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Want to explore the dynamics of your relationship? Brace yourselves for a night of laughter and secrets with a “Most Likely To” game for couples!

Whether you’ve been together for years or just starting your journey, this game offers a delightful way to deepen your connection. With over 150+ “Most Likely To” questions, your game night is about to reach legendary status!

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Playing “Most Likely To” has never been easier! Simply gather your partner or a group of friends and simply download the app or play it directly in your browser.

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How to Play “Most Likely To” for Couples

Getting to know your partner can be a fun experience, even if you’ve been together for a while. “Most Likely To” is the perfect game for couples who want to learn more about each other in a playful way.

Here’s how to play the game:

1. Step 1: Choose a set of questions to ask each other or prepare your own.

2. Step 2: Decide who will be answering first and who will be asking the question. The person who asks a question first starts it with “Who is most likely to…”

For example: “Who is most likely to cook a romantic dinner?”

3. Step 3: On the count of three, both of you point to the person who is most likely to fit the description.

4. Step 4: If you both point to the same person, they can explain their reasoning behind their answer. If you point to different people, you can both discuss your choices and share your thoughts.

5. Step 5: Take turns asking and answering questions until you’ve gone through all the questions or until you’re ready to wrap up the game!

No time to read? No problem! Watch our YouTube video for a quick guide to the rules of Most Likely To. Let the fun begin!

Romantic “Most Likely To” Questions for Couples

Ready to spice up your game night with your loved one? These romantic “Most Likely To” questions will bring you and your partner closer, no matter how long you’ve been together.

1. Who is most likely to write a love poem?

Sometimes a love poem is the best way to express your feelings.

2. Who is most likely to want to start a family soon?

It’s a big decision to make.

3. Who is most likely to say I love you first?

Aww, how romantic.

4. Who is most likely to spend the most money on their partner?

Money can’t buy you love, but it surely helps.

5. Who is most likely to smell their partner’s clothes when folding them?

I LOVE to smell laundry detergent. Anyone else?

6. Who is most likely to write a love song?

When words fail, music speaks.

7. Who is most likely to miss their partner the most?

Distance makes the heart grow fonder.

8. Who is most likely to make up cute nicknames for their partner?

Some people think nicknames are cheezy. I think they are cute.

9. Who is most likely to talk about nothing else than your relationship?

Sometimes it’s nice to have a break from all the relationship talk.

10. Who is most likely to surprise their partner?

It’s the little things that count.

11. Who is most likely to look good in their partner’s clothes?

If you’re the same size, it could work!

12. Who is most likely to plan a surprise romantic getaway?

Because sometimes a spontaneous trip is all you need to rekindle the romance.

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13. Who is most likely to initiate a spontaneous midnight dance in the living room?

Because dancing in the moonlight at home can be just as magical as a fancy ballroom.

14. Who is most likely to remember the exact moment you became a couple?

Some memories are too precious to forget.

15. Who is most likely to bring breakfast in bed as a romantic gesture?

Because starting the day with love and pancakes is the best way to begin.

16. Who is most likely to organize a candlelit dinner at home?

Transforming a simple dinner into a romantic masterpiece.

17. Who is most likely to leave surprise love notes around the house?

Little reminders of love in unexpected places.

18. Who is most likely to suggest stargazing as a date night activity?

Because there’s something magical about sharing a blanket under the night sky.

19. Who is most likely to plan a romantic picnic in the park?

Because sandwiches taste better when shared with love.

20. Who is most likely to enjoy a romantic movie marathon?

Cuddling up with popcorn and love stories for a cozy evening.

21. Who is most likely to initiate a slow dance in the rain?

Embracing the romantic side of a rainy day.

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22. Who is most likely to write love letters in the digital age?

Because expressing love never goes out of style, even in texts and emails.

23. Who is most likely to organize a surprise date night at home?

Bringing the romance of a date night to the comfort of your own space.

24. Who is most likely to be the first to apologize after an argument?

Because love and forgiveness go hand in hand.

25. Who is most likely to plan a romantic scavenger hunt?

Adding an element of adventure to the romance.

26. Who is most likely to create a personalized playlist of romantic songs?

Music that speaks the language of the heart.

27. Who is most likely to suggest writing a couple’s bucket list?

Dreaming and planning a future together.

28. Who is most likely to initiate a cozy weekend getaway?

Escaping the routine for a romantic retreat.

29. Who is most likely to bring home flowers for no reason at all?

Because flowers have a language of their own.

30. Who is most likely to plan a surprise date based on their partner’s favorite things?

Showcasing love through thoughtful and personalized gestures.

31. Who is most likely to recreate your first date as an anniversary celebration?

Reliving the magic of where it all began.

32. Who is most likely to suggest writing love vows for a special occasion?

Because expressing commitment and love is a beautiful tradition.

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33. Who is most likely to enjoy a cozy night by the fireplace together?

Finding warmth and comfort in each other’s company.

34. Who is most likely to suggest taking a dance class together?

Because learning new steps together can be a metaphor for the journey of love.

35. Who is most likely to plan a surprise visit to their partner’s workplace?

Spreading love in unexpected places.

36. Who is most likely to create a photo album documenting your relationship milestones?

Preserving memories in a tangible form of love.

37. Who is most likely to suggest a weekend technology detox for quality time?

Disconnecting to reconnect with each other.

38. Who is most likely to plan a rooftop dinner under the stars?

Elevating the dining experience for a touch of celestial romance.

39. Who is most likely to plan a sunrise or sunset beach walk together?

Chasing the sun with the one you love.

40. Who is most likely to initiate a playful water fight on a hot summer day?

Because love knows how to keep things cool, even in the heat of summer.

Meaningful “Most Likely To” Questions for Couples

Playing a game with your partner can also be an opportunity for meaningful conversations. These “Most Likely To” questions will help you understand each other better and strengthen your bond.

1. Who is most likely to initiate important conversations?

It’s not always easy to have serious talks, but someone has to start them.

250+ Best "Most Likely To" questions for Any Party 😃
Suggested read: 250+ Best "Most Likely To" questions for Any Party 😃

2. Who is most likely to remember important dates like anniversaries and birthdays?

Never forget an anniversary with this partner around!

3. Who is most likely to plan a surprise trip for their partner?

Surprise vacations are the best.

4. Who is most likely to be more affectionate in public?

Some people love PDA, others not so much.

5. Who is most likely to prefer cuddling over sex?

Cuddles can be just as satisfying.

6. Who is most likely to initiate a deep conversation about the future?

It’s always good to talk about your goals and plans together.

7. Who is most likely to apologize first after a fight?

Saying sorry takes courage, but it’s worth it.

8. Who is most likely to plan a date night based on their partner’s interests?

Tailoring the evening to celebrate the things your partner loves.

9. Who is most likely to offer a comforting embrace during tough times?

Because sometimes, a hug can speak louder than words.

10. Who is most likely to write love letters expressing their deepest feelings?

Translating emotions into heartfelt words on paper.

11. Who is most likely to suggest trying a new hobby together?

Embarking on shared adventures to strengthen the bond.

12. Who is most likely to plan a nostalgic date revisiting significant places in your relationship?

Reliving cherished memories for a journey down the memory lane.

13. Who is most likely to encourage their partner to pursue their dreams?

Being the supportive force behind each other’s aspirations.

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14. Who is most likely to plan a surprise romantic gesture just because?

Spontaneous acts of love to brighten ordinary days.

15. Who is most likely to remember and celebrate the smaller milestones in your relationship?

Recognizing and appreciating every step of the journey.

16. Who is most likely to initiate a heartfelt conversation about personal growth?

Discussing individual development within the context of the relationship.

17. Who is most likely to plan a weekend getaway to reconnect and recharge?

Escaping the routine to focus on each other.

18. Who is most likely to create a scrapbook of your relationship’s special moments?

Crafting a visual journey of shared experiences.

19. Who is most likely to express gratitude for the little things in your relationship?

Acknowledging and cherishing the small gestures of love.

20. Who is most likely to suggest couples’ therapy or counseling if needed?

Recognizing the importance of seeking professional help when facing challenges.

21. Who is most likely to initiate a conversation about shared values and long-term goals?

Aligning perspectives for a harmonious future together.

22. Who is most likely to plan a surprise date to celebrate a partner’s achievement?

Acknowledging and rejoicing in each other’s successes.

23. Who is most likely to express vulnerability and share their deepest fears?

Fostering a safe space for open and honest communication.

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24. Who is most likely to plan a tech-free day to focus solely on each other?

Disconnecting from screens for quality face-to-face time.

25. Who is most likely to initiate discussions about maintaining a healthy work-life balance?

Prioritizing well-being and balance within the context of the relationship.

26. Who is most likely to suggest reading a relationship self-help book together?

Investing in personal and relational growth through shared knowledge.

27. Who is most likely to organize a surprise date night at home filled with personal touches?

Creating an intimate and customized experience in the comfort of your space.

28. Who is most likely to initiate a conversation about fostering intimacy beyond the physical?

Exploring emotional and intellectual connections for a more profound bond.

29. Who is most likely to plan a date focused on mutual interests and shared hobbies?

Celebrating common passions and reinforcing connection through shared activities.

30. Who is most likely to surprise their partner with a personalized gift that holds sentimental value?

Choosing gifts that carry special meaning to express love and appreciation.

31. Who is most likely to initiate a conversation about managing and resolving conflicts constructively?

Working together to navigate challenges and strengthen the relationship.

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Suggested read: 69+ Uncensored "5 Second Rule" Questions for Some Naughty Fun

32. Who is most likely to plan a day of relaxation and self-care for their partner?

Recognizing the importance of individual well-being within the relationship.

33. Who is most likely to express admiration and verbalize what they love most about their partner?

Celebrating and vocalizing appreciation for the unique qualities of each other.

34. Who is most likely to plan a surprise date that involves helping the community or volunteering?

Finding joy in giving back together as a couple.

35. Who is most likely to suggest a weekend retreat to focus on mindfulness and connection?

Prioritizing moments of presence and reflection for a deeper connection.

36. Who is most likely to initiate a conversation about financial goals and planning together?

Navigating the complexities of financial planning as a united team.

37. Who is most likely to plan a surprise date night inspired by their partner’s favorite movie or book?

Infusing elements of personal interests into a thoughtful and romantic evening.

38. Who is most likely to suggest writing personal vows or commitments to each other?

Expressing love and dedication through personalized and meaningful promises.

39. Who is most likely to initiate a conversation about maintaining a healthy social life outside the relationship?

Balancing personal and shared social connections for a thriving relationship.

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40. Who is most likely to plan a surprise romantic evening under the stars with a homemade picnic?

Creating a magical setting for an intimate and starlit experience together.

41. Who is most likely to suggest creating a vision board for the future of your relationship?

Crafting a visual representation of shared dreams and aspirations.

42. Who is most likely to initiate a heartfelt conversation about gratitude for each other?

Expressing thankfulness for the positive aspects of the relationship.

43. Who is most likely to plan a surprise date night inspired by their partner’s favorite cuisine?

Exploring new flavors together for a deliciously romantic evening.

44. Who is most likely to suggest a joint fitness challenge or health-focused activity?

Prioritizing well-being and fostering a healthy lifestyle together.

45. Who is most likely to plan a surprise date featuring an activity from their partner’s bucket list?

Bringing excitement and adventure to the relationship.

46. Who is most likely to initiate a conversation about creating shared rituals and traditions?

Establishing meaningful routines to strengthen the bond.

47. Who is most likely to plan a surprise weekend filled with nostalgic activities from your early days as a couple?

Reviving fond memories for a trip down memory lane.

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48. Who is most likely to express appreciation through small, daily gestures of love?

Infusing everyday moments with acts of kindness and affection.

49. Who is most likely to plan a surprise date night exploring a new artistic or cultural experience?

Broadening horizons and creating shared memories through cultural exploration.

50. Who is most likely to suggest a weekend technology detox to focus solely on reconnecting and rediscovering each other?

Taking a break from screens to deepen the connection and rekindle the romance.

Off-limit “Most Likely To” Questions for Couples

Want to take your game night to the next level? These off-limit “Most Likely To” questions will push you and your partner’s boundaries, but in a fun and playful way.

1. Who is most likely to fart in public?

We all do it… but who is more comfortable doing it publicly?

2. Who is most likely to be more adventurous between the sheets?

Time to spice things up!

3. Who is most likely to be the first one to cry during a sad movie?

It’s okay, we all have that one movie that always makes us tear up.

4. Who is most likely to watch romantic comedies over action movies?

Sometimes we just need a good laugh and a happy ending.

5. Who is most likely to get lost in a foreign country?

Exploring can lead to getting lost, but it also leads to great adventures.

6+ Dirty Games To Play On Your Next Hot Date Night (18+)
Suggested read: 6+ Dirty Games To Play On Your Next Hot Date Night (18+)

6. Who is most likely to eat an entire tub of ice cream in one sitting?

We’ve all been there…

7. Who is most likely to get cold feet on our wedding day?

Let’s hope this one never comes true.

8. Who is most likely to post a kissing picture on Instagram?

Let the world know how much you love each other!

9. Who is most likely to buy the other person a gift they hate?

Hey, it’s the thought that counts, right?

10. Who is most likely to lie to their friends about their sex life in the relationship?

Why not just tell the truth?

11. Who is most likely to have a wet dream tonight?

I usually don’t remember my dreams.

12. Who is most likely to want to get married?

It’s a problem if one partner wants to get married and the other doesn’t.

13. Who is most likely to get jealous over something silly?

Jealousy can be cute sometimes - as long as it doesn’t get out of hand.

14. Who is most likely to forget their vows on our wedding day?

That sounds like me.

15. Who is most likely to break up with someone?

As long as the someone isn’t you, it’s all good.

16. Who is most likely to don’t like their (future) mother-in-law?

Is it really that important to get along with your partner’s family?

17. Who is most likely to have a crush on someone else?

Does a celebrity crush count?

🤓 Suggested read: 100 Dirty "Most Likely To" Questions For Adults (18+)

18. Who is most likely to twerk on the dance floor?

Let your inner dancing queen out!

19. Who is most likely to drunk-text their ex?

Nope. Don’t do it.

20. Who is most likely to forget the birthday of their partner?

That would be a big no-no.

21. Who is most likely to fall asleep in public?

Ah, the joys of being a sleepyhead.

22. Who is most likely to have a weird phobia?

Every phobia is weird to some extent (I’m allowed to say it because I have one).

23. Who is most likely to yell at their partner?

Take a deep breath and calm down.

24. Who is most likely to earn more money?

Still, to this day, the gender gap is a real thing.

25. Who is most likely to win every argument?

Uh oh, it’s going to be a long night.

26. Who is most likely to make their partner lose weight?

Excuse me?

27. Who is most likely to dream about someone other than their partner?

Now that’s awkward.

28. Who is most likely to enjoy sexting?

It’s a great way to get into the mood for more.

29. Who is most likely to have worn someone else’s underwear?

Accidents happen, am I right?

30. Who is most likely to fake an orgasm?

You’re lucky if you’ve never had to fake it.

31. Who is most likely to want to pee on their partner during sex?

Golden Showers are not my cup of tea.

32. Who is most likely to steal from their partner?

Does taking a bite of their food count?

33. Who is most likely to don’t like their (future) father-in-law?

There are worse things in life than not getting along with your partner’s family.

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34. Who is most likely to seduce their partner?

We’re all guilty of this one!

35. Who is most likely to lie to their partner?

Honesty is the best policy.

36. Who is most likely to have a foot fetish?

What comes to your mind when you think about feet?

37. Who is most likely to don’t like their partner’s friends?

It’s important to be supportive of the people your partner cares about.

38. Who is most likely to mention their ex?

Let’s not bring up the past.

39. Who is most likely to flirt with the server at a restaurant?

That’s a definite no-no.

40. Who is most likely to start a fight?

Fighting is never the answer. Let’s just talk it out.

41. Who is most likely to stay at home with the kids?

How about both of you take turns?

42. Who is most likely to fart in front of their partner?

It’s a sign of true comfort in the relationship.

43. Who is most likely to spend their whole day playing video games?

That sounds like a great way to spend the day.

44. Who is most likely to become the president?

You never know until you try.

45. Who is most likely to forget their first kiss?

The very first kiss usually isn’t a pleasant experience. It’s hard to forget those memories!

46. Who is most likely to star in romantic movies?

Do you like romantic movies?

47. Who is most likely to get a speeding ticket?

Fast and Furious isn’t real life.

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Suggested read: Cheers to Fun: 16 Best New Year's Eve Activities for Kids

48. Who is most likely to like classical music?

Classical music has a certain charm that never gets old.

49. Who is most likely to give money to charity?

It’s always nice to give back.

50. Who is most likely to become a school teacher?

Often admired, school teachers are the unsung heroes of society.

Some people just have that certain something.

52. Who is most likely to kiss a random friend in public?

I thought this was a cool thing to do in my teenage years.

53. Who is most likely to live a secret life?

We all have secrets, don’t we?

54. Who is most likely to get a cliché tattoo?

Think before you ink!

55. Who is most likely to spend all their money on clothes?

It’s easy to get carried away when shopping.

56. Who is most likely to hide their real life?

Some people don’t feel comfortable sharing their true selves with the world.

57. Who is most likely to walk around the house naked?

That’s me - all the time! Well, at least in the summer.

58. Who is most likely to try a threesome?

I’m willing to try out new things.

59. Who is most likely to want cybersex?

If you’re in a long-distance relationship, it makes sense.

60. Who is most likely to undress their partner with their teeth?

I’ve actually never done this.

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61. Who is most likely to quit their job on impulse?

If it’s a shitty job, why not?

62. Who is most likely to buy useless stuff?

I wouldn’t say that my Corgi stress ball with a heart-shaped butt is useless.

63. Who is most likely to eat fast food for a week straight?

Living on the edge.

64. Who is most likely to ignore their phone when their mom calls?

Sometimes, it’s just better to pretend you never heard your phone ringing.

65. Who is most likely to believe in supernatural beings?

There’s so much out there that we don’t understand.

66. Who is most likely to peek at their partner in the shower?

If you’re both okay with that, no problem!

67. Who is most likely to own a Kama Sutra book?

There are so many fun sex positions to try!

68. Who is most likely to go skinny dipping?

Are you brave enough to do it?

69. Who is most likely to masturbate more?

Masturbation is normal, also when you’re in a relationship.

70. Who is most likely to want to have sex in public?

Do you get a thrill out of it?

Most Likely To for couples is a great way to have fun and laugh with your significant other. If you want even more questions, follow this link for more Dirty Most Likely To Questions to ask your partner.

100+ Fun Relationship Questions for Couples
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