Truth or Dare for Kids
Looking for clean and family-friendly "Truth or Dare" for a fun game that will keep your kids entertained for hours? Our list of questions provides the perfect solution for parents and caregivers who want to foster positive social interactions and promote bonding among children.
Play Online ✍️ February 29, 2024
- ✅ How to play “Truth or Dare” for Kids
- 📱 “Truth or Dare” Generator
- 🤸 Amazing “Truth or Dare” Challenge for Kids
- 🤪 Fun “Truth or Dare” Questions for Kids
- 😂 Hilarious Dares for “Truth or Dare” for Kids
Just because it’s a party game doesn’t mean kids have to be excluded. “Truth or Dare” for kids can be a great way to bond and get the whole family involved in an activity that everyone can enjoy!
Get off your devices and get ready to have some good old-fashioned fun with our list of clean “Truth or Dare” questions for kids. These questions are perfect for kids of all ages and will provide hours of entertainment.
How to play Truth or Dare ✅
Playing “Truth or Dare” for kids is easy! First, gather all the players and have them sit in a circle.
Then, decide who will go first by picking a name out of a hat or by playing rock-paper-scissors. Once the order is determined, the first player can choose either “Truth” or “Dare.”
If you choose “Truth,” the other players will ask you a question and you have to answer it honestly. For example, Would you rather have a pet or a sibling?" or “Who is your favorite superhero?” Be prepared to answer some silly and thought-provoking questions!
If you choose “Dare,” the other players will give you a task to complete. For example, “Sing your favorite song in a funny voice” or “Balance a spoon on your nose for 10 seconds.”
After you have completed your “Truth” or “Dare,” the next player in the circle gets to choose and the game continues. The goal is to keep the game going and have fun while learning more about each other!
Need an interactive visual game? Watch our Youtube video below for more inspiration!
“Truth or Dare” Generator
Need more funny dares and exciting truth questions? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Use our “Truth or Dare” generator to generate new questions and challenges every time you play.
Just download our free app now or access it directly from our website. With endless combinations, you’ll never run out of ideas for a fun game!
Amazing “Truth or Dare” Challenge for Kids

Looking for a more challenging “Truth or Dare” game? These challenges and questions will push your skills and abilities to the limit!
Fun “Truth or Dare” Questions for Kids
Ready for some fun? Here are some questions and dares for Truth or Dare you can use at a sleepover or any gathering. This is an easy way to get the party started! Have a good time and enjoy!
- Who is your favorite teacher?
- What is a word that you’ve made up?
- What is your favorite meal Mom makes?
- Have you ever lied about your age?
- Would you rather have a pet or a sibling?
- What was the biggest joke you’ve ever played on someone?
- Do you have a unique talent?
- Do you sing in the shower?
- Who would win in a fight- Hulk or Iron Man?
- Have you ever wet the bed?
- What one thing are you always losing track of?
- How do you cheat on a chore?
- When was the last time you were bored out of your brains?
- How often do you floss your teeth?
- Which celebrity would you be, and why?
- Are you a dog person or a cat person?
- Are you afraid of ghosts?
- Which are the funniest words you know?
- Have you poured a glass of milk on a plant?
- Have you ever broken something and not told anyone?
- Have you ever cried during a movie?
- Do you apologize after an argument?
- If you had 1 minute to get out of your house, what would you grab?
- Do you think rain smells good?
- If you had a pet dinosaur, which would you pick?
- Give someone a piggyback ride.
- Do not blink for a minute!
- Any time someone takes a drink, ask them for a sip.
- Do your best Buzz Lightyear impression.
- Run around the outside of the house three times.
- Go outside and yell, “I pick my nose!” to the first person you see!
- Put your leg behind your head!
- Eat a spoonful of hot sauce!
- Hug your mailbox (or a tree or lawn ornament) for 20 seconds.
- Sing the Star-Spangled Banner in your best opera voice.
- Take a bite out of a stick of butter.
- Draw a face on your hand and talk with your hand when it’s your turn.
- Let the person standing closest to you do your make-up crazy. Keep it on for at least an hour.
- Talk with your tongue sticking out.
- Do the next dare for the next person that gets one.
- Text someone using only your nose.
- Use the driveway as a catwalk for 5 minutes and wave to passing people.
- Do jumping jacks until your next turn.
- Brush your teeth in front of everyone.
- Do 10 perfect pushups.
- Go up to anyone on the street and ask, “How could you?” with much emotion.
- Eat a spoonful of mustard.
- Play the air guitar.
- Would you rather be a princess/prince or a mermaid/man?
- Have you lied about your age?
- Which Harry Potter character would you like to be and why?
- Are you afraid of the dark?
- Have you ever said you finished your dinner when you didn’t?
- Have you smelled the inside of a seashell?
- What is one thing you would change about yourself?
- Have you peed in a pool?
- When was the last time your room was cleaned?
- Have you ever passed gas and blamed someone else?
- What is the most annoying thing on Earth for you?
- Have you ever stolen anything?
- If you had a genie, what 3 things would you wish for?
- Have you tried to forge your parent’s signature?
- Have you ever been to a zoo?
- If you could be any celebrity, who would you be and why?
- Do you have a strange collection?
- Do you prefer cookies or cake?
- What makes you happy?
- Have you ever kept a goldfish alive for more than a year?
- Who do you have a crush on?
- What is your favorite sleeping position?
- Who do you want to be when you grow up?
- Would you rather have a sibling or a pet?
- Have you held a tarantula?
- Have you ever watched Blues Clues?
- What is a secret you have?
- What is your favorite amusement park ride?
👉 Still playing Truth or Dare with your friends? Explore fun and easy “Truth or Dare” Questions for Teens here!
Hilarious Dares for “Truth or Dare” for Kids
Dares are a great way to get everyone laughing and having fun! They are also a great way to get you out of their comfort zone and try new things. Here are some hilarious dares to try in your next game:
- Tie your shoes together, and try not to forget.
- Stick round labels all over yourself and pretend to have chickenpox.
- Sing Un Poco Loco.
- Spin around 10 times and try to walk a straight line.
- Skip instead of walking or running.
- Run around wearing socks on your hands, pants for a shirt, and a shirt for pants, for 3 minutes.
- Eat a pudding cup without using your hands.
- Wear underwear on your head for the rest of the game.
- Stuff as many marshmallows in your mouth as possible.
- Let the person next to you do your make-up any way they’d like.
- Say the alphabet backward as fast as you can.
- Touch your nose with your tongue.
- Chug a cup of milk, water, juice, etc..
- Talk and act like a robot!
- Blindfold yourself for your next 3 turns!
- Ask someone to tango!
- Act like a gorilla and pretend to pick bugs out of your friend’s hair!
- Do the cha-cha until it is your turn again!
- Make animal sounds for a minute straight.
- Bite a lemon.
- Wear a bathrobe outside and ask someone if they’ve seen your newspaper!
- Hold a cup of water over your head and jump without spilling it!
- Go outside and yell Merry Christmas at the top of your lungs!
- Balance a spoon on your nose for 10 seconds!
- Bob like an apple.
- Run with your hands tied behind your back.
- Do the disco.
- Imitate your favorite cartoon character!
- Eat a huge spoonful of peanut butter and sing the ABCs!
- Do 20 jumping jacks.
- Sing like a rap singer.
- Sing the ABCs backward.
- Wrap yourself up like a birthday present.
- Draw a stickman on paper by holding the writing utensil in your mouth!
- Hold an ice cube against your face until it melts.
- Replay your strangest dream in front of the others.
- Do the chicken dance.
- Imitate your secret crush!
- Show some embarrassing dance moves.
- Sniff the pepper shaker!
- Switch on a piece of clothing with the person on your left.
- Dance without music!
- Imitate your favorite animal!
- Drink a cup of ice water.
- Act like your favorite movie character for the next 10 minutes.
- Sing the national anthem!
- Stack five cookies on your forehead!
- After everything you say, add “Whoa … I’m good!” for the next 15 minutes.
- Wear clean underwear on your head for the rest of the game!
- Spin 10 times and try to do hopscotch!
- Close your eyes every time someone talks to you.
- Get wrapped from head to toe in toilet paper!
- If it’s dark outside, leave the house and howl at the moon!
- Stand absolutely still for one minute.
- Go ask the neighbor for a cup of sugar.
- You can only speak to the tune of happy birthday for the next 30 minutes!
- Gently blow in the ear of the person to your left!
- Pop a balloon without using your hands or teeth.
- Eat a teaspoon of sugar and salt mixed together.
- Make up a poem out loud.
- Wink at the end of each sentence!
- Start every sentence with “what is…”!
- Put ice cubes down your shirt, with the shirt tucked in!
- Wrap yourself in toilet paper.
- Play tag on all fours with your eyes closed until you tag someone!
- Make out with your hand.
- Build a tower taller than you out of anything you can!
- Ask the person on your left to make up a dare for you!
- Attempt to slip on a banana peel.
- Sing the ABCs backward.
- Go outside and yell, “I believe in fairies!” loudly three times while clapping your hands as fast as you can.
- Fold a piece of paper with one hand!
- Talk while holding your tongue with your index finger and thumb!
- Paint your toenails with a crayon.
- Juggle eggs.
- Pretend to be T-Rex.
- Use a hairbrush as a microphone.
- Play fetch like a dog, running on all fours and using only your mouth to fetch.
- Disco dance.
- Try to balance a spoon on your nose for one minute.
- Wear socks on your hands for the next three rounds.
- Hop on one foot while reciting your favorite nursery rhyme.
- Draw a funny face on your belly with a marker.
- Talk in a British accent for the next 10 minutes.
- Hug a tree and tell it why you appreciate it.
- Dance like nobody’s watching for the duration of a song.
- Put a piece of ice down your back and keep it there for one minute.
- Swap shoes with the person to your right and walk around like that for the next round.
- Do your best animal impression and have others guess what it is.
- Eat a small piece of raw onion without making a face.
- Speak in rhymes for the next five minutes.
- Balance a book on your head while walking in a straight line.
- Mimic your favorite cartoon character’s voice for the next round.
- Draw a mustache on your face with a washable marker.
- Speak in slow motion for the next three turns.
- Stand on one leg for two minutes without touching the ground with the other foot.
- Put a piece of tape on your nose and wear it like that for the next round.
- Do the chicken dance with exaggerated movements.
- Wear socks on your hands and try to eat a snack with them.
- Recite the alphabet backward while hopping on one foot.
- Do your best impression of a famous celebrity.
- Wear a hat made of aluminum foil for the next three rounds.
- Speak in an accent of your choice for the next five minutes.
- Do 10 jumping jacks in a row.
- Balance a small object on your head while walking in a circle.
- Talk in a high-pitched voice for the next round.
“Truth or Dare” for kids is a fun and engaging game that can bring the whole family together. With our list of clean questions, “Truth or Dare” generator, and hilarious dares and challenges, you are sure to have an exciting time with your kids!