11 Signs He Doesn't Want A Relationship With You
Want a serious relationship but not sure if he wants the same thing? Look out for these 11 signs!
✍️ September 23, 2021
- 👄 No talking about feelings
- 📱 He’s always on his phone
- ☹️ No compliments
- 😨 No interest in your life
- 🤭 He avoids future plans
- ❤️ No introducing to his beloved ones
- 😬 He doesn’t support you
- 😓 Always open options
- 😘 No affection in public
- 😈 He breaks plans with you
- 😵 Lots of excuses
You’ve been dating for a while and you’re not sure if he is still interested. You want to know if there’s any way of knowing for sure whether or not your guy wants to be with you long-term.
There are some obvious signs that you will never make it past a casual relationship with him.
Well, the truth is that there are no guarantees when it comes to relationships, but here are eleven tell-tale signs that he doesn’t want a relationship with you:
1. He never talks about his feelings
While your partner should be open and honest about their feelings toward you, if he doesn’t talk about his feelings at all, it’s likely that he isn’t interested in a long-term commitment.
The only time you might hear about his feelings is when he breaks up with you or when something goes wrong. In a long-term relationship, you should talk about your feelings on a regular basis. If he never talks about his emotions for you, then he doesn’t want to be in a committed relationship with you.
👉 Check out these 100+ Relationship Questions for Couples to start a meaningful conversation!
2. He’s always on his phone or computer when he’s around you
If you’re with him and he’s always glued to his cell phone or laptop, that’s a telltale sign that he isn’t interested in being around you.
So, if he wants to talk to his friends and play games on the Internet when you’re together, he’s telling you loud and clear that you aren’t important to him. But if he really wants to be with you, he will give you his full attention when you’re together.
3. He doesn’t compliment you
A guy that is interested in a serious relationship will tell you how beautiful you look, how smart you are, or what a great cook you are. He generally will express positive feelings towards you on a regular basis.
If compliments are few and far between, you can be sure that he doesn’t want anything serious with you. If he’s not saying nice things to you now, then why would his feelings change later on?
If he refuses to give you compliments, then he wants to keep his options open, which means that he isn’t committed to being with you.
👉 Maybe try complimenting him first! Check out our Compliments for Boyfriend!
4. He doesn’t seem interested in spending time with your family or friends
Even though your partner might not like all of the people in your life, he should still make an effort to spend time with them. If he’s only interested in spending time with you and not your family and friends, it’s a sign that he doesn’t want anything serious with you.
If your guy really likes you, then he’ll try to get along with the people that are important to you.
5. He avoids talking about future plans
Your partner should make an effort to spend time with you and plan things for your relationship. If your guy is only interested in the present and doesn’t make any plans for the future, he’s telling you that he isn’t looking for anything serious.
It’s also a sign that he doesn’t want to be accountable for what happens next in the relationship.
You deserve a guy that is willing to plan your future together and make an effort to be with you long-term. Don’t get stuck with a guy who doesn’t want to think about your future together.
👉 If you know, you want to marry this man, make sure to ask him these 100 Questions to ask before marriage!
6. He doesn’t introduce you to his friends or family
Your partner should introduce you to the people that are important in his life. If he doesn’t want to introduce you to friends or family members, it’s a sign that he wants to keep his options open and isn’t thinking about a serious relationship with you.
If your guy finally does introduce you to his friends or family, they may say negative things to you or behave rudely. This is a sign that they don’t like the idea of you being in their lives and won’t support your relationship.
You deserve to be with a guy who doesn’t care what other people think and wants to introduce you to his close family and friends.
7. He doesn’t support you when you’re facing difficult times
All relationships have their issues and it’s important that your partner helps you through difficult times.
If he isn’t supportive of you or seems uninterested in what’s going on in your life, then he doesn’t really care about who you are as a person and isn’t looking to be in a serious real relationship with you.
If your guy doesn’t support you during difficult times, it’s time to move on and find someone who will make you feel important and valued.
8. He wants to keep his options open
It’s normal for couples to take breaks or have space between them, but this is different. If your guy wants to keep his options open when it comes to the relationship, then he’s telling you that he doesn’t want anything serious.
He’s afraid of commitment and will say things like “let’s see where this goes” instead of committing to something long-term.
You deserve a guy who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid of commitment.
👉 There are many different Types of Romantic Relationships. Get to know them all!
9. He doesn’t tell you he loves you or shows affection in public
If your guy doesn’t say “I love you” or show affection towards you in public, then he’s trying to keep his options open.
He’s not ready for a serious relationship and will try to avoid saying those three important words. You deserve a guy who cares about your feelings and is willing to be affectionate with you in public.
Sure some cultures don’t show affection in public, but in the western world, that’s just not how it is. Don’t waste your time with someone who can’t say, “I love you.”
If you find yourself to be the only one sending the last message, giving compliments, initiating plans - dump him. It might feel nice to have a guy do all of these things for you but he should be doing them without the need for you to ask.
10. He breaks plans with you at the last minute or stands you up without a good reason
When a guy knows he wants you around, he’ll try to keep his schedule open so you can see each other. If he breaks plans with you at the last minute or doesn’t even bother showing up when you have made definite plans together, then there’s no way in hell he’s interested in a relationship with you.
If he isn’t serious about you, you’ll be nothing more than a one-night stand.
The guy who is actually into you will make plans with you and keep them. He won’t string you along or stand you up without warning or an explanation. You deserve to spend time with someone who makes the effort to see you on a regular basis. Don’t waste your time with someone who’s not even into you enough to commit to a definite schedule.
Breaking plans is a bad sign and definitely something you shouldn’t do in a healthy relationship without good reason.
11. He makes excuses to avoid spending time with you
If the guy truly likes you, he’ll be happy to spend time with you and won’t think twice before suggesting a date or plan for the both of you.
If he’s not interested, he’ll make all sorts of excuses to avoid spending time with you. This is the most obvious indicator that he wants to keep things casual.
Long-term relationship success is based on spending time together. So if he is avoiding spending time with you, chances are high that he isn’t relationship material for you.
👉 If all of the signs apply to your relationship, you may want to end it yourself. Here you can find out How To Break Up With Someone!
In need of more tips?
Remember, you can’t always know for sure whether or not he wants to be in a relationship with you, but pay attention to the signs above and make your own decision based on what you’re seeing. If he doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you, he won’t be.
Guys who want relationships will show you in a variety of ways, and often these guys will also talk about what they’re looking for with you. If a guy is serious, there is no grey area around your status: he’s already calling you his girlfriend and taking you out for dinner with his friends. Just watch out for our ten definite signs, that show that he doesn’t want to be in a long-term relationship with you.
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