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Feeling bored and want to make your next gathering more exciting? We’ve got you covered. We’ve searched the internet to find 12 minute to win it games for adults that will have your friends laughing non-stop. These Minute to Win It games for adults are not only funny but also great for adding some chaos and competition to any event.

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Here’s what you’ll find:

  • A detailed explanation of each game, including instructions and tips.
  • Games that are easy to set up and don’t require many supplies (because who has time for complicated preparation?).
  • A combination of physical challenges and mental puzzles to entertain all types of party-goers.

Get ready for a world filled with laughter, fast-paced action, and maybe even a little bit of friendly sabotage. Let’s kick off this party!

1. Cup Stack

Ever wanted to feel like a pro bartender without the risk of shattering glasses? Try the Cup Stack game. Players must stack cups into a pyramid and then bring them back down into a single stack, all within 60 seconds. Think you’ve got the dexterity for it?

If you enjoy games with cups, we think you’ll also enjoy this classic cup drinking game: Flip Cup!

How to Play Cup Stack:

  1. Gather your lightweight plastic cups. Trust me, you don’t want to be that person who brings glass cups to a speed-stacking challenge.
  2. Set up a flat surface – your dining table, the kitchen counter, or heck, even the floor if you’re feeling adventurous.
  3. When someone yells “Go!” (or blows a whistle for dramatic effect), start stacking those cups into a pyramid formation as fast as you can.
  4. Once you’ve built your towering masterpiece, immediately start deconstructing it back into one neat stack.
  5. The goal is to complete this wacky construction-deconstruction in under one minute.


  • Lightweight Cups: Stick with lightweight plastic or paper cups; they’re easier to handle and less likely to cause an epic collapse.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Try doing a few practice rounds to get your hands used to the movement.
  • Steady Hands: Make sure your surface is stable – no one wants an accidental earthquake knocking over their hard work!

This one’s guaranteed to have everyone on edge, either from the thrill of competition or the constant threat of cup avalanches!

Think you’re a pro at making funny faces? Try the Cookie Face game, where your facial muscles get a real workout.

Place a cookie on your forehead and use only your face to move it into your mouth. No hands allowed! It’s as silly as it sounds and even funnier to watch.

Cookie games are a staple at any Christmas gathering! Check out this list of 12 Fun Christmas Games for Family to Play This Year for a merry time this 2024!

  1. Grab a cookie (preferably something sturdy like an Oreo). Place it on your forehead.
  2. Using only your face—yes, just those fabulous facial muscles—wiggle, squirm, and twitch to slide the cookie down into your mouth.
  3. Laugh uncontrollably as you inevitably fail multiple times before finally succeeding.

Tips for playing Cookie Face:

  • Laugh. Seriously, it’s part of the fun. If you’re not laughing, you’re doing it wrong.
  • Opt for cookies that don’t crumble too easily; unless you’re aiming for a face full of crumbs.
  • Feel free to practice in front of a mirror. It won’t help, but at least you’ll get some quality alone time with yourself.

Whether you’re at a party or just hanging out with friends, this game is sure to make everyone laugh. And who knew moving cookies from forehead to mouth could be such an art form?

3. Penny Stack

Ready for a game that’ll test your skills while making you question your life choices? Try the Penny Stack game.

This one’s as simple as it sounds. Stack as many pennies as you can with one hand in just one minute. Sounds easy, right? Just wait until you’re 30 seconds in and your hand starts shaking like you’ve had too much coffee.

How to Play Penny Stack

  1. Grab a bunch of pennies – at least 50 to make it interesting.
  2. Set a timer for one minute.
  3. Using only one hand, start stacking those bad boys into a single tower.
  4. The player with the highest stack when the time is up wins bragging rights and possibly a sore thumb.

Tips for playing Penny Stack

  • Use a flat surface to avoid any unnecessary penny avalanches.
  • Channel your inner zen master; calm hands are your best friends here.

Guaranteed laughs, minimal supplies required, and hey, you might even walk away with some extra change if you’re lucky!

4. Scoop It

Want to test your balance and patience with a fun game? Try Scoop It, a hilarious minute to win it game for adults!

Transfer ping pong balls from one bowl to another using only a spoon held in your mouth. Sounds easy, right? Think again!

How to Play Scoop It

  1. Set up two bowls: one filled with ping pong balls and the other empty.
  2. Place the bowls on a table, spaced apart enough to make it challenging.
  3. Grab a spoon and hold it in your mouth.
  4. When the timer starts, transfer as many ping pong balls as you can from the full bowl to the empty one—using only the spoon!
  5. The player who transfers the most balls within one minute wins.

Tips for playing Scoop It

  • Practice your balance beforehand; you’ll thank me later.
  • Use lightweight spoons if you don’t want a jaw workout.
  • Keep those elbows in check—no cheating with hand assists!

This game is sure to have everyone wobbling around like drunken flamingos, adding some serious laughs to any gathering.

5. Marshmallow Toss

This one’s for all the marshmallow lovers out there! Grab your fluffiest marshmallows and get ready for a game that’s both fun and a little sticky.

How to Play Marshmallow Toss

Pairs toss marshmallows back and forth trying to catch them in their mouths. It’s like playing catch but with more sugar and slightly less dignity.

  1. Find a Partner: This is a two-person game, so grab a friend (or someone you want to be friends with).

If you want to take this game up a notch, you can even play it at the next Gender Reveal party you’re invited to! We guarantee it’ll be a blast!

  1. Set Up: Stand a few feet apart from each other.
  2. Start Tossing: One person starts by gently tossing a marshmallow towards the other’s mouth. The goal is to catch it using only your mouth—no hands allowed!
  3. Catch & Repeat: If the marshmallow is caught, take a step back and repeat the process. If not, try again from the same distance until successful.

Tips for playing Marshmallow Toss:

  • Increase Distance Gradually: Start close and increase the distance with each successful catch for added challenge.
  • Choose Your Marshmallows Wisely: Mini marshmallows are for beginners; jumbo ones are for pros.
  • Have Fun With It: Laughter is practically guaranteed as you watch your friends make hilarious attempts at catching these sugary projectiles.

6. Backwards ABC

Ever tried saying the alphabet backwards? Spoiler alert: it’s like suddenly forgetting how to human. This game is exactly what it sounds like – recite the alphabet in reverse order within one minute. Easy, right? Yeah, not so much.

How to Play

  1. Gather your friends and get a timer ready.
  2. One player stands up and takes a deep breath.
  3. Start the timer and let the hilarity ensue as they attempt to rattle off “Z-Y-X” faster than you can say “Wait, what’s next?”


  • Practice makes… well, not perfect, but slightly less embarrassing.
  • Break it up into chunks (i.e., ZYX, WVU) to make it easier.
  • Have a few drinks beforehand. Just kidding – or am I?

Perfect for parties, corporate team-building events, or really any occasion where you want to see your friends’ brains short-circuit in real time.

7. Human Dictionary

Human Dictionary might sound like a boring library convention, but trust me, it’s anything but! Teams race against time to list words alphabetically.

Sounds simple? Just wait until someone tries to come up with a word starting with “X” under pressure.

How to Play Human Dictionary

  1. Divide into Teams: Split your group into two or more teams.
  2. Set the Timer: Use your phone or any other timer to set one minute.
  3. Start Listing: Each team starts listing words in alphabetical order, one word per letter.
  4. Check Your List: At the end of the minute, count how many letters each team successfully covered without missing a beat.

Tips for playing Human Dictionary

  1. Set a Timer for Added Pressure: Nothing gets the adrenaline pumping like watching the seconds tick away.
  2. Use a Whiteboard or Large Paper: This helps everyone see the progress and join in on the panic.

Mix some caffeine with this game, and you’ve got yourself an electrifying word race that will leave everyone laughing and scrambling for that elusive “Q” word (Quinoa, anyone?).

8. Noodle Doodlin'

Ever tried drawing with a pen balanced on your head? Welcome to the Noodle Doodlin’ game, where your artistic skills and balancing prowess collide in a hilarious showdown.

Balance a pen on your head and draw objects, all while looking like a complete noodle. Simple, yet ridiculously entertaining.

How to Play Noodle Doodlin'

  1. Grab a pen and a sheet of paper.
  2. Place the pen on top of your head.
  3. Set a timer for one minute.
  4. Start drawing! Try to create recognizable shapes or objects without letting the pen fall.


  1. Stick to basic shapes or letters; attempting to draw the Mona Lisa is highly discouraged.
  2. Keep your movements slow and controlled to avoid turning your doodle into abstract art (unless that’s your thing).

9. Snowball Fight

Ever wanted to have a snowball fight without the freezing temperatures and potential frostbite? You’re in luck because the next game on our list is the Snowball Fight game. The objective is simple: toss paper balls into a container from a distance. Sounds easy, right? Think again.

How to Play Snowball Fight

  1. Preparation: Crumple up some sheets of paper into ball shapes—preferably ones with your worst doodles or notes that you don’t mind parting with.
  2. Setup: Place a container (bucket, trash can, or an unsuspecting friend’s hat) at a reasonable distance.
  3. Game Time: Each player gets one minute to throw as many paper balls as possible into the container.

Tips for playing Snowball Fight

  • Obstacles Galore: Add obstacles like chairs or stacks of books between you and the container for extra hilarity.
  • Style Points: Consider awarding bonus points for trick shots or behind-the-back throws.

10. Trunk Junk

Ah, Trunk Junk — because who doesn’t want to look like a flailing lunatic for the sake of fun? This is one of those hilarious Christmas minute to win it games for adults that will have everyone doubled over in laughter.

Shake ping pong balls out of a tissue box tied around your waist. Yes, it’s as ridiculous as it sounds.

How to Play:

  1. Find an old tissue box and cut a hole big enough for ping pong balls to come flying out.
  2. Securely attach the box to a belt or piece of string and tie it around your waist, with the box resting on your backside.
  3. Fill the box with 8-10 ping pong balls.
  4. When the timer starts, shake your booty like you’re trying to get rid of ants in your pants until all the balls are out. You’ve got one minute.


  • Make sure the tissue box is secured tightly for maximum shakeability.
  • Use lightweight ping pong balls; heavier ones might just lead to more chaos than fun.
  • Warm up those hips! A good stretch might save you from embarrassing post-game soreness.

If you need some inspiration on how to make such games more engaging or if you’re looking for other fun activities, you might want to explore some party games.

11. Egg-cellent Fun

Imagine this: you, an egg, and a spoon. The goal? Balance that egg on your spoon while walking from one point to another without turning your kitchen into an omelette. Sounds simple, right?

How to Play Egg-cellent Fun

  1. Gather Your Supplies: You’ll need an egg (raw or hard-boiled if you’re a clean freak) and a spoon.
  2. Set Up Your Course: Mark a start and finish line. It can be as short or as long as you like, depending on how much you trust your balancing skills.
  3. The Balancing Act: Place the egg on the spoon and hold the spoon in your hand.
  4. Walk Carefully: Navigate from the start to the finish line without dropping the egg. If you do… well, let’s just say you might need some paper towels.

Tips for playing Egg-cellent Fun

  • Start Slow: Trying to sprint with an egg on a spoon is a recipe for disaster.
  • Focus on Your Balance: Keep your eyes on the prize (or in this case, the egg) and take steady steps.

12. Water Pong

Water Pong is the classy cousin of Beer Pong that’s perfect when you want to keep things a bit more…hydrated. This game is all about precision, aim, and just a touch of luck.

How to Play Water Pong

Set up like classic Beer Pong but with water (because we’re all about hydration here). The goal is simple: toss ping pong balls into cups of water arranged in a triangular formation. Sounds easy? Think again.

  1. Setup: Arrange 10 cups in a pyramid shape on both sides of a long table.
  2. Distance: Place the cups about 6 feet apart. Adjust according to your skill level or how much you trust your friends’ aim.
  3. Equipment: You’ll need ping pong balls – go for good quality ones like Franklin Sports or JOOLA for the best bounce.
  4. Gameplay: Players take turns tossing the ping pong ball into the opposing team’s cups. If a ball lands in a cup, that cup is removed.
  5. Winning: The first team to eliminate all their opponent’s cups wins.


  1. Aim Low: Seriously, aiming at the middle cup can be a game-changer.
  2. Consistency is Key: Use the same throwing technique each time.
  3. Stay Hydrated: It’s called Water Pong for a reason, folks!

FAQs about Minute to Win It Games for Adults

1. What are Minute to Win It games and how do they work for adults?

Minute to Win It games are quick, one-minute challenges that are perfect for testing your speed, dexterity, and sometimes just plain luck. Minute to Win It games are fast-paced challenges that typically last one minute, designed to be fun and engaging for adults. These games promote teamwork and camaraderie, making them ideal for parties, corporate gatherings, and other events.

They’re designed to be easy to set up and insanely fun—ideal for adult gatherings where you want laughter and maybe a bit of friendly competition.

2. How many players can participate in these games?

The beauty of these games is their flexibility. You can go solo, pair up, or create small teams. Whether you’re hosting an intimate gathering or a large party, there’s room for everyone.

3. What materials do I need to set up a Minute to Win It game night?

Most of the supplies you need are probably lying around your house or office. Think cups, cookies, pennies, ping pong balls, spoons—you get the idea. Minimalist setup for maximum fun!

4. Are there any age restrictions for playing Minute to Win It games?

While the name might sound like it’s all fun and games for kids, adults can totally get in on the action too. Just be sure everyone knows their limits—no one wants a sprained wrist from overzealous cup stacking!

5. What is the benefit of playing Minute to Win It games?

Playing Minute to Win It games offers numerous benefits such as promoting teamwork and camaraderie among participants. They require minimal supplies and can be easily set up, making them perfect for various social events.

6. Can you give an example of a Minute to Win It game?

One example is the ‘Cup Stack’ game, where players stack cups into a pyramid and then back into a single stack within one minute. It’s simple yet challenging and encourages friendly competition.

7. Are these games suitable for team-building activities?

Yes! Minute to Win It games are excellent for team-building activities as they encourage collaboration, communication, and fun among team members.

8. What materials do I need to set up these games?

Most Minute to Win It games require common household items like cups, cookies, ping pong balls, or paper balls. The setup is easy and doesn’t require extensive resources.

9. Why play Minute to Win It Games for adults?

Ever tried to build team spirit with trust falls and awkward icebreakers? Yeah, us too—cringe. Here’s a better idea: Minute to Win It games. These fun games for adults are not just mindless entertainment; they’re practically a team-building goldmine.

1. Promoting Teamwork and Camaraderie

Nothing says bonding like watching your colleague try to balance a cookie on their face. These games encourage players to cheer each other on, share strategies, and laugh at their collective failures. You’re basically building camaraderie without the cheesy team-building activities.

2. Ideal for Various Events

Parties, corporate gatherings, family reunions—you name it. Minute to Win It games are versatile enough to fit any social setting. Imagine the next office party where instead of forced small talk, you’re all engaged in a high-stakes game of Cup Stack. Way more fun than yet another PowerPoint karaoke.

3. Easy Setup and Minimal Supplies Required

Forget elaborate setups and expensive gear. Most Minute to Win It games require items you already have lying around:

  • Cups
  • Ping Pong Balls
  • Cookies

You can set these games up in a flash and get straight into the action. No need for complicated instructions or hours of preparation. Just grab your stuff and go!

So, ditch the awkward icebreakers and step up your game night with these hilariously effective activities. Get ready to stun your friends and show them who’s the real MVP of fun!

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