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A good drinking game is the soul of every party. And if you’re looking for something new, exciting, and crazy to do at your next party, then you’ve come to the right place! This ultimate list of 17 insanely fun drinking games has you covered.

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From classic favorites to unique twists on old classics, these games offer something for everyone. So whether you’re a beer pong pro or prefer more creative games, you’ll find something here to make your next party unforgettable.

So gather your friends, stock up on drinks, and get ready for a night of epic fun with these 17 insanely fun drinking games. Let the games begin!

Fun Drinking Games

1. Buzz Drinking Game

Buzz is a game that seems easy to play at first, but don’t be fooled - it’s a game that ramps up the difficulty as you go. The game starts simple: players take turns counting from one, but here’s the twist – certain numbers get swapped out for the word “buzz.”

Mess up and forget to say “buzz”? Well, get those drinks in order because it’s time to drink! The game gets more challenging as you go, so the fun and laughs never stop.

How to Play Buzz Drinking Game

Buzz is a fast-paced drinking game that becomes more challenging as you go on. To start playing Buzz, the youngest player or whoever the group decides to start will begin the count and say “one”.

The player to their left continues the count by declaring “two,” and so on. This continues until you reach specific numbers replaced by the word “buzz.” Here are the rules for when to say “buzz”:

  • Any number containing the number 7 or 11, such as 17, 27, or 411
  • Any multiple of a number with 7 in it, like 21 (3 x 7)
  • Any two-digit number like 55, 11, or 12
  • Any time you would say a two-digit number that contains both numbers from your age. For example, if you’re 25, you would say “buzz” for numbers 25 and 52.
  • Any time you would say a number that ends in 0, such as 10 or 50

If a player misses saying “buzz” when they’re supposed to or says it when they’re not supposed to, they must take a drink. The game continues until someone messes up and drinks!

The best part about Buzz? You can make up your own rules depending on how you want to play! Here are a few additional options to spice up the game:

  • Introduce a “reverse” rule: when someone messes up, the direction of counting changes.
  • Have a designated number that changes every round where everyone has to say another word instead of “buzz,” like “fizz” or “pop.”
  • Add in a new rule that players must do certain actions, like jumping or high-fiving when they say buzz.

2. Beer Pong Beirut

When it comes to fun party drinking games, you can never go wrong with a classic game of Beer Pong Beirut. Whether you’re a player or a spectator, people competing to shoot ping pong balls into red solo cups half-filled with beer is exciting!

How to Play Beer Pong Beirut

As its name implies, Beer Pong is played similarly to a regular ping pong game. However, you don’t need a table tennis table or paddle to play! Instead, you’ll need a long table, preferably a ping pong table or one of similar length.

The game starts with two teams set up on opposite ends of the table. Each team has ten cups filled with beer placed in a triangular (3-2-1) formation at the end of the table.

The goal is to toss ping-pong balls into your opponent’s cups, attempting to eliminate all their cups. Once a player successfully shoots a ping-pong ball into a cup, their opponent has to drink the cup where the ball landed, and that cup gets taken off the table.

The game continues until one team eliminates all the other team’s cups.

Sound a little boring? Here are a few variations to spice up the game:

  • Behind-the-back shot: Players can try to make shots from behind their backs. If they successfully make it, the other team has to drink double.
  • Waterfall rule: In this variation, when a player sinks a ball in a cup, everyone on their team starts drinking, and they can’t stop until the person to their right stops. This rule gets fun when several players make a shot in quick succession!
  • Ghosting rule: If you’re feeling confident, you can attempt to “ghost.” It’s where you try to blow an opponent’s ball away from its cup while it’s still in motion.

3. Kings Cup

Playing card games is another fun activity you can do, and what better way to make them even more exciting than turning it into a drinking game? Kings Cup is a classic party game that does just that!

Play Kings Cup Online

Don’t have a deck of cards handy? No problem! You can play Kings Cup online on our web app or your phone! You’ll never have to worry about running out of cards again while playing this classic drinking game.

Play Kings Cup online

How to Play Kings Cup

To play Kings Cup, you will need a deck of cards and a cup placed in the center of the table. Start by placing the deck face-down around the cup.

Next, spread out all the cards around the cup face down. Each card has its meaning, so here are some examples:

All Kings Cup rules on paper to print at home
  • Ace: “Waterfall” - Everyone starts drinking, and they can’t stop until the person to their right stops.
  • Two: “You” - Choose someone in the game to take a drink.
  • Three: “Me” - The player who drew this card must drink.
  • Four: “Floor” - Everyone playing has to touch the floor. The last one to do so must drink.
  • Five: “Guys” - All the guys playing have to take a drink.
  • Six: “Chicks” - All the girls playing have to take a drink.
  • Jack: “Never Have I Ever” - Everyone holds up three fingers. Starting with the player who drew the card, they say something they’ve never done (e.g., skydiving). If anyone has done it, they put down a finger. The first person to put down all their fingers must drink.
  • Queen: “Question Master” - Whenever the player who drew this card asks someone a question, they can’t answer with a question. If they do, they must drink.
  • King: “Make a Rule” - Make up any rule you want that everyone playing has to follow for the rest of the game.
  • Joker: “Pour” - Pour some of your drink into the cup in the center. The person who draws the last joker has to chug the entire cup. The game goes on until all the cards are drawn, and whoever draws the last king must drink whatever concoction is in the cup in the center.

4. Most Likely To

If you’re looking for a drinking game that will get everyone laughing and sharing funny stories, then Most Likely To is the game for you! This game involves going around in a circle and asking each player a question starting with “Most likely to…”

How to Play Most Likely To

To play Most Likely To, you’ll need a group of people and some drinks. Start by having someone ask the first question, starting with “Most likely to…” Whoever is chosen as the most likely has to take a drink.

Play Most Likely To Online

Don’t have the time to come up with Most Likely To questions? Say no more! Experience instant fun with our online version of Most Likely To. Simply click the button below or download our app, and let the fun begin!

Play Most Likely To online

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Most Likely To Rated 4.8 stars out of five stars

Most Likely To Questions

Most Likely To questions can be about anything; there are so many topics available that you may not know where to start. Here are some Most Likely To questions that will help you kick-start your game.

1. Who is most likely to get upset for the most stupid reasons?

Does someone sitting on your “spot” on the couch count as stupid?

2. Who is most likely to get away with murder?

You better have a face to kill for!

3. Who is most likely to become a CEO at a company ranked among the top 100 largest in the world?

It’s always the quiet ones who will rule the world someday.

4. Who is most likely to go skinny dipping shamelessly?

Someone who has a great body!

5. Who is most likely to be a sucker for romantic movies?

I’ve seen people here cry while watching The Notebook!

6. Who is most likely to get kicked out of a karaoke bar for singing too passionately?

Their uncontainable enthusiasm and powerhouse vocals are bound to rock the karaoke stage, maybe a little too much!

7. Who is most likely to streak through a crowded street?

This one is for the wild at heart!

8. Who is most likely to participate in a reality TV show and cause the most drama?

Who’s the drama queen in the group?

9. Who is most likely to spend a night in jail for a dare?

Someone who loves daring adventures and isn’t afraid to take risks!

10. Who is most likely to accidentally walk into a glass door or window?

It happens to the best of us, don’t worry!

11. Who is most likely to own an exotic pet?

Because for some of us, dogs and cats are just too mainstream.

12. Who is most likely to go viral on TikTok for something silly?

One viral video away from becoming an internet sensation!

13. Who is most likely to move to another country on a whim?

For those who live by the mantra, “Adventure is out there.”

14. Who is most likely to accidentally set the kitchen on fire while cooking?

A reminder that some talents are better left undiscovered.

15. Who is most likely to cry at a work meeting?

Sometimes, the pressure is just a little too much!

5. Cheers to the Governor

Cheers to the Governor is a fun drinking game that involves counting and some silly rules. Also called the 21 Drinking Game, it’s perfect for a night of laughter and drinks with friends.

How to Play Cheers to the Governor

This game is easy to play and won’t require you to have any props. All you need is a group of people and some drinks.

1. Gather everyone in a circle. The first player will start by saying, “One,” going clockwise; each player will continue counting up to 21.

2. When you reach number 21, the person who says it gets to make a rule. It can be anything from saying a different word instead of “21” or clapping after every number. Here are some ideas for rules to get you started:

  • Instead of saying “21,” say “Cheers to the Governor!”
  • Every multiple of 7 must be replaced with a clap.
  • Switch directions every time someone says a multiple of 5.
  • For multiples of 9, everyone must raise their hands in the air.
  • Every time someone says the number 3, they must make a funny face.
  • For numbers that end in 0, players must whisper the number.
  • For every multiple of 4, players must do a silly dance move.

3. The game continues with the new rule in place. If someone messes up, they must take a drink, and the counting starts over at one.

4. When 21 is reached again, the person who made the previous rule can change it or keep it the same. The game continues until everyone has had enough drinks or agrees to stop playing.

6. Would You Rather

Would You Rather is another simple yet fun drinking game that’s all about making tough choices. This game is great for getting to know your friends better and judging their decisions in life.

How to Play Would You Rather

Playing Would You Rather requires no setup and can be played with any number of players. All you need is some drinks, a good group of friends, and crazy scenarios.

Gather everyone in a circle. The first player starts by asking another player, “Would you rather…?” and providing two options.

Then, the player is asked to choose which option they would rather take. If they refuse to answer, they must take a drink.

After the question is answered, the next player asks a “Would You Rather” question to another player, and the game continues. Keep drinking, laughing, and getting to know each other with these fun questions!

Play Would You Rather Online

Don’t have time to put up a list of questions? With our web browser and Would You Rather apps, you can generate random questions and play this game anytime, anywhere!

Play Would you rather? online

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Would you rather? Rated 4.9 stars out of five stars

Would You Rather Questions

Stumped for some good “Would You Rather” questions? If you’re playing with a group of close friends, you can come up with your personalized questions. But if you need some inspiration, here are a few to get you started:

1. Would you rather dine alone or watch a movie by yourself?

No one can see if you’re alone at the movies when the lights are switched off.

2. Would you rather lose all of the money you’ve earned this year or all of the memories you’ve gained this year?

Memories are precious!

3. Would you rather accidentally like an old photo of your ex on Instagram or accidentally send a sext to your boss?

I don’t even want to imagine what the conversation with my boss will be like.

4. Would you rather be gorgeous but dumb or ugly but rich?

If you’re rich, couldn’t you get plastic surgery instead?

5. Would you rather have a mullet haircut or an apple bob haircut?

Bring back the 80s and go for the mullet!

6. Would you rather have a wardrobe malfunction in public or trip and fall in front of a large crowd?

Embarrassment awaits, but which scenario would you rather endure?

7. Would you rather know the date of your death or know the cause of your death?

Brace yourself for the chilling prospect of foreknowledge, whether it be the when or the how.

8. Would you rather fart loudly in a quiet library or have your most embarrassing moment caught on camera and go viral?

Decide between a noisy disruption or enduring lasting digital humiliation.

9. Would you rather have a pet dinosaur that acts like a dog or a talking cat with sarcastic humor?

Prepare for hilarity as you ponder the comedic possibilities of an unconventional pet companion.

10. Would you rather have the power to make people sneeze on command or have the ability to turn any situation into a dance party?

Choose your power wisely and enjoy the attention of ruling a room!

11. Would you rather always have to sing instead of speaking or dance every time you walk?

Discover your existence’s musical or rhythmic side with every word or step.

12. Would you rather be able to read minds for a day or be invisible for a day?

Peek into the thoughts of others or move unseen - the choice could redefine your day.

13. Would you rather have an unlimited supply of your favorite snack or never have to pay for a restaurant meal again?

Indulge in everlasting snacking bliss or dine out without a care.

14. Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or 20 minutes early?

Tackle the eternal struggle between the bliss of punctuality and the curse of tardiness.

15. Would you rather have the ability to talk to animals or speak all foreign languages?

Unlock the secrets of the animal kingdom or become a master of languages.

7. Jenga as a Drinking Game

Jenga is a classic game of precision and strategy that can be easily turned into a fun drinking game. The rules are simple but require some steady hands and quick thinking.

How to Play Jenga as a Drinking Game

Playing Jenga as a drinking game requires a standard set of Jenga blocks and some drinks for the players. The goal of the game is to remove a block from the tower without causing it to collapse.

Before starting the game, you must label the wooden blocks with actions and drinking rules. Then, you set up the tower as you would for a regular game.

Take turns removing one block at a time from the Jenga tower. When it is your turn, you must read the instructions on the block you chose and follow the rules. Here are some rules you can write on the blocks:

  1. Take two drinks
  2. Give one drink to another player
  3. Make up a new rule
  4. Everyone takes a drink
  5. Skip your next turn
  6. Finish your drink
  7. Rhyme a word with “Jenga”
  8. Reverse direction of play
  9. Take one drink for every block above the one you have chosen
  10. Make someone else take your next turn

Once you finish following the instructions on the block, place the block back at the top of the tower. The game goes on until the tower collapses.

The one who has caused the tower to fall loses the game and must finish everybody’s drinks!

8. Truth or Dare

No list of party drinking games would be complete without the classic favorite, Truth or Dare! As its name implies, Truth or Dare is all about players choosing whether to share a truth about themselves or do a dare instead.

How to Play Truth or Dare

In Truth or Dare, each player chooses between answering a question truthfully or performing a dare. Before starting the game, come up with a list of questions and dares that are appropriate for your group (or not - it’s up to you!).

Play Truth or Dare Online

Don’t have a physical bottle or don’t want to come up with your questions and dares? Check our ultimate collection of over 1,000 Truth or Dare questions and dares you can access for free!

Just play it on our web app or download our app for iOS or Android and have a blast with your friends!

Play Truth or Dare online

App icon Truth or Dare
Truth or Dare Rated 4.8 stars out of five stars

Questions for Truth or Dare

Gather everybody around in a circle or sit across from each other at the table. The first person spins an empty bottle. When it stops spinning, the neck of the bottle points to another player. That player must choose between truth and dare.

If they pick the truth, ask them a question from the list you have prepared for this game. Here are a few examples to get you started:

1. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done while drunk?

Prepare for some hilarious and cringe-worthy tales of intoxicated mishaps!

2. Have you ever had a crush on someone in this room?

Let the sparks fly as we uncover hidden attractions among friends!

3. Have you ever cheated on a partner?

Brace yourself for some honest and potentially shocking revelations about past relationships!

4. What’s your craziest one-night stand story?

Get ready for some jaw-dropping tales of passion and spontaneity!

5. Have you ever had sex in a public place?

Spill the details!

6. Have you ever faked an orgasm?

Poor you!

7. What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done for love?

Expose the lengths you’ve gone to in the name of love!

8. What is one secret you are keeping from someone in this room?

Reveal the mysteries you’ve been holding back from your friends!

9. Have you ever stolen something, and if so, what was it?

Confess your criminal escapades, however big or small!

10. What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told, and did you get away with it?

Uncover the deceptions and find out who’s the best at bluffing!

👉 Don’t miss out on the best Truth or Dare questions here!

Dares for Truth or Dare

If the player chooses to dare, they must perform a task that other players come up with. Here are some great examples to get you started:

1. Take a body shot off someone’s belly button.

This will be a mouthwatering experience that’ll make the party heat up!

2. Share your most cringe-worthy pickup line.

Prepare for some hilariously cheesy lines that might make everyone facepalm!

3. Swap clothes with the person to your right and wear them for the next three rounds.

Let’s hope you’re the same size.

4. Perform a lap dance for another player of their choice.

Show off your seductive moves!

5. Let a group member give you a temporary tattoo with a marker in a visible spot.

Let’s make it embarrassing!

6. Call a random number and sing “Happy Birthday” to the person who answers.

How would you react if someone did that to you??

7. Post an embarrassing photo of yourself on your Instagram.

Post it and forget it.

8. Eat a spoonful of hot sauce.

Spice things up with this dare!

9. Do your best to impersonate another player for one full minute.

Time to put those acting skills to the test!

10. Smell someone else’s armpit, and guess what deodorant they use.

Hope it’s a good one!

👉 Check out more fun dares for your next game of Truth or Dare!

9. Yahtzee as a Drinking Game

Yahtzee is a popular dice-rolling game that can also be turned into a fun drinking game. This classic game is great for groups of friends, and adding some drinks to the mix makes it even more enjoyable!

How to Play Yahtzee

Playing Yahtzee as a drinking game is quite simple. The rules of the game remain the same; here’s what you’ll need:

  • A Yahtzee game set (or 5 dice)
  • Drinks of your choice

1. Roll the dice.

The first player rolls the dice to start the game.

2. Choose which dice to keep and re-roll.

After the first roll, players can choose which dice they want to keep and which ones they want to re-roll. They get two more chances to roll.

3. Drink depending on the outcome of your roll. Drink for every:

  • 🍺 Two Pairs: Take a drink for each pair you have.
  • 🍺 Three of a Kind: Take three drinks if you roll three of the same number.
  • 🍺 Four of a Kind: Take four drinks if you roll four of the same number.
  • 🍺 Roll a one: Take a sip if you roll a one.
  • 🍺 Roll a five: Take two sips if you roll a five.

4. Get Yahtzee and make another player drink.

If you get Yahtzee (five of the same number), yell “Yahtzee!” and choose another player to take three drinks.

5. Keep playing until someone reaches a predetermined score.

You can play Yahtzee as a drinking game for a set number of rounds or until one player reaches a certain score.

10. Never Have I Ever

Never Have I Ever is a popular drinking game perfect for getting to know your friends better and sharing embarrassing or funny stories. All you need is some drinks, a group of friends, and a willingness to open up!

How to Play Never Have I Ever

To play Never Have I Ever, players take turns making statements beginning with the phrase “Never have I ever…” and describing an action they have never done before.

For example: Never have I ever had sex with another player present here.

  • If anyone has done the action mentioned, in this case, sex with one of the players, they must take a drink.
  • If no one has had sex with one of the players, then the player who made the statement must drink.

The game then continues with the next player making another statement. This continues until everyone has made a statement or become too drunk to play!

Play Never Have I Ever Online

No need to worry about coming up with questions on the spot! We’ve got you covered with our online version of Never Have I Ever. Just play our web app or download our app for iOS or Android and access over 1,000 statements for free!

Play Never Have I Ever online

App icon Never Have I Ever
Never Have I Ever Rated 4.8 stars out of five stars

Never Have I Ever Questions

The right Never Have I Ever questions can bring surprising revelations about your friends! Feel free to come up with your questions, or you can use our Never Have I Ever questions to begin your game.

1. Never have I ever fallen over due to drinking.

Have you ever felt like meeting the floor face to face?

2. Never have I ever dumped someone over text.

It’s the modern way of dating!

3. Never have I ever gone drinking by myself.

If you’re drinking wine, it doesn’t sound so bad.

4. Never have I ever drunk alcohol to gain confidence.

Liquid courage is real!

5. Never have I ever given a fake name to someone who tried to pick me up.

The names Regina Phalange and Ken Adams sound good!

6. Never have I ever woken up in an unknown place after a night of drinking.

Ever experienced the confusion of waking up somewhere unfamiliar?

7. Never have I ever used a cheesy pickup line on someone.

Did you ever unleash your inner smooth-talker with a classic pickup line?

8. Never have I ever gotten kicked out of a bar or club.

Let’s just say I’ve pushed the boundaries of having a good time.

9. Never have I ever danced at a table or bar.

When the music takes over, the dance floor expands to new heights.

10. Never have I ever gone skinny-dipping.

Nothing feels better than diving into the water with no clothes on, feeling free and wild!

11. Never have I ever accidentally sent a risky text to the wrong person.

Well, that’s awkward.

12. Never have I ever had a one-night stand.

Sometimes, you just need a little fun without the strings attached!

13. Never have I ever been in handcuffs.

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!

14. Never have I ever lied about my age.

Age is just a number, right?

15. Never have I ever had a crush on a friend’s significant other.

That could make for some awkward situations!

16. Never have I ever been in love at first sight.

Do you believe in love at first sight, or do you need another sip?

11. Boat Race

If you’re looking for a fast-paced drinking game that involves teamwork, then Boat Race is the perfect game for you and your friends. It’s easy to learn, requires minimal supplies, and can get pretty competitive!

How to Play Boat Race

This game is best played with at least six players but can accommodate more. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Drinks of your choice (preferably two different types)
  • A long table

1. Divide players into teams. Depending on the number of people playing, divide players into two or more teams.

2. Line up the drinks. On the table, place a row of cups filled with one type of drink for each team.

3. Start the race! The first player from each team begins the race by chugging their cup and then placing it upside down on the table. Once they finish, the next player on their team can start chugging.

4. Keep passing the cups down the line. As each player finishes their cup, they must place it upside down on the table before the next player can start chugging.

This continues until one team finishes all their drinks and successfully places all their cups upside down on the table.

5. The losing team drinks the other team’s drinks. The winning team gets to make the losing team drink their remaining cups of drinks!

12. Truth or Drink

A classic drinking game that’s guaranteed to bring out the truth in everyone (or not!), Truth or Drink is perfect for a laid-back night with friends. This low-effort, high-fun game only requires a good list of questions, some drinks, and maybe some popcorn for the show.

How to Play Truth or Drink

Getting started with Truth or Drink is simple. All you need is a group of friends, drinks, and willingness to embarrass yourself.

1. Set up the game area. Gather around a table or sit in a circle on the floor with drinks in hand.

2. Decide who starts first. You can use rocks, paper, scissors, or draw straws to decide who goes first.

3. Flip a coin to determine who asks the question. Heads means the person to the left asks a question, and tails mean the person to the right gets to ask.

4. Ask a question or choose truth/drink. The player who is up can either answer a question honestly or take a drink instead.

5. Continue taking turns until everyone has answered at least one question or has taken a drink as an alternative. This game is about having fun and getting to know each other, so don’t be afraid to get creative with your questions!

Play Truth or Drink Online

Don’t have time to come up with your list of questions? No problem! Access our web app and play over 1,000 Truth or Drink questions with your friends!

Play Truth or Drink online

Truth or Drink Questions

Stumped on what questions to ask? Here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Have you ever done something illegal?

‘Fess up!

2. Have you ever cheated in a relationship?


3. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done in public?

Spill the beans!

4. Who in this room would make the best political leader, and why?

Give us the deets!

5. What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told your parents?

No judgment here!

6. If you could swap lives with anyone in this room, who would it be and why?

Curious minds want to know.

7. Describe your worst date ever.

We’re all ears!

8. What’s one thing you’re glad your ex doesn’t know about you?

Secrets, secrets.

9. Have you ever stolen something? If so, what was it?

Time to come clean

10. What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever said to someone?

Honesty hour.

11. What’s the craziest thing you’ve done to get someone’s attention?

Do tell!

12. Have you ever been fired from a job? What for?

Spill the tea!

13. What’s something you’re scared of that most people find silly?

We won’t laugh.

14. Have you ever ghosted someone? Why?

We’re really interested in the ghost stories.

15. What’s the most unusual place you’ve ever fallen asleep?

I want to hear the whole story!

13. Stump

Playing outdoors and want to add a bit of fun to the mix? Try out Stump, a game that combines drinking and hammering nails into a tree stump. It may sound strange, but it’s a fun and challenging game that will keep you entertained for hours!

How to Play Stump

Playing Stump requires a bit more preparation, but it’s worth it for the fun that follows. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A tree stump
  • A hammer
  • Nails (at least one for each player)
  • Drinks of your choice

1. Set up the game area. Find a sturdy tree stump and clear the area around it so players have enough space to swing the hammer.

2. Hammer in the nails. Each player should hammer their nails in at least a quarter inch deep and ensure they are evenly spaced around the stump.

3. Start the game! The first player starts by using one hand to pick up the hammer and one hand to hold their drink. Then, they must attempt to dig their nail into the stump with one swing.

If they miss, the next player takes a turn.

4. Keep going. If someone completely drives their nail into the stump, that person wins the round, and everybody else has to drink.

14. Slap Cup

Want to test your reflexes while drinking? Slap Cup is the game for you! This fast-paced game requires quick thinking and hand-eye coordination, making it a fun challenge for any group of friends.

How to Play Slap Cup

This game requires at least four players and can accommodate more. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A large circular table
  • 3 to 4 solo cups per player
  • 2 ping pong balls

1. Set up the game area. Place about 20 to 30 cups in a circular shape in the center of the table, and fill each cup with a small amount of beer. Place one cup in the pile’s center and fill it with beer.

2. Give two players, each a ping-pong ball and an empty cup. These two players start the game.

3. Start the game! Both players try to bounce their ping-pong balls off the table and into the empty cup before them. If a player successfully shoots their ball into their cup on their first try, they can pass the cup and ball to any player in the game.

If they take more than one try, they must pass the cup and ball to their left.

5. Get to slapping. When two players are playing next to each other, and one successfully makes the ball before the other, they can slap the cup away from the other player.

The player with their cup slapped must take a new cup from the center of the table and chug it before attempting to shoot again.

6. Keep playing until someone has to drink the middle cup. The last person who got their cup slapped before the middle cup must chug the entire contents of that center cup and is the loser of that round.

15. Do or Drink

Do or Drink is another party game combining Truth or Dare and drinking elements. This game is perfect for a wild night with friends; just be prepared to do some crazy things!

How to Play Do or Drink

Do or Drink is pretty simple. All you need are willing participants, some drinks, and a list of fun dares.

1. Set up the game area. Gather around in a circle with your drinks in hand.

2. Decide who starts first. You can use any method to decide who goes first.

3. Flip a coin to determine who gives the dare. Heads mean the person to the left gives a dare, and tails mean the person to the right gets to do it.

4. The player who receives the dare can choose to complete it or take a drink as an alternative. If they choose to do the dare, they get one point. If they chicken out and take a drink, they lose one point.

5. Continue taking turns until everyone has completed at least one dare or has taken a drink as an alternative. Have fun and be creative with your dares!

Play Do or Drink Online

Can’t think of “Do or Drink” questions on the spot? Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with our online version of the game.

Simply visit our website or download our app and choose a category to access over 1,000 questions and challenges. And the best part? It’s completely free!

Play Do or Drink online

Do or Drink Dares

Stuck on what dares to give? Here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Call up your ex and tell them you miss them.


2. Take a shot without using your hands.


3. Kiss the person on your right.

Who needs lips anyway?

4. Go outside and yell, “I love my mom!” as loud as possible.

‘Cause who doesn’t love their mom?

5. Do an impression of your favorite celebrity.

Nailed it!

6. Sing a song in a ridiculous accent.

Irish opera, anyone?

7. Text your crush and tell them how you really feel.


8. Eat a spoonful of hot sauce.

Feeling the burn!

9. Take a shot with your eyes closed.

Challenge accepted!

10. Show everyone your most embarrassing photo on your phone.

We won’t judge…much.

11. Go outside and do the chicken dance for one minute.

Cluck, cluck!

12. Take a shot using a straw.

No hands allowed!

13. Propose to a random object in the room.

Will you be mine, lamp?

14. Finish someone else’s drink.

Cheers to teamwork!

15. Give a stranger on the street a hug.

Spread the love!

16. UNO as a Drinking Game

Get ready to take your UNO game to the next level with an alcoholic twist. Grab your deck of UNO cards, stock up on your favorite drinks, and get ready to unleash a whole new level of competitive chaos.

How to Play UNO as a Drinking Game

Your mission remains the same: be the first to ditch all your cards before anyone else. However, in the drinking game version of UNO, you’ll encounter some fun drinking rules.

Here are some rules for playing UNO as a drinking game.

  • Matching colors: Drink when you draw the same color as the player in front of you.
  • Matching numbers: Drink when you draw the same number as the player in front of you.
  • Suspension card: If you draw a suspension card, you may choose a player to drink.
  • Draw-Two card: In a draw-two card, the player who next draws a card must drink. (If your Draw Two card is the same color as the previous card, you must also drink.)
  • Plus-Four party: For a plus-four card, everybody has to drink.
  • Swapping hands: If someone plays a swap hands card, the person with the least cards needs to finish their drink.
  • Reverse card: Everyone must change direction and drink When someone plays a reverse card.

17. 5 Second Rule Game

The 5 Second Rule Game is a fast-paced, hilarious game that will have you and your friends scrambling to answer on the spot. The rules are simple, but the pressure is real!

How to Play the 5 Second Rule Game

This game is perfect for friends looking to have a good time and test their quick-thinking skills. All you need is a timer, some players, and plenty of laughs.

1. Set up the game area. Gather around in a circle with your timer ready.

2. Choose who goes first. Any method will do!

3. Flip the timer and draw a card. The player must then come up with 3 answers to the prompt on the card in just 5 seconds.

4. If they can’t come up with 3 answers, they drink. If they manage to succeed, the next player draws a card and has their turn.

5. Continue taking turns until everyone has had a chance to beat the timer or take a drink as an alternative. The player with the most points at the end is declared the winner!

Play the 5 Second Rule Game Online

Can’t come up with your own “5 Second Rule” questions? No problem! We’ve got you covered with our online version of the game; we’ve got over 1,000 uncensored questions to keep the laughter and fun going all night long.

All you need is a smartphone and an internet connection to play. Download our app or play the game on our website and prepare for some wild and unforgettable moments.

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5 Second Rule Questions

Need some ideas? Here are a few to get you started:

1. Name 3 types of pizza toppings.

Pepperoni, mushrooms, and olives!

2. Name 3 romantic comedies.

50 First Dates, Bridget Jones’s Diary, and Crazy Rich Asians.

3. Name 3 superheroes.

Batman, Wonder Woman, and Captain America.

4. Name 3 countries in Europe.

France, Spain, and Germany.

5. Name 3 famous musicians.

Beyonce, Taylor Swift, and Ed Sheeran.

6. Name 3 types of pasta.

Spaghetti, penne, and fettuccine.

7. Name 3 things you find in a bathroom.

Toilet paper, toothbrush, and soap.

8. Name 3 cities in the United States.

New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago.

9. Name 3 cartoon characters.

Mickey Mouse, Spongebob Squarepants, and Bugs Bunny.

10. Name 3 types of breakfast food.

Pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon.

11. Name 3 flavors of ice cream.

Chocolate, strawberry, and mint chocolate chip.

12. Name 3 animals found in the jungle.

Tiger, monkey, and snake.

13. Name 3 types of beer.

IPA, lager, and stout.

14. Name 3 types of sports.

Soccer, basketball, and tennis.

15. Name 3 things you can find in a purse or wallet.

Money, credit cards, and keys.

18. “21” Drinking Game

The 21 drinking game is a fun and fast-paced game perfect for large groups. To get the party started, you need only a deck of cards, some drinks, and your best drinking buddies.

How to Play 21

Playing “21” requires at least 3 players but can accommodate more. Here’s how to get started:

1. Set up the game area. Have everyone sit in a circle with their drinks in hand.

2. Start counting from  1 to 21. The first player says “one,” the second player says “two,” and so on.

3. When someone reaches 21, they must make a rule. This can be anything from “drink with your left hand” to “every time someone draws a card, finish your drink.”

Need rule ideas? Here are some to get you started:

  • Instead of saying the number 7, say “lucky.”
  • Instead of saying the number 14, say “boom.”
  • Everyone must clap during even numbers.
  • When you say the number “3”, do a dance move.
  • Every time “11” is reached, the person must shout “Make a wish!” and everyone drinks.
  • If you say “5, " you must sing the next number.
  • For “13”, mimic an animal of the group’s choosing.
  • Whenever “17” is mentioned, the last person to touch the floor drinks
  • After “19” is said, everyone must swap seats, and the last person standing drinks.
  • Saying “9” requires you to tell a joke; if no one laughs, you drink.
  • On “6”, the speaker must compliment the person to their right or drink.
  • At “12”, pretend to take a selfie, and the first one to take a selfie makes everyone else drink.
  • If “4” is said, the speaker must do an impression of a celebrity. If they forget or the others don’t recognize the celebrity, they drink.

4. Keep drinking until someone messes up the count or a rule. Then, start again from 1 and have fun creating new rules!

19. Power Hour

Playing with some hardcore drinkers? Try out the Power Hour game, where you take a shot of beer every minute for an hour. Try not to get drunk too fast!

How to Play Power Hour

This game is pretty straightforward. All you need is a timer, some drinks, your good old pals, and a playlist (optional).

1. Set a timer for 1 minute. To make it more fun, you can also play a 1-minute song.

2. Everyone starts drinking their beer as soon as the timer goes off. Avoid finishing the whole beer in one gulp; take small sips.

3. When the next minute begins, start another round and continue until you hit 60 minutes or an hour.

4. Whoever drinks for the longest time without throwing up wins!

Now that you’ve gone through our list of 17+ drinking games, you’re ready to take your next party or gathering to the next level. Remember to always drink responsibly and know your limits.

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Party & Drinking Games

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