Best Halloween Party Games
Thinking of what to do for your Halloween party? Playing Halloween-themed games is a must if you want your guests to have a scary, good time!
✍️ October 28, 2020
There are many Halloween party games that you can choose from, ranging from games that you can play during Halloween only or the Halloween version of classic party games that everyone loves! No matter what you choose, what’s important is that you make everyone believe in the magic of Halloween!
To help you with your party planning, here’s our list of the best Halloween party games that you should check out:
The Best Halloween Party Drinking Game - Eyeball Beer Pong
Beer Pong is a popular party drinking game at college parties. Eyeball Beer Pong is the Halloween version of Beer Pong that is sure to be popular at your Halloween party!
What you need to play Eyeball Beer Pong
- White ping pong balls (Draw/glue eyeballs on it)
- Solo cups (Choose black and orange colors for Halloween!)
- Table (Place the cups in triangular 3-2-1 formation on opposite sides of the table.)
- Beer
How to play Eyeball Beer Pong
- Form 2 teams (could be 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2) where each team takes turns throwing an eyeball ping pong ball into the other team’s cups.
- Once a ball lands in a cup on the other team’s side, someone from the other team drinks the cup of beer where the ball landed in. The empty cup is then taken off the table.
- If a ball is not able to land in one of the cups, nothing happens.
- Each team takes turns throwing the eyeball ping pong ball into their opponent’s cups until one team has no cups left on their side.
- The team that successfully hits all of the other team’s cups wins the game, while the losing team drinks the rest of the cups.
Eyeball Beer Pong is a fun party game that is guaranteed to bring out people’s competitive side and will help you get into a festive Halloween mood for the rest of the night! Although it’s called beer pong, you can also swap beer for your special Halloween cocktail drink!
Want to get more ideas for beer pong? Check out everything that you need to know about beer pong
The Best Halloween Game for Kids - Monster Freeze Dance
Monster Freeze Dance is one of the easiest games to play at a kids’ Halloween party. First, gather the kids aka the little monsters in an open area, then put on some dance music, preferably related to Halloween.
Tell the monsters that they need to dance while the music is playing. When the music stops, they need to freeze in place. The monsters who are caught moving when music is not playing will be eliminated. The winner will be the last remaining monster left on the dancefloor!
The Best Halloween Icebreaker Game - Which Villain?
If you have several groups of friends attending your party, you would want them to mingle and not just stick to their cliques. Which Villain? Is a great ice breaker for people who don’t know each other since they will have to talk to each other.
Which Villain is similar to the game Who Am I. Both games are about guessing the character that has been assigned to you. While Who am I can refer to any character. Which Villain is specifically about villains, which is a fun topic for a Halloween party!
How to play Which Villain?
- Stick a name tag with the name of a villain, preferably a villain from a horror movie, on your guests’ back. Do this as they arrive at the party venue.
- Once your guests have their name tag, they need to figure out who their character is.
- Guests can ask each other to get hints about their character.
They will have the perfect excuse to mingle and get to know other people in the party! You can give a time limit for this game so that your guests are motivated!
It’s even funnier if you can assign characters that remind you of your friends! Here are some villains you can use:
- Lord Voldermort from Harry Potter
- Pennywise from It
- The Joker
- Harley Quinn
- Ursula from The Little Mermaid
- Cruella de Ville
- Gaston from Beauty and the Beast
- Kylo Ren from Star Wars
- Loki from Thor
- Cersei Lannister from Game of Thrones
The Best Halloween Game while Social Distancing - Halloween Charades
Charades is a flexible party game that you can play for any occasion. You can play it anywhere, whether at a house party or at a virtual party! If you are holding a virtual Halloween party over Zoom, Halloween Charades is a great way to make your party more exciting!
How to play Halloween Charades via Zoom
Halloween Charades is the same as regular charades except that you are guessing words related to Halloween! The main objective remains the same, which is to guess a word or phrase that a person from the opposing team is acting out.
Here are the mechanics:
- Divide people into two groups.
- Before starting the game, choose the categories that will be covered in the game. Since you have a Halloween theme, you can go with horror movies, different types of Halloween candy, monster characters, titles of songs related to Halloween, etc.
- The team that goes first (Team A) will decide which player from their team will act first.
- Someone from Team B will privately message the person who will act and give them the word that they need to act out.
- Once Team B sets the timer for one minute, the player from Team A can begin to act the word using gestures and facial expressions only, but not saying anything at all.
- If Team A guesses the word correctly, they score a point. If they don’t guess it correctly, they don’t get a point.
- Team B acts next, and the same rules will apply.
- The team that first reaches the target number of points wins the game!
Want to get inspiration for more words to act out? Check out 1000+ Fun Charades Ideas
The Best Halloween Drinking Game That You Can Only Play During Halloween - Boozing for Apples
If kids have Bobbing for Apples as a go-to Halloween game, adults have Boozing for Apples as a party drinking game that is absolutely perfect for Halloween!
There are two ways to play Boozing for Apples.
1. Barrels filled with apples and miniature liquor bottles
The easy way is to fill a tub or barrel with apples, water, and miniature liquor bottles. Players will have to bob for apples or drinks from the barrel. If they get the liquor bottles, then they get to enjoy their Halloween treat!
2. Alcohol-infused Apples
The 2nd way to play Boozing for Apples is to dig a hole into each apple and insert a shot of liquor into it. Mix the alcoholic apples together with regular apples so that players will have no idea what they will be getting!
The Best Halloween Card Drinking Game - Circle of Death / Kings Cup
Circle of Death is the Halloween version of Kings Cup. The rules are pretty much the same except players get to drink your special Halloween concoction instead of beer!
It is a simple card game that gives every numbered card in your playing cards deck a function. This includes the jack, queen, king, and ace cards. In King’s Cup, the cards are placed under the tab of a beer can, and the first to pop it drinks the entire beer.
How to play Circle of Death - Basic Rules
Players sit in a circle, and place a cup of your special Halloween drink in the middle of the table.
The dealer spreads the deck of cards around the middle cup faced down.
One player starts by picking the first card, then turns proceed by the player to their left following with their turn.
The last person who picks a card has to drink the remaining drink!
You also need to know the rules for every card. Check out the Complete Circle of Death Rules
Since part of a great Halloween party is scaring your friends and getting them drunk, you can mix all kinds of spirits into your ‘death drink’ to turn it into your special Halloween concoction that your friends will be afraid to drink!
Kings Cup Online Version
If you don’t have a deck of cards at hand, you can also play our free online version. In the online version, you just have to click, and the game will tell you what to do. Check out Kings Cup Online
More Halloween Party Games
Spice up your Halloween party with games that everyone will enjoy! If you are still looking for more ideas, check out our list of Top Halloween Drinking Games
Halloween is not just for kids. No matter what your age is, Halloween is your chance to play, eat and be scary!