"Give & Take" Drinking Game
Looking for a fun drinking game to play? "Give & Take" is the perfect game for you! This card-drinking game is a version of Truth or Dare with a twist. Find out everything you need about the "Give and Take" Drinking Game!
✍️ May 2, 2024
- 🧐 How to play the “Give and Take” Drinking Game
- 🍻 “Give and Take” Drinking Games Rules
- 🤩 Tips for the “Give and Take” drinking game
Want to bring the fun of Truth or Dare to a card game? “Give and Take” is the perfect drinking game for you! With a twist on the classic game, this card version adds excitement and unpredictability.
It sounds like a fun drinking game, right? Keep reading to learn how to play the “Give and Take” drinking game, and get ready to blast with your friends!
👉 Looking for more party games? Check out the best fun card-drinking games for your next party!
How to play the “Give and Take” Drinking Game
“Give and Take” is easy to learn and only requires a few supplies. First, we’ll tell you what you need to play the game. Then, we’ll tell you how to play and the drinking rules.
Equipment for the “Give and Take” drinking game
There’s not much you need to play the “Give and Take” drinking game. You have everything you need to play this game already! Here’s what you’ll need:
- One standard deck of cards
- A group of people (3 or more)
- Alcohol
And that’s it! Once you have those things, you’re ready to play the “Give and Take” Drinking Game.
“Give and Take” Gameplay
Playing the “Give and Take” drinking game is simple. Here’s how to play:
1. Gather all the party people around a table.
We recommend a table for ease of communication, but if you’re feeling adventurous, feel free to play this game anywhere: on the ground, on the grass, on top of a garbage can, or any other flat surface! We won’t judge you!
2. One person will start as the dealer.
The dealer will then shuffle the deck of cards and deal out four cards to each player, face up. So, every player should have four cards in front of them at the start of the game.
3. The dealer makes two rows of 6 cards face down.
Make sure to reshuffle the cards before making the rows! After the rows are made, you must designate one row as the “give or dare” side and the other as the “take or truth” side. We suggest defining the left row as “take or truth” and the right as “give or dare.”
4. Each card from one to six in the rows increments the time you have to drink.
If you choose to drink instead of answering a question or completing a dare, you will have to drink for the number of seconds that card represents. We’ll get into more detail about this when discussing the rules of the “Give and Take” drinking game.
5. The dealer flips over the first card of the “take or truth” row to start the game.
Whoever has this card must drink or answer a question agreed upon by the rest of the playing group.
Note: If two or more people have the card, it goes to a battle of rock, paper, scissors. The loser(s) must drink, and the winner can answer a question or drink. You must choose a replacer from the deck if no one has the card.
6. Then, the first card of the “give or dare” row is flipped over.
Whoever has this card may choose one player to drink and then receive a dare from the person who had to drink. Alternatively, the player with this card can choose to consume for themselves, and then they don’t have to complete a dare.
Note: If two or more people have the card, it goes to a battle of rock, paper, scissors. The loser(s) must drink, and the winner can choose one player who must drink or fulfill a dare. If no one has the card, a card replacer must be chosen from the deck.
The game is pretty simple! Now, let’s move on to the rules of the “Give and Take” drinking game.
“Give and Take” Drinking Games Rules
As mentioned before, each card from one to six in the rows increments the time you have to drink. If you choose to drink instead of answering a question or completing a dare, you will have to drink for the number of seconds that card represents.
Here’s a breakdown of the “Give and Take” drinking game rules:
- The first card of each row represents 2 seconds.
If you choose to drink instead of answering a question or completing a dare, you will have to drink for 2 seconds.
- The second card of each row represents 4 seconds.
If you choose to drink instead of answering a question or completing a dare, you will have to drink for 4 seconds.
- The third card of each row represents 6 seconds.
If you choose to drink instead of answering a question or completing a dare, you will have to drink for 6 seconds.
- The fourth card of each row represents 8 seconds.
If you choose to drink instead of answering a question or completing a dare, you will have to drink for 8 seconds.
- The fifth card of each row represents 10 seconds.
If you choose to drink instead of answering a question or completing a dare, you will have to drink for 10 seconds.
- The sixth card of each row represents chugging your drink.
If you choose to drink, you must chug your drink instead of answering a question or completing a dare.
Tips for the “Give and Take” drinking game
Now that you know how to play and the drinking game rules, here are some tips to make your “Give and Take” experience even more fun and memorable. Try these out at your next party!
1. If a player has doubles of a card flipped in either row, they can assign other players the drinks and take the truth/dare, or vice-versa. Threes means three players will have to drink, fours four players, and so on.
2. If no one has the flipped card, everyone drinks for 2 seconds. You can spice things up by making this a “social” rule - meaning everyone playing takes turns drinking simultaneously.
3. Anyone receiving an Ace in the initial four-card handout can make up a drinking rule. The rule can be anything from “everyone has to drink with their non-dominant hand” to “anytime someone says the word ‘drink’, they have to take a sip.”
4. If an Ace is flipped in either row, whichever player has the most cards from the same suit as that Ace makes a rule (a good old-fashioned game breaks ties of Rock Paper Scissors). Another rule-adding option!
With these tips and tricks, you can take on the “Give and Take” drinking game! Have fun, but remember to play responsibly and drink in moderation. Cheers!