Most Likely To Questions for Kids
Kids are little dreamers who spend all their time and energy playing and living in their world of imagination. That’s why it’s so fun to ask them "Most Likely To" questions!
Play Online ✍️ February 29, 2024
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- 😍 How To Play “Most Likely To”
- 🤗 Best Who’s “Most Likely To” Questions for Kids
Party games aren’t just for adults — kids can get in on the fun too! “Most Likely To” is the perfect game for families to play together, and it’s a great way to get everyone laughing and bonding.
Whether you’re having a family game night, a birthday party, or looking for something fun to do with the everyone, “Most Likely To” is a fantastic choice. It’s easy to play, and the best part? It’s educational too!
How To Play “Most Likely To”
This game is simple and easy to play! This game is simple and easy to play! To get started, just follow the simple steps before:
1. Gather all the players: You need at least three players to play, but the more the merrier!
2. Decide who goes first: You can choose the youngest player, the person with the shortest hair, or just draw straws. There are no wrong answers here!
3. Ask the first “Most Likely To” question: The first player asks the question and everyone else has to answer it by pointing to who they think is most likely to do what the question asks.
For example: “Who’s most likely to become a famous actor?”
4. Count down from three: After everyone has pointed, count down from three and make sure everyone keeps their finger on who they chose.
5. Reveal your answers: On the count of three, everyone reveals who they chose. This is where things get interesting!
6. Keep going: Keep taking turns asking questions and laughing along the way. Remember to keep the tone lighthearted and fun!
Play “Most Likely to” Online
Need questions on the go for your next game of “Most Likely To”? No problem! Our app offers a variety of questions for you to choose from, for free!
There’s over 2,000 questions available in our mobile app and website, so you’ll never run out of ideas. This is perfect for those spontaneous game nights or when you’re looking for new “Most Likely To” questions.
Best Who’s “Most Likely To” Questions for Kids
Ready to make your next game night the best one yet? Use these best who’s “Most Likely To” questions to get the whole family involved and laughing!
1. Who is most likely to become president when you grow up?
Dream big and aim high!
2. Who is most likely to grow up and become the next Miss Universe?
That’s someone has beauty and brains!
3. Who is most likely to be awarded Most Kind?
Pick the actual angel on earth among the group.
4. Who is most likely to be the richest man on the planet?
Elon Musk must be shaking.
5. Who is most likely to win a singing contest?
If you have the voice of an angel, you’re a shoo-in for this!
6. Who is most likely to be the next Taylor Swift?
Today’s generation has loved Taytay ever since the Love Story.
7. Who is most likely to star in a box office hit?
The little drama queens really do stand out!
8. Who is most likely to become a world-renowned chef?
Cooking skills are always impressive!
9. Who is most likely to become the next Princess Diana and marry into the Royal Family?
Can you handle the royal life?
10. Who is most likely to climb Mt. Everest?
Only the brave ones will know.
11. Who is most likely to fart at the wrong time?
We all know a family member who’s a little too gassy. Time to call them out!
12. Who is most likely to forget their books at home?
Maybe they need a reminder to grab their book before leaving for school!
13. Who is most likely to have a crush on a teacher?
We all remember our first crush on a teacher.
14. Who is most likely to get straight A’s?
The cream of the crop, for sure!
15. Who is most likely to get grounded?
Oops, someone’s been naughty!
16. Who is most likely to be the teacher’s pet?
Looks like someone’s been getting all the stars in class.
17. Who is most likely to join the drama club?
The little future Oscar winners, put your hands up!
18. Who is most likely to save the world someday?
Maybe someone who is a superhero by heart or someone who’ll cure cancer someday.
19. Who is most likely to be the next Picasso?
Kids love to play with watercolor and paint… the great artists were once kids!
20. Who is most likely to be the villain of a superhero movie?
Time to find out who’s most likely to be a little mischievous and maybe even a bit evil.
21. Who is most likely to be a cat lady when she grows up?
This is actually not a bad thing. Feline lovers are simply the sweetest people on the planet!
22. Who is most likely to someday land on the moon?
Any aspiring astronauts out there?
23. Who is most likely to become a famous novelist in the future?
Bookworm types are the ones most likely to write a novel someday.
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24. Who is most likely to have a golden buzzer moment on America’s Got Talent?
Believe it or not, you can develop talents at such a young age.
25. Who is most likely to become a trending vlogger?
Potential social media celebrities start young to build their accounts, folks!
26. Who is most likely to find the cure for cancer in the future?
Dream big and aim high with this question!
27. Who is most likely to do something they’ll forever regret?
Like getting a misspelled tattoo!
28. Who is most likely to binge-watch their favorite show all day?
It’s definitely going to be the one who has a thing for Netflix, HBO, and the likes!
29. Who is most likely to wait for Santa on Christmas eve?
This is faith in the beautiful things that make us happy in life during the most beautiful time of the year.
30. Who is most likely to become a famous Rockstar someday?
They are definitely going to have a great voice, killer moves, and swag to die for!
31. Who is most likely to cry at the mall?
Maybe the toy they wanted wasn’t bought?
32. Who is most likely to go out alone at night?
Brave souls in the group, this one’s for you.
33. Who is most likely to own dozens of pets?
Animal-lover are just the cutest to watch when they play with their cats and dogs.
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34. Who is most likely to fall asleep during a movie?
Wake up, sleepyhead, you’re gonna miss the ending!
35. Who is most likely to fall asleep in class?
Say goodbye to your straight A’s, kid!
36. Who is most likely to get lost at the mall?
This is super normal and, more surprisingly, even for adults!
37. Who is most likely to finish a pizza all on their own?
We get it.
38. Who is most likely to be a heartbreaker?
Can you see a Casanova playboy/playgirl in the making?
39. Who is most likely to be the Grinch on Christmas?
Usually, and most probably, the person who always skulks in the corner.
40. Who is most likely to fall on their face while walking on a flat surface?
Tripping while walking is normal but definitely very embarrassing.
41. Who is most likely to get a 100 score on karaoke?
The one with a golden voice at such a young age, for sure!
42. Who is most likely to forget their own birthday?
Oh well, everyone needs a little reminder about their birthday.
43. Who is most likely to get picked as a volunteer?
It’s usually the one with the most enthusiasm and charisma!
44. Who is most likely to be an alien?
It might be the one with the strange look in their eyes and the strange doodles on their books.
45. Who is most likely to eat pizza with pineapples?
A lot of people actually love a great Hawaiian pizza!
46. Who is most likely to bite their nails when they’re anxious?
It’s a common nervous habit!

47. Who is most likely to have bad teeth?
Don’t forget to brush your teeth!
48. Who is most likely to overeat when they’re too happy or too sad?
Everyone loves to eat, but some people eat more when they’re feeling a lot.
49. Who is most likely to suck their thumb without meaning to?
You’ll grow out of it, eventually.
50. Who is most likely to be the next Mark Zuckerberg and develop a million-dollar app?
Well, anyone who’s got a million great ideas will surely make the next generation’s Facebook!
51. Who is most likely to become a comedian?
Some people develop their great wit and sense of humor from such a young age.
52. Who is most likely to be a world-class magician?
Magic tricks are always cool!
53. Who is most likely to become a priest/nun?
It’s definitely a unique calling.
54. Who is most likely to become a professional basketball player?
Are any Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan mini-mes out there?
55. Who is most likely to become a supermodel?
You never know when a little princess will grow up and become the next Gigi Hadid or Kendall Jenner!
56. Who is most likely to become a chocolate addict?
Oh well, that’s understandable.
57. Who is most likely to become a baldhead?
Nothing’s wrong with losing a few golden locks. It’s your golden heart that truly counts.
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58. Who is most likely to stay in the house all day?
Running and playing outside is fun, but home buddies do exist.
59. Who is most likely to marry first?
Kind of hard to know, but this is just for fun!
60. Who is most likely to kiss and tell?
With today’s generation and fads, you shouldn’t be shocked!
61. Who is most likely to kiss a frog for it to turn into a prince?
The princess in you will be trapped in a fantasy in your head.
62. Who is most likely to have a messy bedroom?
Quite the topsy-turvy little fella!
63. Who is most likely to have multiple hair colors at a time?
Rainbow is all the hype right now!
64. Who is most likely to live in the city?
Choose the one with the big city vibe in them, someone who can survive a fast-track environment.
65. Who is most likely to watch a horror movie alone?
It might surprise you, but some people can really watch horror movies alone!
66. Who is most likely to eat dessert before dinner?
Who cares about spoiling your dinner? You never know what could happen, so eat that cake!
67. Who is most likely to break their phone?
The reckless ones usually do!
68. Who is most likely to be the loudest one in the group?
You don’t have to think twice about this one.
69. Who is most likely to forget other people’s names?
Don’t worry. This is totally normal!
70. Who is most likely to be expelled from school due to misbehavior?
The little rascal is unforgettable, so this is an easy one!
👉 Suggested read: 250+ Best "Most Likely To" questions for Any Party 😃
71. Who is most likely to buy the largest teddy bear in the toy store?
Big teddies are simply the cutest!
72. Who is most likely to be made fun of?
Kids can sometimes be bullies or be bullied… that’s just how they are.
73. Who is most likely to write the next bestselling book?
This person probably loves to get lost in their own thoughts and comes up with the most amazing stories. Who knows, maybe one day, their book will be on the bestseller list!
74. Who is most likely to become a hacker?
Probably a tech-savvy individual who knows their way around a computer. They’re always the first to figure out the latest trends and gadgets, and they’re not afraid to take risks. While they may not be up to any mischief, you never know what they’ll come up with next!
75. Who is most likely to get a weird tattoo?
People who get tattoos are simply very brave.
76. Who is most likely to win a Grammy?
Maybe the next multiple Grammy awardee is among you!
77. Who is most likely to go to a Justin Bieber concert?
There must be a huge Justin Bieber fan in the group!
78. Who is most likely to go to a Shawn Mendes and Camilla Cabello concert?
Even kids nowadays know about Señorita, right?
79. Who is most likely to talk to their pets the most?
Are you the one always caught having a conversation with your pet?

80. Who is most likely to win the lottery?
To win it, you must actually place your bet. Kids are known to be lucky with lotteries.
81. Who is most likely to meet a ghost?
Another known superstition is that kids have a third eye to see the dead!
82. Who is most likely to spend all their money immediately?
Some people just can’t help but spend whatever they have on hand.
83. Who is most likely to eat the largest piece of cake?
Kids love sweets, and cake is probably near the top of the list.
84. Who is most likely to spill a secret?
Kids can be pretty chatty, so it’s hard to keep a secret safe with them.
85. Who is most likely to become famous on Tiktok?
The world’s crazy about Tiktok, young or old.
86. Who is most likely to become friends with a celebrity?
Just a hunch, probably someone who’s such a fan and very active on social media.
87. Who is most likely to ruin their shoes?
The little rascals can be quite hyped and jittery. Shoes are pretty much disposable.
88. Who is most likely to get a high-paying job in the future?
This is determined by many factors, but let’s hope for the best for all of you!
89. Who is most likely to forget things at home?
Forgetfulness is not always relative to age. It’s normal to be forgetful.
90. Who is most likely to puke after eating something gross?
Pretty normal and acceptable, so don’t worry, kiddo!
91. Who is most likely to dance in a public place?
Go bust those moves, babe!
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92. Who is most likely to jump into the pool first?
Kids love to make a splash, so this is no surprise.
93. Who is most likely to become a coffee lover?
Coffee is not advisable for kids, but you know it in your heart when you love coffee, even just by smelling it.
94. Who is most likely to become everyone’s crush?
You’ve got the looks and the swag and the style… you’ve got it all!
95. Who is most likely to wash the dishes?
Good kids know that cleanliness is next to godliness.
96. Who is most likely to puke on a roller coaster ride?
Don’t be embarrassed! Roller coaster rides make everyone wanna hurl.
97. Who is most likely to sleep early at night?
You sleep early, and you wake up early.
98. Who is most likely to wake up first in the morning?
The early bird catches the worm every time!
99. Who is most likely to arrive first in school?
Kids who love to study and are always excited to go to school are more likely to get into the habit of punctuality!
100. Who is most likely to submit a project ahead of time?
Why put off tomorrow what you can do today, right?
Most Likely To Game is a fun and unique way to get the kids laughing and having a good time. With just a few simple rules, it’s easy to learn and play this game with all ages. So grab some friends, family, or classmates, and have a blast!
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