"Electricity" Drinking Game
Have you ever wanted to feel like Tony Stark? Or want to drink like him? Well, now you can with the "Electricity" drinking game! This drinking game is sure to zap you with some serious fun. So gather your friends, charge up your drinks, and get ready to get wasted!
✍️ May 2, 2024
- ⚡️ How to play “Electricity” Drinking Game
- 🍻 “Electricity” Card Game Rules
- 📱 Play “Electricity” Online
At any party, there’s always a good chance of getting bored or running out of things to talk about. That’s where fun drinking games come in! So why settle for a traditional one when you can add some electrifying energy with the amazing card-drinking game “Electricity”?
Whether you’re a seasoned pro or new to drinking games, “Electricity” is sure to amp up the energy and add some sparks to your night. Just make sure you have enough charged beverages before starting this game!
👉 If you’re still looking for games to play with your friends, we have a lot of games you can choose from. Check our list of insanely fun drinking games!
How to play “Electricity” Drinking Game
“Electricity” isn’t only easy to play, but it will also get you drunk the quickest! So be warned, this is not a game for those who are trying to take it easy on alcohol.
Before we get into the gameplay, let’s review what you’ll need to play.
Equipment for “Electricity”
All you need for this drinking game is:
- A standard deck of cards (for large groups, two decks may be necessary)
- Beer (3 to 4 per person per game)
- 4+ players
- A table or other surface to place the cards on
If you have those things, then you’re ready to play “Electricity”!
“Electricity” Gameplay
Now, the game can begin! Here’s how to play the “Electricity” drinking game:
1. Draw a card from the deck and flip it over.
One person starts by drawing a card from the deck and flipping it over so everyone can see it.
2. The next player continues.
The player to their left flips over a card, then the next player, and so on, until a current is formed (when two players have flipped over matching cards). If an electric current is formed at any point in the game, the people involved must drink!
The revealed cards determine how much they have to drink. We’ll get into that when discussing the drinking rules for “Electricity”.
An electric current is formed:
- if two cards of the same number are revealed (e.g., two 7s)
- if two cards of the same suit are revealed (e.g., two clubs)
- if two cards of the same face are revealed (e.g., two Jacks)
3. End of the Game
The game ends when the last card has been drawn from the deck (or you’re too drunk to continue, whichever comes first).
Play “Electricity” Drinking Game Online
If you find it inconvenient to shuffle cards, write the rules, or think of new ones for the game… or simply because you can’t be with your friends to play the game, worry no more! We made a “Electricity” Drinking App just for you!
You can download the King’s Cup gaming app, which we specially made for all Android and iOS users. Follow the links below to download the game to your PCs and mobile phones so you can play it anytime, anywhere!

“Electricity” Card Game Rules
If an electric current is formed, all involved players must drink for a number of seconds according to the value of their card. You can decide beforehand what the value of each card is worth in drinks, but we recommend using the following values:
If you’re a part of a current and your card is an Ace, you must drink for one second. Not too bad, right?
If you’re a part of a current and your card is a two, you’ll have to drink for two seconds. Still not too bad…yet.
If you’re a part of a current and your card is a three, you guessed it, you’ll have to drink for three seconds.
You get the idea by now. If you’re a part of a current and your card is a four, you’ll have to drink for four seconds.
Yep, you guessed it again. If you’re a part of a current and your card is a five, you’ll have to drink for five seconds.
If you’re a part of a current and your card is a six, you’ll have to drink for six seconds. Are you starting to feel the effects yet?
If you’re a part of a current and your card is a seven, you’ll have to drink for seven seconds. Now we’re getting into the heavy drinking range.
If you’re a part of a current and your card is an eight, you’ll have to drink for eight seconds. This is starting to get serious.
If you’re a part of a current and your card is a nine, you’ll have to drink for nine seconds. We hope you’re not too drunk by now.
If you’re a part of a current and your card is a ten, you’ll have to drink for ten seconds. We hope you have a strong liver.
If you’re a part of a current and your card is a Jack, you’ll have to drink for eleven seconds. Are you still standing?
If you’re a part of a current and your card is a Queen, you’ll have to drink for twelve seconds. We hope you have a designated driver.
If you’re a part of a current and your card is a King, you’ll have to drink for thirteen seconds. That’s a lot of drinking!
“Electricity” is a fast-paced drinking game that will get you drunk in no time. Its simple rules and easy setup make it perfect for parties or gatherings with friends. So, what are you waiting for? Get your deck of cards and beer ready, and let the “Electricity” flow!