Quiz: Which element are you? | Fire, water, earth, or air?

Which element are you?

Have you ever wondered which of the four elements you are? Today is the time to find out!

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Which element are you?

Have you ever asked yourself which element you are? Do you have the characteristics of water, fire, air, or earth? If you want to find out which element suits your personality the best, take this quiz!

This quiz analyzes your personality with just 15 short questions. After taking the quiz, you will find out which element best reflects yourself.

Are you as strong and unyielding as earth? As short-tempered and fiery as fire? As creative and free-spirited as air? Or as calm and flexible as water?

Take the quiz now to find out which element you are!


There are four classical elements, also called basic elements, which were first proposed by the Ancient Greek philosopher Empedocles. The four elements are air, water, earth, and fire. Each element has distinct properties which determine how it interacts with other elements.

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Air is the element of freedom. People who are air signs are independent, creative, and free-spirited. They like to be in control of their own lives and prefer to live in the moment. Air signs are also very analytical and rational. They are good at solving problems and thinking outside the box.


Fire is the element of passion. People who are fire signs are passionate, determined, and ambitious. They are natural leaders, and they always strive to be the best at everything they do. Fire signs are also very confident and outgoing. They enjoy being in the spotlight, and they are not afraid to take risks.


Earth is the element of stability. People who are earth signs are practical, reliable, and down-to-earth. They like to plan ahead, and they are always prepared for anything. Earth signs are also very loyal and honest. They always follow through on their promises, and they have a strong sense of responsibility.

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Water is the element of emotion. People who are water signs are sensitive, compassionate, and intuitive. They are in tune with their emotions, and they have a deep understanding of other people. Water signs are also very adaptable and flexible. They go with the flow, and they are always open to new experiences.

The fifth element

There is also a fifth element that came later in history, the so-called quintessence, which is aether. It is the material that fills the region of the universe beyond the terrestrial sphere. Because of that, a human can not be of this element. That’s why we didn’t include it as a possible result but wanted to mention it for the sake of completion.

Zodiac signs

Did you know? Even the zodiac signs are assigned to the elements! Check out our handy list of all the zodiac signs and their assigned elements.

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