed minor crimes?

The classic dilemma. Is killing five people justified to spare one innocent person?

25. Would you rather be reincarnated as a fly or cease to exist after you die?

For your information, the life expectancy of a housefly is 15 to 30 days.

26. Would you rather be the first to die from your friends or be the last to die from your friends?

What’s worse?

100+ Exciting "Paranoia Game" Questions for Your Next Party
Suggested read: 100+ Exciting "Paranoia Game" Questions for Your Next Party

27. Would you rather believe in God or renounce God and have $1 Billion?

Do you believe in God?

28. Would you rather have a high salary in a job you hate or a low salary in a job you love?

What exactly does low mean? Is it that I can’t buy clothes for a month or can’t buy food for a month?

29. Would you rather change your religion or change your political view?

This question will be hard for you if you have strong religious and political beliefs.

30. Would you rather be ugly and rich or attractive and poor?

Another question is, which option would make you happier?

31. Would you rather be brilliant or be adored by every person on the planet?

Do you choose wisdom or fame?

32. Would you rather be able to read people’s minds or manipulate other people with your thoughts?

Your answer will tell us a lot about your personality.

33. Would you rather be unable to say what you think or always have to say what you think?

Are you even able to speak if you’re unable to say what you think? 🧐

34. Would you rather go through heartbreak 100 times and finally find someone you genuinely love or never experience heartbreak and be with someone you think you love?

That’s a tricky question. If you think you love someone, is it even love?

35. Would you rather be in a relationship with someone who never argues or be in a relationship with someone who never hugs?

I want to keep my daily hugs.

👉 Suggested read: 50+ Spooky and Creepy Halloween "Would You Rather" Questions

36. Would you rather find true love once, lose it, and never find it again, or have several happy relationships but never find love?

Do you believe in monogamy?

37. Would you rather change your appearance or change your personality?

Personality or looks? What would you like to change?

38. Would you rather have a child who is extremely intelligent but antisocial or have a child who is not the brightest but kind?

What would you like for your child?

39. Would you rather leave the one you love or be rejected by the one you love?

Heartache is guaranteed in both options.

40. Would you rather find your soulmate or have your dream job?

Love or Career? What are your priorities?

41. Would you rather butcher your meat for the rest of your life or never eat meat again?

Could you kill a calf or pig with your bare hands?

42. Would you rather have unlimited free therapy sessions forever or have a one-time three-hour talk with Michelle Obama?

After talking with Michelle Obama, I won’t need any therapy anymore.

43. Would you rather have a parrot that repeats everything you say or have a llama that spits on you whenever you walk in the door?

I need help deciding what’s more annoying.

44. Would you rather never be able to cry or never be able to laugh?

Imagine never experiencing such joy through laughter.

45. Would you rather leave this life before your parents or have them go before you?

Nothing hurts more than being a parent and losing your child.

📖 Suggested read: 🥳 150+ "Never Have I Ever" Questions For Your Next Party

46. Would you rather discover a dead body or be a witness at a crime scene?

Being suspected of theft is somewhat better than being suspected of murder.

47. Would you rather lose all of your friends or family?

Ah, the classic dilemma, and I would have to choose family over friends.

48. Would you rather be born in the future or the past?

I would love to see what it’s like to live in the future.

49. Would you rather lose all your money or lose all your belongings?

Is it time to become a monk?

50. Would you rather love or be loved?

This is one of those deep questions that make you think long and hard about your answer.

51. Would you rather discover the cure to cancer or end world hunger?

The world’s biggest problems.

52. Would you rather spend only one meaningful day with your family or have $1,000,000,000 for one week?

Deciding between family or money is a dilemma faced by many people. You can see a person’s priorities once this question is answered.

53. Would You Rather have more time or more money?

Ah, one of the biggest struggles of all time. You know what they say: you can’t have it all! So, which would you rather have?

54. Would you rather be a kid your whole life or an adult?

You could have your whole childhood and all the energy in the world again. Or you can also be an adult and have the freedom and resources to live your life.

The Ultimate List of Fun Games to Play At A Kids Sleepover
Suggested read: The Ultimate List of Fun Games to Play At A Kids Sleepover

55. Would you rather have the power to pause or travel through time?

There are so many things you could do with either of these powers! What would you choose?

56. Would you rather prioritize your career or your family?

That’s also an excellent question to ask new love interests.

57. Would you rather be able to talk to your 70-year-old self or your 5-year-old self again?

The good old question: Find out about the future or change the past?

58. Would you rather go to outer space or the center of the Earth?

Outer space. The center of the Earth sounds deadly!

👉 Here you can find even more thought-provoking and Deep “Would You Rather” Questions for interesting debates with your friends.

Hard “Would You Rather” Questions

Just because the game is fun doesn’t mean it can’t be challenging. Test your decision-making skills with these hard “Would You Rather” questions, and see where your priorities lie!

1. Would you rather have no thumbs or only have thumbs?

Try doing stuff without using your thumbs for a day. This may help you with your decision.

2. Would you rather have a partner who is obsessed with you or who is cheating on you?

Either way, I would dump them.

3. Would you rather forget who you are or forget who everyone you know is?

It is way more work to get to know all your friends and family members over again than to develop a new self-concept.

4. Would you rather kiss Boris Johnson or Donald Trump?

I warned you it’s difficult to choose.

5. Would you rather have an extra finger or an extra toe?

How would shoe-fitting work if I had an extra toe?

6. Would you rather live a miserable but eternal life or go straight to hell tomorrow?

Can you be happy in hell?

7. Would you rather taste the same food flavor for the rest of your life or taste nothing again?

If you choose option one, what flavor would you pick?

8. Would you rather never be able to hear your favorite song again or never be able to watch your favorite movie again?

What’s more important to you?

9. Would you rather sell all of your possessions or one of your organs?

If you choose option two, what organ would you sell?

10. Would you rather be mortal on an immortal planet or be immortal on a mortal planet?

Do you want to see all your loved ones die or pass away before them?

11. Would you rather have a boomerang that would find and kill any person of your choice but can only be used once or a boomerang that always returns to you with one dollar?

I would throw my boomerang daily to pay back my student loan.

12. Would you rather not be able to talk or not be able to walk?

What are the pros and cons of both options?

13. Would you rather have to end every sentence with a racial slur or drop two f-bombs in every sentence?

I’ll fcking go with fcking option two.

14. Would you rather be sick for the rest of your life or kill a kitten?

Nobody kills a kitten as long as I am alive.

15. Would you rather never have sex again or never learn anything new again?

You can still masturbate.

16. Would you rather save two relatives or save 100 strangers?

It depends on the relatives.

17. Would you rather cuddle with a giant slug or cuddle with a giant spider?

Slugs are slimy and gross, but they are still a lot cuddly than spiders.

18. Would you rather be handcuffed to your worst enemy for life or be separated from your entire family?

Would you make this sacrifice to stay in contact with your family?

19. Would you rather eat an egg with a half-formed chicken or five cooked cockroaches?

Next questions, please.

20. Would you rather be wanted for murder and be on the run or be homeless?

What life would be more stressful for you?

21. Would you rather know the exact time and place of your own death or the exact time and place of death of everyone around you?

What is better, to know your own death or the death of others?

22. Would you rather wake up as a new random person every year and have complete control of them or spend a day inside a stranger once a week without having any control of them?

“New Year, new me” or giving up control once a week?

📖 Suggested read: 7+ Best Party Games For Kids To Play - Fun & Simple Games

23. Would you rather run into your boss while wasted or run into your boss while high?

Which high is better?

24. Would you rather crap your pants in public once a year for the rest of your life or crap yourself in private every day?

Are you willing to clean up this mess daily or endure the embarrassment?

25. Would you rather be convicted of a crime you didn’t commit or kill and get away with it?

This is a moral issue. Could you live your life knowing that you killed someone?

26. Would you rather have blurry vision all the time or see everything in black and white?

Which color would you miss the most?

27. Would you rather be abducted by aliens or possessed by a demon?

I think aliens are not that evil.

28. Would you rather spit at an angry Mike Tyson or Bruce Lee?

Who of them could inflict more pain?

29. Would you rather be permanently thirsty or nauseous?

What’s more uncomfortable for you?

30. Would you rather have whatever you think appear above your head for everyone to see or have everything you do live-streamed for anyone to see?

Both sound wild.

31. Would you rather have uncontrollable gas at work for the rest of your life or have uncontrollable gas on every first date for the rest of your life?

You know you’ve found your person if you get a second date.

32. Would you rather lose all of your memories from birth to now or lose your ability to make new long-term memories?

Losing all the memories you’ve made so far or never being able to create new ones?

🤓 Suggested read: 120+ "Truth or Dare Jenga" Questions for a Fun Party Game

33. Would you rather find true love or cure cancer?

Are you living with the love of your life or saving the lives of millions of people?

34. Would you rather be put in a maximum-security prison with criminals who murdered for one year or in jail with people who committed minor crimes for ten years?

The TV show “Orange Is The New Black” has taught me everything I need to know about prison. I’m ready for it. 😂

35. Would you rather kill three innocent children if it would end all earth wars or continue living in a world with ongoing wars?

I don’t think I could kill anyone, especially children. What about you?

36. Would you rather be forced to eat only spicy food or be forced to eat only incredibly bland food?

I don’t like spicy and bland food. That’s a problem.

37. Would you rather spend the rest of your life always cold or spend the rest of your life always exhausted?

Freeze or Burn Out?

38. Would you rather dip your foot in acid or set your foot on fire?

You have a choice between pain and more pain.

39. Would you rather be stuck on an island with a killer or in the ocean with hungry sharks?

The chance of dying is in both options very high. The question is, how do you want to die?

40. Would you rather not be able to sit or not be able to stand?

Are you lazy like me or always on the run?

41. Would you rather have a partner who speaks nonstop or barely speaks?

Another question is, do you talk a lot? If yes, then the second option is the best for you.

100+ Dirty "Truth or Dare" Questions for Adults (18+) ❤️‍🔥
Suggested read: 100+ Dirty "Truth or Dare" Questions for Adults (18+) ❤️‍🔥

42. Would you rather have to wear socks with sandals for the rest of your life or Crocs?

I saw models and influencers wearing socks with sandals in pictures. This was or still is a thing.

43. Would you rather eat the same thing every day but never have to pay for your food or be able to eat whatever you want but have to pay twice as much for everything you buy?

Free food? I’m in!

44. Would you rather be immortal or be the richest person in the world?

If you were immortal, you would have an eternity to make loads of money. But is the money worth it?

45. Would you rather be on a low-carb diet for the rest of your life or be vegan for the rest of your life?

No bread for the rest of my life? No way!

46. Would you rather be able to morph into any animal or any person?

I always wanted to know what it is like to be my cat.

47. Would you rather be able to kill bugs and spiders by just looking at them or cleaning your kitchen by just looking?

What stresses you out more? Insects or household chores?

48. Would you rather be stranded on an island with the person you hate the most or be completely alone?

Being alone never sounded better.

49. Would you rather forget the person you love or your friends and family?

I have commitment issues, so… I guess I’d choose friends and family over this one person. But that’s just me.

📖 Suggested read: 200+ Fun Teen "Never Have I Ever" Questions

50. Would you rather travel in time to talk to your future self or your past self?

I definitely would love to get that reassurance from me.

51. Would you rather stay in a small house with all your friends or a prominent place, all alone?

This question reveals whether the person you’re playing with is either an introvert or an extrovert.

52. Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or 20 minutes early?

Everyone will have their reasons. That’ll be a fun discussion!

53. Would you rather always have sweaty hands or always have bad breath?

Never shake someone’s hands again or never kiss again?

54. Would you rather live without television or music?

Most of us couldn’t live without either of those two options.

55. Would you rather have the same haircut or the same phone forever?

Both options have their pros and cons. But there are more cons than pros.

56. Would you rather not be able to shower for a month or not be able to change out of your clothes for a week?

Showering is more important! I’d never be able to give that up.

57. Would you rather not be paid for the next two years or give up all that’s in your bank account?

This is why saving up is essential! If only I had enough savings to sustain myself for two years.

58. Would you rather know all the secrets of the universe but be forever alone or be ignorant but surrounded by loved ones?

Knowledge can be a blessing and a curse.

59. Would you rather be the funniest person in the room or the smartest person in the room?

Would you prefer to entertain or enlighten?

60. Would you rather live the rest of your life in a silent movie or a musical?

Life would be so much more fun if it was a musical!

👉 Do you love challenges? Follow the link and enjoy additional 25 Hard “Would You Rather” Questions for a fun night!

Disturbing “Would You Rather” Questions (18+)

Think you can handle the darkest, most twisted “Would You Rather” scenarios? Push your limits with these disturbing questions, but beware - they are not for the faint of heart. Proceed at your own risk.

1. Would you rather have no penis or five penises?

Can you imagine what an orgasm with five penises must feel like?!

2. Would you rather pull all your fingernails or teeth out of your mouth?

Both are great ideas for the next Saw movie.

3. Would you rather freeze to death or burn to death?

I am more the winter type, so… 🥶

4. Would you rather kill a family member to get 1 Million dollars or kill yourself to end all wars forever?

Are you willing to commit such a selfless and generous act to save all people (except yourself) in the world?

5. Would you rather be a virgin forever or have sex with the most annoying person you know once?

What would you choose?

6. Would you rather sacrifice your pet so you have something to eat or parts of your body so both you and your pet can eat?

What body parts would you sacrifice first?

7. Would you rather live forever or die in the next five minutes?

What would you say or do if you had only five minutes to live?

8. Would you rather smell like shit or smell like urine?

At this point, does it even matter?

9. Would you rather have uncontrollable ear hair or uncontrollable nose hair?

Do you want to trim your ear or nose hair daily for the rest of your life?

10. Would you rather smell like shit and not know it or constantly smell poop that nobody else can smell?

Both are very shitty options if you ask me.

11. Would you rather chop off your arm with a kitchen knife or be physically paralyzed?

Chopping off your arm. Do you think you could do it?

12. Would you rather get your tongue and all of your fingers cut off, one by one, or get your genitals removed?

What is more critical, genitals or fingers?

13. Would you rather have sex in a public place and have 200 strangers see you or have sex in your bedroom in front of your parents?

Sex in front of a crowd or parents?

14. Would you rather have sex with your cousin in secret or not have sex with your cousin, but everyone would think you did?

What’s worse, having sex with a relative or being accused of incest?

15. Would you rather have to watch your best friends have sex every night for the rest of your life or join in once to stop it?

Either way, you won’t be able to look into their eyes again.

👉 Suggested read: 8 Fun Party Games For Adults To Spice Up Your Next Gathering

16. Would you rather suck a used tampon that you found on the street or suck a used condom that you found on the street?

I hate this question on so many levels.

17. Would you rather find the body of your dead pet or your best friend’s?

How do you choose between these two?!

18. Would you rather drink 1 gallon of ketchup or 1 gallon of Sriracha?

What’s up with the gross food questions?

19. Would you rather send a dirty text message to your boss or leave a sexy voice message to your mother?

Do you risk your job or your relationship with your mother?

20. Would you rather be the only naked person in a room full of your clothed relatives or the only person wearing clothes in a room full of your naked relatives?

Did you also imagine what your grandparents would look like naked?

21. Would you rather be eaten by maggots from the inside out or ants from the outside in?

Both options make me feel extremely uncomfortable.

22. Would you rather pee every time you stand up or poop every time you sit?

I guess I will never sit down again.

23. Would you rather find out that the last person you fucked was your long-lost cousin or that the previous person you fucked was a serial killer?

Sex with your cousin? If you used protection, you’re fine. Fucking a serial killer? What a relief that you’re still alive!

90+ Hilarious and Challenging Dares for "Truth or Dare"
Suggested read: 90+ Hilarious and Challenging Dares for "Truth or Dare"

24. Would you rather accidentally be responsible for the next world war or the end of the world?

What would be worse?

25. Would you rather have no genitals or no eyes?

Never see the sunlight again or never have sex again? What would you choose?

26. Would you rather have dicks for nipples or have vaginas for armpits?

Imagine having sex with an armpit or with a nipple dick. 😳

27. Would you rather have a partner that likes to touch your poop or a partner that likes to drink your piss?

I would never in my life do those things but to each their own.

28. Would you rather have a baby with the person to your right or with the person to your left?

I admit that’s a mean question.

29. Would you rather have taste buds on your asshole or poop through your mouth?

You definitely will taste shit in one way or another.

30. Would you rather have no elbows or no knees?

Have you ever tried walking without bending your knees or grabbing something with your arms without bending your elbow?

31. Would you rather have dry eyes for the rest of your life or a runny nose for the rest of your life?

Do you want to spend your money on eye drops for the rest of your life or tissues?

32. Would you rather forever bleed from your nose or remove one nail every morning?

I’m not sure how long you would survive with all the blood loss.

📖 Suggested read: Best 5+ Teen Party Games You'll Want To Play at Your Party

33. Would you rather eat shit once or have explosive diarrhea for the rest of your life?

In other words, do you want to puke once or spend all your money on toilet paper?

34. Would you rather remove your thumbnail with a fork or put a toothpick under your big toenail and kick a wall?

Jeez. I feel pain just by reading it. 😖

35. Would you rather stay human but be sent back to the dinosaurs’ time or become a dinosaur of your choice but live in modern times?

Which option has a better chance of survival?

36. Would you rather feel like you’re about to fall all the time or have to cough all the time?

Thinking about the first option makes me feel dizzy.

37. Would you rather have your butt smelled or your eye licked by a stranger?

Don’t worry; we don’t judge you!

38. Would you rather have farts that smell so bad that it clears out an entire floor or have burps that are louder than an airplane’s engine?

You can always blame the fart on someone else, but with a burp, everyone will know it came from you.

39. Would you rather bleed to death or be burned alive?

Both of these options are torturous.

40. Would you rather cover up the murder of someone you love or be caught in the murder of someone you hate?

There’s no upside to either option.

🤓 Suggested read: 1000+ Fun "Charades" Ideas to Use in Your Next Game Night

41. Would you rather have feet for hands or hands for feet?

If you’re grossed out by feet, then you only have one option here!

42. Would you rather drink all your meals from baby bottles or wear diapers for a week?

Wearing diapers might be a bit embarrassing, but at least you won’t have to worry about going to the toilet all the time!

43. Would you rather catch your parents doing it or your grandparents?

Ew! Just no!

44. Would you rather eat things that taste like boogers or eat stuff from the garbage?

Gross! However, many good things land in the garbage, so it’s not all bad.

👉 Keep disturbing yourself and everyone around you with these 70+ Disturbing “Would You Rather” Questions!

Best “Would You Rather” Questions

With over 500+ questions to choose from, it’s challenging to pick the best “Would You Rather” question. But here are some of our top favorites that never fail to spark hilarious discussions and revelations.

1. Would you rather be forced to dance every time you hear music or to sing along to any song you hear?

Are you the singer or the dancer type?

2. Would you rather get a paper cut between your fingers every time you turn a page or bite your tongue every time you eat food?

I guess from now on, I’ll only read E-books. 🤷‍♀️

3. Would you rather possess the magical talent to bring anything you draw to life or have the power to make objects disappear into thin air simply by erasing them?

Create your dream partner or make your worst enemy vanish from existence.

4. Would you rather always be hungry no matter how much you eat or always be tired no matter how much you sleep?

Both situations would make me very grumpy.

5. Would you rather have to fart loudly whenever you have a serious conversation or have to burp after every kiss?

What’s a better icebreaker than farting and burping?

6. Would you rather wash all your dishes using your tongue or wash your pets using your tongue?

Do you prefer to taste nasty leftovers or to cough up a hairball?

7. Would you rather have eyes that can record everything you see or ears that can capture and store every sound?

You could experience your birth, and you just have to decide whether to watch it or hear it.

8. Would you rather fight one human-sized cat or ten cat-sized humans?

A human-sized cat is a tiger. Do I want to fight with a tiger? Hell, no!

9. Would you rather never eat your favorite food again or only eat your favorite food for the rest of your life?

What is your favorite food? And is it worth it to never eat anything else again?

10. Would you rather have all cats try to attack you when they see you or all birds try to attack you when they see you?

Cats or birds? Who can cause more harm?

11. Would you rather endure spoilers for every movie before you watch it or be unable to watch a new film until it’s been out for a year?

What’s worse: having the plot revealed in advance or enduring a year-long movie embargo?

12. Would you rather live in the same place for the rest of your life or move every six months to a different city?

Is certainty and security or variety in life more relevant to you?

13. If given the choice, would you take one million dollars today or hold out for ten million in a decade?

What would you spend the one million dollars on if you won it now? Do you think you would regret it in 10 years?

14. Would you rather be able to make love with anyone you want or find your soulmate?

Are you the player or the romantic?

15. Would you rather discover something tremendous and spread it or discover something evil and prevent it?

Preventing bad stuff is essential. But discovering something beautiful and sharing it with the world would be a nice change in these times.

16. Would you rather be imprisoned for doing the right thing or arrested and released for doing the wrong thing?

Imprisoned with a clear conscience or free of feelings of guilt?

17. Would you rather share your home with a bunch of rats or live with your parents forever?

In comparison, rats aren’t that bad, are they? 😅

18. Would you rather always be itchy or always sweat?

Excessive sweating is apparent. Itching but not being able to scratch is torture. What do you choose?

19. Would you rather all plants scream when you cut them, or animals beg for their lives before they are killed?

Both have advantages. If plants scream, people might spare the rainforests. And if animals were begging for their lives, people might eat less meat.

7 Party Games for Couples You Must Try At Your Next Date
Suggested read: 7 Party Games for Couples You Must Try At Your Next Date

20. Would you rather be homeless for ten years and then be rich for the rest of your life or always be in the lower middle class but never homeless?

Could you manage to survive ten years on the street, and is it worth the money?

21. Would you rather only drink water or never eat cookies again?

Soft drinks or cookies? What can you do without?

22. If you had to choose, would you rather pluck all your pubic hair or remove one fingernail?

What is more painful?

23. Would you rather spend a day with a loved one who has passed away or get to explore a day in the year 3001?

Do you have a loved one you would like to see again, or do you want to look into the future?

24. Would you rather sleep with your boss to get a promotion or give up the promotion?

Do you find your boss attractive?

25. Would you rather go to college but make no money afterward or be a dropout but become a millionaire?

What is more fulfilling, money or knowledge?

26. Would you rather always have really slow internet or a terrible phone signal?

What would be more annoying to you?

27. Would you rather recycle human poop as a profession for the rest of your life or work with dangerous and explosive chemicals for the rest of your life?

Recycling human poop is probably no walk in the park, but at least not deadly.

28. Would you prefer to possess the ability to learn the personal history of anyone you touch or the power to communicate with animals?

What are you more interested in?

📖 Suggested read: 69+ Couples "Truth or Dare" Questions To Get You In The Mood

29. Would you rater always be ten minutes late or twenty minutes early?

Your boss would surely appreciate it if you were always early. But which would you prefer?

30. Would you rather use sandpaper for toilet paper or use vinegar for eye drops?

Ouch. Sore butt or burning eyes?

31. Would you rather always have a pebble in your shoe or an eyelash in your eye?

What’s the lesser of two evils?

32. Would you rather smell like shit all the time without noticing it or smell like shit, but only you can smell it?

Is it better to know or not know that you smell like shit? 💩

33. Would you rather every shirt you wear be itchy or only be able to use one ply of toilet paper?

What other things besides toilet paper could you use to wipe your butt? 🧐

34. Would you rather remember every conversation you have or everything you read?

If you could never forget what you read, you would be a living Wikipedia.

35. Would you rather live in a house full of cheese or chocolate?

Want to live in a cheese or chocolate dream?

36. Would you rather die if you didn’t slap a new person on the butt every 12 hours or die if you didn’t kill someone every two years?

Try to explain to the police why you have to slap the butts of strangers. How understanding will they be?

🤓 Suggested read: 100+ Fun "What If" Questions To Ask in Any Situation 🤔

37. Would you rather never be able to feel emotions or never be able to show emotions?

Can you imagine what it would be like to live without emotions?

38. Would you rather be Kim Kardashian or watch one episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians daily for the rest of your life?

You can join the Kardashians or sacrifice an hour of your day for the rest of your life for a reality show.

39. Would you rather have every cat lost at your house or everyone’s socks lost in the washing machine teleported to your house?

Crazy Cat Lady or socks hoarder?

40. Would you rather have a fire breath like a dragon or poop chocolate?

Grilling sausages with your breath or starting your Nutella production?

41. Would you rather not be able to understand sarcasm or only be able to speak sarcastically?

Life is much more fun with a bit of sarcasm. You would miss out so much when you couldn’t understand it.

42. Would you rather have an 80s hairstyle or wear an 80s outfit?

Can you rock a perm?

43. Would you rather never again experience an awkward moment or get 100 dollars for every embarrassing moment you experience?

I would be rich by now!

44. Would you rather have the job of your dreams but little money or have a job you hate but loads of cash?

I’ve asked myself this question a lot of times in my life. Money can’t buy you happiness, but it still has a significant impact on our lives.

11 Fun Online Party Games for Your Next Virtual Party
Suggested read: 11 Fun Online Party Games for Your Next Virtual Party

45. Would you rather outlive everyone you know or be the first to go?

This decision is impossible.

46. Would you rather use only a chopstick for the rest of your life or a fork?

The fork is the easier choice, but chopsticks look way cooler.

47. Would you rather find out how or when you’ll die?

If you find out when you’ll die, you’ll know to live your life to the fullest. Rather than leaving in fear of something, right?

48. Would you rather fart loudly during a presentation or on a first date?

Even I need help choosing between the two.

49. Would you rather live extravagantly but live your days alone or live a simple life surrounded by loving people?

Like they always say, “Why have wealth when you can’t share it with someone,” right?

50. Would you rather prefer to meet the devil or God?

If the devil is anything like “Lucifer” from the TV show, I wouldn’t mind meeting the devil!

51. Would you rather be too hot or too cold?

Either option is uncomfortable. So the question is, how will you manage?

52. Would you rather be a deep-sea diver or an astronaut?

Both places are mysterious and full of things to discover. So which would you prefer?

53. Would you rather have everyone know about all your finances or your detailed romantic life?

Remember, we’re talking about everyone here, starting with your mom, neighbor, and priest.

👉 Suggested read: 🎉 2023's Top 20 New Year's Eve Drinking Games

54. Would you rather be the main star in a movie that sucks or be the main star of a musical that plays above a bowling alley?

The former might get you some recognition, but the latter would be more fun!

55. Would you rather drop your phone in a porta-potty or dip your toothbrush in your clean toilet and then use it again?

Ew, neither! But the point of the game is to choose, so what would you choose?

56. Would you rather live in a box on the street or alone on an island?

Both living situations are challenging.

57. Would you rather have the constant feeling that bugs are crawling on your skin or that someone is calling your name every two minutes?

Both options sound terrible.

58. Would you rather live in total solitude or be surrounded by hundreds of your clones?

If I lived in solitude, I would be annoyed by myself. But if my clones surrounded me, I would also be annoyed by myself.

59. Would you rather be able to eat anything you want without gaining weight or require only 2 hours of sleep per night?

Endless pizza and pastries or an extra 6 hours of productivity?

60. Would you rather always have to tell the truth or never be able to speak again?

Honesty may come at a price.

“Would You Rather” Questions For Kids

Want to play “Would You Rather” with your little ones? These simple and age-appropriate questions are perfect for a fun family game night or a long road trip activity.

📖 Suggested read: 100+ Fun and Exciting "Truth or Dare" Questions for Kids

1. Would you rather be super funny or super smart?

What are your plans? Do you want to become a comedian or the next Albert Einstein?

2. Would you rather brush your teeth with hot sauce or drink sour milk?

What is more bearable?

3. Would you rather have a dragon or a unicorn as a pet?

Imagine you could fly/ride to school with your dragon or unicorn! Your schoolmates would be super jealous.

4. Would you rather have your whole house in a single color, or every wall and door be different?

Which color would you pick?

5. Would you rather have a magic carpet that flies or a see-through submarine?

Do you want to explore the sky or the deep sea?

6. Would you rather only be able to walk on all fours or only be able to walk sideways like a crab?

Both walking techniques would look hilarious.

7. Would you rather never have to sleep again or never have to go to the toilet again?

Both things are time-consuming. What would you do with the extra time?

8. Would you rather eat your favorite food daily or find 5 dollars under your pillow every morning?

What’s more important to you, food or money?

9. Would you rather have an elephant-sized cat or a cat-sized elephant?

Now is your chance if you’ve always dreamed of having an elephant as a pet.

10. Would you rather dance in front of 5,000 people or sing in front of 5,000?

5000 people is a big crowd. Would you show off your dance moves or sing your favorite song?

8 Fun Dirty WhatsApp Texting Games for a Sexy Time
Suggested read: 8 Fun Dirty WhatsApp Texting Games for a Sexy Time

11. Would you rather eat a whole onion or a whole lemon?

If you choose the onion, you will likely be avoided by people for a while.

12. Would you rather live in a castle or a spaceship?

Do you want to live like a queen/king or an astronaut?

13. Would you rather drink every meal like a smoothie or never be able to eat chocolate again?

How does a pasta smoothie sound to you? 🍝

14. Would you rather be able to text very fast or be able to read incredibly quickly?

Both options are beneficial. What do you choose?

15. Would you rather be able to change colors like a chameleon or hold your breath for as long as a whale?

I want both!

16. Would you rather get ten mosquito bites or get one bee sting?

Who doesn’t hate mosquito bites?

17. Would you rather be able to read minds or see into the future?

How would your life change if you could read minds or see into the future?

18. Would you rather be a famous actor/actress or a famous singer?

What are you more talented at, acting or singing?

19. Would you rather be able to jump as far as a kangaroo or run as fast as a cheetah?

You would never need a car if you could run that fast.

20. Would you rather have a magic bicycle that flies or own a robot?

What should your robot be able to do?

21. Would you rather lick the bottom of your shoe or the big toe of a stranger?

Both of them are gross.

22. Would you rather never eat salty food again or never eat sweet food again?

French fries or chocolate? What do you sacrifice?

👉 Suggested read: 100 Dirty "Most Likely To" Questions For Adults (18+)

23. Would you rather see things that are very far away, like binoculars, or see things very close up, like a microscope?

What would you like to examine if your eyes would function as a microscope?

24. Would you rather have eyes that change color depending on your mood or hair that changes color depending on the temperature?

Imagine your hair would turn blue if it’s cold and red if it’s hot. And what colors would your feelings have?

25. Would you rather have an extra finger or an extra toe?

What do you think is more valuable?

26. Would you rather be able to fly or become invisible?

That’s a hard decision to make.

27. Would you rather have a tail like a dog or wings that can’t fly?

Notice that your wings can’t make you fly. So what would look the best?

28. Would you rather every vegetable you eat tastes like candy or all water you drink tastes like your favorite soft drink?

You could eat sweets or your favorite soft drink as much as possible without risking your health.

29. Would you rather live without a gaming console or your phone?

If you’re not into gaming, this question is easy for you.

30. Would you rather have a head the size of a tennis ball or a head the size of a watermelon?

Would you be more intelligent if you had a watermelon-sized head? 🧠

31. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or walk on water?

Do you want to breathe underwater like a mermaid or walk on water like Jesus?

👉 Suggested read: 7 Couples Drinking Games for Your Next Date Night

32. Would you rather swim in Jell-O or swim in Nutella?

For me, it’s Nutella, for sure.

33. Would you rather be able to shrink down to the size of an ant or grow to the size of an elephant?

Trample or be trampled?

34. Would you rather be able to talk to cats or dogs?

Which animal do you like more?

35. Would you rather have everything you draw become real or become a superhero of your choice?

You are already a superhero if you can create things by drawing them.

36. Would you rather sneeze Jelly Beans or have your tears be chocolate flavored?

I would continuously watch sad movies to eat my chocolate tears.

37. Would you rather never have to shower again or never brush your teeth again?

What’s more annoying to you?

38. Would you rather have grass for hair or cucumber for a nose?

Would you have to water your hair, then? 🤔

39. Would you rather have to sing instead of speaking or dance instead of walking?

Either way, people will give you funny looks.

40. Would you rather always be cold or always have the urge to pee?

What is more uncomfortable?

41. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater but only in bathtubs or have the ability to talk to insects?

Talking to insects would be major!

42. Would you rather only be able to walk on all fours or only be able to jump instead of walking?

Both movement types sound very exhausting to me.

The Ultimate List of 100+ Creative Party Ideas To Try
Suggested read: The Ultimate List of 100+ Creative Party Ideas To Try

43. Would you rather live without elbows or knees?

This is a serious struggle if you don’t know. This will be a pretty fun discussion.

44. Would you rather have the ability to fly like a bird or swim like a dolphin?

Both sounds amazing.

45. Would you rather have super powers or be incredibly smart?

Intelligence is essential. You might use your superpowers for the right thing if you need to be smart!

46. Would you rather lose all of your teeth or lose all of your hair?

I’ll be able to rock the bald look.

47. Would you rather be allergic to dogs or chocolate?

It’s so hard to choose between two of the best things in the world.

48. Would you rather be good at any instrument or all sports?

Both options would make me look so cool.

49. Would you rather only be able to type with your feet or elbows?

Both would be great superpowers!

50. Would you rather eat cereal with Ketchup or a burger with chocolate cake buns?

Chocolate cake buns? Yes, please!

51. Would you rather have a dog or a cat?

Remember, you can’t pick both options!

52. Would you rather spend a day in the desert or at the North Pole?

Sweat or freeze?

53. Would you rather meet a vampire or a werewolf?

Either way, they may have the urge to bite you.

👉 Head over to this article for even more “Would You Rather” Questions for Kids!

“Would You Rather” Questions For Teens

Being a teen is hard. Puberty, school, first love… These “Would You Rather” questions will take your mind off all your problems. Get ready for some awkward yet hilarious scenarios!

1. Would you rather live in the clouds or underwater?

I love this question. Do you want to live like the care bears or like a mermaid?

2. Would you rather have a duck’s feet or a hamster’s hands?

Both options are inconvenient. Try grabbing something with those tiny hands. 😅

3. Would you rather be unable to wash your hair for a month or shave your legs for a month?

One could argue that dry shampoo counts as washing your hair.

4. Would you rather stub all your toes once a week or lose one thumb?

Is it worth it to lose one thumb?

5. Would you rather eat spaghetti with a spoon or eat pizza with chopsticks?

It may take hours until you’ve finished your meal.

6. Would you rather live in the Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead universe?

The life expectancy of both universes is relatively low.

7. Would you rather lick and seal 1,000 envelopes or fold 1,000 pieces of laundry?

Tongue cramps or hand cramps?

8. Would you rather live in a homeless shelter with free Wi-Fi or in a beautiful mansion isolated from outside contact?

Would you sacrifice your current lifestyle to keep being able to have Wi-Fi?

9. Would you rather burp confetti or fart glitter?

I love confetti and glitter. However, both would give you away.

10. Would you rather only use Reddit for the rest of your life or only use YouTube for the rest of your life?

Are you on Team Reddit or Team YouTube?

11. Would you rather visit the international space station for a week or stay in an underwater hotel for a week?

Vacation in space or under the water?

12. Would you rather get paid for reading books or watching TV?

Which option would bring you more money?

13. Would you rather have no eyebrows or no eyelashes?

Do you want to draw your eyebrows or put on fake eyelashes for the rest of your life?

14. Would you rather never be able to watch Netflix or YouTube again?

Which video platform do you use more often?

15. Would you rather never get a haircut or dye your hair again?

Either way, you save the cost of a hairdresser.

16. Would you rather control your dreams or watch them the next day?

It depends. I can do without seeing my nightmare the next day. What do you think?

17. Would you rather be famous or super bright?

Would you like to be known as a genius or as a famous person?

18. Would you rather always have all of your shirts one size too small or two sizes too big?

Do you like T-shirts that are very tight or oversized?

19. Would you rather get completely drunk after one alcoholic drink or never be able to get drunk?

What’s the point of drinking alcohol if you can’t get drunk?

👉 Suggested read: 🍺 17+ Insanely Fun Drinking Games To Try In Your Next Party

20. Would you rather make farting sounds every time you walk or smell like farts every time you yawn?

Making fart noises or smelling like fart?

21. Would you rather take cold showers every day for the rest of your life or eat only cold food for the rest of your life?

What do you think is worse?

22. Would you rather try to survive in the desert with your friends or live with your friends in a reality TV house with really dumb cast members for five years?

What are the chances that you could survive in the desert?

23. Would you rather have the brightness on your phone stuck on low or the volume on your phone stuck on low?

I am trying to figure out what’s more annoying. Not seeing what you write or not hearing what someone says.

24. Would you rather post an embarrassing, drunken picture of you to your Instagram story that your crush sees or send your crush an embarrassing direct message?

A message stays forever. A story post stays online for only 24 hours. What do you choose?

25. Would you rather be your family’s cat or a stray cat?

Be free and go wherever you want, or be locked up and do nothing all day except chill and eat?

26. Would you rather have a lifetime subscription to Netflix or an unlimited gift card to Starbucks?

Are you a coffee addict or a Netflix addict?

27. Would you rather have ten children or no children at all?

If cats count as cats, I would have no problem with having 10 of them 😻

🤓 Suggested read: 100+ Fun Questions To Ask in the 21 Questions Game

28. Would you rather never have to tie your shoes again or never have to untangle headphone wires again?

What do you have to do more often?

29. Would you rather have no family or no friends?

What a philosophical question.

30. Would you rather give up your phone for a year or only wear Crocs for a year?

Do you hate Crocs as much as I do?

31. Would you rather the world be taken over by aliens or by robots?

Does it make any difference?

32. Would you rather only wear one color each day or have to wear seven colors each day?

I don’t even wear seven clothing items daily. 😂

33. Would you rather go on a double date with your parents or with your partner’s parents?

What would you do on a double date with your parents?

34. Would you rather live with no electronics or live with no friends?

Come on, friends are more important than electronics, right?

35. Would you rather have horrible acne that is only on areas covered with clothing or moderate acne that’s only on your face?

What’s worse for you?

36. Would you rather wake up in your underwear in class or wake up in your underwear at a family party?

How would your family or classmates react?

37. Would you rather always be overdressed or always be underdressed?

I’m already underdressed all the time.

38. Would you rather never be able to use a mirror (also a front-facing camera) again or never be able to use your phone again?

Never look in the mirror again or never use social media again?

1000+ Fun and Playful "Charades" Ideas for Kids to Enjoy
Suggested read: 1000+ Fun and Playful "Charades" Ideas for Kids to Enjoy

39. Would you rather get diarrhea on a first date or run into your parents on a first date?

Are your parents more embarrassing than diarrhea?

40. Would you rather everyone be required to wear identical silver jumpsuits, or if any time two people meet and wear an identical article of clothing, they must fight to the death?

I should have died several times by now.

41. Would you rather be a wizard in the Harry Potter Universe or a Jedi in the Star Wars universe?

Which universe is cooler? This question could lead to a heated discussion (especially when you’re a superfan).

42. Would you rather be unattractive but super funny or beautiful but quite dull?

How important are good looks to you?

43. Would you rather accidentally step on a LEGO brick or cat shit?

The first option hurts like shit, and the other makes me sick.

44. Would you rather be a unicorn or a mermaid?

Do you want to explore the deep sea or run wild and free as a unicorn?

45. Would you rather be physically clumsy or socially awkward around people?

Honestly, I’m both. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

46. Would you rather have Marge Simpson’s voice or Marge Simpson’s hair?

A unique hairstyle or unique voice?

47. Would you rather win 1 million dollars or find the love of your life?

What would make you happier, money or love?

🤓 Suggested read: 8 Fun Games Like "Truth or Dare" To Play in Any Party

48. Would you rather kick a wall with a toothpick in your toenail or jump in a pool of lemon juice with paper cuts all over your body?

I would jump in the pool of lemon juice without a doubt.

49. Would you rather travel back in time and meet your mom or dad when they were younger?

I would love to meet the teenage version of both.

50. Would you rather be incredibly brave or intelligent?

Bravery doesn’t always mean intelligent and vice versa… You’ll be lucky to have both.

51. Would you rather be tall because of a long torso or legs?

Either way, you’d be tall, and the only thing that matters is which one would look better on you.

52. Would you rather be the smart nerd or the dumb jock?

The answer to this question depends on what you value more: brains or brawn?

53. Would you rather give up the internet or your best friend?

Sorry, best friend, but the internet is life. Just kidding! Or am I?

54. Would you rather listen to the same ten songs on repeat for the rest of your life or be forced to watch the same five films on repeat for the rest of your life?

Are there some movies or songs you can’t get enough of? If not, this would be pretty torturous!

55. Would you rather give up social media or eat the same dinner for the rest of your life?

How important is social media in your life? Could you give it up?

👉 There’s more! Check out this list of great “Would You Rather” Questions for Teens!

Dirty “Would You Rather” Questions (18+)

Feeling a little naughty? Spice up your game night with these dirty “Would You Rather” questions that will make you blush and giggle at the same time.

1. Would you rather swallow sperm that tastes like piss or get pissed on by your partner?

Smelling piss is gross, not to mention tasting it.

2. Would you rather be caught cheating or catch your partner cheating?

Get hurt or hurt your partner?

3. Would you rather have your body found on a pile of sex toys or drugs?

You’re dead either way. The question is how you want to be remembered.

4. Would you rather fart during sex or burp while kissing?

You two can laugh about it, or it’s the biggest turn-off.

5. Would you rather give up cheese or give up oral sex?

My choice would be the same even if I weren’t a vegan.

6. Would you rather wear a chastity belt for a year or be someone’s sex slave for a year?

If you’re into kinky stuff, maybe option two appeals to you…

7. Would you rather wake up naked at your ex’s or a stranger’s place?

Both scenarios would make great stories to tell your friends!

8. Would you rather give or receive a lap dance?

Do you want to give or receive pleasure?

9. Would you rather never have an orgasm again or know that your partner has never had an orgasm with you?

What’s worse?

10. Would you rather moan strangely or make an ugly face every time you come?

Making weird sounds or a funny face.

11. Would you rather have sex with your best friend’s mother or father?

It probably depends on your sexual orientation and the look of your best friend’s parents.

12. Would you rather have sex in your parents’ bedroom or have sex in your old bedroom while your parents are at home?

If you’ve never had sex in your childhood bedroom while your parents are home, you have missed something.

13. Would you rather be horny every day for the rest of your life or be horny only once a year?

That’s a tough choice for men. Do you want to walk around with a boner daily or only be horny once a year?

14. Would you rather have sex with someone who speaks all the time or someone who doesn’t make a sound?

Are you into Sex talk, or do you prefer quiet sex?

15. Would you rather do the walk of shame or kick a stranger out of your house in the morning?

So the question is, do you want to endure the embarrassment yourself or let your date do the walk of shame?

16. Would you rather read an erotic novel or watch porn?

With books, you can let your imagination run wild. Or what do you think?

👉 Suggested read: 9 Skype Drinking Games To Bring the Fun to Your Screen

17. Would you rather only have sex in the bedroom or only have sex outside of the bedroom?

There are a lot of different places where you can have sex. However, would you sacrifice having sex in the bedroom for the rest of your life?

18. Would you rather do it with the lights on or off?

In other words, is your date hot or not?

19. Would you rather have sex in a dirty hotel bed or a smelly public toilet?

Choosing between dirty sheets and a smelly toilet is rough.

20. Would you rather walk around in public with your lingerie or walk around in public with a strap-on dildo?

There are some girls out there who already wear lingerie as casual clothes. Walking around with a strap-on dildo would probably draw more attention to it. But who knows? Maybe this could be a new trend?

21. Would you rather have sex on the first date or hold off sex at the beginning of a relationship and wait for a month to do it?

No sex on the first date. What do you think of this dating rule?

22. Would you rather have sex with your best friend or have sex with your ex?

Do you think your friendship with your best friend would change if you had sex with them?

23. Would you rather sleep with your ex or a celebrity you hate?

Which of them do you hate more?

24. Would you rather give or receive oral sex?

Who doesn’t like to receive oral sex?

20+ Fun "5 Second Rule" Questions to Test Your Knowledge
Suggested read: 20+ Fun "5 Second Rule" Questions to Test Your Knowledge

25. Would you rather eat stuff off of one another or do role-play?

Everyone has their kinks.

26. Would you rather have sex in the morning or in the evening?

Each has its charm.

27. Would you rather never masturbate again or never eat solid food again?

Orgasm or food? It’s your choice.

28. Would you rather have sex with someone who is very attractive but bad in bed or with someone ugly but incredibly good in bed?

If your sex partner is ugly, you can close your eyes if you want to. However, what can you do if someone is horrible in bed?

29. Would you rather have excellent foreplay but lousy sex or lousy foreplay but great sex?

Both options aren’t too bad. At least some part of the sexual intercourse is good, right?

30. Would you rather be on the bottom or the top?

Do you like to be the dominant or submissive one?

31. Would you rather date someone who is a bad kisser or bad in bed?

Slobby kiss or lousy sex?

32. Would you rather have sex with or without a condom?

We all know that we should have sex with a condom. But still, what option do you like more?

33. Would you rather pay for sex or get paid for sex?

Give money or receive money for sex? What’s more appealing to you?

34. Would you rather fart while getting eaten out or burp while making out?

And that’s it with the sex.

35. Would you rather have kinky sex or vanilla sex?

Do you want it rough or gentle?

36. Would you rather have one partner or multiple partners?

Both have their advantages and disadvantages.

👉 Suggested read: 60+ Exciting "Spin the Bottle" Questions for Your Next Party

37. Would you rather sprain your ankle during sex or break your partner’s penis?

Be in pain or inflict pain?

38. Would you rather watch someone have sex or have someone watch you do it?

Are you on the exhibitionism or the voyeurism side?

39. Would you rather be tied to a bed and forgotten or have a sex toy lost inside you?

Being tied to a bed and forgotten. You could make a movie out of that.

40. Would you rather orgasm every time you sneeze or orgasm every time you yawn?

What happens more often? Sneezing or yawning?

41. Would you rather have sex in front of strangers or have sex in front of this group?

Would this incident affect your friendship?

42. Would you rather go a month without drinking or go a month without masturbating?

What do you usually do more often? Drink alcohol or masturbate?

43. Would you rather have your partner laugh or cry uncontrollably whenever they see you naked?

In both cases, I would be offended.

44. Would you rather have three boobs or have one boob the size of a watermelon?

Good luck finding a bra that fits your new boobs.

45. Would you rather have sex with someone who never showers or have sex with someone who never brushes their teeth?

The big question is, how important is kissing to you during sex?

46. Would you rather always have to be on top or always have to be on the bottom?

Are you the more active or more passive person in bed?

47. Would you rather use a dildo or a vibrator?

Which brings the ultimate pleasure for you?

48. Would you rather spend money on sex toys or lingerie?

That’s a tough choice.

👉 Do you think it can’t get any naughtier? Well, our collection of 30+ Dirty “Would You Rather” questions will prove you wrong!

Sexual “Would You Rather” Questions

Curious about your friends’ deepest, darkest secrets? These sexual “Would You Rather” questions will take the game to a whole new level. But remember, honesty is key!

1. Would you rather try out sexual role-play or try out BDSM?

Playful or rough sex?

2. Would you rather let your partner dominate you when having sex or dominate your partner when having sex?

Are you more of the dominant or submissive type?

3. Would you rather have sex missionary style or doggy style?

Do you like it the traditional way or from behind?

Both options are great ways to intensify your orgasm (provided that you’re into it).

5. Would you rather walk around with an erection for six hours a day or never have an erection again?

This question is harder to answer for men.

6. Would you rather have anal sex or oral sex?

Butt or mouth?

7. Would you rather be a cam girl/boy or publish a sex tape of yourself?

How do you want to start your porno career?

8. Would you rather join a gangbang or a threesome?

Sex with two other people or a lot of people?

9. Would you rather have sex with a biter or a screamer?

What turns you on more?

10. Would you rather only be able to have sex while watching the scariest horror movie or only have sex while watching Dora The Explorer?

Have you ever had sex with someone while watching a movie? How was it?

11. Would you rather do romantic things in bed or try some kinky stuff?

It’s essential to keep your sex life exciting. How would you spice it up?

12. Would you rather find out your partner slept with one of your parents or your partner slept with your best friend?

How would you react?

13. Would you rather get fisted or fist someone else?

Either you think of it as a pleasure or torture.

14. Would you rather masturbate all day or have sex all day?

After that day, you probably won’t be able to have sex for a long time.

15. Would you rather have your partner only be able to use their hands during foreplay, or have your partner only be able to use their mouth?

Hands or tongue? Which gives you more pleasure?

16. Would you rather never have sex again or never masturbate again?

People come and go, but your hands will never leave you.

🤓 Suggested read: The Ultimate List of "What If" Questions Perfect For Kids

17. Would you rather have a threesome with a person you know or a stranger?

If you had sex with a friend, do you think it would affect your friendship somehow?

18. Would you rather have a partner with a sex addiction or a partner with a low sex drive?

Having a partner who wants to have sex all the time or once a month?

19. Would you rather have sex with my best friend or your best friend?

If your best friend asked you this question, you must answer if you would have sex with them.

20. Would you rather try out fisting or double penetration?

This question also goes out to men.

21. Would you rather cheat on your partner or suggest having a threesome?

The answer should be clear.

22. Would you rather be fingered under the table of a restaurant or the table at your parent’s house?

Are you into that kind of adrenalin kick?

23. Would you rather give someone a deepthroat blowjob or have anal sex?

Do you want to test out your gag reflex?

24. Would you rather shout “I love Jesus” every time you come or “I have an STD”?

Both are big turn-offs.

25. Would you rather be bad at kissing or at oral sex?

What’s more important?

26. Would you rather have your partner sleep with your best friend or that you sleep with your partner’s best friend?

How jealous would you be?

90+ Fun and Engaging "Most Likely To" Questions for Kids
Suggested read: 90+ Fun and Engaging "Most Likely To" Questions for Kids

27. Would you rather have sex with someone who has a nice body but an ugly face or with someone who has an ugly body but a beautiful face?

What do you care more about, body or face?

28. Would you rather swallow or spit?

Be honest!

29. Would you rather only be able to have sex for 6 hours or never have sex again?

If you don’t want to give up sex, you probably have to take a day off from work to do it.

30. Would you rather never have sex again or have to use Bing as a search machine for the rest of your life?

That’s cruel.

31. Would you rather have a partner who comes in 60 seconds or a partner who comes in 3 hours?

How good is your stamina?

32. Would you rather receive an alert every time your parents have sex or have your office alerted every time you have sex?

My parents don’t have sex. Please don’t prove me wrong.

33. Would you rather have sex with someone who refuses to take their socks off or with someone who has a weird orgasm face?

Why have socks such a bad reputation?

34. Would you rather watch your partner masturbating or let your partner watch you masturbate?

What turns you on more?

35. Would you rather have sex while blindfolded or while handcuffed?

Giving up control can be very exciting.

36. Would you rather have a partner who doesn’t like oral sex or a partner obsessed with anal sex?

How important is oral sex to you?

🤓 Suggested read: 5+ Fun Games to Play When You're Bored Anytime, Anywhere

37. Would you rather have sex with someone with a German or a Russian accent?

Both are unique and have harsh accents.

38. Would you rather eat out your partner’s ass or have your ass eaten out by your partner?

Do you want to do the work or let your partner do it?

39. Would you rather have a fulfilling sex life or a successful career?

What’s more important to you?

40. Would you rather be someone’s sugar daddy/mommy or have a sugar daddy/mommy?

What a question!

41. Would you rather date someone who refuses to cuddle or date someone who refuses to give you oral sex?

Is oral sex more important to you than cuddle time with your partner?

42. Would you rather accidentally get (a girl) pregnant or get an STD from a stranger?

This statement only has me speechless.

43. Would you rather date someone with a foot fetish or an ear fetish?

If you’re uncomfortable with any fetish, this might be hard.

44. Would you rather laugh every time you have an orgasm or cry?

Either one would ruin the moment.

45. Would you rather have sex with the lights on or off?

This is one of the most common questions you’ll hear about sex. So, which option do you prefer?

46. Would you rather have a threesome with people you know or absolute strangers?

If it turns out to be a bad experience, at least you’ll never have to see them again if they’re strangers!

🤓 Suggested read: 90+ Fun "What If" Questions For Adults To Talk About

47. Would you rather have sex with someone who looks exactly like your celebrity crush but smells bad or have sex with someone who’s seriously unattractive but smells fantastic?

I’ll not be able to handle bad smells.

48. Would you rather have crazy wild sex in the bathroom of a club or boring sex in a fancy hotel?

At least it’s sanitized in the hotel!

49. Would you rather be teased with hot wax or with ice cubes?

Are you into temperature play?

BONUS: “What Would You Do?” Questions

Want to switch up your game? Try “What Would You Do” - a spin on “Would You Rather” that adds an element of strategy to the game.

Instead of just choosing between two options, players must also explain their reasoning behind their decision by answering the following “What If” Questions:

  1. If you could create one reality TV show that was guaranteed to air, what would you want to put on TV?
  2. If you were reincarnated as an animal based on your personality traits, what animal do you think you would come back as?
  3. If you were president, what would you do first?
  4. What would be the title if your life was a movie?
  5. If you were a billionaire, what would you do, and what would your lifestyle look like?
  6. If you could find a cure for a disease, which one would you want to cure?
  7. If you never had to sleep again, what would you do with the extra daily hours?
  8. If you could rename one animal on earth, which one would it be? How would you name it?
  9. If you could ask one question to anyone in history, who would you choose, and what question would you ask?
  10. If you were offered $ 50,000 for a job as an actor for hemorrhoid cream, would you do it?
  11. If you had to choose how you would die, how would you wish for it to happen?
  12. What would you do if you had the opportunity to go into space?
  13. If you could bring one Disney character into the real world, what character would you choose?
  14. If you could instantly make any one species go extinct by saying their name, which species would you choose?
  15. If you could live the life of any person you want for one day, what person’s life would you choose?
  16. If you woke up and discovered you were the only person on earth, what would you do?
  17. What would it be about if you could create a new cult?
  18. If you had to spend one year on a desert island alone, what ten things would you take with you and why?
  19. If you could be a plant, what would you be?
  20. If you had to brush a wild animal’s teeth, what wild animal would you choose?
  21. If you could talk to your 15-year-old self, what would you tell yourself?
  22. If a person offered you $ 1,000 every time they punched you in the face, how many times would you want to be hit?
  23. What would you do if you were invisible for one day?
  24. If you could throw a party without paying for anything, what kind of party would you throw?
  25. If you could upload your consciousness into a machine before you die, would you do it?
  26. If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
  27. What would you do if you were camping with your friends and suddenly a bear came around?
  28. If you met an alien today, what would you do? Would you say something to him?
  29. If you could stop one bad habit of yours, what would you stop?
  30. If you had to remove one feeling, which one would you choose?
  31. How would you react if a friend showed you their child for the first time and it turned out to be super ugly?
  32. If Pokémon were real and you had to choose one to live with you, which one would you choose?
  33. If a 12-year-old child would punch you in the face in public, what would you do?
  34. If you could travel back in time and attend a live concert of a band of your choice, which band would you choose?
  35. If you woke up one morning in the year 2000, what would you do?
  36. What would you do if Donald Trump suddenly appeared in your toilet?
  37. If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
  38. What would you do if your cat pulled a gun on you?
  39. What would you do if you had to kill yourself, your family, or ten random children?
  40. If you were a dictator, what crazy things would you do?
  41. If you could time-travel to witness any historical event without altering it, what event would you choose to witness?
  42. If you had the power to instantly learn any skill or talent, what skill would you want to acquire?
  43. If you could switch lives with someone for a day, living their life exactly as they do, who would you choose and why?
  44. If you could change one law in your country, what law would it be, and what change would you make?
  45. If you had to spend a year living in a different country, where would you choose to live, and why?
  46. If you were a character in a video game, what type of game would it be, and what would your special abilities be?
  47. If you could have a conversation with a famous historical figure, who would it be, and what would you ask them?
  48. If you could bring back one extinct species, what species would you choose, and why?
  49. If you could create a new holiday, what would it be called, and how would people celebrate it?
  50. If you had the power to make one positive change in the world, what change would you make, and how would you implement it?
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