Hosting an outdoor event? Try the "Balloon" Drinking Game – a physical drinking game that keeps everyone entertained. Get step-by-step instructions to make your party successful!
✍️ May 2, 2024
A fun party is complete with an equally fun and engaging activity to entertain your friends and family. And when it comes to outdoor events, the “Balloon” drinking game is a perfect choice.
This physical drinking game requires minimal setup, making it ideal for any outdoor setting. So whether you’re hosting a backyard BBQ, a beach party, or a picnic in the park, this game is guaranteed to make your party a hit!
How to Play “Balloon” Drinking Game
The “Balloon” drinking game is easy to learn and perfect for all ages (above the legal drinking age, of course!). To get started, you will need:
- A pack of balloons
- Some alcohol (beer, wine, or spirits)
- Two newspapers
- Six or more players
1. Divide your group
Before starting the “Balloon” drinking game, divide your group into two teams. Each team should have at least three players, but the more players, the merrier! Line up the teams facing each other.
2. Prepare your materials
Inflate two balloons, one for each team, and give each player to the first player in the line. Give them each a newspaper as well.
3. Start the game
When the host shouts “Go!”, the first players of each team must place their balloon on top of the newspaper and then proceed to hit it towards the next player.
No hands can be used, only the newspaper. The player must keep hitting the balloon towards their team member without letting it fall on the ground.
4. Keep your eyes on the balloon
If a player drops the balloon or touches the ground, that player must take a drink and then run to tag the next player in line. The “Balloon” drinking game continues until each team has completed their turn, and the balloon reaches the last player.
5. Drink up!
The team whose balloon reaches the last player first is declared the winner. The losing team then has to drink up!
“Balloon” Drinking Game Rules
This fun and active game is perfect for outdoor parties, and the rules are simple. Here are some bonus tips and strategies to make your “Balloon” drinking game even more exciting:
1. No skipping a player allowed! This rule means you can’t hit the balloon to the last player without passing it through every team member.
2. Pop the balloon for more fun. When the balloon reaches the last player, they must pop it without using their hands. Instead, they can sit on it or use any other body part.
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3. Add a twist by imposing a time limit to complete the game. If neither team finishes within the time limit, both teams must drink up!
4. Make new rules. The winning team can make a new rule for the next round, such as using only one hand to hit the balloon or hitting it with their elbows.
With these tips and strategies, you can host an epic outdoor party with the “Balloon” drinking game. So gather your friends, grab some drinks, and let the fun begin!