Couples Truth or Drink
Do you want to test your compatibility as a couple and deepen your connection in a meaningful way? This collection of 90 "Truth or Drink" questions is designed to help you do just that and gain a deeper understanding of each other's values, desires, and fears, and create a stronger bond.
Play Online ✍️ February 29, 2024
- 🎮 Play “Truth or Drink” Online
- 🩷 How to Play “Truth or Drink” for Couples
- 🫶 “Truth or Drink” Challenge for Couples
- 🔥 Spicy “Truth or Drink” Questions for Couples
If you’re in relationship, you know it takes time and effort to build and maintain a strong connection. And this is where Couples “Truth or Drink” comes in handy!
Whether you’re in a new relationship or have been together for years, this list of 90+ “Truth or Drink” questions can help you deepen your understanding of each other and strengthen your bond. So, are you ready to put your compatibility to the test?
👉 Playing with friends instead? Explore the original “Truth or Dare” game for more fun and unpredictable moments.
Play “Truth or Drink” Online
Want Truth or Drink questions on-the-go? With the online version of the game, you can!
Simply go to our website and access over 1,000+ questions that are designed to spark meaningful conversations between you and your partner. And the best part? It’s free to play!
How to Play “Truth or Drink” for Couples
Playing “Truth or Drink” with your partner is easy and fun! Simply begin by choosing who goes first and that person receives a question.
For example: “Have you ever lied to me and what was it about?”
They then have the choice to either answer the question truthfully or take a sip of their drink.
If they choose to answer, they must do so honestly. This is where the game gets interesting! You may discover something new about your partner that you never knew before.
If they choose to take a sip, they do not have to answer the question. However, this may lead to some playful teasing and banter between you two.
Once the first player has answered or taken a sip, it’s now their turn to ask a question to the other player. The game continues in this back-and-forth format until all questions have been asked or both players decide to end the game.
“Truth or Drink” Challenge for Couples

Take your “Truth or Drink” game to the next level! These questions are designed to challenge you and your partner to be completely honest with each other. Are you up for it?
1. What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told me?
Be prepared for some truth bombs.
2. Have you ever caught feelings for someone else while we were together?
Let’s talk about it.
3. What’s the one thing you wish I would change about myself?
Honesty is key.
4. Have you ever cheated on me, emotionally or physically?
This question may lead to a serious conversation, but it’s important to discuss.
5. What’s your biggest fear in our relationship?
Let’s address any concerns head-on.
6. Have you ever thought about breaking up with me?
Let’s be real.
7. What do you find the most irresistible about me?
Admit it!
8. Do you ever fantasize about me when you’re alone?
It’s natural.
9. What’s your favorite part of my body?
Don’t be shy.
10. What’s your favorite thing for me to wear to bed?
Tell me more.
11. If you could only touch one part of my body for the rest of your life, which part would you choose?
Choose wisely.
12. What’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever done for you?
Relive the moment.
13. Do you prefer me wearing lingerie or nothing at all?
Decisions, decisions.
14. If you could watch me have an intimate moment with another person, would you?
Honesty counts.
15. What’s one thing you want to do to me the next time we’re in bed together?
Get creative!
16. Do you prefer making love or getting rough?
What’s your style?
17. What’s one habit of mine that you find endearing?
Cherish the little things.
18. If we were characters in a movie, who would we be?
Let’s imagine.
19. What’s the favorite date we’ve ever been on?
Take a trip down memory lane.
20. What’s one thing I do that makes you feel loved?
Share your feelings.
21. If you could relive any moment in our relationship, what would it be?
Pick your favorite memory.
22. What’s your favorite thing about our relationship?
Celebrate the good.
23. What’s one act of kindness I did that touched your heart?
Recognize the love.
24. If you could describe our love story in three words, what would they be?
Summarize our journey.
25. What romantic gesture do you wish I’d do more of?
Express your desires.
26. What’s a song that always reminds you of me?
Choose our soundtrack.
27. What’s the most romantic thing I’ve ever done for you?
Highlight the sweetest moments.
28. How do you feel when we’re apart?
Missing me?
29. What’s one thing about me that you think is unique?
Appreciate the uniqueness.
30. If I were to surprise you with a romantic gesture, what would you want it to be?
Reveal your romantic dreams.
Spicy “Truth or Drink” Questions for Couples
Feeling brave? Want to take your relationship conversations to the next level? Then try out these spicy “Truth or Drink” questions, designed to push boundaries and reveal even more about each other.
1. What’s the most embarrassing thing that turns you on?
Be honest!
2. Have you ever fantasized about someone else while we were together?
And who was it?
3. Would you rather have a threesome with me and a stranger or with two strangers?
4. What’s the craziest place you’ve ever had sex?
Details, please!
5. Have you ever thought about breaking up with me?
That’s only natural.
6. What’s your wildest fantasy involving me?
Don’t hold back!
7. What’s something you’ve been too shy to ask me in bed?
Let’s get it out in the open!
8. If we were to role-play, who would you want us to be?
Let your creativity flow!
9. What’s the naughtiest thing you’ve ever thought about doing with me?
No need to blush!
10. If you could change one thing about our sex life, what would it be?
Honesty is the best policy!
11. Have you ever faked an orgasm with me?
We’re all adults here!
12. What’s your secret sexual desire that you’ve never told me about?
Share your secrets.
13. Have you ever had a dream about me that you didn’t tell me about?
Open up now.
14. If you could sleep with any celebrity, who would it be?
Name names.
15. What’s the sexiest outfit you’d want me to wear?
Paint a picture, baby.
16. What’s the kinkiest thing you want to try with me?
Let’s get adventurous.
17. Have you ever lied about your past sexual experiences?
Truth time!
18. What’s the most risqué thing you’ve ever done?
Go on…
19. What’s one thing you would never want your parents to know about our relationship?
Some secrets are fun!
20. How often do you think about sex?
Let’s talk numbers.
21. What’s the one thing you find most attractive about me?
Compliments welcome!
22. What’s the hottest thing I’ve ever done in bed?
23. Do you ever watch adult videos without me?
No judgment.
24. What part of my body do you fantasize about the most?
Reveal your thoughts, it’s okay.
25. Have you ever had a sexy dream about a friend?
Dreams can be revealing.
26. What’s your favorite sexual memory of us?
Let’s relive some moments.
27. What turns you on the most about me?
Turn up the heat!
🤓 Suggested read: 69+ Dirty "Truth or Drink" Questions to Spice Up Your Night
28. If we could have sex anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Let’s travel, in our minds!
29. What’s the one sexual act you’re hesitant to try with me?
Communication is key.
30. Have you ever been attracted to one of my friends?
Spill the tea.
👉 Can’t get enough of these spicy questions? Check out our article for even more Dirty “Truth or Drink” questions specifically designed for adults!
A party game like “Truth or Drink” can be a fun and exciting way for couples to deepen their connection and have a good time together. Not only does it push boundaries, but it also allows for open and honest communication in a playful manner!