Top 13 Card Drinking Games
There's nothing like a good card game to get the party started! With these 13 card drinking games, you have an ace up your sleeve to make your party unforgettable.
✍️ December 20, 2022
- 🤔 1. Give and Take
- 🙀 2. Circle of Death Drinking Card Game
- 🪫 3. Electricity Drinking Card Game
- ♠️ 4. Indian Poker
- 🃏 5. UNO as Drinking Card Game
- 🥵 6. Pyramid
- 🍻 7. Bullshit Drinking Card Game
- 💩 8. Asshole Drinking Card Game
- 🤪 9. Spoons
- 😆 10. Fuck the Dealer
- 🚌 11. Ride The Bus
- ⬆️ 12. Higher or Lower
- 🗂️ 13. Categories Card Game
- 🤓 FAQs about drinking card games
A good drinking game is all about simplicity and fun. Sometimes, you only need a deck of cards to have a wild and unforgettable party with your friends.
Card drinking games are easy to learn and often require no additional equipment, making them perfect for impromptu gatherings or last-minute plans. So, grab those cards and a few of your favorite drinks, and get ready to have fun with these top 13 card-drinking games.
1. Give and Take

About to have a party with friends and need a simple yet fun drinking game? Give and Take is the perfect choice — it’s like Truth or Dare, but with a deck of cards!
How to Play Give and Take
The only things you need to play are a deck of cards, a group of at least three people, and alcohol! Here’s how to play:
1. Assign a dealer. Shuffle the deck, then deal four cards to each player, laying them out face up for everyone to see.
2. Set up the game. Make two rows of six cards each, designating one row for “give or dare” and the other for “take or truth”. These cards should be face down.
3. Begin with the “take or truth” side. The dealer reveals the first card of the “take or truth” row. If you have a card matching the revealed card’s value, you must either answer a question or take a drink as decided by the group.
For example: When a heart Jack is revealed, and a player has a spade, Jack, then the cards match.
4. Continue with the “give or dare” side. When it’s time, the dealer flips the first card on the “give or dare” row. If you have a matching card, you can choose someone to drink; in return, they will give you a dare.
5. Deal with matching cards. If two or more players have matching cards, they play rock, paper, scissors. The winner decides to answer or drink; the losers must take a sip!
6. Use replacements if needed. If no one has a card that matches the revealed card, draw a replacement from the deck.
7. Keep the game going until all cards are revealed. Flip each card one by one, following the steps above. The game ends when both rows of cards have been completely turned over, and all dares, or you’ve had enough drinks!
Remember, the goal is to have fun, so make sure the questions and dares are entertaining and not too personal. Enjoy your game!
Give and Take Drinking Game Rules
Each card from one to six in the rows increments the drinking time. To help your game flow smoothly, here’s what each card means:
1. The first card of each row represents 2 seconds.
If you choose not to answer a question or complete a dare, you have to drink for 2 seconds. From row to row, you now add another 2 seconds.
2. The second card represents 4 seconds.
If you choose not to answer a question or complete a dare, you must drink for 4 seconds.
3. The third card represents 6 seconds.
If you choose not to answer a question or complete a dare, you have to drink for 6 seconds.
4. The fourth card represents 8 seconds.
If you choose not to answer a question or complete a dare, you have to drink for 8 seconds.
5. The fifth card represents 10 seconds.
If you choose not to answer a question or complete a dare, you have to drink for 10 seconds.
6. The sixth card represents chugging your drink.
You have to finish your drink if you choose not to answer a question or complete a dare. This is definitely the hardest one!
2. Circle of Death Card Drinking Game

Circle of Death, also known as Kings Cup, is a classic drinking game that never gets old. With minimal setup and simple instructions, it’s perfect for any party!
How to Play Circle of Death
To play this game, you’ll need a deck of cards, a cup, and some alcohol. Here are the steps to follow:
1. Set up the game. Spread out all 52 cards face down in a circle around an empty cup.
2. Draw cards from the circle. The first player, to the dealer’s left, draws a card from the circle and follows its rule. The game continues clockwise.
3. Act according to the drawn card. Once you draw a card, you must follow whatever action that card represents. This is where the fun begins!
4. Keep going! After the player completes their action, the next player draws a card and follows its instructions. If you break one of the game’s rules or make a mistake, take a sip from the cup in the middle!
Circle of Death Game Rules
Each card in Circle of Death has a different action assigned to it. Here’s what each card represents:
1. King
King’s Cup: The first three players who draw this card pour their drinks into the King’s Cup in the middle of the table. The 4th person who gets this card must finish the mixed drink.
2. Queen
Categories: Once you draw this card, you can create a category, and the person to your right must name things that fit it.
This continues around the table until someone can’t think of anything anymore. That person must drink.
For example: You name Oscar winners and say Leonardo DiCaprio, Will Smith, or Jennifer Lawrence.
3. Jack
Make A Rule: This is the most powerful card, as you can create a new rule for the game or remove an existing one. If a player breaks a rule, they must drink!
For example: Everyone needs to speak in a French accent from now on, or everyone must raise their left hand when they drink. You can get creative in this one.
4. Ten
Social: Everyone has to drink!
5. Nne
Rhyme: The player says a word, and the player to their right has to say a word that rhymes. It’s not allowed to use the same word twice.
This continues from person to person until someone can’t think of a rhyming word or takes too long to answer. That person has to drink.
For example:
- Nina says, “I choose the word Fear.”
- Maria responds with, “Clear!”
- Daniel follows with, “Beer!”
- Lisa chimes in with, “Hear!” But then Nina can’t think of another rhyme, so she has to take a drink.
6. Eight
Drinking Mate: Choose a player to drink beside you for the rest of the game. They will drink whenever you do.
When another 8-card is drawn by one of the mates, they choose another player, and all three have to drink. It’s also possible to merge with another pair this way. The ties to this rule are only canceled if all game players become mated.
7. Seven
Thumb Master: If you draw a 7, you become the Thumb Master. As Thumb Master, whenever you put your thumb on the table, all other players must race to do likewise. The last player to put their thumb on the table loses and must drink.
The drawer of this card is allowed to do this at any point. They remain the thumb master until the next seven is drawn or the game ends.
8. Six
For the Girls: All the female players have to drink.
9. Five
For the Boys: All the guys must drink.
10. Four
Give 2, take 2: You and a player of your choice take two sips each.
11. Three
Me: If you draw this card, you have to take a drink.
12. Two
Give 2: Either one player of your choice must take two sips, or two players must take one. You decide.
👉 Suggested read: 10+ Fun Couples Card Drinking Games for Your Next Date Night
13. Ace
Waterfall: When an ace card is drawn, players start drinking their beverage simultaneously with the person to their left. No player is allowed to stop until the player before has stopped.
Play Circle of Death Online
Don’t have a deck of cards handy? You can play Circle of Death or Kings Cup online instead. It’s perfect for video chat parties, too!
You can download our free Kings Cup app on your phone or play it on our web app anytime!

3. Electricity Drinking Card Game

An electrifying game for any party! Electricity is a fast-paced drinking game that will keep you on your toes. Get ready to get shocked!
How to Play Electricity
The goal of this game is to create a current and get the booze going. All you need is a minimum of four players, one to two decks of cards, and 3-4 beers per person!
How is a current created? Once a player reveals a card that matches the previous player’s card, the game ends when all cards of the deck have been drawn or you run out of beer, whichever comes first.
Electricity Game Rules
The game begins when the first player draws a card from the deck and reveals it to everyone. The person to their left then flips over the next card.
An electric current is formed if it matches in number, suit, or face. If this occurs, those involved must take a drink!
Cards can match in three categories:
- In number (e.g., two 6s)
- In suit (e.g., two hearts)
- In face (e.g., two queens)
How much they have to drink depends on the flipped card. There are variations, but the easiest way is to equal the number on the card to the seconds the players have to drink. Ace would count for one, King for 13 seconds of drinking. It’s as easy as that!
4. Indian Poker

Good at bluffing? Indian Poker is the game for you! This drinking game can get intense, so be ready to put on your poker face.
How to Play Indian Poker
Indian Poker is a simple game with minimal requirements. All you need is a deck of cards, some drinks, and a minimum of four players.
1. Gather all players and make sure everyone has a drink.
Be comfortable with the people you play this game with.
2. Deal one card to each player, face down.
Ensure you don’t peek at your card; the excitement comes from not knowing.
3. Hold your card to your forehead facing out.
This way, every player except you can see your card’s value.
4. Based on others ’ cards, decide whether to stay in the round or fold.
You have to guess if your card is higher than the others.
For example, you may want to fold if you see others holding a 6 and a 9. The chances of having higher than a 9 aren’t that great.
5. Place your card down on the table when it’s your turn.
Everyone who hasn’t folded will do the same until all cards are face up on the table. The highest card wins!
6. Losers drink!
If you stayed in the round, but your card was lower than the winner’s, you must drink twice. If you folded and had a higher card than the winner, drink your card value.
For example, if the winner has a King, and you folded with an Ace in your hand, drink 14 times.
7. The winner shuffles and deals for the next round!
Keep playing until you run out of cards or have had enough to drink.
5. UNO as Drinking Card Game

Love the classic game of UNO but want to add an extra level of fun? Turn it into a drinking game!
How to Play UNO as a Drinking Game
The rules for playing UNO as a drinking game are simple. All you need is a deck of UNO cards, some friends, and drinks, and you’re ready to go!
1. Deal the cards.
Each player takes seven cards from the deck. The remaining cards form the draw pile.
2. The first player reveals a card from the draw pile.
The first player draws one card from the draw pile and flips it over for everyone to see. The game begins with the card on top of the draw pile.
3. Take turns laying down cards.
Play continues clockwise, and players must lay down a card that matches either in number or color to the one on the discard pile. They must draw from the draw pile if they do not have a playable card.
4. Follow standard UNO rules.
The standard UNO rules apply. Players must say “uno” when they have one card left and draw two cards if someone suspects them of not saying it.
5. Follow the drinking game rules for special cards.
Special UNO cards such as Draw Two, Skip, and Reverse can be used as an opportunity for players to drink.
6. Whoever discards their last card first wins and gets to make a rule!
The game’s winner can devise a rule for the next round. This could include things like “everyone drinks with their left hand” or “say ‘cheers’ before each turn.”
UNO Drinking Game Rules
UNO Drinking Game is more fun when different drinking rules are assigned to each action card. To better understand how the rules work, we have a list ready for you to follow:
1. Take one drink if you either forget the rules of the cards or ask a question.
You’ll need to remember all the special rules or your glass will be empty quickly.
2. Drink if you are reversed or skipped.
This means whenever you lose your turn, you take a sip. Keep an eye on those Skip and Reverse cards!
3. Take one drink if you play an identically numbered card as the person before you.
This rule keeps you on your toes, watching what everyone plays so you’re not caught off guard.
4. Once you cannot play a card from your hand, you’ll have to pick up a card.
If you’re lucky enough to play it, no drinks for you. If not, take a sip and hope for better luck next time.
5. Drink twice if you play a Draw-Two card.
Yes, you’re making someone else pick up cards, but you’ll also pay a small price for it.
6. Everyone has to drink when you put down a Draw-Four card!
It’s a powerful move that affects everyone’s glass, including yours.
7. Forgetting to shout “UNO” when having only one card results in 4 drinks.
Always keep track of your cards, or you might end up chugging more than you bargained for.
8. If you play a suspension card, the player of your choice must drink.
It’s a bit of power in your hands, so choose wisely who you want to sip a little extra.
9. The player with the most cards at the end of the game will have to finish their drink.
This rule ensures that even if you’re losing, the game ends on an exciting note for everyone.
10. You can make up any rule if you put down a blank wild card!
This is your chance to get creative and maybe turn the tables in your favor.
6. Pyramid

Pyramid is a great memory card-drinking game to start the party! It’s a simple game that requires little to no setup, making it a perfect addition to any social gathering.
How to Play the Pyramid Drinking Game
The players need to remember the cards they were dealt! They then give out drinks based on whether someone is bluffing or if they have a matching card in the pyramid.
The pyramid is flipped over one by one, and players take turns guessing whether their card is in the pyramid. If a player guesses correctly, they can give out drinks to anyone or make a rule.
1. Deal the cards.
Each player takes four cards from the deck and places them in front of them face down.
2. Flip over one card at a time from the pyramid.
Start with the top row and flip over each card, moving downwards to create a pyramid shape.
3. Take turns guessing if your card is in the pyramid.
When a player’s card is flipped, they can guess if it is in their pile. They can give out drinks or make a rule if they are correct.
4. Give out drinks for incorrect guesses or bluffing.
If a player guesses incorrectly or bluffs about having a matching card, they must drink the number of cards left in their pile.
5. The player with the most cards at the end must finish their drink.
This rule ensures that even if you’re losing, the game ends on an exciting note for everyone.
7. Bullshit Drinking Card Game

If you’re a great liar, the Bullshit Drinking Game is the best game for you! Can you bluff your way to victory? Find out with this fun and easy card game.
How to Play the Bullshit Drinking Card Game
The game’s goal is to get rid of all your cards first. Players must bluff their way through as they discard their cards individually, building upon the previous player’s discarded card.
1. Shuffle and deal the deck evenly among players.
All cards are dealt out to each player, with no cards remaining.
2. Discard an ace to start the game.
The player to the dealer’s left starts by placing an ace face down in the middle of the table. The next player then takes their turn.
3. Follow suit and play a higher card.
The next player must discard a card or multiple cards of a higher rank. For example, after an ace, which typically has the lowest rank, comes a two, three, and so on.
4. Bullshit your way through.
Eventually, players may not have a higher card to discard or choose not to play one. In this case, they can bluff their way through by placing down any number of cards and claiming that they match the rank of the previous card.
5. Call out “Bullshit” if you think someone is lying.
If a player suspects that another player is bluffing, they must say “Bullshit.” The player who placed the cards then reveals them.
6. Take a drink if you were caught bluffing.
If the player was lying, they must take all the cards from that round or drink! If the player was telling the truth, the accuser must take all the cards or drink!
7. Continue playing until someone gets rid of all their cards.
The winner is the first player to discard all their cards, and everyone else must finish their drinks as a punishment! Play multiple rounds for added fun.
8. Asshole Drinking Card Game

Asshole, also called President, is a turn-based card-drinking game that is enjoyed by people all over the world! Though it may seem complicated at first, it’s a fun and engaging game that can be played with any number of players.
How to Play the Asshole Drinking Game
The game aims to get rid of your cards as quickly as possible to not become the ‘Asshole’. To start the game, you need a deck of cards, a minimum of four players, and some drinks.
1. The game is played around a hierarchy.
The roles go from President, Vice President, and regular people to Vice-Asshole and Asshole. The first thing to do is to sort out the Jokers and deal out one round of cards.
2. The person with the lowest card is the Asshole, and the one with the highest card is the King.
If two people have the same card value, they must draw again.
3. Once everyone has their role, it’s up to the Asshole to sort out the Jokers, shuffle the deck carefully and deal out the cards.
Every player should get the same number of cards; depending on the number of people, each person should get either 6 or 7 cards.
4. The President always goes first, placing down a card.
Followed by the Vice President, and the next players in the hierarchy. You must place down a card with a higher value during your turn.
The Asshole Drinking Game Rules
If you’re the President, you’ll have the most power! But if you’re the Asshole, you’ll always go last and have to follow the other players’ orders.
Therefore make sure to understand the game’s rules so that you can become the master of the other players’ destinies!
Playing Cards: Once a card has been played, the next player must play a card with a higher value. However, playing the same card previously put down is not allowed.
The player who goes first or starts a new hand can drop two identical cards. If this is done, the next player must drop two matching cards of a higher value.
Players can also pass on their turn, but if everyone passes during a round, a new hand begins, and the person who dropped the last card will begin the new hand.
Card Values: The Ace is the highest card, and three is the lowest. Card 2 is special because the entire pile is cleared once played. The player who dropped the two then begins the next hand.
Roles and Positions in the Asshole Drinking Card Game
The order in which players get rid of their cards determines each player’s position for the next game. Keep reading to find out more about the roles in the Asshole drinking game:
1. President:
- Before each game, the President can request two cards from the Asshole in exchange for two of their worst cards.
- Has the first turn of the next game.
- Can force players to drink anytime, regardless of the reason.
- Can tell the servants to bring them more drinks as needed.
2. Vice-President:
- The Vice-President takes a card of choice from the Vice-Asshole in return for the Vice-President’s worst card.
- The Vice-President has the turn after the President.
- The Vice-President can make anyone except for the President drink anytime.
3. Normal People:
- Normal people can force Assholes and other Normal People to drink.
4. Vice-Asshole:
- The Vice-Asshole has the turn second to last.
- The Vice-Asshole can force the Asshole to drink.
5. Asshole:
- The Asshole has the last turn.
- Must refill and bring the other’s drinks when needed.
- Must clear the piles when the and is over and deal the cards.
9. Spoons

Have fast reflexes and an eagle’s eye? Then Spoons is the perfect drinking game for you! Spoons requires a deck of cards, some spoons, and some drinks.
How to Play Spoons Drinking Game
Playing Spoons is easy. All you need is a deck of cards, one fewer spoon than the number of players, and some drinks. Here’s how you play:
1. Have a dealer deal out four cards to each player.
The remaining cards are placed face-down in the middle of your playing area.
2. The first person takes a card from the deck and passes a card to the player on their left.
If the player likes the card given to them, they keep it and pass one of their other cards to the player on their left.
3. Players must pay attention to what card is being passed around.
Once someone has four matching cards, they can take a spoon from the center. The players remaining must then do the same. The person without a spoon is the loser and must drink.
4. Keep playing!
Start passing around cards again, and the last person to grab a spoon must drink.
10. Fuck the Dealer

Fuck the Dealer is an excellent drinking game for two people. The best thing? It can be played nearly anywhere using only a deck of cards.
How to Play Fuck the Dealer Drinking Game
The Fuck the Dealer drinking game is a card-based game where players take turns guessing the value of the top card. Also known as Screw the Dealer, this game makes players act as dealers while others try to guess what they’re holding.
1. To figure out who goes first, every person gets a card.
The player with the lowest card becomes the dealer. Note that two cards are the lowest, while ace cards are the highest.
2. The dealer puts the deck of cards face-down in the middle.
The dealer asks the players to their left what suit they think the next card will be (from hearts, spades, clubs, or diamonds).
3. If the guesser answers correctly, they become the next dealer, and the previous dealer takes a drink.
If the player answers wrong, they drink.
The dealer asks the same player: What is the value of the top face-down card on the deck (2-10, ace, king, queen, or jack)?
4. If the player guesses right, the dealer drinks, and the player becomes the new dealer.
However, if the player answers wrongly, they drink, and the dealer asks the next question.
This rule also applies to the dealer’s next question: Does the next card in the card deck have a higher or a lower value than the last revealed card?
5. After three false answers, the dealer changes and can select who they want the new dealer to be.
You can spice things up and add more rules to the game as you go, such as requiring a certain number of strikes before being kicked out or giving out additional drinks for incorrect guesses.
Fuck the Dealer Rules
Don’t like the rules we’ve listed before? Don’t worry! You can make up your own to spice up the game.
We suggest tweaking the game with the following elements: 1. If the player guesses right on their first try, the dealer drinks four times instead of only 1. If the player guesses incorrectly, they drink four times.
2. If the player gets it right the second time, the dealer drinks two times. If the player guessed wrong, they have to drink twice.
3. If the dealer guesses right on their first try after being asked about a card’s value, then everyone playing drinks twice. This rule ensures that the dealer can get revenge on the players.
4. When guessing if the top card in the deck is higher or lower, you can also implement a “switch” rule. Switch means that if a player guesses right on their first try and gets to switch the next two cards around, then everyone playing drinks two times.
11. Ride the Bus

Got strong intuition? Ride the Bus is the perfect game for you! Avoid being the bus driver and drinking all the shots.
How to Play Ride the Bus
The game’s goal is to make the correct guess on your cards so you don’t end up as the bus driver. The game is played in five rounds.
The loser of the fifth round has to be the bus driver at the end. You only need a deck of cards and drinks for every player.
Once the setup is ready, it’s time to deal out four cards face down to the players.
1st Round: What’s the color?
Each player must guess the top card’s color on their stack. If they guess wrong, they must drink; otherwise, the person is safe.
For example: If you say “black” and your card is a diamond 10, you have to drink.
2nd Round: Higher or Lower?
Every player has to guess whether the next card on their stack is higher or lower than the card they turned up in the first round. If the guess is incorrect, they have to drink.
For example: Let’s say you had a diamond 10 in your first round. Then you say “lower”, get a heart king, and you drink.
3rd Round: Inside or Outside?
All players guess whether the number of the next card is inside or outside their previous cards. If a player guesses wrong, they have to drink.
For example: Let’s say your first two cards were Diamond 10 and Heart King. If you say “outside” and get a cross 7, you don’t drink.
4th Round: What’s the suit?
In this last round, every player has to guess the suit of their last card. Just as it was in the rounds before, if you’re wrong, you must drink.
For example: If you say “heart” and your card is a cross queen, you drink.
5th Round: Pyramide Round
Firstly, the dealer lays down a pyramid of face-down cards. Starting with four cards as the base, three cards above, two cards, and finally one at the top.
Drink values increase from row to row. Therefore, cards on the bottom of the pyramid count for one drink each, and the single top card counts for four sips.
All players gather the four cards from the previous rounds. Now, the dealer uncovers one card at a time, starting with the bottom row and continuing to the top.
If one of the revealed cards has the same value as a player’s card, they may stack it on top and distribute sips to their fellow players.
The goal is to discard every card in your hand. Ultimately, the player with the most cards is the loser and becomes the bus driver.
6th Round: Riding the Bus
To ride the Bus, you must place 16 cards face-down in a diamond shape. That means one card, then two cards, three, four, three, two, and then one card again.
If a picture card like an Ace, King, Queen, or Jack is uncovered, the player sips for every already revealed card. Once the bus driver has finished drinking, they start the ride again.
However, each already uncovered card will be replaced with a new card before they continue.
This circle repeats until the player eventually manages to uncover seven non-picture cards in a row or until the deck is finished.
12. Higher or Lower
Love making wild guesses? If so, Higher or Lower is perfect for you! If your guess is wrong, you’ll be drinking up a storm.
How to Play Higher or Lower
First, all players gather in a circle. Then, choose a dealer who shuffles the deck and picks the first card. The dealer hides the card’s value from the rest of the players.
1. Start guessing!
The first player has to guess if the next card is higher or lower than the card dealt by the dealer. If they are wrong, they have to drink; if they get it right, they keep the card.
2. Keep guessing.
If you get it right once, you can try your luck again. However, if you get it wrong the second time, you must drink double the amount of sips.
Example: If you guessed right in the first round but wrong in the second round, you must drink twice as much as what was agreed upon at the beginning of the game.
3. Collect cards.
You can keep guessing (as long you get it right) three times. After you’ve collected three cards, the next person in the circle gets a chance to guess. The game continues until someone guesses wrong.
4. Win the game!
Whoever collects the most cards at the end wins!
13. Categories Card Game
Want to test your brain power while having a drink? Categories Card Game is all about naming items under a certain category as fast as you can!
How to Play Categories Card Game
First, gather all the players around a table. Then, place a deck of cards assigned with different categories (such as animals, countries, foods) face down in the middle.
1. Choose a card.
The first player picks up the top card and reads the category. For example, if the card says “animals,” each player must come up with an animal name.
2. Keep naming items.
After the first player names an item, the next person has to name a different item that falls under the same category. The game continues until someone can’t think of more items or repeats something already mentioned.
For example, if the first player says “cat,” the next person could say “dog,” and then the third person could say “elephant.” If a player can’t think of an animal or repeats something already mentioned (e.g., saying “cat” again), they must drink.
3. Play until everyone has had enough!
The game continues until all cards have been played or players are too drunk to continue. The player with the fewest drinks is declared the winner!
Card-drinking games are a fun and exciting way to enjoy a night with friends. They offer an opportunity to bond, laugh, and make memories while enjoying some drinks.
Remember to drink responsibly and have a designated driver or plan for transportation after the game. Cheers! 🍻
FAQs about drinking card games
1. What drinking game can you play with cards?
There are various card-drinking games, from easy to tricky. Which game you want to play might also depend on how many people you are and how quickly you want to get drunk.
2. What is a drinking card game?
Drinking card games are card games that combine drinking and entertainment. Usually, you have to drink when you lose or make a mistake during the game. The goal is to get drunk with your friends while having fun and challenging each other.
3. What is the most fun card game to play?
The most fun card game, in general, is UNO, as it has been around for decades and is known by young and old. The best thing about it? It can also be turned into a drinking game, so it’s a perfect ice breaker for parties when you’re unfamiliar with the guests.
4. What card games can you play in a pub?
Games like Poker, Black Jack, or Kings can easily be played at a pub, and you only need a few people to start the game. If you want to make new friends in the pub, they can join these games quickly since they are well-known drinking card games.