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Just because a game is simple doesn’t mean it can’t be loads of fun! That’s the idea behind the “What Would You Do” game, which is another name for the “What If” game.

Whether you’re looking for a way to break the ice at a party or just want something fun to do with friends, this collection of 50+ “What Would You Do” questions has got you covered. So, grab your buddies and get ready for a good time!

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How to Play “What Would You Do”?

This game is extremely easy to play. To begin, gather a group of friends and decide which player goes first.

Then, that player will ask a “What Would You Do” question to anyone or all players of the group.

For example: “What would you do if you woke up with a tail tomorrow?”

Each player must then answer the question with their most creative and hilarious response. The more imaginative, the better!

Once everyone has given their answers, it’s the next player’s turn to ask a question. Keep going until everyone has had a chance to ask at least one question.

Play “What Would You Do” Online

If you’re unable to come up with your “What Would You Do” questions or don’t have a group to play with, don’t worry! We offer an online version of the game where you can access over 1,000 questions for free!

All you have to do is visit our website or download our app to play the game. So why not give it a try and see what wild scenarios come up? You’ll definitely have a few laughs along the way!

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Fun “What Would You Do” Questions

Nothing beats good company and a fun game of “What Would You Do.” So, try out some of our fun “What Would You Do” questions and see where the game takes you.

1. What would you do if you would never have to sleep again?

That’s plenty of time.

2. What would you do if you could transform yourself into any animal?

Unleash your wild side!

3. What would you do if you were the last person on earth?

The possibilities are endless.

4. What would you do if you could time travel to any era or event?

Choose wisely!

5. What would you do if you won a million dollars?

Spend, save, or donate?

6. What would you do if you discovered you could speak every language fluently?

Chat your way across the globe!

7. What would you do if you turned into your favorite superhero for a day?

Capes on, adventure awaits!

8. What would you do if your pet could talk for 24 hours?

It’s bound to be one chatty day.

9. What would you do if you could become invisible whenever you wanted?

Shh… they can’t see you coming!

10. What would you do if you found out aliens are real and they invited you over for tea?

Out-of-this-world socializing!

11. What would you do if every time you snapped your fingers, you ended up in a random place on earth?

Snap to an adventure!

12. What would you do if you were asked to name a new planet?

Wow, talk about a stellar honor!

13. What would you do if you could live in any fantasy world for a week?

Choose your mythical adventure.

14. What would you do if you woke up as the President for a day?

Running a country? Piece of cake… right?

15. What would you do if you could eat only one food for the rest of your life?

Choose… but choose carefully!

16. What would you do if trees could walk and talk?

Get ready for a forest of friendship.

17. What would you do if you could control the weather?

Rain, shine, or party time?

18. What would you do if you had a personal robot assistant?

Ask for a latte or a trip to Mars?

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19. What would you do if shoes you wore made you run at lightning speed?

Your morning commute just got quicker!

20. What would you do with the ability to freeze time?

You’ve got all the time in the world—literally.

21. What would you do if music played every time you entered a room?

Time for your life’s soundtrack!

22. What would you do if you could swap lives with your best friend for a week?

Walking in their shoes (and life)!

23. What would you do if you found a magic lamp with a genie inside?

Choose three wishes—make ’em count!

24. What would you do if vegetables danced whenever you sang?

Healthy eating’s never been more entertaining.

25. What would you do if everything you drew became real?

Time to draw your dreams.

26. What would you do if you could grow or shrink to any size?

Ant-Man, who?

27. What would you do if you could witness any event in history?

Choose your historical sightseeing.

28. What would you do if you got a superpower based on your favorite food?

Pizza-powered strength, anyone?

29. What would you do if you could sleep on clouds?

Talk about dreamy!

👉 Suggested read: 100+ "What If" Questions For Quality Time With Your Boyfriend

30. What would you do if your laugh cured sadness?

Giggle away the gloom.

31. What would you do if every movie you watched turned into reality?

Choose the plot of your life.

32. What would you do if you had a theme song that played on life’s big moments?

Epic life events deserve epic tunes.

33. What would you do if you could teleport but only to places you’ve seen in postcards?

Start a postcard collection, stat!

34. What would you do if you could turn any object into chocolate?

A sweet trick, indeed!

35. What would you do if you could spend a day with any fictional character?

Pick your fictional BFF!

36. What would you do if your clothes changed color with your emotions?

Wear your heart on your… shirt?

37. What would you do if every time you high-fived someone, confetti exploded?

High-fives just got an upgrade!

38. What would you do if your favorite celebrity knocked on your door asking for a cup of sugar?

Fan moment or perfect host?

39. What would you do if you could create a holiday just for yourself?

Let the personalized celebrations begin!

40. What would you do if your thumbs could text at superhuman speed?

T9 nostalgia, meet your match!

41. What would you do if every time you laughed, bubbles filled the room?

Let’s hope you’re not in a serious meeting!

🤓 Suggested read: 90+ Fun "What If" Questions For Adults To Talk About

42. What would you do if your pet suddenly started giving you life advice?

Tail-wagging wisdom or kitty counsel!

43. What would you do if you were a master at every musical instrument after just one touch?

Rock on or orchestrate an impromptu symphony!

44. What would you do if you could become a master chef with the snap of your fingers?

Whip up a five-star meal, or maybe just endless batches of cookies!

45. What would you do if your hair changed style and color with your mood?

Hope you’re feeling colorful today!

46. What would you do if plants whispered secrets when you watered them?

The juiciest gossip is chlorophyll-filled!

47. What would you do if you could jump into any book and live the story?

Choose your chapter wisely!

48. What would you do if you could turn any surface into a trampoline?

Bounce your way to work, or the moon!

49. What would you do if each time you clapped, you switched places with someone else clapping somewhere in the world?

Hope they’re not mid-applause at the opera!

50. What would you do if your shadow came to life and started mimicking you?

Prepare for the ultimate dance-off!

51. What would you do if you found out you were a legendary pirate in your past life?

Arrr you ready for some swashbuckling adventures!

52. What would you do if desserts started to follow you home like lost puppies?

Will you adopt a cookie or a cupcake?

100+ Fun "What If" Questions To Ask in Any Situation 🤔
Suggested read: 100+ Fun "What If" Questions To Ask in Any Situation 🤔

53. What would you do if every time you sneezed, the weather changed?

Grab tissues and your all-weather gear!

54. What would you do if your doodles turned into real-life companions?

Draw yourself a friend or a dragon, perhaps?

55. What would you do if every full moon turned you into a disco-dancing queen or king?

Get ready to boogie under the moonlight!

“What Would You Do” Questions for Couples

This game is not just for single players! Grab your partner and get ready to explore each other’s deepest desires, wildest fantasies, and comical hypotheticals with these “What Would You Do” questions for couples.

Perfect for date night or a cozy evening in, this game will bring you closer together as you navigate through fun scenarios and learn more about each other.

1. What would you do if we were stranded on a deserted island?

A romantic getaway or survival test?

2. What would you do if we won the lottery?

Dream big or practical planning?

3. What would you do if you could relive one day from our relationship?

Choose your favorite memory!

4. What would you do if you found a bottle with a love potion inside?

Sprinkle a dash of romance or a full-blown enchantment?

5. What would you do if your partner could become invisible?

Gags and pranks or the most stealthy hugs?

📖 Suggested read: The Ultimate List of "What If" Questions Perfect For Kids

6. What would you do if both of us could read each other’s thoughts for a day?

Mind-boggling honesty or surprise mental love notes?

7. What would you do if we could switch careers for a day?

A walk in your shoes or a leap into the unknown?

8. What would you do if you could name a star after your partner?

Twinkle twinkle, little homage to love?

9. What would you do if we spontaneously booked a flight to a random location?

Adventure calls—will you answer?

10. What would you do if we could be contestants on any game show?

Aiming for the jackpot or just there for the laughs?

11. What would you do if we found a secret door in our home leading to an unknown place?

Dare to explore or seal it with a kiss of promise?

12. What would you do if we woke up as characters in our favorite TV show?

To binge-watch life or to make plot-changing decisions?

13. What would you do if we could have a superpower, but only when holding hands?

Powerful embraces or hand-in-hand heroics?

14. What would you do if our pet could approve or veto our decisions?

Paws for thought or curious tails leading the way?

15. What would you do if every kiss teleported us to a random place on earth?

Globe-trotting smooches or home-bound pecks?

16. What would you do if our relationship milestones earned us real-life achievements and rewards?

Level up in love or dig for those hidden Easter eggs?

17. What would you do if we were asked to star in a movie about our love story?

Scripted romance or off-the-cuff emotions?

🤓 Suggested read: 50+ Fun "What If" Questions For Your Next Couples Date Night

18. What would you do if we could build our dream house using Lego?

Brick by brick, love’s design or a plastic fantastic palace?

19. What would you do if we could breathe underwater and explore the ocean’s depths together?

Dive into the mystery or float in the aquamarine dream?

20. What would you do if our dance moves became viral sensations overnight?

Bust a move to fame or keep our groove private?

21. What would you do if we could compete in a couple’s talent show?

Stage lights on us or amusing ourselves in the shadows?

22. What would you do if every date night had a surprise theme?

Unveil the unexpected or play it sweet and classic?

23. What would you do if every anniversary changed the era we lived in?

Roaring ’20s flair or futuristic love affair?

24. What would you do if we both had to live by our horoscopes for a week?

Align with the stars or find our cosmic loophole?

25. What would you do if we could grow a magical garden that would cater to all our needs?

Cultivate enchanting edibles or blossom in botanical bliss?

26. What would you do if we found a map to hidden treasure?

Test our luck or embark on the quest for riches and romance?

27. What would you do if every time we hugged, we swapped a random skill or talent?

Embrace the unexpected or stick to our known caress?

8 Fun Games Like "Truth or Dare" To Play in Any Party
Suggested read: 8 Fun Games Like "Truth or Dare" To Play in Any Party

28. What would you do if all our meals were prepared by a celebrity chef for a month?

Feast like the famous or miss the simple DIY dinners?

29. What would you do if we could create a signature perfume that represented our love?

Bottled essence of us or the allure of natural scent?

30. What would you do if we were offered the chance to live abroad for a year?

Pack our courage or contentedly stay put?

31. What would you do if every time we whispered to each other, it echoed like a megaphone?

Silent love notes or broadcasting our whispers?

32. What would you do if we could decorate our own float for a love parade?

Float on waves of creativity or design the ultimate love tribute?

33. What would you do if cupid offered to answer one question about our future together?

Seek prophetic clarity or prefer the charm of unknowing?

34. What would you do if we could be extras in a romantic film?

Casual bystanders in love or scene-stealing kisses?

35. What would you do if a tree grew every time we said “I love you”?

A forest of affection or a garden of tender moments?

36. What would you do if laughter made time slow down just for us?

Savor the giggles or cherish every tickle and chuckle?

37. What would you do if our love story became the theme of a carnival?

Rollercoaster of passion or a merry-go-round of joy?

38. What would you do if we could communicate through a shared dream every night?

Dream talks or silent slumbers with a knowing smile?

📖 Suggested read: 12 Phone Drinking Games For Your Next Game Night

39. What would you do if we had to wear costumes every time we went out together?

Parade our alter egos or secretly sigh for sweatpants?

40. What would you do if every walk together summoned an impromptu musical from bystanders?

Harmonious strides or wishing for invisible cloaks?

41. What would you do if we could only communicate in rhyme for 24 hours?

Verse ourselves silly or quietly yearn for normal talk?

42. What would you do if every pizza we ordered became a supreme, regardless of the order?

Embrace the topping chaos or pine for pepperoni simplicity?

43. What would you do if we switched hair colors every day?

Rock a rainbow or secretly wish for our usual hues?

44. What would you do if our shadows danced independently from us?

Join the shadow boogie or prefer to lead the dance?

45. What would you do if we could instantly master any instrument we touch?

Form a dynamic duo band or still play air guitar?

46. What would you do if we could transform our living room into a ball pit?

Dive in like children or fear the plastic abyss?

47. What would you do if every spoonful of ice cream never melted?

Forever-frozen treats or miss the melty mess?

48. What would you do if laughter produced colorful bubbles?

Bubble up with joy or pop them with a giggle?

🤓 Suggested read: 500+ "Would You Rather" Questions for a Fun Night In 🤣

49. What would you do if we could only travel by pogo stick for a week?

Bound around town or long for a seat?

50. What would you do if we were granted the ability to turn any food into gourmet cuisine?

Plate up perfection or crave the comfort of fast food?

51. What would you do if our furniture came to life “Beauty and the Beast” style?

Have tea with the chair or eye the sofa with suspicion?

52. What would you do if board games played out in real life whenever we played them?

Strategize for reality or miss the tabletop?

53. What would you do if every blanket fort we built transported us to a medieval castle?

Rule the realm or long for modern comforts?

54. What would you do if we could speak and understand any language, but only while holding hands?

Hand-in-hand linguistic leaps or miss solo speech?

55. What would you do if our lives had a soundtrack that changed based on our moods?

Groove to the life tunes or long for silence?

56. What would you do if we could turn into any animal, but only when we sneezed?

Anticipate the next ‘achoo’ or fear the furry outcome?

57. What would you do if every pillow talk revealed secrets of the universe?

Whisper cosmic wonders or prefer earthly chats?

58. What would you do if our selfies came to life and interacted with us?

Pose for dynamic duos or miss the stillness?

90+ "Would You Rather" Questions to Ask a Guy You Like
Suggested read: 90+ "Would You Rather" Questions to Ask a Guy You Like

59. What would you do if we could navigate the world as a giant on weekends?

Stride with titanic steps or long for the little life?

60. What would you do if every movie we watched turned into a personal adventure?

Step into the scene or keep to the couch?

This list of “What Would You Do” questions is a fun way to get to know your friends and partner better, and discover new interests and preferences. They can also spark interesting conversations and even lead to exciting new experiences.

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