'What Do You Call?' Jokes
If you’re looking for interactive jokes, why not try 'What Do You Call?' jokes? They’re easy to tell and great for getting people to participate. All you need is a little out of the box thinking because sometimes these jokes can feel like funny riddles!
✍️ March 22, 2022
- 😂 Funny “What Do You Call?” Jokes
- 😜 “What Do You Call?” Jokes for Adults
- 🤣 “What Do You Call?” Jokes for Kids
- 🤩 Bonus: More “What Do You Call?” Jokes
What do you call a statement, action or question given with the goal of making someone laugh? The answer? A joke! And that’s how “What Do You Call?” jokes work!
Its basic format starts with the phrase, “What do you call” followed by the rest of the question which can be about anything. The questions are usually simple, and they can easily hook an audience which makes them great as a conversation starter.
If you like telling jokes to break the ice, you can’t just keep throwing knock knock jokes at your audience. They’re going to get bored of it pretty quickly. You have to mix up your jokes a bit and throw in one-liners, puns and “What Do You Call?” jokes too!
👉 Want more tips on how to strike up conversations? Check out our list of conversation starters!
Funny “What Do You Call?” Jokes
When it comes to funny “What Do You Call?” jokes, watching your friends throwing in wild guesses is fun. Watching their faces understand the answer at the end is even more hilarious especially if the punchline is really simple or clever!
You never know how a “What Do You Call?” joke will turn out, but it’ll be funny for sure! Don’t believe me? Take a look at these!
1. What do you call a pig who was lucky to have won the grand lottery? Filthy rich!
Show me the money!
2. What do you call a paleontologist who is always sleepy? Lazy Bones!
Haha! It’s a paleontology joke!
3. What do you call a pessimistic Mexican? A Mexican’t.
It’s better to be optimistic!
4. What do you call a mirror that shows you a better version of you? Mirror-cle.
It’s a true miracle if that’s possible!
5. What do you call a winning horse who never loses? A Sherbet.
You’ll make a killing if you choose a sure bet!
6. What do you call a meditating wolf? Aware wolf!
Learning how to be mindful is awesome!
7. What do you call an avocado that’s been blessed by the pope? Holy Guacamole!
That’s some guac for your chips!
8. What do you call a joke without a punchline? Silence.
It’s not funny at all. You can hear a pin drop.
9. What do you call a joke you make in the shower? A clean joke.
Shower thoughts are the best!
10. What do you call something that always gets ahead? A wig.
That makes sense!
11. What do you call a Russian tree? Dimitree
It’s a diminutive Russian tree!
12. What do you call something that stays on the ground but never gets dirty? A shadow.
Is that the dark thing that keeps following me during the day?
👉 If you’re missing classic knock knock jokes, don’t worry! Here are 35+ knock knock jokes to choose from!
“What Do You Call?” Jokes for Adults
Another great thing about “What Do You Call?” jokes is that you can easily adjust the tone based on your audience. You can even make it more sexy and dirty if you’re in the mood for adults-only jokes.
Get ready for your conversation to heat up with our list of “What Do You Call?” jokes for adults that will make people laugh and blush at the same time!
1. What do you call a lesbian dinosaur? A Lickalotopus.
Is there such a thing?
2. What do you call a nurse with dirty knees? The Head nurse!
This sounds dirty!
3. What do you call a dinosaur that is not interesting? A dinobore.
Yawn! Next!
4. What do you call a cow who just gave birth? De-calf-einated.
Does this mean a calf has been removed from a cow’s womb?
5. What do you call a smiling Roman soldier with a piece of hair stuck between his front teeth? A glad-he-ate-her.
Ewww! Grooming please!
6. What do you call an expert fisherman? A Master Baiter.
This sounds iffy!
7. What do you call blackbirds that stick together? Vel-crows.
This makes me think of my velcro sneakers!
8. What do you call it when a prisoner takes his own mugshot? A cellfie.
It’s a must to take selfies these days no matter where you are!
9. What do you call a man who cries while he pleasures himself? A tearjerker.
Good for him!
10. What do you call a meal where the vegetables insult the meat? A roast.
Things can get pretty intense during a roast.
11. What do you call a sad coffee? Depresso.
More espresso, less depresso!
12. What do you call a South American woman who is always in a hurry? An urgent-tina!
She’s either running away from something or she’s always late for an appointment!
👉 Follow this link for 80+ Best Deez Nuts Jokes!
“What Do You Call?” Jokes for Kids
If you want to have a more wholesome and innocent time, “What Do You Call?” Jokes for kids are great for making children and even adults giggle like crazy. Whether it’s corny, cheesy or witty, these jokes will make people think and bring a lot of laughs!
Check out some of our best “What Do You Call?” Jokes for kids!
1. What do you call a talented pig that can do karate? A pork chop.
Knowing karate doesn’t benefit a pig once it becomes a pork chop, if you know what I mean.
2. What do you call X-Rays taken by a dentist? Tooth pics.
A dental x-ray is like taking a picture of your teeth!
3. What do you call a funny mountain? Hill-arious.
That’s so funny!
4. What do you call cheese that was not owned by you? Nacho cheese.
It’s ok. Nacho cheese is the best when shared with friends!
5. What do you call a dinosaur who was just born? A wee-rex.
How cute! Is it a little t-rex?
6. What do you call a dinosaur that can blow up like firecrackers? Dinomite.
Dy-na-na-na, na-na, na-na-na, na-na-na, life is dynamite! If you know, you know. #BTS
7. What do you call a witch who lives at the beach? A sand-witch!
Living at the beach sounds like a dream!
8. What do you call an egg laid by an evil chicken? A deviled egg.
Does that mean devil’s food cake is also evil?
9. What do you call something I can’t tell you? It’s a secret.
My lips are sealed!
10. What do you call a lamb who dances beautifully? A baaa-llerina.
Ballet is an art!
11. What do you call a pig who is also a thief? A hamburglar.
You’re making me hungry!
12. What do you call the shoes that all spies wear? Sneakers.
They’re perfect for robbers when sneaking in houses too!
👉 Looking for more hilarious jokes? You can’t go wrong with our list of the best dad jokes!
Bonus: More “What Do You Call?” Jokes
Still can’t get enough of “What Do You Call?” jokes? We have more lined up for you that will entertain you and your friends for hours! Bring out food and drinks, and make any gathering feel like a party with more “What Do You Call?” jokes!
1. What do you call a sleeping cow? A bulldozer.
This sounds strange!
2. What do you call a tiny mother? A mini-mum!
It’s like having a cute mom that you want to put in your pocket!
3. What do you call a female cow? A dairy queen.
Why am I thinking of ice cream?
4. What do you call a cow with a twitch? Beef Jerky.
Beef jerky is delicious.
5. What do you call a dollar frozen in a block of ice? Cold hard cash.
It’s still money!
6. What do you call two apples? A pear.
I don’t think so!
7. What do you call someone who shaves 10 times a day? A Barber.
It’s just part of the job!
8. What do you call two guys from Mexico playing basketball? Juan on Juan!
Isn’t this a bit racist?
9. What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear!
Gummy bears are delicious!
10. What do you call a can opener that doesn’t work? A can’t opener!
I can’t believe I didn’t figure this out sooner!
11. What do you call your daughter’s boyfriend when he brings her home late? An ambulance.
The boyfriend better get ready when a father gets angry! That’s why you should always stick to the curfew!
12. What do you call a dinosaur with a wide range of vocabulary? A thesaurus.
That’s a smart dinosaur!
👉 Check out these 40+ ridiculous Chuck Norris jokes!