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“Never Have I Ever” is one of the most popular party games that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It’s a great way to get to know each other better, and even young kids can join in on the fun with “Never Have I Ever” for kids!

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Planning a family game night, hosting a birthday party, or just looking for something fun to do with your friends during lunch break? This list has got you covered with over 100 exciting “Never Have I Ever” questions that are perfect for kids.

How to Play “Never Have I Ever” for Kids

This game is simple and easy to play. All you need is a group of friends, some imagination, and the list of questions below.

To start the game, have everyone sit in a circle or around a table and everyone holds up ten of their fingers. The youngest player begins and asks a “Never Have I Ever” question, starting with “Never have I ever…” followed by something they have never done.

For example: “Never have I ever been to Disneyland.”

Anyone who has done that action must put down one of their fingers. The next player will then ask their own “Never Have I Ever” question and so on.

As soon as someone runs out of fingers, they are out of the game. The last player with any fingers remaining is declared the winner! Have fun and get to know each other better with these exciting “Never Have I Ever” questions for kids. Let’s begin! 🎉

Play “Never Have I Ever” Online

Want questions on the go for your next road trip or family vacation? You can also play “Never Have I Ever” online and easily access a variety of 3,000 statements for free!

All you have to do is download our free app or play “Never Have I Ever” online on our website. It’s a great way to keep everyone entertained and create long-lasting memories while on the go! 🚙✨

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Best “Never Have I Ever” Questions For Kids

Need questions for your next game night? Check out our handpicked selection of the best “Never Have I Ever” questions for kids below. Enjoy and have a blast! 💥

1. Never have I ever cheated on a test.

I’ve always played fair when it comes to exams!

2. Never have I ever laughed so hard I had to cry.

Laughter has brought tears to my eyes before.

3. Never have I ever eaten snow.

Snow has never been on my menu!

4. Never have I ever had chewing gum in my hair.

Thankfully, I’ve never had to deal with gum stuck in my hair.

5. Never have I ever been shat on by a bird.

I’ve managed to avoid bird droppings so far!

6. Never have I ever missed the school bus.

I’ve always made it on time for the bus!

7. Never have I ever tasted coffee.

I’ve never tried the bitter taste of coffee.

8. Never have I ever had a nightmare.

Nightmares haven’t troubled my sleep yet!

9. Never have I ever held a tarantula in my hand.

I’ve never been brave enough to hold a tarantula!

10. Never have I ever lied to my parents.

I’ve always been honest with my parents.

11. Never have I ever bullied anyone.

I’ve never been a bully to anyone!

12. Never have I ever imitated a superhero.

I’ve pretended to be a superhero before.

13. Never have I ever been afraid of the dark.

The dark has never scared me!

14. Never have I ever made a funny phone prank.

I’ve never pulled off a funny phone prank.

15. Never have I ever wet my bed.

I’ve never wet the bed since I was a kid!

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16. Never have I ever fought with my sibling.

I’ve never had a serious fight with my sibling.

17. Never have I ever done anything embarrassing in public.

I’ve managed to avoid public embarrassment so far!

18. Never have I ever cried in school.

I’ve never shed tears in school.

19. Never have I ever ridden a horse.

I’ve never had the chance to ride a horse!

20. Never have I ever got the giggles during class.

I’ve managed to keep a straight face during class!

21. Never have I ever participated in a talent show.

I’ve never showcased my talent in a show.

22. Never have I ever killed a spider.

I’ve never had the heart to kill a spider!

23. Never have I ever been awake all night long.

I’ve never stayed awake all night!

24. Never have I ever stepped in dog shit.

I’ve never stepped into dog poop!

25. Never have I ever kissed a girl/boy.

I’ve never experienced a kiss.

26. Never have I ever played a video game for more than four hours in one sitting.

I’ve never played a video game for such a long time in one go!

27. Never have I ever had an imaginary friend.

I’ve never had an imaginary friend.

🤓 Suggested read: 200+ Fun Teen "Never Have I Ever" Questions

28. Never have I ever played this party game before.

This is my first time playing this party game!

29. Never have I ever watched a horror movie.

I’ve never watched a horror movie!

30. Never have I ever destroyed my cell phone.

I’ve never destroyed my cell phone in a fit of rage.

31. Never have I ever had just dessert for dinner.

I’ve never had only dessert for dinner!

👉 Playing with teens instead? Check out our compilation of the best “Never Have I Ever” Questions for Teens and take the fun to the next level!

Fun “Never Have I Ever” Questions for Kids

A fun twist on the classic “Never Have I Ever” game, these funny questions for kids are guaranteed to make you laugh and bring out your silly side. These are perfect for family gatherings, sleepovers, or any time you want to have a good time with your friends.

1. Never have I ever vacuumed my room.

Keeping things tidy has never been my strong suit!

2. Never have I ever danced in front of the mirror.

Sometimes, a private dance party is just what you need!

3. Never have I ever pretended to learn, although I did something completely different.

Multitasking at its finest… or not!

4. Never have I ever faked my parents’ signature.

Forgery skills aren’t in my repertoire!

5. Never have I ever blabbed a secret.

Keeping confidences is key in building trust!

6. Never have I ever told a friend’s story and acted as it was my own.

Imagination can sometimes blur the lines of reality.

7. Never have I ever had a broken bone before.

My bones have stayed intact… so far!

8. Never have I ever laughed at the wrong time.

Sometimes, laughter is just uncontrollable!

9. Never have I ever owned a smartphone.

Sticking to the basics in the world of technology.

10. Never have I ever been grounded.

Staying on the good side of authority figures.

11. Never have I ever smelled my underwear to see if it is clean or dirty.

Some habits are just better left unexplored.

12. Never have I ever annoyed a cat before.

Avoiding the wrath of our feline friends!

13. Never have I ever ridden a roller coaster.

The thrill of the ride awaits… someday.

14. Never have I ever done a backflip on a trampoline.

Achieving aerial acrobatics is still a dream.

15. Never have I ever written a letter to Santa Claus.

The art of letter-writing to the jolly old fellow remains unexplored.

16. Never have I ever eaten chocolate for dinner.

Indulging in sweet treats outside of dessert time is a rare occasion.

17. Never have I ever received money from my grandparents.

Grandparents’ generosity is yet to bless my wallet!

18. Never have I ever eaten a whole pack of chips at once.

Resisting the temptation of binge-snacking!

19. Never have I ever climbed a tree.

Conquering the heights of nature awaits another day.

20. Never have I ever eaten a flower.

Exploring the culinary delights of floral cuisine is uncharted territory!

21. Never have I ever fought with a friend.

Maintaining harmony in friendships is a priority.

22. Never have I ever went to the beach.

The call of the waves beckons for a future adventure!

23. Never have I ever played an instrument.

The melodies of music await my novice touch.

24. Never have I ever talked bad about a friend.

Keeping friendships strong with positive vibes!

25. Never have I ever been in love with someone.

The mysteries of romance are yet to unfold!

26. Never have I ever hurt myself in sports class.

Avoiding sports-related mishaps is a skill in itself.

27. Never have I ever had an embarrassing haircut.

Sticking to safe hairstyles to avoid any hair-raising embarrassments.

28. Never have I ever told a joke in class.

Resisting the urge to inject humor into classroom proceedings.

29. Never have I ever done cosplay before.

Transforming into fictional characters is a talent yet to be explored!

30. Never have I ever cut my own hair.

Leaving hairstyling to the professionals.

31. Never have I ever won a painting competition.

The pursuit of artistic accolades is still ongoing.

32. Never have I ever farted in public.

Maintaining decorum in public settings is a must!

33. Never have I ever eaten Nutella with a spoon.

Indulging in the creamy delight of Nutella in moderation.

👉 Suggested read: 🥳 150+ "Never Have I Ever" Questions For Your Next Party

34. Never have I ever entered a friend’s house without permission.

Respecting boundaries in friendships.

35. Never have I ever had an overweight guinea pig.

Keeping my furry friends healthy and fit.

36. Never have I ever seen Harry Potter.

The magical world of Hogwarts awaits exploration.

37. Never have I ever won a competition.

The taste of victory is yet to be savored!

38. Never have I ever watched a film that I wasn’t allowed to watch.

Abiding by the rules of movie ratings.

39. Never have I ever fallen asleep during class.

Staying attentive in educational settings is a priority.

40. Never have I ever held a baby in my arms.

The joys of cradling infants await in the future!

41. Never have I ever thrown a water balloon at someone else.

Resisting the urge for splashy mischief!

42. Never have I ever been to a surprise party.

The element of surprise in social gatherings awaits!

43. Never have I ever tried cat food.

Leaving pet cuisine to its intended recipients.

44. Never have I ever stuck my tongue to a frozen pole.

Avoiding frosty mishaps in winter adventures!

45. Never have I ever waived at a random stranger.

Spreading goodwill with friendly gestures.

46. Never have I ever used a diving board.

Taking the plunge into aquatic adventures remains a future endeavor.

The Ultimate List of Fun Games to Play At A Kids Sleepover
Suggested read: The Ultimate List of Fun Games to Play At A Kids Sleepover

Clean “Never Have I Ever” Questions for Kids

Just because you’re young doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun with “Never Have I Ever”! Keep the game lighthearted and appropriate for your age group with these clean questions.

1. Never have I ever accidentally worn a t-shirt the wrong way round.

Learning which is the front and which is the back can be a challenge sometimes!

2. Never have I ever put Mentos in Coke.

The explosive combination of science and fun awaits.

3. Never have I ever petted a snake.

Confronting the slithering sensation can be quite an adventure!

4. Never have I ever hidden candy in my room.

Secret stashes of sweets are a necessity for any candy lover!

5. Never have I ever used the excuse that “my dog ate my homework.”

Blaming it on the furry friend is a classic move.

6. Never have I ever sucked my thumb.

Thumb-sucking was never my go-to comfort habit!

7. Never have I ever dreamed of being someone else.

Fantasizing about stepping into someone else’s shoes is a common daydream.

8. Never have I ever avoided housework.

Dodging chores is an art form mastered by many!

9. Never have I ever peed in the shower or bathtub.

The debate on the shower-time bathroom habits continues.

10. Never have I ever spent money that I got for food for something else.

The temptation to splurge on non-essentials is always lurking!

👉 Suggested read: 40+ Fun "Put a Finger Down" Questions for Any Occasion

11. Never have I ever talked to my stuffed animals.

Conversations with plush pals can be surprisingly comforting.

12. Never have I ever written embarrassing things in my friend’s exercise book.

Doodles and secrets find their way onto unsuspecting pages.

13. Never have I ever been afraid of clowns.

Clowns and their painted faces can be quite unsettling for some!

14. Never have I ever used Snapchat.

Navigating the world of social media platforms is an ongoing adventure.

15. Never have I ever fallen in love with a teacher.

Crushes on educators can make school days a bit more interesting!

16. Never have I ever had a mud fight.

Getting down and dirty in the mud is a childhood rite of passage.

17. Never have I ever eaten my booger.

The occasional curiosity about booger consumption remains a childhood mystery!

18. Never have I ever received a Christmas present before Christmas.

The anticipation of unwrapping gifts can be both thrilling and agonizing.

19. Never have I ever built a fortress out of pillows.

Creating pillow forts is a creative endeavor enjoyed by many!

20. Never have I ever asked anyone else to do my homework for me.

The temptation to seek assistance with schoolwork is a constant struggle.

21. Never have I ever worn makeup at school.

Experimenting with makeup and self-expression is part of growing up!

22. Never have I ever played video games all day long.

The allure of gaming marathons is hard to resist.

📖 Suggested read: 7+ Best Party Games For Kids To Play - Fun & Simple Games

23. Never have I ever stolen anything.

Resisting the temptation to take what isn’t ours is a moral victory!

24. Never have I ever played Fortnite before.

Joining the gaming craze of Fortnite is a popular choice for many.

25. Never have I ever had a fantasy friend.

Imaginary companions add an extra element of fun to childhood adventures!

26. Never have I ever received a birthday present that I did not like.

Navigating the delicate balance of expressing gratitude for unwanted gifts.

27. Never have I ever played a prank on my parents.

Pulling harmless pranks on parents is a time-honored tradition.

28. Never have I ever sung in the shower.

The acoustics of the shower make it the perfect stage for impromptu concerts!

29. Never have I ever not been showering for more than two days.

Maintaining personal hygiene is a priority… most of the time.

30. Never have I ever dreamed about having a superpower.

Fantasizing about extraordinary abilities adds excitement to everyday life!

31. Never have I ever named my stuffed animal.

Giving cuddly companions names makes them feel like part of the family.

32. Never have I ever did something bad and blamed someone else for it.

Shifting the blame to avoid consequences is a tempting tactic.

33. Never have I ever had training wheels.

Learning to ride a bike with training wheels is a milestone moment!

250+ Dirty "Never Have I Ever" Questions for Adults (18+)
Suggested read: 250+ Dirty "Never Have I Ever" Questions for Adults (18+)

34. Never have I ever forgotten brushing my teeth for a day.

Maintaining dental hygiene is a daily responsibility.

35. Never have I ever cut a Barbie doll’s hair.

Channeling creativity into Barbie makeovers is a childhood pastime!

36. Never have I ever eaten breakfast for dinner.

Breaking the rules by enjoying breakfast foods at unconventional times.

37. Never have I ever been ashamed of my parents.

Navigating the complex emotions of adolescence and parental influence.

38. Never have I ever lied about my age.

Bending the truth about age to gain entry or privileges is a common temptation.

39. Never have I ever eaten so many pieces of candy that I vomited afterward.

Indulging in excess candy can have stomach-churning consequences!

40. Never have I ever watched a scary movie alone.

Testing bravery by facing spooky movies solo is a daring challenge.

41. Never have I ever done a prank phone call.

The thrill of mischief-making through prank calls is a mischievous delight.

42. Never have I ever had a crush on a cartoon character.

Falling for animated characters is a testament to their charm and appeal.

43. Never have I ever been to a garage sale.

Exploring the treasures and bargains at garage sales is a weekend adventure.

School-related “Never Have I Ever” Questions

School can be full of memorable moments, both good and bad. Have you ever experienced any of these classic “Never Have I Ever” scenarios during your time in school?

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1. Never have I ever been late to class.

That’s a close call!

2. Never have I ever fallen asleep in class.

I understand the struggle.

3. Never have I ever forgotten my homework.

Let’s hope no one notices.

4. Never have I ever cheated on a test.

The temptation to cheat can be strong, but honesty is always the best policy!

5. Never have I ever skipped school.

A day off from the daily grind can be tempting, but attendance is key.

6. Never have I ever had a crush on my teacher.

Crushes on educators can make school days a bit more interesting!

7. Never have I ever participated in a school play.

The thrill of performing on stage is an unforgettable experience.

8. Never have I ever gotten detention.

Breaking the rules can come with consequences, but it’s all part of growing up.

9. Never have I ever gotten lost on a field trip.

Exploring new places can lead to some memorable adventures!

10. Never have I ever been the teacher’s pet.

A little extra attention from the teacher never hurt anyone!

11. Never have I ever had a locker combination drama.

The struggle of remembering the right combination can be all too real.

12. Never have I ever been on a sports team.

Being part of a team and competing in school sports is an important part of growing up.

📖 Suggested read: Best 5+ Teen Party Games You'll Want To Play at Your Party

13. Never have I ever had a class pet.

Taking care of a class pet teaches responsibility and compassion.

14. Never have I ever won a school award.

Being recognized for hard work and achievement is always a memorable moment.

15. Never have I ever been bullied at school.

Unfortunately, bullying can happen in schools, but it’s important to stand up against it and support those who are affected.

16. Never have I ever aced a test without studying.

Sometimes, luck is on our side and we ace a test without cracking open a textbook.

17. Never have I ever fallen asleep during a school assembly.

The drone of guest speakers or long-winded speeches can make it hard to stay awake!

18. Never have I ever been sent to the principal’s office.

Misbehaving can land you in the principal’s office, but hopefully, it’s for a good reason!

19. Never have I ever had a secret crush on a classmate.

Crushes can make the school day more exciting, and sometimes they stay secret forever.

20. Never have I ever worn my clothes inside out all day.

When we’re tired or in a rush, it’s easy to make wardrobe malfunctions!

21. Never have I ever eaten lunch alone.

Having friends to eat lunch with is important for socializing and making school more enjoyable.

22. Never have I ever done an all-nighter studying for exams.

Crunch time before exams can mean sacrificing sleep in the name of good grades!

90+ Crazy and Hilarious "Most Likely To" Questions for Teens
Suggested read: 90+ Crazy and Hilarious "Most Likely To" Questions for Teens

23. Never have I ever had a school field day.

A day filled with fun activities and games is always a highlight of the school year!

24. Never have I ever been in a school play as the lead role.

Stepping into the spotlight can be daunting, but it’s an unforgettable experience.

25. Never have I ever kissed someone at prom.

Prom, a night of unforgettable memories and maybe even a first kiss!

26. Never have I ever had a runaway backpack on wheels.

Running to catch the bus or navigate through crowded hallways can lead to some backpack mishaps!

27. Never have I ever ditched class with friends.

Sometimes, skipping class with friends is just too tempting to resist.

28. Never have I ever missed a school trip.

The disappointment of missing out on a special school trip can be hard to shake off.

29. Never have I ever gotten lost in the school hallways.

Navigating through a new, large school or getting turned around in the halls is an all-too-familiar experience!

30. Never have I ever received a love letter in class.

A sweet and unexpected note from a secret admirer can make anyone’s day!

Exciting “Never Have I Ever” for Kids

Need more ideas for a fun game of “Never Have I Ever” with your friends? Try out these silly and adventurous questions that will have everyone laughing and having a good time!

1. Never have I ever eaten a bug.

I don’t recommend it at all.

🤓 Suggested read: 80+ Fun "2 Truths 1 Lie" Ideas To Deceive Your Friends

2. Never have I ever gotten my face painted.

Face painting is a fun and creative way to express yourself!

3. Never have I ever gone on a rollercoaster.

The thrill of riding a rollercoaster is unmatched!

4. Never have I ever been camping in the backyard.

It’s a great way to experience the outdoors without straying too far from home.

5. Never have I ever learned how to ride a bike.

That’s a classic childhood milestone that everyone should experience.

6. Never have I ever been on a scavenger hunt.

Searching for hidden treasures and solving riddles is always an exciting adventure!

7. Never have I ever built a sandcastle at the beach.

Building sandcastles and playing in the waves is a must-do summer activity!

8. Never have I ever played a prank on someone.

As long as it’s harmless and in good fun, pranks can be hilarious!

9. Never have I ever been to a sleepover.

Giggles, snacks, and staying up all night – what’s not to love about sleepovers?

10. Never have I ever gone sledding in the snow.

Sliding down a snowy hill is pure joy and laughter!

11. Never have I ever eaten an entire cake by myself.

Hey, no judgement here – we all need a sweet treat every now and then.

12. Never have I ever been on a road trip with my family.

Road trips are full of adventure and bonding time with loved ones!

🤓 Suggested read: 250+ Best "Most Likely To" questions for Any Party 😃

13. Never have I ever tried to catch a cloud.

It’s not possible, but it sure would be cool if we could!

14. Never have I ever been on a hot air balloon ride.

The views and the experience are breathtakingly beautiful.

15. Never have I ever played a musical instrument.

Learning an instrument is challenging but so rewarding!

16. Never have I ever been to a theme park.

The adrenaline rush of rides and the magic of being in a theme park is unforgettable.

17. Never have I ever had a lemonade stand.

A classic childhood activity that teaches entrepreneurship and hard work!

18. Never have I ever found a four-leaf clover.

It’s supposed to bring good luck, but they’re pretty rare!

19. Never have I ever played with a Ouija board.

Some believe it’s a way to communicate with the supernatural, while others think it’s just a game.

20. Never have I ever tried sushi.

Whether you love it or hate it, trying new foods is always an adventure!

21. Never have I ever gone on a hike.

Exploring nature and getting some exercise – it’s a win-win!

22. Never have I ever raised my hand with the wrong answer in class.

We’ve all been there – it’s part of learning and growing!

23. Never have I ever danced in the rain.

Embracing the joy of a spontaneous dance party in the rain is pure bliss.

24. Never have I ever been in a food fight.

Let’s just say, it’s not as fun to clean up as it is to participate!

100+ Exciting "Paranoia Game" Questions for Your Next Party
Suggested read: 100+ Exciting "Paranoia Game" Questions for Your Next Party

25. Never have I ever tried skateboarding.

It takes balance and coordination, but once you get the hang of it, it’s so much fun!

26. Never have I ever been to a zoo.

Seeing different types of animals up close is always a fascinating experience.

27. Never have I ever gotten lost in a corn maze.

It’s easy to get turned around and confused in a giant maze made of corn!

28. Never have I ever slept in a tent.

Camping under the stars is a memorable and exciting experience.

29. Never have I ever made a fort out of blankets and pillows.

Spending hours constructing the perfect fort is worth it for the cozy hideaway it provides!

30. Never have I ever tried to learn a new language.

Learning a new language can open up a whole new world of communication and understanding.

It’s game time! Gather your friends, try out these “Never Have I Ever” questions, and create even more unforgettable memories. Whether you’ve experienced these adventures or not, the fun is in the sharing and laughter that comes along with it.

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Looking for some fun party games to liven up your next get-together? Check out our collection of 100+ party games for all ages!