Disturbing Would You Rather Questions
Are you brave enough to test your limits and question everything you thought you knew? Our collection of 70+ dark "Would You Rather" questions is not for the faint of heart. Not for the faint of heart, this collection will challenge your beliefs and make you question your own morality.
Play Online ✍️ February 29, 2024
- 🤓 How to Play “Would You Rather”
- 📱 Play “Would You Rather” Online
- 🤯 Weird “Would You Rather” Questions
- 🤪 Crazy “Would You Rather” Questions
- 🙈 Gross “Would You Rather” Questions
- 🥹 Awkward “Would You Rather” Questions
- 😳 Fucked Up “Would You Rather” Questions (18+)
- 😱 Dark “Would You Rather” Questions
- 👀 Disturbing “Would You Rather” Questions
Think you can handle the wild side of your imagination? “Would You Rather” is the perfect game to push your boundaries and get you thinking. And we have just the thing for you!
Whether you’re looking for a fun time with friends or just want to have some self-reflection, these disturbing “Would You Rather” questions will definitely make you question your limits and beliefs. Are you ready to dive into the depths of your twisted mind?
How to Play “Would You Rather”
If you’re new to “Would You Rather”, here’s a quick rundown of how the game works. To play the game, you need at least two people and a list of challenging questions!
Each question presents two equally unpleasant scenarios and you have to choose which one you would rather do. There’s no right or wrong answer, just your own personal preference.
For example: Would you rather live without the internet or without electricity?
It’s a tough choice, right? You may think that living without the internet would be impossible, but then again, how would you survive without electricity? That’s the fun part of this game!
Play “Would You Rather” Online
Running out of “Would You Rather” questions to ask? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Our online version of the game allows you to play with random questions generated just for you.
Invite your friends and family to join in on the fun, and download our free app or access our website to get started. You have over 1,000 questions to choose from, so get ready for an unforgettable experience!
Weird “Would You Rather” Questions
Now, onto the fun stuff! Let’s start with some fucked up “Would You Rather” questions that you’ll be sure to remember. Some are funny, some are weird, and others will leave you bewildered.
1. Would you rather have coffee come out of your nose every time you sneeze or have bacon as fingernails?
That’s a plus for all the nail-biters out there.
2. Which would you rather have doubled in size, your hands or feet?
If you don’t believe that having big hands is a struggle, you better believe it because it’s true!
3. Would you rather eat your cereal with water as milk or lemon juice?
How about when the cereal gets soggy and blends with water or lemon juice?
4. Would you rather live in an active volcano or inside a big tree?
These are rather odd places to live, but I don’t think I’ll be able to handle the heat 🥵
5. Would you rather give birth to an elephant or make out with a dog?
Can you imagine the pain of giving birth to an elephant? But at the same time, how would you even make out with a dog 😖
6. Would you rather have all your shoes filled with spaghetti or have all your socks wet all the time?
Honestly, who thinks of these questions?! 🤢
7. Would you rather have shark gills or a giraffe’s neck?
You’d still be able to hide gills, unlike a long giraffe’s neck, which would be impossible to hide.
8. Would you rather eat a talking cow or a talking chicken?
Eating either would be alright. At least you’d be able to explain yourself!
9. Would you rather be an alien or an animal?
Being an animal could be cool. Think about the freedom you get.
10. Would you rather be able to see ghosts or talk to them?
The two are different experiences. I think talking to them would be more comfortable.
11. Would you rather sweat all the time or pee every 2 minutes?
This is more of picking between changing your clothes all the time or never being able to leave the restroom.
12. When you were a kid, would you rather know if Santa Claus was real or the ghosts under your bed/in your closet?
You’d be very brave if you were to choose the latter. Kudos! 👍🏼
13. Would you rather have people smell your bad B.O. only when they’re far away from you or be a human magnet?
Both would be so uncomfortable. So which would you rather have?
14. Would you rather poop your pants every time you go out in public or forever have yellow pit stains?
Imagine the stench that comes with your poop. At least you’d be able to hide your pit stains!
15. Would you rather have faux fur as skin or have leaves for hair?
Imagine all that hair fall 😂
Crazy “Would You Rather” Questions
If you think you’ve heard the craziest “Would You Rather” questions, think again. Our collection of dark and twisted “Would You Rather” questions will push your limits like never before.
Are you ready for this? Brace yourself.
1. Would you rather jump off the Eiffel Tower or into a volcano?
I prefer having a nice view before jumping off. So there’s the Eiffel Tower.
2. Would you rather star in an adult video or be known to have multiple sexual partners?
This is honestly not an issue to some people anymore, but it wouldn’t hurt to know which you would rather prefer.
3. Would you rather always have to speak in rhymes or sing everything you say?
This would definitely make conversations a lot more interesting!
4. Would you rather be the best at something you hate or mediocre at something you love?
Tough question! It can be hard to reach success in what we’re passionate about, but settling for a skill we don’t care about isn’t fun either. What’s your ideal outcome?
5. Would you rather go skydiving or bungee jumping?
If you fear heights, you still have to choose between the two.
6. Would you rather be a police officer or a firefighter?
Both of these are noble and honorable, but there’s a scary side to both lines of work.
7. Would you rather be with your soulmate but lose a day of your life as you spend time together or stay forever alone?
What’re a few days to spending years alone, am I right?
8. Would you rather be the mastermind of a failed bank robbery or the leader of a lousy mafia?
I don’t even know which consequences I’d rather face.
🤓 Suggested read: 500+ "Would You Rather" Questions for a Fun Night In 🤣
9. Would you rather take the opportunity to go to Mars or discover Atlantis?
Imagine finally discovering The Lost City. That would be so cool. But so is being the first person to set foot on Mars, hmmm 🤔
10. Would you rather know your future or be able to change the past?
Sometimes knowing your future may help.
At the same time, if you change your past, who knows where you’ll end up. Yes, this is a tough decision indeed.
11. Would you rather be smart but ugly or insanely attractive but dumb?
Brains or Brawn? You can’t have it all!
12. Would you rather lose your sense of smell or touch?
That sounds like a tough decision.
13. Would you rather use sandpaper or banana leaves as toilet paper?
Fun fact! Banana leaves can be used in many ways because they are sturdy and thick.
14. Would you rather lose your arms or your legs?
That might be a scenario you don’t want to think about.
15. Would you rather have an obnoxious laugh or have the smelliest farts?
Either option would bring attention to you.
👉 Need more questions for your next game night? Check out our full list of Hard “Would You Rather” Questions to keep your brain guessing and your heart racing.
Gross “Would You Rather” Questions
Warning: these questions are not for the faint of heart. If you have a weak stomach, this section may not be for you.
But if you’re feeling brave, take a look at some of the grossest “Would You Rather” questions we could find. Just remember, you asked for it!
1. Would you rather eat your best friend’s toenails or your sibling’s?
I know that blood is thicker than water and everything, but sometimes my siblings are just gross.
2. Would you rather make out with someone with horrible breath or live with someone who always has garbage all over their room?
Either one gives off a weird stench to it, so pick your poison.
3. Would you rather not shower for a whole year or have endless lice in your hair?
I got chills just thinking about this question.
4. Would you rather have smelly feet or armpits?
At least think about being able to hide your smelly feet with shoes.
5. Would you rather vomit slugs or tadpoles?
You’re having the situation play out in your head, right?
6. Would you rather have blue-colored pee or green-colored poop?
Both are incredibly problematic situations. What would you even have to put in your body for these to come out?
7. Would you rather have nipples shed every few months or pee that comes out all jelly-like?
I wonder how it’ll feel to have a jelly-like substance come out 🤔
8. Would you rather drink expired milk or a drink with fish sauce, soy sauce, vinegar, and other cooking condiments?
My stomach’s already hurting just thinking about this question.
9. Would you rather eat fried cockroaches or only eat food with mold?
Fried cockroaches are full of protein, so don’t reject the idea just yet 😉
10. Would you rather stay in a house infested with rats or cockroaches?
Rats just gnaw through everything, although you don’t always see them. Meanwhile, cockroaches can be everywhere, but they’re killable.
11. Would you rather eat butter as a block or drink cooking oil?
I’m already getting a headache just thinking about this.
12. Would you rather have farts that smelled like delicious food or burps that smelled like flowers?
Accidentally farting, then having everyone go hungry because of the scent you just released would be weird.
13. Would you rather reuse all your gym clothes for a month or use make-up brushes that haven’t been cleaned in years?
You’ll stink, and of course, that won’t be comfy. But can you handle the pimple breakout that might happen on your face?
Awkward “Would You Rather” Questions
Feeling uncomfortable yet? These awkward “Would You Rather” questions will make you cringe and squirm in your seat. But hey, that’s all part of the fun, right?
1. Would you rather walk in on your grandparents doing it or your parents?
I think anyone would be scarred for life if they ever encountered either one of these options.
2. Would you rather bump into your partner in front of a strip club or see them sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night?
What is happening?
3. Would you rather slip on nothing or have your skirt fly up?
This is why we don’t go out of the house for fear of situations like these.
📖 Suggested read: 100+ Fun and Exciting "Would You Rather" Questions for Kids
4. Would you rather catch your sibling “playing” with themselves or your best friend?
It’s important to explore yourself, but make sure no one can interrupt. Please.
5. Would you rather kiss a stranger in public, thinking it’s your partner, or unintentionally yell at a stranger?
Think of the embarrassment you’ll be in.
6. Would you rather accidentally drink from a random person’s cup in a bar or flirt heavily with someone and then find out you’re related?
Both sound really uncomfortable!
7. Would you rather go on a date and get stood up or have your date leave in the middle of the meal?
Maybe you should go on a date in a crowded place so it won’t be noticeable.
8. Would you rather introduce a person to your parents as your partner, only to find out that you’re related, or go on a trip with many people who don’t like you, and you know it?
At least you won’t have to talk to anyone on that trip.
9. Would you rather watch the “Fifty Shades of Grey” trilogy with your siblings or grandparents?
I wonder how your grandparents would react.
10. Would you rather get caught stealing or by your parents doing the nasty?
At least you won’t be a criminal in their eyes!
11. Would you rather hold up a line or fart in line to the restroom?
These are situations that make you want to curl up in a ball and disappear.

12. Would you rather catch your principal or your best friend in bed with one of your parents?
No, man! Just no 😩👎🏼
13. Would you rather accidentally poop yourself or pee yourself while wearing white pants?
Oh, what a blank canvas, they said 🧐
14. Would you rather be served food with maggots or mold?
I’d be too shy even to say, “Um, excuse me, can I get a refund?”
15. Would you rather spill a hot drink all over your crush in the middle of the canteen or vice versa?
Either your crush never talks to you again, or he must apologize.
Fucked Up “Would You Rather” Questions (18+)
For our more mature players, we have a special section just for you. These fucked up “Would You Rather” questions are not suitable for those under 18 years old.
So if you’re ready to take things to the next level and explore your dark side, jump right in. Just remember to proceed with caution.
1. Would you rather do your mom/dad or your brother/sister?
If you were able to choose one easily, that’s just weird.
2. Who Would you rather bump into at the abortion clinic, your partner or your mom?
Can someone explain what’s going on here?
3. Would you rather find out that your sibling or best friend is now dating your ex-partner?
Now they’re just violating the bro code!
4. Would you rather lick a brick wall or pee in your significant other’s living room?
Pee in the living room. Are you an animal?
📖 Suggested read: 69+ Dirty "Would You Rather" Questions to Turn Up the Heat
5. Would you rather discover that you have a long-lost twin or that your mother is also your sister?
Having your mother also be your sister is just really, really confusing (and weird!)
6. Would you rather spend a day with a cactus stuck in you or spend 2 hours in public completely naked?
Spending 2 hours naked in public would probably hurt a lot less (except for your dignity, though).
7. Would you rather lose $100,000 or everything you own in just a day?
The question is, do you have $100,000 before you lose everything? Because you might just be able to buy all your belongings back 🤷🏽
8. Would you rather get asked to join a threesome by a male or female friend?
That depends on your sexuality.
9. Would you rather turn into someone’s penis or vagina?
Try saying “hi” when your person looks down. They’ll get freaked out for sure 🤣
10. Would you rather pay to complete your thesis or sleep with the professors to pass?
Either option goes against anyone’s principles, but these things happen.
11. Would you rather eat a sundae halfway through before realizing it’s for dogs or eating chicken only to find out that it’s a frog?
Yes, frog meat tastes very similar to chicken. You wouldn’t know the difference.
12. Would you rather reject your biggest celebrity crush asking you out or $1,000,000?
Believe it or not, some people would rather date their celebrity crush than get the money!
👉 Suggested read: 100+ Fun and Exciting "Truth or Dare" Questions for Kids
13. Would you rather talk to a stranger on the internet but find out later on that he’s a murderer or meet someone in person and end up getting stalked?
Let us take this opportunity to remind everyone to stay safe.
14. Would you rather take money out found inside a used condom or wrapped around a used tampon?
In the first place, why would money be even on these things? 🤢
15. Would you rather discover an active Instagram account of someone you know who passed away or have a deceased relative/friend visit you in your dreams?
Sometimes those encounters in dreams seem so real that it’s scary.
Dark “Would You Rather” Questions

Are you ready to dive into the depths of your morality? These dark “Would You Rather” questions will test your limits and make you question everything you thought you knew about yourself. Choose wisely.
1. Would you rather save a loved one from a burning building or save ten strangers?
That’s gotta be difficult.
2. Would you rather go to jail for a crime you didn’t commit or have someone else take the fall for your crime?
I don’t think I could live with myself.
3. Would you rather live forever with no one else around or die at 30 but be surrounded by loved ones?
The ultimate test of loneliness.
4. Would you rather eliminate hunger worldwide but have no one know it was you or be famous worldwide but contribute nothing to society?
A question of true altruism.

5. Would you rather kill a dog to save a human or kill a human to save a dog?
This one may stir up a few debates.
6. Would you rather commit a terrible crime and live with the guilt or be a victim of a terrible crime?
A troubling thought, indeed.
7. Would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death?
The question is, could you live with that knowledge?
8. Would you rather be eternally happy but alone or eternally miserable but with your loved ones?
A poignant question about the nature of happiness.
9. Would you rather have the power to save lives but cause twice as much pain or have no power at all?
A dilemma of superhero proportions.
10. Would you rather die painlessly but alone or painfully but surrounded by loved ones?
A grim choice, but it makes you think.
11. Would you rather live in a world without violence but no freedom or a world with freedom but constant violence?
Is peace worth the price of freedom?
12. Would you rather save one child from a life of suffering or provide clean water to an entire village?
A dilemma where there’s no easy answer.
13. Would you rather be a loved villain or a hated hero?
A divisive question - it’s all about perspective.
14. Would you rather live a life of luxury with no emotions or a life of struggle with intense emotions?
What’s life without the highs and lows?
15. Would you rather live in an illusion of a perfect world or face the harsh reality of the world?
Is ignorance truly bliss?
👉 Suggested read: 450+ Best "Truth or Dare" Questions to Ask in Any Situation
Disturbing “Would You Rather” Questions
Want to push the boundaries even further? These disturbing “Would You Rather” questions will make you question your own morality and push the limits of what you thought was possible.
1. Would you rather eat a live spider or a dead cockroach?
A truly stomach-turning choice.
2. Would you rather drink a cup of your mother’s breast milk or your own urine?
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse…
3. Would you rather have a finger cut off or lose all your hair permanently?
A body horror choice.
4. Would you rather have sex with a family member or with someone twice your age?
Both options are cringe-worthy.
5. Would you rather be buried alive or eaten by sharks?
Two terrifying ways to go.
6. Would you rather eat a plate of human hair or drink a cup of sweat?
Your gag reflex may be tested here.
7. Would you rather wear someone else’s dirty underwear or use their toothbrush?
Both are unpleasantly personal.
8. Would you rather always smell like garbage or have everyone else in the world smell like garbage?
A stinky situation, indeed.
9. Would you rather crawl through a tunnel full of spiders or a tunnel full of snakes?
Both are sure to give some people the heebie-jeebies.
10. Would you rather live without your sight or without your hearing?
A real perception check.
👉 Suggested read: 90+ "Would You Rather" Questions to Ask a Guy You Like
11. Would you rather be trapped in a room full of killer clowns or be the star in a real-life version of Saw?
Both options are straight out of a horror movie.
12. Would you rather be tortured by a ghost every night or become a ghost that can do nothing but watch your loved ones in pain?
A haunting choice.
13. Would you rather never have sex again or every time you do, you have to swallow a live goldfish?
This one might make you squirm.
14. Would you rather eat a bowl of vomit or lick a hobo’s foot?
Simply disgusting!
15. Would you rather live your worst fear for a day or have your life be slightly less pleasant but last forever?
A question of fear and discomfort.
These fucked up “Would You Rather” questions are not for the faint of heart. They will challenge your beliefs, push the limits of your morality and make you question everything you thought you knew about yourself.