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Looking for some fun drinking games but don’t want to use cards? You’re in the right place! This article is your ultimate guide to drinking games without cards — perfect for any group setting.

Whether you’re tired of shuffling decks or just forgot to bring them, we’ve got you covered with a variety of hilarious and entertaining options.

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We’ll explore 18 awesome party games without cards that will keep everyone entertained and, let’s be honest, probably a little tipsy. From classic favorites like Beer Pong and Flip Cup to more unique games like Drunk Jenga and Medusa, there’s something here for every kind of partygoer.

Grab your drinks, gather your friends, and get ready to elevate your next social gathering with these card-free classics. Cheers! đŸ»

1. Happy Hour

Ready for a digital twist on your traditional drinking games? Try Happy Hour, the digital board game that combines challenges, dares, and shots into one glorious package. It’s like Monopoly, but drunk and way more fun.

Game Mechanics

Imagine a board game where each square you land on could either make you cringe or giggle. That’s Happy Hour for you. The game is played on a virtual board where players take turns rolling digital dice and moving their tokens. Each landing spot presents a challenge, dare, or the blessed opportunity to take a shot.

How to Play Happy Hour

  1. Gather Your Troops: Get your group together, ensuring everyone has access to the app or website.
  2. Choose Your Tokens: Pick those cute little icons that represent each player.
  3. Roll the Dice: Hit that button and see where fate takes you.

Tips for playing Happy Hour

  1. Spice It Up: Customize challenges to match your group’s vibe. Got a bunch of gym rats? Include physical challenges like push-ups or wall sits.
  2. Keep it Light: If you’ve got some sensitive souls in the group, maybe avoid the “text your ex” dare.
  3. Create Inside Jokes: Incorporate personal dares that only your group would understand, like “do an impression of our boss.”

Happy Hour is the perfect game for those who love unpredictability with a splash of tech-savvy fun.

2. Drunk Jenga

Think you can handle regular Jenga? Let’s make it more interesting with Drunk Jenga—the classic block-stacking game with a boozy twist.

How to play Drunk Jenga

Here’s how you get this tipsy tower tumbling:

  1. Get a Jenga Set: No, not the digital version on your phone. We’re talking about the real deal—wooden blocks.
  2. Write Commands: On each block, scribble down drinking commands, dares, or challenges. Be creative! We’ll get to some juicy ideas in a sec.
  3. Stack ‘Em Up: Set up the tower as you normally would.
  4. Play: Take turns pulling out blocks one by one without toppling the tower. Follow the command on each block you pull.
  • If you pull a block and don’t complete its command, take a shot.
  • Knock the tower over? Chug your drink and rebuild it!

Tips for playing Drunk Jenga

Feeling a bit uninspired? Let’s spice up those blocks with some epic commands:

  • “Take Two Sips”: Because one is never enough.
  • “Truth or Drink”: Spill some secrets or sip away.
  • “Swap Drinks”: Trade your drink with anyone else’s—hope they’re not drinking something gross!
  • “Sing a Song”: Belt out your favorite tune or drink up if you’re too shy.
  • “Dance Off”: Challenge someone to a dance battle, loser drinks.
  • “No Laughing”: Next person who laughs drinks—prepare for chaos!

Remember, the goal is to make everyone laugh while precariously balancing wooden blocks and their sobriety. So go wild with your commands but keep it fun and safe!

3. Beer Pong

Ah, Beer Pong – the Mona Lisa of classic drinking games. If you haven’t played it yet, are you even living?

Materials for Beer Pong

Here’s what you’ll need to dive into this masterpiece:

  • Ping pong balls: The lifeblood of this game.
  • Beer cups: Usually ten per side, arranged in a neat little triangle on both ends of a table.
  • Beer (or another drink if you’re feeling fancy).

Setting Up

  1. Arrange 10 cups in a pyramid shape at each end of the table.
  2. Fill the cups with beer (or your beverage of choice). Pro tip: Don’t fill them to the brim unless you want an early night.
  3. Divide into two teams, each consisting of 2 players.

How to Play

Teams take turns throwing ping pong balls into the opponent’s cups from across the table. Sink a ball in a cup? The other team drinks that cup and removes it from play. First team to eliminate all the opponent’s cups wins. Easy peasy.

Tips for playing Beer Pong

Now, winning at Beer Pong isn’t all about luck; there’s some strategy involved too:

  • Arc your shots: A high arc can make it harder for opponents to swat away your shot.
  • Get in sync with your partner: Communication is key – decide who’s got the better aim and let them take more shots.
  • Distract your opponents: Within reason, of course. Use funny faces or mild trash talk to throw them off their game.

So grab those ping pong balls and beer cups, and let the games begin!

4. Outrageous Questions

Feeling brave? “Outrageous Questions” is all about diving headfirst into the absurd and seeing who can keep a straight face. The rules are simple: someone asks a ridiculously outrageous question, and if you refuse to answer, guess what? You drink.

How to play Outrageous Questions

To get started, gather your group and explain the rules. Everyone takes turns asking questions that range from mildly embarrassing to downright bonkers.

  • Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses?
  • If you could switch lives with any celebrity for a day, who would it be and why?
  • What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?

Tips for playing Outrageous Questions

The secret sauce for this game is keeping things hilarious without crossing any boundaries. Aim for questions that are silly yet intriguing.

  • Avoid overly personal or sensitive topics.
  • Encourage creative and off-the-wall queries.
  • Laugh at each other’s answers—this isn’t an interrogation!

Pro Tip: If things start getting too serious, throw in a wild card question like, “If animals could talk, which one would be the most annoying?”

There you go! A game that’s as much about social interaction as it is about having a good laugh. Ready for some outrageous fun? Grab your drinks and let the absurdity begin!

5. Never Have I Ever

Ah, Never Have I Ever, the classic icebreaker that doubles as a revealing game of personal stories and secrets. It’s like truth or dare, minus the dare, plus some liquid courage.

How to play Never Have I Ever

  1. Gather ‘Round: Everyone sits in a circle. Make sure drinks are within arm’s reach—you’re going to need them.
  2. Statement Time: One player starts with the phrase, “Never have I ever…” followed by something they’ve never done.
  3. Drink Up: If you’ve done what the person says they haven’t, take a drink. If not, just sit there smugly.

Tips for playing Never Have I Ever

  • Get Creative: Skip the boring stuff. “Never have I ever been skydiving” is way more interesting than “Never have I ever eaten broccoli.”
  • Be Personal: Make it relevant to your group. If you know someone has an interesting hobby or strange habit, weave it into your questions.
  • Mix It Up: Alternate between lighthearted and juicy questions to keep everyone engaged.
  • Read the Room: If someone looks uncomfortable, steer away from potentially sensitive areas.
  • Keep It Light: Focus on fun and laughter rather than digging up dark secrets. However, it’s worth noting that some topics like politics or religion can lead to fascinating discussions—why steer away from them could be an interesting question in itself!
  • Set Boundaries: Establish a rule that anyone can pass on answering without pressure or judgment.

Here’s a pro tip: If things get too intense, throw in a silly one like “Never have I ever worn mismatched socks on purpose.” Trust me, everyone will appreciate the breather.

Want questions on the go for your next party? You can also play Never Have I Ever online and easily access a variety of 3,000 statements for free!

All you have to do is download our free app or play Never Have I Ever online on our website. It’s a great way to keep everyone entertained and create long-lasting memories while on the go! 🚙✹

App icon Never Have I Ever
Never Have I Ever Rated 4.8 stars out of five stars

Play Never Have I Ever online

6. Two Truths and One Lie

Two Truths and One Lie is a classic guessing game where you find out just how good your friends are at fibbing. It’s perfect for testing your poker face and your ability to discern truth from deception.

How to Play Two Truths and One Lie

Here’s how to play:

  1. Gather the Group: Everyone sits in a circle.
  2. Declare Your Statements: Each player takes turns stating three things about themselves:
  • Two of these should be true.
  • One should be a lie.
  1. Guessing Time: The rest of the group tries to guess which statement is the lie.
  2. Revealed!: The player reveals the lie, and anyone who guessed wrong has to drink.
  • “I’ve skydived over the Grand Canyon.”
  • “I can speak three languages fluently.”
  • “I once ate an entire pizza by myself.”

Good luck figuring out which one’s the whopper!

Tips for playing Two Truths and One Lie

When it comes to crafting those sneaky lies, here are some tips to keep everyone guessing:

  • Blend Fact with Fiction: Make your lie similar to something that’s actually true about you.
  • If you’ve been to France, say you’ve been to Spain instead.
  • Avoid the Outlandish: Unless you’re playing with gullible folks, keep your lie plausible.
  • Instead of “I fought a bear,” try “I once wrestled a large dog.”
  • Detail is Key: Embellish your truths with enough detail that they sound more believable than they actually might be.

Test your friends’ BS detectors and see who crumbles under pressure first!

Want the fun of 2 Truths 1 Lie but not the hassle of thinking of ideas? Play the game online! It’s completely free! Just download our app and play the game with your friends anytime, anywhere.

Play 2 Truths 1 Lie online

7. Can You Survive Till’ 21?

Ah, the classic counting game with a twist! “Can You Survive Till’ 21?” is less about your math skills and more about keeping your wits as the rules pile up.

How to Play Can You Survive Till’ 21?

  1. Gather Your Group: The more, the merrier. Sit in a circle or any formation that lets you see each other’s faces.
  2. Start Counting: Each person takes turns saying the next number in sequence, starting from one.
  3. Add Rules:
  • Every time someone says “21,” they get to add a new rule.
  • Rules can be anything from “clap on every multiple of 3” to “say ‘beer’ instead of ‘seven.’”
  1. Mess Up? Drink Up!: If someone breaks a rule or messes up the count, they have to drink and the count starts over.

Tips for playing Can You Survive Till’ 21?

  • Switching Directions: When someone says a specific number, gameplay direction reverses.
  • Animal Noises: Replace certain numbers with an animal sound—extra points for creativity!
  • Dance Moves: Every fifth number, players must do a little dance move.

In this game, the ultimate goal is not just to reach 21 but to find some solace in the laughter and camaraderie shared among friends. Each misstep should be seen as an opportunity for joy rather than frustration. Let’s enjoy responsibly!

8. Would You Rather?

Get ready to play Would You Rather? — the game where you’ll discover your friends’ most bizarre preferences or just end up laughing uncontrollably.

How to Play Would You Rather

Here’s how it works: each player takes turns presenting two equally absurd scenarios to the group, such as:

  • Would you rather have the ability to fly but only at night OR be invisible but only in bright daylight?
  • Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck OR a hundred duck-sized horses?

Players choose their preferred scenario. Those who pick the minority option get to drink. Easy peasy, right?

Want to spend less time thinking of questions and more time having fun? Play Would You Rather online and unlock over 1,000+ flirty, funny and thought-provoking questions now!

All you have to do is download the app or play the game on our webite, and you’ll be ready to start flirting in no time. Plus, with so many questions available, you can keep the fun going for hours on end!

Play Would you rather? online

App icon Would you rather?
Would you rather? Rated 4.9 stars out of five stars

Tips for playing Would You Rather

To keep everyone engaged, encourage players to come up with their own wild scenarios. A few tips to get those creative juices flowing:

  • Keep it light-hearted: No one wants to ponder life-or-death situations while tipsy.
  • Be inclusive: Make sure scenarios are relatable and fun for everyone in the group.
  • Add a twist: Throw in a curveball every few rounds. For instance, if someone hesitates too long, they drink.

So, would you rather start this game now or miss out on epic fun? Your choice—but I know what I’d pick!

9. Flip Cup

Flip Cup is like that one frenemy you can’t get enough of: frustrating, competitive, and undeniably fun. Gather your crew because this team competition game is about to get wild.

How to Play Flip Cup

  1. Divide into Teams: Split the group into two teams. Each team lines up on opposite sides of a table.
  2. Setup: Place a plastic cup filled with your beverage of choice in front of each player.
  3. Ready, Set, Drink!: The first player from each team drinks their cup as fast as possible and then places it right-side-up on the edge of the table.
  4. Flip It: Using only one hand, the player must flip the cup so it lands upside down. This isn’t brain surgery, but it may feel like it after a few rounds!
  5. Next Up: Once the first player successfully flips their cup, the next teammate starts drinking and flipping. Keep going until one team has flipped all their cups.

A victorious roar from the winning team is optional but highly encouraged.

Tips for playing Flip Cup

  • Beginner Level: Use less liquid in each cup to make flipping easier.
  • Advanced Level: Add obstacles like making players spin around before they drink or flip.
  • Pro Level: Integrate dares or trivia questions between rounds to keep everyone on their toes.

Switch things up based on your group’s mood and skill level, and remember—no sore losers allowed!

10. Shot Roulette

Want to try something different from the usual drinking games? Give Shot Roulette a go. This game mixes the excitement of roulette with the fun (and risk) of random drinking.

How to play Shot Roulette

Shot Roulette is easy to play. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Get a spinning wheel and arrange a circle of shot glasses around it.
  2. Fill each glass with a different liquid—some alcoholic, some not.
  3. Spin the wheel and wherever it lands, take a shot from that glass.

Here are some ideas for what to put in the glasses:

  • Liquor: Vodka, tequila, rum.
  • Mixers: Lemonade, cola, tonic water.
  • Wildcards: Hot sauce, pickle juice.

The randomness adds an element of surprise that’s hard to beat.

Tips for playing Shot Roulette

Playing Shot Roulette is all fun and games until someone ends up regretting their life choices. Here are some tips to keep things sane:

  • Pace Yourself: Keep an eye on how much you’re drinking. If you’re looking for more structured fun, consider exploring some drinking board games as an alternative.
  • Hydrate: Water breaks are non-negotiable.
  • Know Your Limits: Tap out if you need to—you can always be the designated spinner. Remember, safety first! If it’s a hot day, be cautious about playing too long without breaks as per these heat safety guidelines.

So, grab your spinning wheel and shot glasses, and let fate decide your next drink!

11. Most Likely To?

Alright, folks, let’s dive into the social experiment that is Most Likely To. This game is all about testing your knowledge of your friends’ quirks and tendencies. Think you know them well? Guess again.

How to Play Most Likely To

  1. Gather Your Troops: Get everyone in a circle; this makes it easier to point fingers—literally.
  2. Pick a Statement: Start with fun statements like:
  • “Most likely to become a reality TV star.”
  • “Most likely to accidentally text their boss something inappropriate.”
  • “Most likely to join a cult… willingly.”
  1. Vote: On the count of three, everyone points to the person they think fits the bill.
  2. Tally Results: The person with the most fingers pointed at them takes a drink. Simple, right?

Tips for playing Most Likely To

Of course, things can get a bit… heated. Here are some tips for maintaining the fun:

  • Avoid Sensitive Topics: Steer clear of statements that might hit too close to home. No one needs to relive their high school trauma.
  • Use Humor: Keep it light-hearted and funny. The goal is laughter, not tears.
  • Respect Boundaries: If someone looks uncomfortable, move on to the next statement.

Now go forth and unleash your inner judge! And remember, it’s all in good fun—until someone brings up that time you cried at a cat video.

12. I’m Going to the Bar?

So, you’re looking for a memory challenge that doesn’t require a deck of cards? Enter “I’m Going to the Bar.” The game is as simple as it is sneaky.

How to Play the Memory Game

  1. The first player starts by saying, “I’m going to the bar and I’m going to bring [something].”
  2. The next player repeats the phrase but adds another item to the list.
  3. This continues around the circle, with each player adding a new item.

Easy, right? Well, it gets tricky fast. If someone messes up or forgets an item in the cumulative list, they drink.

Tips for Playing I’m Going to the Bar

  • Ramp Up the Randomness: Start with ordinary items like “a beer” or “a shot glass,” but quickly escalate to bizarre things like “a pink flamingo” or “a unicorn horn.”
  • Themed Rounds: Try specific themes—like only bringing items that start with the letter ‘B’ or things you’d never actually find in a bar.

“I’m Going to the Bar?” brings all the laughs without needing any special equipment—just your wits and maybe a not-too-foggy memory!

13. Cheers to the Governor

Ready for a counting game that’s not just about numbers but also about laughter and chaos? Introducing Cheers to the Governor. The rules are as simple as pouring a drink (which you’ll be doing a lot of).

How to Play Cheers to the Governor

  1. Circle Up: Get your crew in a circle, seated or standing.
  2. Count to 21: Starting with someone, each person says the next number in sequence until you hit 21.
  3. The Twist: Whoever lands on 21 gets to make a rule. This could be anything from “Swap numbers 7 and 13” to “Clap instead of saying 10”. The weirder, the better.

Cheers to the Governor is less about math skills and more about having a laugh while trying not to mess up—because messing up means drinking! Who knew counting could be this much fun?

14. Suffocation

Suffocation is a game where you hold your breath while answering awkward questions. It’s as uncomfortable as it sounds, like being stuck in an elevator with your ex—except this time, you’re holding your breath and revealing secrets.

How to Play Suffocation

  1. Gather the Troops: Get everyone in a circle. The more, the merrier (and more awkward).
  2. Ask Awkward Questions: One person asks another a cringe-worthy question.
  3. Breath-Holding: The questioned player must hold their breath while answering.
  4. Drink or Gasp: If they fail to answer while holding their breath, they drink.

Tips for playing Suffocation

  • Keep It Light: No need to dive into deep, dark secrets—unless that’s your jam.
  • Encourage Laughter: Laughing while holding your breath is half the fun and all the chaos.
  • No Pressure Zone: Make sure everyone feels comfortable opting out of questions if things get too intense.

Pro Tip: Have someone ready with a phone camera to capture those priceless gasping-for-air moments.

15. Medusa?

Medusa is the drinking game that turns staring contests into a wild party activity. No, you won’t need a shield or snake hair for this one—just your best unblinking gaze and a tolerance for hilarity.

How to play Medusa

Setting up Medusa is as simple as gathering your friends in a circle. Here’s the lowdown:

  1. Sit or stand in a circle: Make sure everyone can see each other.
  2. Bow your heads: Everyone looks down at the ground.
  3. Count to three: On the count of three, everyone snaps their heads up and stares at someone else in the circle.

Tips for playing Medusa

  • Eye Contact Penalty: If two players lock eyes, they must shout “Medusa!” and take a drink.
  • Laughter Penalty: Anyone who laughs during the stare-off takes an extra sip because apparently, laughter is forbidden fun here.
  • No Blinking Allowed: The moment someone blinks, they join the drinking train with an additional gulp.
  • Add Silly Faces: Before looking up, decide that everyone has to make a silly face when they snap their heads up. Good luck keeping a straight face then!
  • Introduce Props: Have random props like hats or glasses that players have to wear while playing. Nothing breaks concentration like trying to keep a sombrero balanced on your head.
  • Change Up Timing: Throw in some random intervals between rounds to keep everyone on their toes.

Who knew staring at people could be so entertaining? Medusa brings out the competitive spirit in everyone while keeping things light-hearted and absurd—perfect for any social gathering where cards are nowhere to be found!

16. Paranoia

Ever wanted to know what your friends really think of you while simultaneously making them squirm? Paranoia is the game for you. It’s a delightful mix of whispering secrets and drink penalties—what could possibly go wrong?

How to Play Paranoia

  1. Gather ‘Round: Everyone sits in a circle.
  2. Whisper Whisper: The first player whispers a juicy, paranoia-inducing question into the ear of the person next to them, such as:
  • “Who do you think is most likely to get arrested?”
  • “Who would you trust with your darkest secret?”
  • “Who here would be the worst roommate?”
  1. Public Shaming: The whispered-to player must then point to the person they think fits the bill.
  2. Drink Up: Here’s where it gets fun—the person who was pointed at can either:
  • Demand to know what the heck was said about them by taking a drink and hearing the question
  • Or, sip in blissful ignorance and let paranoia drive them insane

Tips for playing Paranoia

Not everyone is cool with their deepest fears being broadcasted (shocking, right?). To maintain a semblance of camaraderie, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Keep It Light: Avoid questions that dig too deep into personal insecurities or could genuinely hurt someone’s feelings. Remember, bullying isn’t fun and should be avoided at all costs.
  2. Opt-Out Clause: Allow players to pass on answering without penalty if things get too real.
  3. Apologize Early and Often: If someone gets upset, a heartfelt apology and possibly another drink can go a long way. Also, it’s important to know how to respond if someone takes the game too seriously.

Need fun questions for your next game night? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! The online version of Most Likely To is a great way to play with friends without the hassle of thinking up your questions for your next Paranoia Game.

Download the app for free and access over 2,000 questions you can use for your game night! If you don’t want to download the app, you can play it directly on our website.

App icon Most Likely To
Most Likely To Rated 4.8 stars out of five stars

Play Most Likely To online

Paranoia is perfect for those willing to risk friendships for fleeting moments of awkward hilarity. Just remember—what happens in Drunk Paranoia stays in Drunk Paranoia
 unless someone posts it on Instagram.

FAQs about Drinking Games Without Cards

1. What are some other drinking games that don’t require cards?

Here are some more drinking games to keep the party going:

  • Kings (but without the cards): Use a spinner or just make up rules on the fly.
  • Thumper: A game of rhythm and memory.
  • Power Hour: Take a shot of beer every minute for an hour. Good luck.

2. Can these drinking games be adapted for non-drinkers?

Absolutely. Just replace the booze with something else. Water, juice, or that weird kombucha your friend keeps pushing on you. The goal is fun, not liver destruction.

3. What safety tips should I consider when playing drinking games?

Let’s keep it real here:

  • Know Your Limits: No one wants to babysit you.
  • Hydrate: Water is your best friend.
  • Eat Something: Drinking on an empty stomach? Rookie mistake.
  • Buddy System: Keep an eye on each other.

4. How do I ensure everyone is included in the games?

Make sure the rules are clear and inclusive. If someone’s feeling left out, switch things up. Rotate roles, change games, or just be a decent human and include them in conversations.

5. What if someone refuses to drink during a game?

Respect their choice. Peer pressure is so last century. Let them participate in other ways—like being the ultimate judge or coming up with hilarious dares.

6. Are there any specific rules for keeping the atmosphere light-hearted during these games?

To maintain a fun atmosphere, focus on humor and creativity in gameplay. Encourage playful banter, avoid overly sensitive topics, and remind players that the goal is enjoyment. Having light-hearted challenges or silly dares can also contribute to a joyful experience.

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Looking for some fun party games to liven up your next get-together? Check out our collection of 100+ party games for all ages!