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A fun night out with friends often involves some form of drinking game. And if you’re tired of the same old games, let us introduce you to “Baseball” โ€“ a turn-based team drinking game that combines skill, strategy, and, of course, drinks!

This game combines the popular drinking games: beer pong and flip cup. It’s perfect for large groups and a great addition to any party or pregame. So why not try “Baseball” and see who among your friends will be crowned the ultimate champion?

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If you need more fun, check out these extremely fun drinking games for your next party!

How to play “Baseball” Drinking Game

Baseball isn’t just about throwing a ball or swinging a bat. In this drinking game, you’ll need hand-eye coordination, teamwork, and quick reflexes to come out on top.

To play the Baseball drinking game, you will need:

  • 14 drinking cups
  • At least one ping pong ball (we recommend more so you don’t have to keep retrieving them)
  • A long, rectangular table to play on
  • Your favorite alcoholic beverage (we recommend beer)
  • At least 4 players (ideally 8 players) to make 2 teams

How to set up

The “Baseball” drinking game requires preparation before the game begins. Here’s how to set it up:

1. Place the cups on the table:

Place 4 cups each at the center of both ends, forming two lines of cups, one for each team. Then, above and below this line, at their centers, place 3 cups each, which serve as the bases. There will be 14 cups in total.

2.ย Fill the 8 cups with water:

Fill the 8 cups (4 at each side) with water halfway. This will keep them steady and prevent them from being knocked over easily.

3.ย Fill the 6 cups along the side of the table with an alcoholic drink of your choice:

Fill the 6 cups along the side of the table with any alcoholic drink. We recommend using beer for the “Baseball” drinking game as it’s easy to drink and tends not to make people too drunk!

4.ย Decide the teams:

Decide which team will be the home team and which will be the away team. This can be done using various methods, such as flipping a coin or rock-paper scissors. The away team goes first.

5.ย Position your defense:

The defense team positions a player at each cup on the right side of the table and one behind the end of the table. You can take turns or decide before the game begins who will defend which cup.


Once you have everything set up, you’re ready to start playing the game! Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to play the “Baseball” drinking game:

1. Throw a ping-pong ball into one of the opposing team’s cups

The batter stands behind their team’s end of the table and tries to throw the ping-pong ball into one of the four cups at the opposite end of the table.

Depending on which cup the ping-pong ball lands in, different rules apply to the batter:

  • The ball lands in the first cup: The player may proceed to the first base, the first cup on their side of the table.
  • The ball lands in the second cup: The player may proceed to the second base, the second cup on their side of the table.
  • The ball lands in the third cup: The player may proceed to the third base, the third cup on their side of the table.
  • The ball lands in the fourth cup: The player scores a run and earns one point for their team.
  • If the ball lands in a cup, the owner of the cup has to drink ๐Ÿป: If the ball lands in any of the four cups, the player who owns that cup has to take a sip of their drink.

2. The batter is out if…

Certain conditions can lead to the batter being out, and the next player on their team has to take their turn. The batter is out if:

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  • they miss the cup three times
  • they miss the table
  • a player of the opposite team catches the ball

3. After three outs, the teams switch.

After three players on the same team are out, the teams switch offense and defense. Now, it’s the other team’s turn to be on offense, while the first team is now on defense.

4. You can earn a point by challenging your opponent to play a round of flip cup.

The batter can challenge their opponent to a round of flip cups at any time. All they have to do is drink their cup and then place it upside down on the table’s edge. The opponent then has to do the same.

  • If the opponent manages to drink their cup and flip it over before the batter does, the batter is out.
  • If the batter manages to drink their cup and flip it over before the opponent does, they earn one point for their team.

5. The team with the most points win!

Keep playing the “Baseball” drinking game until a certain score is reached, or play for a certain amount of time. The team with the most points at the end of the game is the winner!

“Baseball” Drinking Game Rules

A fun game like “Baseball” wouldn’t be complete without a few drinking game rules to add some spice and excitement to the game. Here are a few optional rules you can add to your game:

๐Ÿ“– Suggested read: The Ultimate "Boat Race" Drinking Game Guide

1. Drink if a ball lands in your cup.

If the ball lands in any of the four cups, the player who owns that cup has to take a sip of their drink.

2. Drink if you play flip cup.

The batter can challenge the defender to a round of flip cup at any time. Both have to drink their cup and then place it upside down on the edge of the table:

  • If the defender manages to drink their cup and flip it over before the batter does, the batter is out.
  • If the batter manages to drink their cup and flip it over before the defender does, they earn one point for their team.

3. Double or nothing.

The batter can challenge the defender to a round of double or nothing after scoring a run. If the batter wins, their team earns an additional point. But if they lose, the opposing team gets one point instead.

4. Wild card cup

Before the “Baseball” drinking game begins, decide on one cup, which will be the wild card cup. If a player lands their ball in this cup, they automatically score two runs for their team.

Watching “Baseball” Drinking Game (#watching-baseball)

Don’t feel like setting up and playing the game? You can still enjoy the excitement and camaraderie by watching “Baseball” and playing a fun drinking game with your friends.

๐Ÿ“– Suggested read: The Ultimate Guide to "Flip Cup"

Here are some ideas for a drinking game while watching others play:

1. Drink every time a player scores a run.

Whenever a player on either team scores a run, everyone watching must take a sip of their drink.

2. Drink if someone misses the cup three times in a row.

If someone on either team misses the cup three times in a row, everyone watching has to finish their drink.

3. Drink if there is an argument over a rule.

If there is an argument between players about a rule, everyone watching has to take a sip of their drink until the disagreement is resolved.

4. Finish your drink if someone hits a home run.

If someone on either team manages to get the ball in all four cups on their turn, everyone watching has to finish their drink in celebration of the impressive feat.

5. Take a shot if the game goes into extra innings.

If the game is tied after nine innings and continues into extra innings, everyone watching has to take a shot in anticipation of the intense game ahead.

6. Sip your drink if someone spills their drink.

If a player accidentally spills their drink during the game, everyone watching must take a small sip of their own drink in solidarity.

So gather your friends, set up your table, and get ready to swing and chug in this thrilling drinking game of “Baseball”!ย Remember to drink responsibly and have fun! ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ…

Top 10 Outdoor Drinking Games for Any Fun Occasion
Suggested read: Top 10 Outdoor Drinking Games for Any Fun Occasion
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Party & Drinking Games

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