App icon Never Have I Ever
App Store Never Have I Ever
App icon Gossip Gossip Expose your friends in this multiplayer game. Get

Who says you can’t have a wild and fun night with friends while staying home? Thanks to technology, we can now connect with our loved ones through video calls and online platforms. And what better way to bring the party to your screen than by playing Skype drinking games?

Whether planning a virtual game night with friends or looking for ways to spice up your next online hangout, we’ve got you covered. Here are 9 Skype drinking games that will bring the fun and laughter to your screen:

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👉 Here are more online drinking games you can play with your friends!

1. “Never Have I Ever”

One of the most classic drinking games, “Never Have I Ever”, is perfect for playing over Skype! Even though this game is more popular as a drinking game, you can also play it as a non-alcoholic game using your Ten Fingers.

How to Play “Never Have I Ever”

Learning how to play Never Have I Ever is easy. Its main premise is to say actions you’ve never done before. Here’s how to play:

1. Get your drinks. Make sure each player has a drink in their hand. And, of course, you should have your cameras on to see each other’s drinks.

2. Decide who goes first. You can either go from oldest to youngest or randomly select a person to start the game.

3. Say, “Never Have I Ever.” The person who goes first starts the game by saying, “Never Have I Ever,” followed by an action they have never done before, such as “Never Have I Ever gone skydiving.”

4. Anyone who has done that action takes a drink or puts down a finger. If none of the players have done that action, the person who said it has to take a drink or put down a finger.

5. Keep going around in a circle. The next person then says their own “Never Have I Ever” statement, and the game continues.

6. Loser takes an extra shot. Whoever runs out of fingers or drinks first loses and has to take an extra shot.

“Never Have I Ever” Questions

The fun of “Never Have I Ever” lies in coming up with creative and sometimes embarrassing statements. Need some inspiration? Here are some Never Have I Ever questions to get you started:

1. Never have I ever gotten lost while drunk.

Sometimes, I spin around in one place and think I went somewhere.

2. Never have I ever fallen over due to drinking.

Have you ever felt like meeting the floor face to face?

3. Never have I ever drunk alone.

If you’re drinking wine, it doesn’t sound so bad.

4. Never have I ever drank alcohol to gain confidence.

Liquid courage is real!

5. Never have I ever chugged a beer in less than 10 seconds and then puked.

Challenge accepted!

6. Never have I ever texted an ex while drunk.

That moment when your phone becomes the gateway to the past… and regret.

7. Never have I ever tried to dance on a table and failed.

The ambition was higher than the balance.

8. Never have I ever made a prank call while drunk.

Nothing says “good decision,” like dialing numbers at random.

9. Never have I ever forgotten where I left my drink.

It’s like a treasure hunt, but you need to figure out what you’re looking for.

10. Never have I ever cooked something strange while drunk.

Gourmet or disaster? Only the brave will taste.

11. Never have I ever participated in a pub crawl.

It’s not just bar hopping; it’s an adventure.

12. Never have I ever sung karaoke in front of strangers.

Because alcohol turns us into pop stars, right?

13. Never have I ever worn shoes on the wrong feet and didn’t notice.

Style is subjective, especially after a few drinks.

14. Never have I ever fought a friend while drunk.

Things could get ugly… or fun?

15. Never have I ever hidden junk food in my room.

We all have our guilty pleasures.

Play “Never Have I Ever” Online

Never Have I Ever run out of questions for this game. Don’t worry, we’ve got you! Our online version of “Never Have I Ever” can provide you with over 1,000 statements you can use for your game, so you don’t have to worry about repeating questions.

Plus, it’s free and super easy to use – click the link, and you’re all set!

App icon Never Have I Ever
Never Have I Ever Rated 4.8 stars out of five stars

Play Never Have I Ever online

You can also sit back, relax, and play “Never Have I Ever” on YouTube. The video has over 25+ statements that come and go. Take your time and pause whenever you want!

2. “Would You Rather”

When it comes to virtual party games, “Would You Rather” is always at the top of any list. Since it’s a question-and-answer game, you can easily play this while on a video call with friends, and it’s just as fun!

When you play “Would You Rather”, you could make decisions where you don’t need to think too hard, or you could face a dilemma that stumps you. Talk about extremes! Watch as you and your friends make some pretty interesting choices!

How to Play “Would You Rather”

This game is simple, and it can be played with anyone! Here’s how to play:

1. Prepare your drinks. You can’t have a game without a drink in hand!

2. Choose who goes first and the order of turns. Choose who hopped on the call last, who lives the farthest, or pick someone at random!

3. Ask your “Would You Rather” question. Start with something silly and fun, like Would You Rather have a pet unicorn or dragon?

4. Go around the group to get everyone’s answers. Allow time for people to think about their answers. Drink if you’re part of the minority!

5. Whoever doesn’t answer takes a drink. Sometimes, the most basic questions can leave us stumped.

6. Keep going until everyone is satisfied with their answers or too drunk to continue! Play as many rounds as you want. Remember to have fun and stay safe.

“Would You Rather” Questions

When it comes to this game, the more bizarre the questions are, the better! Here are some “Would You Rather” questions to get you started:

1. Would you rather be a genius and know everything or be outstanding at any activity you tried?

I don’t need to be a genius. I’m happy enough to be just amazing!

2. Would you rather dine alone or watch a movie by yourself?

No one can see if you’re alone at the movies when the lights are switched off.

3. Would you rather lose all of the money you’ve earned this year or all of the memories you’ve gained this year?

Memories are precious!

4. Would you rather accidentally like an old photo of your ex on Instagram or accidentally send a sext to your boss?

I don’t even want to imagine what the conversation with my boss will be like.

5. Would you rather have your Netflix viewing history or your Spotify listening history made public?

I have nothing to hide!

6. Would you rather always have to enter rooms by announcing your entrance or never be able to enter a room unnoticed?

Sometimes, making an entrance is everything!

7. Would you rather have the ability to talk to animals or speak all foreign languages?

Imagine chatting with a squirrel or negotiating in Japanese.

8. Would you rather live without internet for a year or without air conditioning and heating for a year?

The struggle between staying connected and staying comfortable.

9. Would you rather have unlimited sushi for life or unlimited tacos for life?

A culinary dilemma of delicious proportions.

10. Would you rather give up your smartphone for a month or give up bathing for a month?

It is the ultimate test of what you can’t live without.

11. Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?

The skies are tempting, but so is the unseen.

12. Would you rather spend a week in the wilderness or a night in a haunted house?

Choose your adventure: nature’s unpredictability or eerie encounters.

13. Would you rather only be able to use a fork (no spoon) or only be able to use a spoon (no fork)?

Eating soup with a fork or spaghetti with a spoon?

14. Would you rather have to wear formal attire every day or only pajamas every day?

Whether you’re dressing to impress or for comfort.

15. Would you rather have free Wi-Fi wherever you go or have free coffee where/whenever you want?

Connectivity or caffeine – the essentials of life.

Play “Would You Rather” Online

Want to spice up your virtual game night? Play “Would You Rather” online with your friends! It’s fast and easy – you can access over 1,000 fun questions from any device.

Download it on your smartphone or in your web browser. It’s free and a great way to get everyone involved in the game!

App icon Would you rather?
Would you rather? Rated 4.9 stars out of five stars

Play Would you rather? online

You can also play “Would You Rather” on YouTube with our video version of the game. Enjoy 25+ fun and thought-provoking questions!

3. “Truth or Dare”

Another classic game perfect for virtual parties is “Truth or Dare”. Like the traditional version, this game asks players to choose between answering a truth question or completing a dare.

How to Play “Truth or Dare”

An easy game to play with friends, this game can be adapted for any number of players. Here’s how to play:

1. Set up your group call. Make sure everyone is connected and ready to play.

2. Decide the first player and the order of turns. You can do this by picking names out of a hat or by having someone volunteer to go first.

3. Ask “Truth or Dare”. The player who goes first must choose between revealing a truth about themselves or completing a dare given by another player.

4. If the player chooses “truth”, ask them a question that they must answer honestly. Some examples include: “What is your biggest fear?” or “What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?”

5. If the player chooses “dare”, give them a task. Be creative and have fun with it! Just make sure the dare is appropriate for all players. If they don’t want to do either, they have to drink.

6. Keep going around the group until everyone has had a turn or players are too drunk to continue! Play as many rounds as you want – remember to have fun and stay safe.

Truth Questions for “Truth or Dare”

Get to know your friends a little better with these truth questions. You’ll see how much your friends are willing to share before they switch to a dare!

1. Which player would you like to swap lives with for a week?

Take a step into someone else’s shoes!

2. Do you have an unrequited crush on someone in this call?

Yes. I don’t need to say who. You only get one question. Next!

3. Have you ever peed in a pool?

Who hasn’t at least once in their lives?

4. What is the most stupid thing you’ve done in front of a crowd?

I can’t remember…

5. What’s the first thing you would do if you can fly?

Fly to a private beach!

6. What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

Perhaps it’ll be too bizarre to share!

7. Have you ever lied to get out of an awkward situation?

Sometimes, a little white lie is the easiest escape.

8. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve been caught doing?

Red-faced moments that are now funny stories.

9. If you could read minds for a day, whose would you read?

Imagine the secrets and thoughts you’d uncover.

10. What’s the biggest misconception people have about you?

It’s time to set the record straight!

11. What’s the pettiest thing you’ve done when you were angry?

Petty acts in the heat of the moment.

12. Have you ever ghosted someone? If so, why?

The disappearing act and its reasons.

13. What’s a talent you wish you had?

Envisioning an alternative set of skills.

14. What’s the most useless purchase you’ve ever made?

Regrets on spending that seemed reasonable at the time.

15. If you could instantly master any skill, what would it be?

Dreaming of instant expertise and the doors it would open.

Dares for “Truth or Dare”

Ready to make your friends do some crazy things? Try out these dares that you can play on a Skype video call.

1. Post a video of you singing Taylor Swift’s Shake It Off and share it on your social media account.

‘Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play!

2. Post an embarrassing picture of yourself on Instagram.

You’ve come a long way from that photo!

3. Dance to Cardi B’s WAP for at least 30 seconds.

Work it!

4. Draw doodles on your face using lipstick.

This one’s easy!

5. Send a selfie to one of the players in this call without saying who it is.

Will you be sending a sexy selfie?

6. Change your profile picture to something the group chooses for 24 hours.

Buckle up for some hilarious suggestions!

7. Show the last photo in your camera roll.

No cheating!

8. Imitate another player until someone else guesses who you are.

It’s time to put your acting skills to the test.

9. Try to lick your elbow while on camera.

A challenge that’s harder than it sounds.

10. Share an unpopular opinion and defend it for 2 minutes.

Prepare your debate skills!

11. Text a random number a joke.

Who knows, you might make someone’s day brighter!

12. Wear socks on your hands for the next three rounds.

Handling things just got interesting.

13. Do your best impression of a celebrity until someone can guess who it is.

Channel your inner superstar.

14. Eat a spoonful of any condiment.

Hope you like ketchup, mustard, or mayo!

15. Freeze a frame during the call and try to hold it until someone notices.

The ultimate test of stillness and patience.

Play “Truth or Dare” Online

Looking for “Truth or Dare” questions and dares on the go? Lucky you, our online game has got you covered.

Access over 1,000 questions and dares that are perfect for any virtual party. Just grab your phone or laptop, gather your friends on a video call, and let the game begin!

App icon Truth or Dare
Truth or Dare Rated 4.8 stars out of five stars

Play Truth or Dare online

Play our Truth or Dare video and screen share it on your video call!

4. “Most Likely To”

Another fun game to play with friends is “Most Likely To”. This game involves guessing which player in the group is most likely to do a certain action or behave in a certain way.

How to Play “Most Likely To”

This game is best played with friends who know each other well. Start your video call and gather everyone together.

1. Decide who goes first.

The first player will choose a scenario and say, “Who’s most likely to…?”

2. Everyone else in the group must point at the person they think is most likely to do that action or behavior.

On a count of three, everyone must say a name or point at the player they think is most likely to do that action.

3. The player with the most votes drinks!

If there’s a tie, both players must drink. The chosen player then gets to choose the next scenario, and play continues.

4. Keep playing until everyone has had a turn or players are too drunk to continue!

Play as many rounds as you want – just remember to have fun and drink responsibly.

Most Likely To Questions

When playing Most Likely To, the scenarios can range from amusing to outrageous. Here are some examples to get you started:

1. Who is most likely to cry because of a sad movie?

I know someone who cries because of a sad TV commercial.

2. Who is most likely to be the best liar?

The best liars are the ones who fool themselves into thinking that they’re telling the truth.

3. Who is most likely to laugh at the wrong moment?

Someone needs to learn how to read the room!

4. Who is most likely to get plastic surgery?

My naturally pouty lips are sealed.

5. Who is most likely to forget important birthdays?

That’s what birthday notifications on Facebook are for!

6. Who is most likely to become a millionaire?

I hope that’s me!

7. Who is most likely to get a tattoo while drunk?

Oops, too late!

8. Who is most likely to marry someone they just met?

Love at first sight does exist… right?

9. Who is most likely to be the clumsiest?

Amazingly, I haven’t broken any bones yet.

10. Who is most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse?

I’ve been preparing for this my whole life.

11. Who is most likely to become famous?

Don’t forget about me when you’re signing autographs!

12. Who is most likely to talk their way out of a speeding ticket?

Smooth talking skills come in handy.

13. Who is most likely to have a secret talent?

Some talents are meant to be kept hidden.

14. Who is most likely to start their own business?

Entrepreneurship runs in the family.

15. Who is most likely to win an argument?

I always have a comeback ready!

Play Most Likely To Online

Can’t think of Most Likely To scenarios? No problem! This online version has over 1,000 questions ready for you to use.

Download the app or play it on our website, gather your friends on a video call, and let the fun begin!

App icon Most Likely To
Most Likely To Rated 4.8 stars out of five stars

Play Most Likely To online

Don’t want to come up with your own Most Likely To scenarios? Screen share our Most Likely To video on your group video call and let us handle the questions.

5. “Power Hour”

“Power Hour” is a fun party game that combines drinking with music. Think you can drink as many shots as there are songs in an hour? Challenge yourself and your friends to a round of Power Hour on your next video call~

How to Play “Power Hour”

Before starting, ensure everyone has their drink of choice ready and a playlist with 60 one-minute songs prepared. Once you’re all set, follow these steps:

1. Start the playlist and take a shot whenever the song changes. The goal is to drink as many shots as there are songs in an hour (60 shots).

2. If you miss a song, take two shots. Don’t fall behind, or you’ll have some catching up!

3. Have a designated “timekeeper” to keep track of the hour. It’s important to have someone responsible for keeping track of time and reminding everyone when to take a shot or if they’ve missed one.

4. Keep going until the hour is up! The game ends when the playlist finishes or after an hour has passed.

Find countless FREE Power Hour Mixes that you can use for your game on CloudSound. Get a SoundCloud Power Hour Music Mix!

6. “Truth or Drink”

"Truth or Drink" is a fun twist on the classic “Truth or Dare” game. Instead of completing dares, players must answer personal and revealing questions – or take a drink if they don’t want to answer.

How to Play “Truth or Drink”

Start by gathering your friends on a video call with drinks in hand. Then follow these steps:

1. Decide who goes first. The first player will choose a player and ask them, “Truth or Drink?”

2. If the chosen player chooses “Truth,” they must answer a personal question truthfully. These questions can range from embarrassing to thought-provoking.

3. If the chosen player chooses “Drink,” they must take a sip or shot of their drink instead of answering the question. To make things more interesting, you can assign different amounts of drinks to certain questions.

4. Keep playing until everyone has had a turn or players are too drunk to continue! This game will bring up some deep conversations and hilarious responses – remember to drink responsibly and have fun!

“Truth or Drink” Questions

Need some inspiration for “Truth or Drink” questions? Here are a few to get you started:

1. Have you ever lied to someone in this video call?


2. What’s the craziest thing you’ve done while drunk?

I hope you have a good memory for this one!

3. Have you ever cheated on a significant other?

Spill the tea.

4. Who in this video call would you want to date if they were single?

Awkward or flattering – your choice!

5. What is one thing you’re glad your parents don’t know about you?

This one’s going to be good.

6. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done for attention?

We’ve all been there.

7. What’s one secret you’ve kept from your best friend?

Friendship test right here.

8. Have you ever stolen something, even if it was small?

It’s time to confess.

9. What’s the biggest misconception people have about you?

Here’s your chance to set the record straight.

10. What’s the wildest dream you’ve had that you wish were real?

Dreams can be wild.

11. Which celebrity would you trade lives with for a day?

Imagine the possibilities.

12. What’s the weirdest habit you have?

We all have one.

13. What’s something you wish you were better at?

It’s time for some self-reflection.

14. If you could read minds, whose would you want to read first?

This could be interesting.

15. What’s the most impulsive thing you’ve done?

Sometimes, impulsive decisions lead to the best stories.

Play “Truth or Drink” Online

Want to play “Truth or Drink” but don’t have any questions prepared? No need to worry – our online version has over 1,000 hilarious and thought-provoking questions ready for you to use.

The best part? It’s completely free! Download the app or play it on our website, gather your friends on a video call, and let the fun begin!

Play Truth or Drink online

7. “Do or Drink”

“Do or Drink” is another fun drinking game that will have you and your friends laughing all night. This game is perfect for virtual hangouts – have your drinks ready and follow these steps!

How to Play “Do or Drink”

This game is similar to “Truth or Drink,” but players must complete silly and embarrassing dares instead of answering personal questions. Here’s how to play:

1. Start by gathering your friends on a video call with drinks in hand. Make sure everyone has their webcam on so you can see the dares being completed.

2. Decide who goes first. The first player will choose a player and ask them, “Do or Drink?”

3. If the chosen player chooses “Do,” they must complete the given dare. These dares can range from silly to outright ridiculous.

4. If they want to skip the dare, they can choose to take a drink instead. Then, it’s their turn to ask someone else “Do or Drink?”

5. Keep playing until everyone has had a turn or players are too drunk to continue! This game will have you and your friends doing some hilarious things – remember to drink responsibly and have fun!

“Do or Drink” Dares

Want some fresh ideas for dares? Here are a few to get you started:

1. Do the chicken dance.

Let’s see those moves! 🐔

2. Call your crush and tell them you have a secret to confess.

This one might be awkward, but it’ll make for a great story.

3. Take a shot without using your hands.

Get creative with how you drink it!

4. Send a screenshot of your last Google search to the group chat.

We won’t judge.

5. Lick your elbow.

This one is physically impossible, but it’ll make for a good laugh.

6. Put on a blindfold and try to draw something the group chooses.

Let’s see how artistic you can be without sight!

7. Take a shot with your non-dominant hand.

You might have to use your other hand for help.

8. Put a spoonful of hot sauce on your tongue, and don’t drink anything for one minute.

Can you handle the heat?

9. Text your parents “I love you” with no context.

This might lead to an interesting conversation with them.

10. Do an impression of someone in this video call.

Make sure it’s a good one!

11. Try to fit as many marshmallows in your mouth as possible.

Don’t choke!

12. Sing the alphabet backward within 30 seconds.

Good luck with this one.

13. Text your ex “I miss you” and see how they respond.

This could be risky – proceed with caution.

14. Do an interpretive dance to your favorite song.

Let your inner dancer shine.

15. Put on a funny hat and wear it for the rest of the game.

Style points for creativity!

Play “Do or Drink” Online

Don’t have any dares prepared? No problem! Our online version has over 800 hilarious dares to choose from. Download the app or play on our website, gather your friends on a video call, and let the fun begin!

And remember always to drink responsibly and have a good time!

Play Do or Drink online

8. Movie Drinking Games

Movie drinking games based on your favorite movies are always great! And thanks to Netflix Party, you can watch a variety of movies on Netflix together with your friends. Get ready for things to get crazy once you and your friends start drinking! Who knew watching a movie could be so chaotic?!

Netflix Movie Drinking Game

Whether you’re into rom-com, sci-fi, or action movies, there are tons of movies on Netflix that will be perfect for a Netflix movie drinking game. Prepare some snacks and drinks, gather your friends on a video call, and you’re ready to go!

👉Check out Netflix movie drinking games here!

Horror Movie Drinking Game

A horror movie drinking game can be fantastic as a virtual drinking game too. If you and your friends love getting spooked, this is a fun way to do it while having drinks.

There are so many fun rules you can make from horror movies! Imagine having to drink every time someone does something stupid in a horror movie!

👉 This way for horror movie drinking game ideas!

9. Video Games Drinking Games

Playing video games is a tried and true pastime perfect for people who like to stay indoors. If you’re playing with friends and some drinks, it’s even more fun! Try out any popular video game drinking games for a good time.


Fortnite is an online survival game where 100 players fight against each other in player-versus-player combat to be the last one standing. This game is already intense, but with some drinks involved, it can get crazy!

👉 Here’s a drinking game for Fortnite that will make your gameplay even more exciting!


FIFA is a free-to-play multiplayer online football game that enthusiasts will love! And with a drinking game twist, it can be a fun and competitive way to spend time with friends. So grab some drinks and get ready to score goals and laugh!

👉 Want to play FIFA drinking game? Follow the rules and have fun!

League of Legends

League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena video game where players are divided into two teams of five and need to execute team-based strategies to win. You can play League of Legends as a drinking game, too!

Let off some steam and add League of Legends to your list of quarantine drinking games to play with friends!

👉 Play League of Legends as a drinking game here!

Call of Duty

Call of Duty is a first-person shooter video game set during the Cold War, futuristic worlds, and outer space. Call of Duty is a first-person shooter video game set during the Cold War in futuristic worlds and outer space.

👉 Want to play Call of Duty as an online drinking game? Check out our rules and get ready for some action!

There are tons of fun and creative drinking games that you can play virtually with friends during quarantine. There’s something for everyone, ffrom classic party games to movie and video game drinking games. Just remember to always drink responsibly and have a great time!

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Party & Drinking Games

Looking for some fun party games to liven up your next get-together? Check out our collection of 100+ party games for all ages!