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If you’re looking for a fun game to keep you on your toes, “Beat the Dealer” is an excellent choice. This fast-paced card drinking game tests your guessing skills and will make you drunk really fast!

It’s perfect for parties or small gatherings with friends, and it can be played with any number of players. In this article, we’ll give you a rundown on how to play “Beat the Dealer” and provide you with some rules to make your game night more exciting!

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How to play “Beat the Dealer”

“Beat the Dealer” is one of the easiest drinking games out there. Before we get into the rules, let’s go over what you’ll need to play the game.

Equipment for “Beat the Dealer”

There’s really not much you need to play “Beat the Dealer”. To play, you will need:

  • A standard deck of cards
  • A group of friends (the more, the merrier!)
  • Alcohol (of course!)

Now that you know what you need, let’s get into how to play the “Beat the Dealer” game!

“Beat the Dealer” Gameplay

The objective of “Beat the Dealer” is to correctly guess the value of the dealer’s card. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to play the game:

1. Agree on the card value of an Ace.

In “Beat the Dealer”, an Ace can either be the highest card or the lowest card. So before you start playing, as a group, agree on the card value of an Ace.

2. Choose the dealer.

Then, choose who the dealer will be. The dealer can be chosen by any means necessary (rock, paper, scissors, etc.). You can change the dealer role after each round.

3. The dealer shuffles the cards.

Once the dealer has been chosen, they should shuffle the deck of cards and then place the cards face-down in front of them.

4. The game starts by guessing the value of the top card.

The player next to the dealer has to name a number they think is on the top card of the deck.

5. The dealer checks the card.

Without revealing the card, the dealer checks the card and tells the player whether they guessed right or wrong.

6. If the player guesses wrong, the dealer tells the player if the card is higher or lower than their guess.

The player is allowed one more guess before the card is revealed.

7. The dealer reveals the card:** After the second guess, the dealer reveals the card to everyone.

Depending on whether the player guesses the value of the card correctly, different drinking rules apply.

“Beat the Dealer” Drinking Games Rules

The drinking rules of “Beat the Dealer” are pretty simple. Depending on whether the player guesses the value of the card correctly, the following things happen:

1. If the player guessed wrong twice, they have to drink the difference between their second guess and the card’s value.**

For example, if the card is an 8 and the player’s first guess is 10, their second guess is 5, then they would have to take 3 sips (the difference between 8 and 5).

2. If the player guessed right on their first try, the dealer must take six sips from their drink.

For example, the player guessed that the card was an 8, and it turned out to be an 8. In this case, the dealer would have to take 6 sips from their drink.

3. If the player guesses the card correctly on their second turn, the dealer has to take three sips from their drink.

For example, the player’s first guess was 10, and the second guess was 8. It turned out that the card was, in fact, an 8. In this case, the dealer would have to take 3 sips from their drink.

Tip: To make the game easier for the players, you can place half the deck face-up on the table. So, it will be much easier for the players to guess the right card. This will get the dealer drunk faster.

“Beat the Dealer” is an excellent game for a fun night with friends. It’s easy to learn, and the rules are straightforward. The best part? You’ll get drunk while playing!

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Just remember to drink responsibly and have a designated driver or plan for alternative transportation if necessary. So gather your deck of cards, some alcohol, and your friends, and get ready to “Beat the Dealer” with your skills, not your shoe. Cheers!

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