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Tired of playing the same old drinking games at every party? If you’re playing with a large group and want a competitive and fast-paced game that’s perfect for pre-gaming, try “Boat Race”!

The “Boat Race” drinking game perfectly combines strategy, speed, and drinking. So grab your friends, some cups, and your favorite beer, and drink your way to victory (and oblivion) in the “Boat Race” drinking game. Can you handle the challenge?

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How to play “Boat Race” Drinking Game

Who doesn’t love a good drinking game? Especially one that gets you drunk fast. The “Boat Race” drinking game is ideal to play with a large group of people, making it perfect for parties. Here’s everything you need:

  • Plastic Party Cups
  • Beer or another alcoholic beverage
  • At least four players, but more is always better!
  • A table

Once you have gathered your supplies, it’s time to get started with “Boat Race” drinking game!

1. Divide the players into two teams.

Each team will line up at opposite ends of the table. Make sure you have an equal number of players on each team.

2. Fill them up!

Once the teams are in place, it’s time to fill those plastic cups! Each player should have a cup about 3/4 full with their chosen beverage in front of them.

Make sure every player has the same amount of drink in their cup. This is important for the next step.

3. Cheers, and start racing!

Now, the fun of the “Boat Race” drinking game begins! On the count of three, the first player from each team will start chugging their drink. Once they finish, they must flip their cups upside down on the table’s edge to signal they are done.

Once the next player sees their teammate’s cup flipped, they can begin chugging and flipping it. This will continue until all players have completed their turn.

4. The winning team

The first team to have all its players finish chugging and flipping their cups is declared the “Boat Race” drinking game winner! The team can then celebrate with a victory cheer and maybe another round of drinks.

“Boat Race” Drinking Games Rules

“Boat Race” is a straightforward game, but you can still spice it up with some extra rules to make it more challenging or fun. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. All players must have the same amount and type of drink in their cups.

This is to ensure that the “Boat Race” drinking game is fair for everyone. It would make a big difference if one team were drinking beer while the other team was chugging vodka, for example.

So, ensure everyone has the same drink in their cup before starting the game.

2. Once a player has finished their drink, they must slam their cup upside down on the table to signal they are done.

If you finish your drink before your teammates, slam your cup on the table as soon as possible so the next player can start drinking.

3. If a player spills any of their drink or flips their cup over before finishing it, they have to drink another cup.

Don’t try to cheat by flipping your cup over before you’re done drinking! If you do, you’ll have to drink another cup before the next player on your team can start. So, play fair and finish your drink before flipping your cup.

4. If a player starts drinking prematurely, they have to drink another cup.

If you start drinking before the signal, you must drink another cup. So, make sure you wait for the signal before starting to drink.

5. The first team to finish all their cups wins.

It’s as simple as that. The first team to finish their drinks wins the “Boat Race” drinking game.

6. The losing team has to drink another round of cups or shots.

The losing team has to drink another round of cups or shots. So, make sure you don’t lose!

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These are the simple rules to follow when playing the “Boat Race” drinking game. Now, you need a group of friends and some drinks, and you’re ready to go!

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