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Who doesn’t love a good drinking game? Especially with something as unique and creative as the “Stump” game, your friends will beg for an invite to your next party.

Whether you’re hosting a backyard BBQ, bonfire, or just a regular Friday night hangout with friends, a fun drinking game is always a must. And what better way to spice things up than with this hammer-and-nail drinking game?

How to play the “Stump” Game (#how-to-play)

This is the perfect drinking game for tailgates or frat parties. The “Stump” game originated in rural inns in Germany and has since become a popular choice for outdoor events.

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To start the “Stump” game, here’s what you need:

  • Stump
  • Masonry hammer
  • Nails
  • Alcohol of your choice
  • Two or more players (depending on the size of the stump)

We recommend using slim and long nails because slim nails are bent extremely fast (which, of course, makes the game more exciting and funnier).

After you’ve gathered your materials, follow these steps to play the “Stump” game:

1. One player, one nail.

Gather every player around the stump and give them one nail and a drink of their choice. Make everyone hit their nail into the stump about one inch deep. Make sure everyone’s nails are evenly spaced around the stump and relatively nailed in at the same depth.

2. Determine who goes first

You can do this however you likeβ€”rock, paper, scissors, or coin flip. The oldest player goes first. Just make sure everyone agrees on the method before starting the “Stump” game!

3. The game begins!

The starting player grabs the hammer and stands in front of the stump. With one hand behind their back, holding a drink, they have to hit the nail using the pointed and thin side of the hammer.

The aim is to completely “stump” your nail into the stump.

4. Hit or miss?

After the first player has gone, it’s time for the next player to try their own nail. You must use one hand behind your back while using the hammer with the other.

Once all players have a turn, the game repeats, and everybody gets a new nail.

5. When do you drink?

If someone successfully “stumps” their nail into the stump on their first try, all other players must finish their drinks. If nobody achieves this, everybody sips their drink, and the game continues.

“Stump” Drinking Game Rules (#drinking-game-rules)

While the mechanics for this hammer-and-nail drinking game are pretty simple, there are some variations that you can try to make it even more enjoyable. Try out these different rules at your next party to keep things fresh and fun:

1. Use your non-dominant hand only.

This will make the “Stump” game more challenging and unpredictable. You’ll have to think twice before hitting that nail with your left or right hand! And if you’re ambidextrous, well, how lucky!

2. Add new rules after a player successfully “stumps” their nail.

After someone successfully hits their nail, they get to make a new rule for the next player. For example:

  • Spin around three times before hitting the nail
  • Close one eye while hammering
  • Drink every time you miss the nail
  • Drink every time someone says “stump”

You can get as creative and wacky as you want with these rules; just make sure to keep the “Stump” game safe and fun for everyone!

3. Play as a team.

If you have a larger group, divide it into teams and see which team can successfully “stump” all their nails first. The losing team has to take an extra shot or finish their drink.

4. Make it a race.

For added competition, time each player as they try to “stump” their nail. The fastest time wins, and the slowest time has to take a shot or finish their drink. You can also set a timer, and whoever doesn’t succeed in “stumping” their nail within the time limit has to drink.

5. Get creative with the stump.

Instead of just using a regular tree stump, try using different objects as your “stump”. It could be an old chair, wooden box, or anything sturdy enough to handle a few nails. Just make sure it’s safe and doesn’t break easily, so no plastic tables!

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With these rules and variations, the “Stump” game will surely become a staple at your future parties. So grab your hammer and nails, and let the fun begin! Cheers to unforgettable game nights with friends! 🍻

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