Fun Games to Play When Bored
From simple board games to complex video games, there is a game out there for every person whether young or old. Keep reading to find fun games to play when bored!
✍️ July 11, 2024
- 😚 1. Charades
- 🥳 2. Monopoly
- 😍 3. Movie Drinking Games
- 🤗 4. Truth or Dare
- 😃 5. Never Have I Ever
- 😜 6. Would You Rather
- 😎 7. Most Likely To
- 🤩 8. Party Trivia Game
- 😝 9. 5 Second Battle
Bored in the house and in the house bored? We’ve got a solution: Games, games, and more games!
Playing games can be a great way to pass the time and have fun, whether alone or with friends. From classic board games to modern video games, there is something for everyone. This article will explore some of the best games to play when bored, anytime and anywhere.
1. Charades
A classic game that never gets old, Charades is a perfect option for a fun game night with friends or family. All you need is a group of people and some imagination. Trust us, this game can get pretty chaotic!
How to Play Charades
Playing Charades is easy and requires no materials or equipment. Here’s how it works:
1. Divide the group into two teams.
Make sure each team has an equal number of players. On each team, choose the first player to act.
2. Decide on a category.
Categories can vary from movies, TV shows, songs, animals, etc. Make sure everyone in the group is familiar with whatever category you choose!
3. The first player picks a word or phrase and acts it without speaking.
The aim of the game is for their team to guess what they are acting out within a time limit (usually one minute).
4. If the team guesses correctly before the timer runs out, they get a point.
If not, the other team gets their turn to act out a word or phrase.
5. The game continues with each team taking turns until all the words have been used.
The team with the most points at the end wins!
Best Charades Ideas
The best idea for charades is to think of things that are not too easy but not too difficult. You don’t want it to be an either-or-type situation where the person will most likely guess what you’re acting out correctly on the first try.
Here are some great ideas for your Charades Game to play when bored:
- A Cat
- Harry Potter
- Pizza
- Batman
- Cashier
- A shoe
- Cookie Monster
- A jellyfish
- A computer
- Donald Trump
- Unicorn
- Dentist
- Airplane
- Superhero
- Doctor
- Basketball
- Mermaid
- Telephone
- Spiderman
- Chef
- Dinosaur
- Astronaut
- Sailor
- Firefighter
- Ghost
- Guitar
- Pilot
- Teacher
- Nurse
- Popcorn
Charades Ideas Generator
Looking for an easy way to play Charades online? Our online generator makes generating new ideas for your game quick and easy. Download our free app, play it on your browser, and let the fun begin!
All you need is a group of friends, some willingness to be silly, and a reliable internet connection. So what are you waiting for? Give our Charades generator a try and add playful competition to your next game night!
2. Monopoly
Ah, Monopoly. A game that has caused generations of laughter and fights among friends and family. Monopoly is a classic board game that never fails to entertain, whether you’re playing with two players or a whole group.
How to Play Monopoly
If you haven’t played Monopoly before, here’s a quick rundown of how the game works. It’s a bit more complex than Charades, but it’s easy to pick up once you start.
1. Set up the board.
First, unfold the game board and choose which token each player wants to be. Then, place all tokens on “Go.”
2. Decide who goes first.
This can be done through rolling the dice or any other fair method.
3. Roll the dice and move your token.
The player with the highest roll goes first. Then, the play continues clockwise. Once you land on a property, you can buy it or let the bank auction it to the highest bidder.
4. Collect rent when other players land on your properties.
If someone lands on your property, they must pay you rent to stay there. The rent depends on which properties you own and what buildings are built on them (houses or hotels).
5. Build houses and hotels.
You can build houses and hotels once you own all properties in a color group. This increases the rent other players pay when they land on your properties.
6. Be strategic with your money and properties.
Keep an eye on your finances and try to buy monopolies (all properties of one color) to increase your chances of winning.
👉 Looking for more fun board games? Check out the Best Halloween Board Games for your next party!
3. Movie Drinking Games
If you’re in the mood for a cozy night in, why not combine your love for movies and alcohol with some movie drinking games? This is a great way to spice up any movie watching experience and add some playful competition with friends.
After all, what is better than having drinks with friends? Here are some movie ideas for your next movie watching party that you can easily turn into drinking games:
1. Harry Potter Drinking Game:
Harry Potter is a great movie to turn into a drinking game. If you do this, ensure the drinks are not too strong. Everyone will have many of them, and you don’t want anyone to get sick.
Read this article to learn about the Harry Potter Drinking Game!
2. Family Guy Drinking Game
Are you more into series than movies? Don’t worry, there are drinking games for you too! A series that you can play some drinking games with is Family Guy. You will need a pack of cards, drinks, and something to drink out of.
Check out this article to learn more about the Family Guy Drinking Game!
3. Friends Drinking Game
Who doesn’t love Friends? This is a great show to make into a drinking game and is straightforward, too! All you need is a TV, some drinks, and some friends.
Here you can find all the rules for Friends Drinking Game!
👉 Looking for more? Here you can find the Best Netflix Drinking Games for your next party!
8. Truth or Dare
Truth or Dare is a cult classic, and for good reason! This game is a perfect way to get to know your friends better, even online! The questions and dares can range from easy to funny to deep ones!
How to play Truth or Dare
Playing Truth or Dare may seem simple, but here’s a quick rundown, just in case. But we’re sure you already know how to play!
1. Call your friends and pick who goes first. This could be the oldest, youngest, or whoever’s birthday is closest.
2. Decide on how many rounds you want to play. We recommend 10 to 15 rounds for a fun and engaging game!
3. The first player chooses either “truth” or “dare”. If they choose “truth”, they must answer a question truthfully. If they choose “dare”, they must complete a challenge another player gave.
4. The other players can then ask the chosen player their question or give them their dare. The player decides whether to answer the question or complete the dare. If they refuse, they must take a penalty (such as a shot) or another dare!
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all players have had their turn. Personalize the game by choosing categories for questions and dares, such as “family”, “school”, or “embarrassing”.
**6. Keep track of scores and declare a winner at the end! ** Remember to have fun and learn new things about your friends!
Truth Questions
Need some inspiration for truth questions? Here are a few to get you started:
1. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done in public?
It’s okay, we won’t judge.
2. Have you ever lied to get out of trouble?
Be honest, we all have our moments!
3. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever worn?
Don’t be shy. We’ve all had fashion fails!
4. Have you ever had a crush on someone you shouldn’t have?
Spill the tea on your secret crush!
5. What’s the biggest secret you’ve ever kept from your parents?
No judgments here, just curiosity.
6. Have you ever cheated on a test?
Honesty is the best policy!
7. What’s the most childish thing you still do?
Embrace your inner child!
8. Have you ever broken something and lied about it?
Tell us about your sneaky moment!
9. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
Adventurous eaters, unite!
10. Have you ever pretended to be sick to get out of something?
We won’t tell anyone!
11. What’s the most embarrassing music you listen to?
We all have guilty pleasures!
12. Have you ever been caught doing something you shouldn’t have?
Share your caught-in-the-act story!
13. What’s the silliest fear you have?
Everyone has a quirky fear!
14. Have you ever told a secret you promised to keep?
Confession time!
15. What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever done for attention?
Let’s hear about your wild antics!
Dares for Truth or Dare
Feeling brave? Here are some dares to spice up your game of Truth or Dare:
1. Do a silly dance in front of everyone.
The sillier, the better!
2. Sing the chorus of your favorite song out loud.
Don’t hold back, we want to hear it!
3. Try to lick your elbow.
It’s more complicated than it looks!
4. Speak in an accent for the next three rounds.
Pick your favorite and stick with it!
5. Let someone tickle you for 30 seconds.
Get ready to laugh!
6. Wear socks on your hands until your next turn.
Let’s see those sock puppets!
7. Do ten jumping jacks and shout, “I’m a star!” after each one.
Show us your energy!
8. Talk in a high-pitched voice until your next turn.
Keep it squeaky!
9. Act like a monkey until someone guesses what you are.
Channel your inner primate!
10. Hold your breath for 15 seconds.
Take a deep breath and go!
11. Make up a short rap about the person to your left.
Show off your rhyming skills!
12. Draw a mustache on your face with a marker.
Rock that new look!
13. Do your best impression of a celebrity until someone guesses who you are.
Time to showcase your acting talent!
14. Pretend you’re a waiter and take snack orders from everyone.
Serve with style!
15. Spin around ten times and try to walk in a straight line.
Let’s see your balance!
Play Truth or Dare Online
Want Truth or Dare questions and ideas on the go? Easy! This online version of the game lets you choose between different categories, such as “Classic” or “Hot”.
Simply download our free app or play it directly on our website to access 1,000+ questions and challenges. Never run out of fun ideas again!
5. Never Have I Ever
Never Have I Ever is one of the most popular games you can play when bored, and it is easy to understand why. Everyone loves this game because they never know what the other players will say, so it can still be interesting no matter how many times you play.
How To Play Never Have I Ever
All you need for this game is yourself and some honesty! Here’s how it works:
1. Gather your friends on the call.
Ensure everyone can hear (or see) each other. Have every player have a drink or put up ten of their fingers.
Each player takes turns to say something they have never done before, starting with “Never have I ever…”
2. Drink or lower a finger.
Everyone who has done the action that is mentioned must take a sip of their drink or lower one of their fingers.
3. Continue taking turns and repeating steps 1-2 until someone loses all of their fingers (or drinks).
They are eliminated from the game. The last player with fingers remaining (or drink untouched) wins!
Never Have I Ever Questions
Need some inspiration for things to say during the game? Here are some Never Have I Ever questions to get you started:
1. Never have I ever cheated on a test.
We hope you don’t get caught.
2. Never have I ever skipped school.
Stay in school, kids!
3. Never have I ever fallen asleep in class.
It’s all about staying awake!
4. Never have I ever been caught sneaking out.
Sneaky, sneaky!
5. Never have I ever tried a weird food combination.
Tell us about your culinary adventure!
6. Never have I ever broken something at a friend’s house and not told them.
That’s some sneaky business.
7. Never have I ever been in a physical fight.
Keep it peaceful!
8. Never have I ever stolen something from a store.
That’s a big no-no.
9. Never have I ever pretended to know a stranger.
Sometimes, you have to fake it till you make it.
10. Never have I ever forgotten someone’s name right after being introduced.
11. Never have I ever lied about my age.
Oh, the things we do!
12. Never have I ever fallen asleep in public.
Catch those Z’s anywhere!
13. Never have I ever eaten a whole pizza by myself.
14. Never have I ever cried during a sad movie.
It’s okay, let it out!
15. Never have I ever pretended to be busy to avoid a call.
We’ve all been there!
Play Never Have I Ever Online
Want even more questions for your party? You’re in luck! Play Never Have I Ever online with our app or website.
With thousands of questions available, you’ll always have fun questions to keep the game going. So grab your friends and prepare for a night of revealing truths and laughs!
6. Would You Rather
Still bored? Try playing Would You Rather! This game is about making tough choices and seeing what your friends would choose.
How to play Would You Rather
If you’ve never played Would You Rather before, don’t worry! It’s an easy game that will engage everyone in no time.
1. Choose the order in which players will take turns. You can go clockwise or counterclockwise. It’s up to you!
2. One player asks another player a question about “Would you rather”. For example, “Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?”
3. The other player answers the question and explains why they chose their option. This is where the fun debates come in!
4. The next player then asks a question to someone else in the group until everyone has answered at least one question each round. We hope you’re ready to make some tough decisions!
Would You Rather Questions
If you need inspiration for questions, here are some Would You Rather questions to get you started. There’s no limit to how creative or silly you can get with these!
1. Would you rather have unlimited money for a day or never have to sleep again?
That’s tough.
2. Would you rather have the ability to read minds or see the future?
Imagine the possibilities!
3. Would you rather be completely invisible for one day or be able to fly for one day?
Both sound like incredible adventures!
4. Would you rather have a rewind or pause button in your life?
Controlling time could be amazing!
5. Would you rather be able to speak every language in the world or play every musical instrument?
The ultimate in communication and creativity!
6. Would you rather live without music or live without movies?
Entertainment preferences can be hard to choose between!
7. Would you rather have your dream job but never take a vacation or have an okay job with lots of vacation time?
Work-life balance is key!
8. Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or 20 minutes early?
Punctuality can be tricky!
9. Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere or be able to read minds?
Both would make life so enjoyable!
10. Would you rather be feared by all or loved by all?
What kind of legacy do you want to leave?
11. Would you rather be a fantastic dancer or an amazing singer?
Showcase those artistic talents!
12. Would you rather be the funniest person in the room or the smartest?
Which one do you think wins more friends?
13. Would you rather have a bottomless box of Legos or a bottomless gas tank?
Fun versus practicality!
14. Would you rather always have a full phone battery or a full gas tank?
Convenience is king!
15. Would you rather give up social media or eat the same dinner for the rest of your life?
Changes in diet or lifestyle, which is harder?
Play Would You Rather Online
Want Would You Rather questions on the go? Play it online! This way, you won’t have to worry about coming up with questions on your own.
There are already tons of great questions out there for you to use. Check out our web app or download the app “Dilemmaly—Would you rather?” on your iPhone or Android for free!
7. Most Likely To
Looking for a fun and easy game to play with friends when bored? Try Most Likely To — a game that will have you guessing who in your group is “most likely to” do something!**
How To Play “Most Likely To”
This game sounds as easy as it is! Here’s how you can play this fun game!
1. Prepare questions.
Prepare a list of Most Likely To questions.
2. Take turns.
One player reads out the question.
3. Vote!
On the count of three, everyone in the call votes on who they think is most likely to do the thing mentioned in the question.
4. Discuss the answers.
Discuss why you’ve chosen certain people for the questions for added fun. You can even assign points for each vote and see who ends up with the most at the end of the game.
Most Likely To Questions
Need some inspiration? Here are some Most Likely To questions to get you started.
1. Who is most likely to forget someone’s birthday?
We all have that one friend…
2. Who is most likely to be the first one to die in a zombie apocalypse?
It’s good to know who you can count on in an emergency!
3. Who is most likely to start a cult?
Don’t worry, it’ll be a cool and harmless one… right?
4. Who is most likely to become famous for doing something stupid?
Let’s hope they become famous for something else instead!
5. Who is most likely to spend all their money on something ridiculous?
Yolo, right?
6. Who is most likely to join the circus?
Hey, it could be a dream of theirs!
7. Who is most likely to cry during a sad movie?
Get those tissues ready.
8. Who is most likely to become a multi-millionaire?
Luck or hard work? You decide!
9. Who is most likely to get lost in their hometown?
We’ve all been there.
10. Who is most likely to adopt a dozen cats?
The more, the merrier!
11. Who is most likely to win a Nobel Prize?
Brains and determination!
12. Who is most likely to take the longest to get ready for a night out?
Perfection takes time.
13. Who is most likely to forget where they parked their car?
We’ve all been there at some point.
14. Who is most likely to become a reality TV star?
They’ve got the drama and the personality!
15. Who is most likely to send a text to the wrong person accidentally?
That could lead to some interesting conversations!
Play Most Likely to Online
Running out of questions for your Most Likely To game night? Don’t fret. We got you covered with the online version of the game!
This online version of the game offers over 2,000 fun and unique questions, perfect for any group of teenagers. Download our app or access our website using your mobile phone or laptop, and you’re all set for a night of fun and bonding!
8. Party Trivia Game
Looking for a fun game to test your knowledge? Try out Trivia with your friends and family! With categories ranging from movies to history, there’s something for everyone.
How to play Party Trivia
Hosting a virtual trivia night is easy. Here are the steps:
1. Create your trivia questions ahead of time or use an online trivia generator.
You can choose from general knowledge trivia or focus on specific categories that interest you and your friends.
2. Divide your friends into teams (or play as individuals).
Use a buzzer or raise your hand to let players answer. See how your group prefers to play.
3. Set scoring rules and determine a prize for the winning team.
Will it be bragging rights or an actual prize? It’s up to you!
Trivia Questions
Need some Trivia Questions for your party trivia night? Test your knowledge with these fun questions below!
1. What is the capital city of Japan?
- Beijing
- Seoul
- Tokyo
- Bangkok
Show answer
Tokyo, formerly known as Edo, is the bustling capital city of Japan, known for its modern skyscrapers, historic temples, and rich culture.
2. Who wrote the novel “1984”?
- George Orwell
- Aldous Huxley
- Ray Bradbury
- J.D. Salinger
Show answer
George Orwell
George Orwell, an English writer, penned the dystopian novel “1984” in 1949, which explores themes of totalitarianism and surveillance.
3. What is the smallest planet in our solar system?
- Venus
- Mars
- Mercury
- Pluto
Show answer
Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system and is closest to the Sun, completing an orbit in just 88 days.
4. What year did the Titanic sink?
- 1905
- 1912
- 1918
- 1925
Show answer
The Titanic, a British passenger liner, tragically sank on its maiden voyage in April 1912 after hitting an iceberg.
5. Which element has the chemical symbol ‘O’?
- Gold
- Oxygen
- Osmium
- Oganesson
Show answer
Oxygen, with the chemical symbol ‘O’, is a crucial element for life on Earth and is a major component of the air we breathe.
6. What is the hardest natural substance on Earth?
- Gold
- Iron
- Diamond
- Quartz
Show answer
Diamonds are the hardest natural substance on Earth, formed under extreme pressure and temperature conditions deep within the Earth’s mantle.
7. Who painted the Mona Lisa?
- Vincent van Gogh
- Pablo Picasso
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Claude Monet
Show answer
Leonardo da Vinci
The Mona Lisa, renowned for its enigmatic smile, was painted by Leonardo da Vinci, an Italian Renaissance artist, in the early 16th century.
8. What is the longest river in the world?
- Amazon River
- Yangtze River
- Mississippi River
- Nile River
Show answer
Nile River
The Nile River, which flows through northeastern Africa, is considered the longest river in the world. It stretches over 6,650 kilometers and is considered the longest river in the world.
9. In which year did World War II end?
- 1939
- 1942
- 1945
- 1950
Show answer
World War II ended in 1945 with the unconditional surrender of the Axis powers, marking a significant moment in global history.
10. What is the main ingredient in traditional Japanese miso soup?
- Tofu
- Soybeans
- Seaweed
- Rice
Show answer
The main ingredient in traditional Japanese miso soup is miso paste, which is made from fermented soybeans and provides a savory umami flavor.
11. Who is known as the “Father of Computers”?
- Alan Turing
- Charles Babbage
- John von Neumann
- Steve Jobs
Show answer
Charles Babbage
Charles Babbage is often called the “Father of Computers” for his conceptual designs of the Analytical Engine, a precursor to modern computers.
12. What is the chemical formula for table salt?
- H2O
- CO2
- NaCl
- KCl
Show answer
Table salt, also known as sodium chloride, has the chemical formula NaCl and is essential for human health and culinary practices.
13. Who discovered penicillin?
- Marie Curie
- Alexander Fleming
- Louis Pasteur
- Gregor Mendel
Show answer
Alexander Fleming
Alexander Fleming, a Scottish bacteriologist, discovered penicillin in 1928. This discovery revolutionized medicine by introducing the first antibiotic.
14. Which country is known as the Land of the Rising Sun?
- China
- Japan
- Thailand
- South Korea
Show answer
Japan is famously known as the Land of the Rising Sun, symbolizing its location east of the Asian continent and its early sunrises.
15. What is the language spoken by native speakers in the world most?
- English
- Spanish
- Mandarin Chinese
- Hindi
Show answer
Mandarin Chinese
Mandarin Chinese is the most spoken language in the world by native speakers, with over a billion people using it as their first language.
Play Party Trivia Online
In the age of technology, coming up with questions for your next Trivia game shouldn’t be hard. If you want to save time crafting and writing questions for your friends and family, we’ve got just the solution for you.
This online version of Trivia gives you instant access to over 2,000 questions with just the click of a button. Plus, it’s completely free to play! So why wait? Download our app now and impress your friends with your extensive knowledge.
9. 5 Second Battle
The 5 Second Battle is great for parties and celebrations because there is no limit on how many players can participate. This game is simple and does not take much time or preparation - perfect when you want a quick party game!
You can choose from various topics for this game; the questions don’t always have to be based on pop culture. For example, you can ask players to name as many breakfast foods as possible in only 5 seconds!
How To Play The 5 Second Battle
The rules in playing the 5-Second Battle are pretty easy! Here’s what you’ll need to do.
1. Prepare a timer or stop watch.
Make sure everyone can hear everyone’s responses.
2. Choose a category.
This could be anything from food, movies, songs, or animals!
3. Decide who goes first and take turns.
The first player must name three things from the chosen category in 5 seconds.
4. Settle on a timekeeper.
This can be anyone from your group who isn’t playing the game.
5. Ready, set, go!
As soon as the time starts, the player has 5 seconds to name three things that fit into the category given.
6. Repeat until only one player remains.
If a player fails to name three things within the allotted time or repeats something already said, they are eliminated until only one winner remains!
5 Second Battle Questions
Need questions for your round of 5 Second Battle? Here are some ideas to get you started:
1. Name 3 famous Taylor Swift songs.
Here’s for the Swifties!
2. Name 3 countries in Europe.
Know your geography?
3. Name 3 Disney princesses.
Can you keep up with all the new additions?
4. Name 3 types of pasta.
Buon appetite!
5. Name 3 popular social media platforms.
How many do you have accounts on?
6. Name 3 types of fruit.
Can you pick your favorites?
7. Name 3 breeds of dogs.
Furry friends galore!
8. Name 3 planets in our solar system.
Astronomy enthusiasts, this one’s for you.
9. Name 3 popular ice cream flavors.
What’s your go-to treat?
10. Name 3 U.S. states.
How’s your knowledge of American geography?
11. Name 3 famous authors.
Let’s celebrate literary greats.
12. Name 3 types of weather.
Can you storm through this question?
13. Name 3 musical instruments.
Musicians, show off your knowledge!
14. Name 3 types of trees.
Nature lovers, how many can you name?
15. Name 3 famous landmarks.
Travel buffs, this one’s for you!
Play 5 Second Battle Online
Don’t have time to think of your own 5 Second Rule questions for your next party? No problem! We’ve got you covered with our online version of the game, we’ve got over 1,000 questions to keep the laughter and fun going all night long.
To play, you need only a smartphone and an internet connection. Download our app or play the game on our website, and get ready for some wild and unforgettable moments!
There are endless possibilities for fun things to do when you’re bored. From trying out new hobbies to challenging your friends with trivia games, staying curious and open to new experiences is key.
So don’t let boredom get the best of you – go out and have fun!