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Bored of playing the same old drinking games with friends? Want to add a little heat and excitement to your game night?

Look no further than “Drink or Strip” - a thrilling, adults-only drinking game that is guaranteed to spice up any party or date night!

What is “Drink or Strip”?

Drink or Strip is a drinking strip game that’s not for the faint of heart. While it’s perfect for couples who want to try something new, this game is also awesome for groups of friends too!

Although “Drink or Strip” is similar to Strip Poker because both involve losing clothing, it is a much more fast-paced and exciting game. Drink or Strip is much easier to play which means people get drunk and naked a lot faster!

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How to Play “Drink or Strip”

“Drink or Strip” is one of the easiest naked drinking games to play at any party! Here’s what you need to get started:

  • A coin
  • Some drinks (alcoholic or non-alcoholic)
  • An open mind and a sense of adventure 😉

Once everything is ready, follow these steps to play “Drink or Strip”:

Step 1: Throw the coin and make a call:

The main rule to remember when playing “Drink or Strip” is that when a player throws a coin, they need to make a call (while the coin is in the air) whether it’ll land on heads or tails.

As a group or a couple, decide if players can catch the coin and flip it or if they will just let it land on the table.

Step 2: If the player guesses correctly…

If a player guesses correctly, they can pass the coin to the next player. But they also can throw again and try their luck at guessing one more time.

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Step 3: If the player guesses correctly twice in a row…

If the player guesses correctly twice in a row, they can (again) pass the coin to the next player, but they also can choose to toss again for a potential third time.

Step 4: If the player guesses correctly for the third time…

If the player guesses correctly for the third time, they can put on an article of clothing instead of removing it. The player can now hand over the coin to another player.

Step 5: If the player guesses wrong…

If the player guesses wrong, they have to remove one article of clothing or take a drink. They also have to pass the coin to the next player.

Step 6: The game continues…

The game continues as players take turns throwing and making guesses. As players become more tipsy and daring, they may choose to make riskier calls or take off more clothing.

“Drink or Strip” game rules

As with any game, establishing rules is important before starting “Drink or Strip.” Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind:

🤓 Suggested read: How to Play Nasty or Nice: The Shot Bar Drinking Game Guide

1. Set boundaries.

Before playing, ensure everyone involved is comfortable with the level of nudity and drinking in this game.

2. Be respectful.

This is meant to be a fun and thrilling game, but it’s important to respect each other’s boundaries and avoid any unwanted advances or pressure.

3. Stay hydrated.

While the main focus is on drinking alcohol, it’s important to also have non-alcoholic beverages available and to drink water in between rounds.

4. Additonal rules!

If you want to make the “Drink or Strip” more exciting, consider incorporating additional rules, here are a few suggestions:

  • Add dares: If a player is feeling particularly daring, they can choose to complete a dare instead of taking off an article of clothing or drinking.
  • Truth or drink: Instead of guessing heads or tails, players can opt for a game of truth or drink, where they have to answer a question honestly or take a drink.
  • Switch it up: Players can switch roles and become the one tossing the coin while another player makes the call. If the player guesses correctly, they get to keep their clothing on or choose another player to remove an article of clothing.
  • Clothing count: Decide at the beginning how many articles of clothing count as permissible for removal. This ensures everyone starts on equal footing and adds a strategic layer to “Drink or Strip”.
  • Coin flip master: Assign a Coin Flip Master who is responsible for flipping the coin whenever a player cannot decide. This role can rotate to keep the game fair.
  • Penalty round: Introduce a penalty round where the player who loses a challenge, besides taking off an item of clothing or drinking, must also perform a little dance or sing a song, adding a fun and embarrassing element to “Drink or Strip”.
  • Wildcard rule: Every 10 minutes, the game enters a ‘wildcard’ phase, during which normal rules are suspended and players can suggest any rule they like.

“Drink or Strip” is a fun and exciting game perfect for spicing up date nights or parties with friends. It’s easy to play and can be adapted to suit different preferences and comfort levels. So next time you’re looking for a new drinking game, give “Drink or Strip” a try!

🤓 Suggested read: 10+ Fun Couples Card Drinking Games for Your Next Date Night

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