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Halloween trick or treat games are a great way to get the family together. There is something for everyone, whether you want to go trick-or-treating door-to-door, have chili cook-offs in your neighborhood, play Halloween party games at home with friends and families or dress up as scary monsters!

You can even get your kids involved by making Halloween cupcakes and decorating the exterior of your home. Keep reading to get to know the best Halloween Trick or Treat Games for you and your family!

Best Halloween Trick or Treat Games

Halloween is a wonderful time to celebrate with your family and friends. But for children, it’s mostly a scary holiday filled with candy! And who doesn’t like candy?

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You can make Halloween trick or treat games a part of your celebration too. Here are some fun ideas for you and your kids to enjoy on Halloween night:

1. Halloween Scavenger Hunt

If the kids are bored, try hosting a Halloween scavenger hunt for them. You can create your own list of items they need to find or use one from an existing game like our Halloween scavenger hunt printable below.

Print off this Halloween Scavenger Hunt List and give it to each child so they know what to look for. Each time they find an item, cross it off the list and hand them a Halloween treat or small toy to keep their spirits up!

How to Play Halloween Scavenger Hunt

To play, tell each child they need to find the items on the Halloween scavenger list. For every thing they find, have them cross it off and give them a treat or toy of your choosing!

They can’t go back over items that are already crossed out so be sure to remind them. If you want everyone to win, put some small prizes in a bowl for the child who finds the most items!

👉 Here you can find our Printable Halloween Scavenger Hunt! Have fun!

Printable Halloween Scavenger Hunt

2. Halloween Trivia

Halloween trivia is also a great game to play! Everyone can get involved whether they are children or adults. For younger kids, you might want to ask the questions in advance and then quiz them while older ones could write their own list of Halloween Trivia questions that everyone has to answer.

How to Play Halloween Trivia

Everyone writes down as many Halloween trivia questions as they can think of and then you go around the room asking them. If someone answers correctly, they get a treat or a small toy!

Here are some Halloween trivia questions for kids to get you started:

  • How many candies does the average person eat on Halloween night?

  • What do witches ride in?

  • Which state is known as the most haunted one in America?

This game can be played anywhere and at any time! Everyone has their phone in their pocket and can Google any questions they don’t know the answer to.

👉 Here you can find more Halloween Trivia Questions For Kids!

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3. Halloween Mystery Box

A Halloween mystery box is a great alternative to giving out candy on Halloween. You can keep it by the door and when kids knock, hand them a mystery box with instructions that each kid has one chance to open their mystery box.

Here are some items that we recommend putting in your Halloween mystery box to get you started:

  • small pack of candy corn

  • your favorite scented markers

  • fun socks with monsters on them

  • a single wrapped brownie bite or other tasty treats!

This game is great because it gets kids excited about coming back for more and can be played right at home. No need to dress up in costumes or go out anywhere!

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4. Apple Bobbing

Apple bobbing is a Halloween trick or treat game that originated in the United Kingdom. It was originally played at harvest time and involved putting apples into tubs of water. However, it has since been adopted as part of the Halloween tradition!

Here are our favorite apple bobbing ideas for kids:

  • decorate an old pail to be the bobbing apple bucket. Use paint, stickers, and loose glitter for decoration!

  • cut an apple in half and stick a string or rope through the center. Tie it around your waist so you can pull yourself out of the water after bobbing!

This game is great for younger kids because they get to play with candy while older ones might enjoy bobbing for other treats like small toys, stickers, or temporary tattoos!

5. Halloween Pumpkin Carving

Pumpkin carving is another fun game that you can play at home! Although it might be hard to cut through the pumpkin flesh, using a plastic knife will make this task much easier. Kids love getting creative and making their own Halloween pumpkin designs. So, don’t worry about doing any damage as long as you teach them how to do it safely!

Here are some Halloween pumpkin carving ideas for kids:

  • small ghost outline and face with a mouth cut out

  • large bat silhouette on the front of the pumpkin with its wings spread open. Cut eyes, nose, and mouth in each wing. Use black paint or markers to color in the eyes!

  • cut out pumpkin outline with Halloween-themed shapes like ghosts, cats, witches, and more. Cut holes for your face and paint or draw on features!

This game can be played at home without having to worry about getting messy because you’ll only need a bag of candy when it’s finished! Plus, you can even make pumpkin soup out of the rest!

6. Trick or Treat Tree

Trick or treat trees are a great alternative to giving out candy! You can keep the treats in a large plastic bin and when kids knock, hand them an item.

Here are some Halloween items that you could put in your trick or treat tree:

  • small packs of candy corn, gummy bats, and other yummy candies
  • Halloween themed pencils, erasers, and bookmarks
  • fun socks with monsters on them!

This trick or treat game is great because it gets kids excited about coming back for more. Plus, you can pull out the trick or treat tree next year to get even more treats when they visit! Now that’s a win-win.

👉 Still not found the right game? Follow this link for more Halloween Games for Kids!

7. Halloween Charades

Halloween charades can be played anywhere and at any time! This game is great because it’s easy for kids as young as toddlers who are just learning how to speak up or point to things. Plus, it’s a great way for you and your kids to bond through Halloween!

How To Play Charades

It’s simple to play charades. Simply follow these steps:

  • Prepare sheets with Halloween-themed Charades words on them. Place them in a box.
  • The kids take a paper out of the box. Then they must perform it out.
  • When someone guesses the correct word, the guesser and the actor get sweets!

This game is great for trick or treating because it encourages your child to use their imagination when coming up with ideas on how they can act out their charades!

Halloween Charades Ideas

You may either allow the children to come up with their own words or you simply make a list before the party. You’re also welcome to give it a go with words from our Halloween Charades Ideas list!

  • Toilet paper
  • Zombie
  • Witch
  • Ghost
  • Skeleton
  • Mummy
  • Pumpkin
  • Spider
  • Monster

👉 Here you can find more Charades Ideas for Halloween!

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