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The Lord of the Rings series is a timeless classic exploring friendship, sacrifice, and courage. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or just looking for a fun way to watch the movies, hosting a Lord of the Rings marathon with friends is always a good idea.

And what better way to make it even more enjoyable than by turning it into a drinking game? This guide will provide all the information you need to host the ultimate Lord of the Rings drinking game, whether you’ve watched the movies a hundred times or are new to Middle Earth.

👉 Want more movies to drink to? Follow this link for more movie drinking games ideas!

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How to Play the Lord of the Rings Drinking Game

This game is easy to understand and doesn’t require any special equipment. Here’s how to have an excellent Lord of the Rings marathon movie night, drinking game style:

1. Get those drinks

Prepare your alcohol! While you can have your regular beer, vodka, tequila, or wine, why not make Lord of the Rings-themed drinks? You can put your drinks on wooden pints or mugs to create that medieval pub look you’ll often see in the movies.

If you don’t have wooden mugs, you can come up with LOTR-themed cocktails or drinks that your friends will love! You can even buy Lord of the Rings wine!

If you’re too lazy to find props or research drink recipes, one easy way to give your drinks a Lord of the Ring theme is to give them names like you can call your shot of tequila “The One Ring”!

2. Schedule it in advance.

The first movie alone is 3 hours and 48 minutes, so if you want to binge-watch the entire franchise, be prepared to use up hours of your time! Make sure to have snacks and to take breaks, too!

3. Begin the game!

If you’re planning to binge-watch all three films or even just one, you’d better prepare plenty of drinks and snacks! As the movies progress, the drinking might get more brutal, too! Here are the drinking game rules:

1. Take a drink when Frodo says ‘Sam’.

What would Frodo be without Sam?

2. Take a drink when Sam says, ‘Mr. Frodo’.

The ultimate bromance!

3. Take a drink whenever anybody mentions the One Ring.

The one ring to rule them all!

4. Take a drink every time Legolas says something vague and portentous.

Legolas is also known as Middle Earth’s Captain Obvious.

5. Take a drink every time somebody pulls out a sword.

What a long sword you have!

6. Take a drink every time you talk along with the dialogue.

How can you not say, “My precious!” in Gollum’s voice when it comes out?

7. Take a drink whenever a bad guy dies.

Good riddance!

8. Take a drink whenever Gollum says ‘my precious’.

You’ll be drinking a lot.

9. Every time there is a close-up of the Eye of Sauron, take a drink.

It sees everything!

10. Take a (small) sip every time Frodo’s stressed-out, ring-possessed face looks like… something else.

Hand me my ale, my good man!

11. Take a drink every time Frodo trips over his own feet.

After taking so many drinks, you’ll look haggard and beaten as he does.

12. Take a drink whenever you see somebody’s filthy, chewed fingernails.

Unless they’re yours!

13. Take a drink every time someone complains about what a different species did or didn’t do several centuries ago.

Particularly Thorin Oakenshield.

14. Take a drink whenever a hobbit screws up.

But we love hobbits!

15. Take a drink whenever Gandalf turns up and makes things okay.

For extra difficulty, do that with The Hobbit.

16. Take a drink whenever a member of Boromir’s family screws up.

Sean Bean does not simply live through a movie!

17. Take a drink whenever someone says “One by one” or “You know (of)…” in Fellowship of the Ring.

You’ll hear this right from the start!

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18. Take a smoke anytime Gandalf smokes his pipe.

It’s his way to de-stress!

19. ☠️ Hardcore: If you have a death wish, take a drink every time there’s a close-up of the ring.

That ring is precious!

One does not simply… insert meme!

4. Take a break when necessary.

Take a break whenever needed and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Don’t be a Legolas that can walk on snow but succumb to alcohol!

Lord of the Rings Drinking Game Rules (#lord-of-the-rings-rules)

Playing drinking games makes watching all three films a lot easier! Here are some Lord of the Rings Drinking Game rules whenever the following characters appear.


  • Drink whenever the ring affects his behavior.
  • Drink whenever he says, “Sam”.
  • Drink whenever he trips over his own feet.


  • Drink whenever he says, “Mr. Frodo”.
  • Drink whenever he’s mean to Gollum.
  • Drink whenever he supports a Frodo who has once again fucked up or is having a Heroic BSoD.


  • Drink whenever he kills something.
  • Drink whenever he’s doubtful of his ability to be the rightful king of Gondor.
  • Drink whenever he smiles like an idiot


  • Drink whenever he fires an arrow.
  • Drink whenever he says something vague.
  • Drink whenever he stares into the distance.


  • Drink whenever he says “dwarf” or “elf”.
  • Drink whenever he talks about using his axe (to kill stuff).
  • Drink whenever he’s used as a comic relief (Beware of the Director’s Cut).

The forces of Mordor:

  • Drink whenever Sauron appears.
  • Drink whenever a Nazgûl screeches.


  • Drink whenever he says “Precious”.
  • Drink whenever he says “Gollum”.


  • Drink whenever he does something that makes him look bad.
  • Drink whenever he says something about how powerful he could be if he had the ring.
  • Drink when he dies (Whether it makes you laugh or cry, you always wait for that moment. Admit it.), or is mentioned posthumously.

The Orcs:

  • Drink when one of them dies on screen.
  • Drink when one of them says or does something entirely stupid.
  • Drink when the orc army slaughters a bunch of good soldiers.

Pippin and Merry:

  • Drink whenever they begin to grumble about food.
  • Drink whenever they do something intelligent for once.
  • Drink whenever one of them gives an exposition for the audience’s benefit.


  • Drink whenever he acts arrogantly towards Gandalf.
  • Drink whenever he expresses contempt for Wormtongue.


  • Drink whenever he acts creepy towards Éowyn.
  • Drink whenever he backstabs someone (figuratively or literally).


  • Drink whenever she wants to fight for Rohan, but her family won’t let her.
  • Drink whenever she acts awkward around Aragorn because she has a crush on him.


  • Drink whenever he does something he doesn’t want to because his father demands it.
  • Drink whenever he acts friendly to one of the hobbits.


  • Drink whenever he’s overprotective towards Arwen.
  • Drink whenever he glares at someone or nothing in particular.
  • Drink whenever his voice and facial expression make him sound/look like a bad guy.


  • Drink whenever she says something mystical and profound.
  • Drink whenever one of her gifts to the Fellowship helps save the day.
  • Drink whenever she gives a mysterious and introspecting look at anything or anyone.


  • Drink whenever she mopes around Rivendell while her fiancé risks his life to defeat Sauron.
  • Drink whenever she appears in a dream or flashback that Aragorn has.
  • Drink whenever she says something in elvish because it sounds so cool.

Bonus: Lord of the Rings Drinks

Looking for Lord of the Rings-inspired drinks to go with your movie night? We’ve compiled quick and easy-to-make LOTR-themed drinks perfect for the ultimate Lord of the Rings Drinking Game night!

🤓 Suggested read: Top 8 Fun Movie Drinking Games for Your Next Party

1. Miruvor Drink

If you and your friends are bonafide ringers or Tolkienites, you would have heard of Miruvor. This popular Elvish energy drink, which is in LOTR-role, is a cordial that restores hunger and grants strength to people who drink it.

Miruvor Drink Ingredients (2 servings)

Below are the ingredients that you’ll need to make your own Miruvor:

  • 12 oz Mead
  • 2 strips Lemon Peel
  • 2 strips of Orange Peel
  • 1/2 Cinnamon Stick
  • 1 Tbsp Dried Rose Buds (optional)
  • 1 Tbsp Honey (or to taste)
  • Edible Flowers

Miruvor Drink Directions

Here’s how to make your version of Miruvor:

  • Combine all ingredients, except for the edible flowers, in a small pot.
  • Put the heat at low and allow all ingredients to simmer.
  • After simmering, strain the drink and top it with edible flowers.
  • Enjoy!

2. Orc Vitality Drink

If you’re looking for other rejuvenating drinks aside from Miruvor, you can also make your own Orc Vitality Drink! You’ve seen how strong the orcs are in the movies! Don’t worry! We’ll share the recipe to make your version of Orc Vitality Drink that humans will like!

Orc Vitality Ingredients (1 serving)

Below are the ingredients that you’ll need to make your own Orc Vitality Drink:

  • 1 oz Sambuca
  • 1 oz Sweet Vermouth
  • 1 ½ oz Absinthe

Orc Vitality Directions

Here’s how to make your version of Orc Vitality Drink:

🤓 Suggested read: 40+ Lord of the Rings "Trivia" Questions for Game Night

  • Combine all and stir well.
  • Enjoy!

Playing drinking games is a great way to have fun while watching Lord of the Rings with friends. These drinking game rules and LOTR-themed drinks will surely make your movie night more exciting and memorable. Just remember to drink responsibly! Cheers to a great movie night!

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