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Nothing brings people together like a good game, and one that never fails to entertain is “Put a Finger Down.” Whether you’re hanging out with friends, on a first date, or just looking for something to do at a party, this timeless game is sure to bring fun!

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Ready to get started? We’ve got over 40 “Put a Finger Down” questions that are sure to keep everyone engaged and entertained. From silly scenarios to thought-provoking dilemmas, we have something for everybody!

👉 Love “Put a Finger Down”? Check out another similar drinking game “Never Have I Ever” that’s sure to get you drunk in no time!

Play “Put A Finger Down” Online

Put a finger down if you’ve spent an unnecessary amount of time thinking of questions for this game. No need to stress anymore because we have a solution!

With our online “Put A Finger Down” game, you can simply press a button and let the questions come to you. Just play the game on our site or download our free app and access over 3,000 questions anytime, anywhere!

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How to play “Put A Finger Down”

Put a finger down if you don’t know how to play. Got your finger up? Don’t worry! Just follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Raise your hands. At the start, everyone raises both hands with their fingers up. The ten fingers represent ten lives.

Step 2: Ask. The first player begins the game by asking a question that starts with “Put a finger down…”

For example: “Put a finger down if you’ve ever fallen asleep in class.”

Step 3: Answer honestly. If you have done the action mentioned, you must put one finger down. If not, keep all fingers up.

Step 4: Keep going! Take turns asking questions until only one player has any fingers left up. That player is the winner!

Interactive “Put A Finger Down” video

Play this classic game with your friends and family, anywhere, and anytime! From embarrassing stories to revealing secrets, these “Put a finger down” questions can bring out some fun conversations.

This Youtube playlist has all the best questions from the game so you’ll never run out of ideas. Whether you want to start with an ice-breaker question or go straight into the deep stuff, we’ve got it all for you! Get ready and let’s play!

“Put A Finger Down” challenge

Think you’ve done it all? Challenge yourself and your friends with this ultimate “Put A Finger Down” challenge! It’ll test your honesty, reveal some secrets, and keep you entertained for hours.

1. Put a finger down if you’ve ever had a crush on someone in this room.

Time to find out who’s secretly been crushing on you!

2. Put a finger down if you’ve ever lied about your age.

Were you too young or pretending to be older?

3. Put a finger down if you’ve ever cheated on a partner.

A difficult one, but let’s be honest with ourselves here.

4. Put a finger down if you’ve ever stolen something.

Confess those moments of petty thievery and light fingers. No judgment here!

5. Put a finger down if you’ve ever had a crush on your best friend’s significant other.

The ultimate test of loyalty and honesty. Are you guilty or innocent?

6. Put a finger down if you’ve ever lied to get out of trouble with the law.

We won’t tell, but we’re definitely intrigued. Spill those juicy details!

7. Put a finger down if you’ve ever been in handcuffs.

You can take this one as literally or figuratively as you want 😉

8. Put a finger down if you’ve ever broken someone’s heart.

It happens, but let’s hope you learned from it!

9. Put a finger down if you’ve ever done something illegal.

We won’t judge, but we’re definitely curious! Bonus points for sharing the story behind it.

10. Put a finger down if you’ve ever been in love with someone who didn’t love you back.

Ouch, this one hurts. But we’ve all been there at some point in our lives. Share your experiences and let it out!

11. Put a finger down if you’ve ever been caught in a compromising situation by a family member.

Whether it was walking in on you doing something NSFW or finding something they weren’t supposed to, we want to know the details!

12. Put a finger down if you’ve ever gone skinny dipping.

Time to share those daring and spontaneous moments of freedom!

13. Put a finger down if you’ve ever pulled an all-nighter for something other than work or studying.

We’re talking about Netflix binges, gaming marathons, partying all night long… spill the tea!

14. Put a finger down if you’ve ever been caught cheating on a test or exam.

It’s okay, we won’t tell your teachers! But how did you get caught?

15. Put a finger down if you’ve ever made an impulse purchase over $100.

Retail therapy is real, and we’re here for it! Share what you bought and if you regret it.

Fun “Put A Finger Down” questions for friends

Ready for a fun challenge with the “Put A Finger Down” edition for friends? Have a fun night in with your pals and see who comes out on top!

1. Put a finger down if you’ve ever pulled an all-nighter binge-watching your favorite TV show.

Have you ever been so hooked on a TV show that your eyelids refused to close?

2. Put a finger down if you’ve ever sent a text to the wrong person and immediately regretted it.

Which embarrassing text have you sent to the wrong person, and how did you try to fix it?

3. Put a finger down if you’ve ever burst out laughing at an inappropriate moment.

I was in a serious meeting, and then all of a sudden…

4. Put a finger down if you’ve ever gotten lost in your own city or neighborhood.

I have the worst sense of direction.

5. Put a finger down if you’ve ever laughed at a joke without actually understanding it.

I laughed so hard, but what was the joke about again?

6. Put a finger down if you’ve ever talked to yourself in the mirror.

Well, hello there, handsome!

7. Put a finger down if you’ve ever asked someone to repeat themselves multiple times, failed to understand it, and just awkwardly smiled and nodded.

Uhh, what was that again?

8. Put a finger down if you’ve ever accidentally walked into a glass door.

It hurt more than I expected it to.

9. Put a finger down if you’ve ever waved at someone you thought you knew, only to realize they were a complete stranger.


10. Put a finger down if you’ve ever pretended to be on a phone call to avoid someone.

Where are my fellow introverts?

11. Put a finger down if you’ve ever cooked something and it turned out inedible — but you ate it out of sheer pride.

Where my kitchen warriors at?

12. Put a finger down if you’ve danced in an elevator when you thought no one was watching.

Shake it ’til the doors open!

13. Put a finger down if you’ve ever forgotten your own age during a birthday party.

Am I turning 21 again?

14. Put a finger down if you’ve ever practiced a victory dance for a game you ended up losing.

Better luck next time, Dancing Queen.

15. Put a finger down if you’ve ever accidentally liked someone’s photo on social media from 5 years ago.

Whoops, did I just double-tap a trip down someone else’s memory lane?

Awesome “Put A Finger Down” questions for kids

Are you ready to play “Put A Finger Down” with your little ones? This game is perfect for keeping kids entertained and engaged at a sleepover, birthday party, or just a fun day at home! Get ready for some laughter and silly responses.

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1. Put a finger down if you’ve ever had a pet hamster, fish, or any other small animal.

Tell us about your adorable furry friend and all the fun times you’ve had together!

2. Put a finger down if you’ve ever had a favorite stuffed animal that you took everywhere with you.

What was your favorite stuffed animal’s name?

3. Put a finger down if you’ve ever watched a movie you weren’t allowed to watch.

Ah, the thrill of bending the rules and sneaking in a forbidden film.

4. Put a finger down if you’ve ever stayed up past your bedtime and gotten caught.

What sneaky tricks did you use to stay awake without getting caught?

5. Put a finger down if you’ve ever lied to your parents.

What did you lie about?

6. Put a finger down if you’ve ever snuck candy or food from the kitchen.

What type of yummy snacks did you sneak?

7. Put a finger down if you’ve ever broken something belonging to someone else and tried to hide it.


8. Put a finger down if you’ve ever gotten sick on a roller coaster ride.

Roller coasters can be thrilling and stomach-churning at the same.

9. Put a finger down if you’ve ever giggled uncontrollably during class.

We’ve all been there when something tickles our funny bone at the most inappropriate time.

🤓 Suggested read: 🥳 150+ "Never Have I Ever" Questions For Your Next Party

10. Put a finger down if you’ve ever argued with your siblings.

Share your tales of epic battles over toys, TV shows, and who gets the last slice of pizza.

11. Put a finger down if you’ve ever made a weird concoction during lunch and dared someone to taste it.

Let the mad scientist in you take over—what was your craziest culinary creation?

12. Put a finger down if you’ve ever blamed a fart on an innocent pet or a family member.

The ultimate escape plan! We won’t tell if you don’t!

13. Put a finger down if you’ve ever worn your shirt inside out and didn’t notice until someone told you.

Fashion faux pas or a new trend? You decide!

14. Put a finger down if you’ve ever gotten lost in a grocery store.

Where are my fellow wanderers at?

15. Put a finger down if you’ve ever done something silly and then pretended it was intentional to save face.

We all have those moments when we try to play it cool, but deep inside, we’re just hoping no one noticed our goofiness.

“Put A Finger Down” crush edition

Ready to reveal your deepest secrets about your crush in a game of “Put A Finger Down”? Ask your crush to play with you and see if they can guess your answers.

It’s a fun way to get to know each other better! Just remember, whatever happens in the game stays between you two.

1. Put a finger down if you’ve ever said something embarrassing in front of your crush.

What was the most humiliating thing you said, and how did you recover from it?

🤓 Suggested read: 200+ Fun Teen "Never Have I Ever" Questions

2. Put a finger down if you’ve ever daydreamed about getting married to your crush.

Share those whimsical fantasies of walking down the aisle and saying “I do” to your crush in a world of happily-ever-afters.

3. Put a finger down if you’ve ever stalked your crush on social media.

Admit it, we’ve all gone down the rabbit hole of their posts and pictures.

4. Put a finger down if you’ve ever rehearsed conversations in your head, just in case you run into your crush.

We’ve all been there, practicing the perfect words to say to make an impression.

5. Put a finger down if you’ve ever written your crush’s name, followed by yours, to see how it looks together.

Ah, the art of daydreaming!

6. Put a finger down if you’ve ever replayed conversations with your crush in your head, analyzing every word.

Well, I have to figure out if there was any hidden meaning or secret signals in their words.

7. Put a finger down if you’ve ever gone out of your way to be in the same place as your crush, hoping for a chance encounter.

The thrill of a possible encounter is almost too much to bear.

8. Put a finger down if you’ve ever found yourself getting jealous when your crush talks to someone else.

Are you a jealous person?

9. Put a finger down if you have a secret crush right now.

We won’t tell! Share your secrets with us.

30+ Must-Ask "Have You Ever" Questions for Your Next Party
Suggested read: 30+ Must-Ask "Have You Ever" Questions for Your Next Party

10. Put a finger down if you’ve ever caught yourself staring at your crush.

We’ve all had those moments when our eyes just seem to be glued to them.

11. Put a finger down if you’ve ever accidentally sent a text about your crush TO your crush.

And suddenly, you’re a master of backpedaling and ‘haha’ was just a typo, right?

12. Put a finger down if you’ve ever crafted an elaborate plan to bump into your crush… only to totally freeze up when it actually happens.

Hey, A for effort!

13. Put a finger down if you’ve ever pretended to be interested in something just because your crush likes it.

Oh, you adore advanced quantum physics too? Such coincidence, much wow!

14. Put a finger down if you’ve ever doodled your crush’s name in a notebook.

Bonus points if it was surrounded by hearts!

15. Put a finger down if you’ve ever tried to make your crush laugh just so you could see their smile.

Mission Get-Cute-Smile: success!

Dirty “Put A Finger Down” questions for adults (18+)

Get ready to raise some eyebrows with these juicy adult-themed “Put A Finger Down” questions. Grab your friends and a bottle of wine, and let the confessions begin!

1. Put a finger down if you’ve ever had a one-night stand.

Oh la la! Share those thrilling tales of spontaneous connections and unforgettable nights.

🤓 Suggested read: 450+ Best "Truth or Dare" Questions to Ask in Any Situation

2. Put a finger down if you’ve ever had a friend with benefits.

Ah, the spicy side of friendship!

3. Put a finger down if you’ve ever had a threesome.

Time to reveal those daring experiences.

4. Put a finger down if you’ve ever used a sex toy.

What’s your favorite one?

5. Put a finger down if you’ve ever watched porn.

Come on, don’t lie!

6. Put a finger down if you’ve ever sent someone nudes.

We’ve all been there.

7. Put a finger down if you’ve ever given a lap dance.

Shake your booty!

8. Put a finger down if you’ve ever been to an adult store.

I prefer online shops.

9. Put a finger down if you’ve ever had sex in the shower.

Can’t recommend it.

10. Put a finger down if you’ve ever faked an orgasm.

If you haven’t, consider yourself lucky!

11. Put a finger down if you’ve ever sent a flirty text to the wrong person.

Oopsie! Did they flirt back or did you find yourself scrambling to explain?

12. Put a finger down if you’ve ever had a sexy dream about someone in this room.

Shh, don’t spill the beans! Just a cheeky little grin will do.

13. Put a finger down if you’ve ever kissed someone just to make someone else jealous.

The things we do for a little bit of drama and attention, am I right?

14. Put a finger down if you’ve ever giggled during sex.

Sometimes, things just get too silly not to laugh out, even when it’s steamy!

📖 Suggested read: 250+ Dirty "Never Have I Ever" Questions for Adults (18+)

15. Put a finger down if you’ve ever tried talking dirty and couldn’t keep a straight face.

Let’s be real, it’s a skill not all of us have mastered yet - and that’s okay!

Did you have fun playing “Put A Finger Down”? Hopefully, you got to know your crush or friends a little better and had some laughs along the way. Just remember, it’s all in good fun!

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