Flip Cup
Looking for a fun party activity? "Flip Cup" drinking game is a great choice! You only need cups, some pals, a table, and this fun guide.
✍️ May 2, 2024
A good drinking game is the soul of any party. It brings life to the celebration and encourages everyone to let loose and have fun. And when it comes to fun drinking games, “Flip Cup” is definitely a classic favorite.
With its simple rules and quick pace, “Flip Cup” is perfect for large groups looking for a fun activity that involves everyone.
Whether at a house party, tailgate event, or simply hanging out with friends, “Flip Cup” is a must-try game that never fails to unite people!
How to Play “Flip Cup”
Before we dive into the rules of “Flip Cup”, let’s first go through the materials you’ll need for this game. Here’s what you’ll need:
- 1 red solo cup for each player
- Beer
- Two teams with an equal amount of players
Now that you have everything you need let’s get started setting up the game.
How to Set Up “Flip Cup”
Before each round, give each player a cup filled to the same line with their drinks of choice, preferably beer. Each team should stand on the opposite sides of a long table, facing each other.
Each team should have four players on each side of the table for eight players. For ten players, have five players on each side, and so on. Then, all the players should place their cups in front of them on the edge of the table.
Once everyone is ready, it’s time to start playing “Flip Cup”!
How do you play “Flip Cup”?
Playing “Flip Cup” is simple and easy. The goal is for one team to finish flipping and drinking their cups before the other team. Here’s how to play:
Step 1: Get ready! All team players must start with their hands behind their backs.
Step two: Go! The first player on each team drinks the entire content of their cup.
Step three: Flip! Once they finish drinking, they must place the empty cup on the table’s edge and attempt to flip it over. The cup should land on its top, standing upside down.
Step four: Pass it On! If the player fails to flip the cup correctly, they must keep trying until they succeed. Once they successfully flip the cup, they put their hand on top of it, and the next player on their team can start.
Repeat these steps until one team has successfully flipped all their cups. The first team to finish wins the round!
“Flip Cup” Game Rules
This game is all about speed and teamwork, but there are some rules you should keep in mind to ensure fair play. Here they are:
1. No touching! Players must keep their hands behind their backs until it is their turn to drink and flip the cup.
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2. Clean flips only! The cup must successfully land on its top and cannot be caught or held by the player.
3. Additional rules for more fun. If you want to add a challenge, add some rules to the game. For example: Make three crunches before your turn or play with your non-dominant hand.
4. Mix your drinks. If you want to switch things up, you can mix different types of drinks for each round. This can make the game more exciting and unpredictable!
It’s time to gather your friends and try this fun drinking game at your next party. Remember, always drink responsibly and have fun! Cheers!