21 Questions
21 Questions is one of the best question-and-answer games to get to know someone better. Check out our 100+ questions to play with your friends, your crush, your partner, or even on a hot date night!
✍️ July 11, 2024
- 😎 How to Play 21 Questions
- 😊 21 Questions Game Rules
- 😍 21 Questions for a New Relationship
- 😜 21 Questions to Ask Your Crush
- 🤩 21 Questions to Ask Your Partner
- 💦 21 Dirty Questions to Ask on a Date Night (18+)
- 👩🦰 21 Questions to Ask a Girl
- 👨🦰 21 Questions to Ask a Guy
Getting to know someone can be tough. Your hands get sweaty, you start to stutter, and nothing but word vomit comes out of your mouth. Sounds familiar? The 21 Questions game could be your solution!
This question-and-answer party game can be an opportunity to deepen a relationship of your choice!
How to play 21 Questions
The basic rules are pretty simple. One player asks a question, and another player answers.
If you only have two players, you can play one-sided or two-sided. But if you have more than two players and want to make the game more interesting, look at the variations below.
And always remember, the goal of the game isn’t answering the questions. The goal is to achieve an interesting conversation!
The ‘choose your target’ version:
In this version, you start by randomly choosing one person as the target. You could play rock paper scissors, spin a bottle, or find your way to decide randomly.
Now, the other players ask the chosen player 21 questions, and that player has to answer them.
After the first round, the player who finished answering nominates the next person to be the target.
The ‘circle’ version:
As you might have guessed from the name, all players get together in a circle. Then you decide who gets to start. You can choose either randomly or by having someone volunteer.
Now, the first player asks one question. The player to his right starts to answer the question, then the next player in line and the next until everybody including the first player has answered it.
After the first round, the next player in line asks the second question. And again, everybody answers it.
The ‘roll a dice’ version:
The dice version is pretty similar to the target version of the 21 Questions game. Start by choosing a target player randomly. Then, that player rolls two dice. The number rolled on the first die determines the number of questions that the player has to answer.
The second roll decides which question(s) from those 21 questions will be answered. The dice version is great because it adds an element of surprise and randomness to the game!
The ‘7 questions’ version
In the 7-question version of the game, you divide the questions between the players.
For example: If you have three players, everyone answers seven questions each.
Tip: If the number of people is unable to be divided evenly into 21, maybe just expand your list until division is possible.
21 Questions Game Rules
This game is already fun, but let’s make it more interesting! Here are more tips and rules to play the 21 Questions game.
1. Don’t be judgy! Nobody should judge any answer. If you don’t have anything nice to respond to, maybe just be quiet.
2. Show respect! Yes, personal or even embarrassing questions can be fun. But pay attention and don’t make anyone feel uncomfortable while playing. Just treat them the same way you’d like to be treated.
3. Be honest! Nobody likes liars.
4. Don’t copy questions! It’s boring to hear the same questions over and over again. Be creative and come up with your questions, or look at our list.
5. Keep the conversation going! Add a “why” after some questions to start a deep conversation. Some stories behind an answer are even more interesting than the answer itself.
21 Questions for a new relationship
The following questions are perfect for deepening your new relationship. Use these questions, and we guarantee a fun game night with the opportunity to get to know the person of your choice!
1. If your life was a movie, what would it be called?
My life would be Harry Potter just because I want to be in Hogwarts!
2. What is the last concert you went to?
Don’t we all like to talk about music?
3. What do you wish you were really good at?
Everyone has at least one thing they would like to be good at.
4. If you were a dog, what kind of dog would you be?
I would be a golden retriever.
5. Do you shower at night or in the morning?
Or maybe in the morning and in the evening?
6. If you go to a restaurant with terrible service, is it ever okay not to tip?
Puh, that’s a tricky one.
7. If you could be any animal, what would you be?
Would you rather be a mammal, a bird, or even an amphibian? You might want to be a wasp and sting people you don’t like. I would understand.
8. If you had to rename yourself, what name would you choose?
Surely, you would choose an extraordinary name.
9. What was the last show you binge-watched?
Friends, Game of Thrones, How I Met Your Mother or Big Bang Theory? There are so many great series out there. Pick one!
10. Who is your secret hero?
Hmm, maybe your mother?
🤓 Suggested read: 69+ Dirty "Would You Rather" Questions to Turn Up the Heat
11. If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or visit the future?
Both would be SO interesting. It’s hard to choose.
12. If you could only hear one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Choose wisely.
13. What is the worst lie you’ve ever told your parents?
Yes, you shouldn’t lie… But sometimes it just happens!
14. If any actor or actress could play you in a movie, who would it be?
Would it be Keira Knightley, Jennifer Aniston, or Jennifer Lawrence? Or Tom Hanks, Morgan Freeman, or Tom Cruise?
15. What is the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
Dreams can be scary sometimes.
16. Are you more of a morning or night person?
I am definitely a night person.
17. What is your go-to karaoke song?
I wanna feel the heat with somebody! Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody, with somebody who loves me…
18. If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you go?
There are so many beautiful places in the world. What is your favorite country?
19. What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned?
Hmm, that’s a tricky question.
20. What was your favorite game as a child?
It doesn’t matter whether it’s a virtual or an analog game. Just the first game that comes to your mind!
📖 Suggested read: 100+ Dirty "Truth or Dare" Questions for Adults (18+) ❤️🔥
21. If you could visit one place on earth, where would you go?
Yes, where would you go?
21 Questions to Ask Your Crush
Like someone and don’t know what to talk about? These questions will help you take the first step! Invite your crush and a few friends over for dinner or go out to eat. This way, it won’t be too obvious that you’re hitting on them.
We’ve collected this list of 21 questions to ask your crush for you as possible conversation starters to create intimacy. Some of them are nice for the first talk, some of them fit perfectly in first date situations but some of them also work after a couple of months in a relationship.
1. Do you think double texting is a big deal?
Ahm, yes?!!
2. When did you have your first kiss?
The first kiss… I bet there’s a cute story behind this answer!
3. Do you believe in astrology? Does your sign fit you?
It says a lot about a person if they believe in zodiac signs.
4. What is the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
Let’s be spontaneous now!
5. What is your biggest regret?
You shouldn’t regret anything. You can’t change the past anyway.
6. What is your dream date night?
Maybe your crush has dreamed of you!
7. How would you describe your relationship with your family?
Are you close to your family or not?

8. Are you looking for a relationship? Why do you say so?
This is a fundamental question to ask your crush.
9. Do you ever think about me?
And? Do you?
10. What attracts you to people?
Hopefully, your crush isn’t just paying attention to looks. That would be SO boring.
11. Are you a virgin?
That is a very intimate question.
12. Do you think you’re a good kisser?
Don’t we all think we’re good kissers?
13. What was the best part of your day?
Let’s talk about your days!
14. What was the last book you got into?
I hope you know the most important rule of all: Don’t sleep with people who don’t own books!
15. Do you fall for a person fast?
This is also really important to ask your crush.
16. What was one time you stepped out of your comfort zone?
Stepping out of your comfort zone can be scary!
17. How did your last relationship end?
Hopefully, your crush hasn’t cheated on anyone.
18. What is your biggest guilty pleasure?
Do you still love watching Hannah Montana? Do you like listening to Britney Spears? Tell your secrets!
19. What kind of secret identity would you have if you were a superhero?
I would be like Spiderman. (Or better Spider-woman?)
20. How would be your ideal partner?
Hopefully, your crush will respond in great detail!
21. How old were you when you started dating?
That’s important as well.
📖 Suggested read: 500+ "Would You Rather" Questions for a Fun Night In 🤣
21 Questions to Ask Your Partner
Yep, the 21 Questions game also works for couples. The following questions are made for getting to know your significant other more deeply.
1. Who was your first crush?
And best of all, tell each other how the story ended.
2. What was the happiest moment of your life?
Maybe the moment you met?
3. What is your favorite smell?
Mhm… There is hardly anything better than good smells!
4. What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done to get a crush’s attention?
Please tell each other the whole story!
5. What is the strangest way you’ve become friends with someone?
Your partner probably already knows the story.
6. Have you ever cheated on someone?
I hope not.
7. What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve done because you were bored?
Let’s be honest with each other!
8. What seemed like the best thing about being a grown-up when you were a kid?
Children always imagine adulthood to be far too idyllic.
9. Have you ever been cheated on?
If so, I’m very sorry for both of you.
10. What took you way too long to figure out?
A friend of mine didn’t learn how to read the clock correctly until she was 13. What’s about you?
11. How many people have you kissed?
I hope you can count that far!
👉 Suggested read: 69+ Couples "Truth or Dare" Questions To Get You In The Mood
12. What are you most afraid of?
Maybe you are afraid of spiders, snakes, or even of the dark?
13. What was the happiest moment of your life?
At least the happiest moment so far!
14. Do you think religion will always exist?
That’s a tricky one.
15. What would your dream house be like?
And how would the house be furnished? Dream together of your perfect home!
16. What is the most essential part of a friendship?
I think it’s honesty.
17. What is the story behind your first kiss?
I guess this story is pretty embarrassing.
18. What is the worst job you’ve ever had?
Did you hand out flyers or work in a telephone service? Tell each other about your worst job experiences!
19. What is the most interesting fact you know?
Tell it!
20. What would your perfect vacation look like?
Do you prefer a vacation on the beach or in the mountains?
21. Do you think of me when I am not around?
I hope yes!
21 Dirty Questions to Ask on a Date Night (18+)
Spice up your date night with a little bit of naughty talk! These questions are for adults only and can range from flirty to downright dirty. Use them at your own risk!
1. What is the wildest sexual thing you’ve ever done?
Yes, tell your naughty stories!
2. What is the most number of times you’ve done it in a row?
Puh… I hope you can count that far!
3. What are your thoughts on sex with me?
Yes, tell them your thoughts!

4. What turns you on?
The more honest you are here with one another, the less embarrassing conversations you will have to have later!
5. Do you remember what that first orgasm felt like?
Do you?
6. What is your favorite thing about a quickie?
You can also name more than one thing!
7. Have you ever had a sexy dream?
If yes, tell it!
8. What do you think about toys in the bedroom?
Maybe you’ll buy one together?
9. If I caught you masturbating would you carry on, ask for help or stop and pretend you weren’t?
10. Have you ever blindfolded or handcuffed your partner?
Are you into these things? Better be honest right away!
11. What is your favorite porn category?
Apparently, everyone watches porn.
12. Do you like BDSM?
Maybe you both into it?
13. What is your secret sexual fantasy?
Reveal your deepest secret!
14. What do you wear when you sleep?
Or are you not wearing anything?
15. Would you describe yourself as naughty? Why do you say so?
Yes, justify your answer!
16. What was your best sexual experience?
Don’t rave about your exes too much.
17. What do you think of sexting?
Maybe you should try it out together right away?
18. What is the dirtiest thought you have ever had about a total stranger?
Tell it.
19. What is your favorite way to be seduced?
Another thing you could try out right away!
🤓 Suggested read: 6+ Dirty Games To Play On Your Next Hot Date Night (18+)
20. What is the weirdest thing you’ve thought about while touching yourself?
Hopefully, you won’t be telling each other gross stories now…
21. What do you do when you get horny in public?
Yes, what do you do?
21 Questions to Ask a Girl
Have a girl in your life that you want to get to know better? Ask her the following 21 questions!
1. Which song reminds you the most of your life?
And explain why!
2. Would you rather be rich or famous?
Yes, you can’t choose both!
3. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
No matter what she says, please just answer: You are perfect the way you are!
4. What’s a naughty fantasy you have about me?
Uh, do you also feel that it suddenly gets hot?
5. If you could choose one celebrity to be the mother of your child who would it be?
That’s a tricky one!
6. You only get 3 words to describe yourself – what are they?
That’s a callous question.
7. What is your favorite joke?
Hopefully, she likes to tell jokes.
8. What is the dirtiest text you’ve ever sent or received?
You better think twice about whether you want to know it.
9. What is your morning ritual like?
Let her tell you everything about her mornings.
10. What do you think of threesomes?
Is it wise to ask a woman this question? I’m not sure.
11. If you found a briefcase of money on the street, would you keep it?
Maybe just a little of the money…
👉 Suggested read: 90+ Couples "Truth or Drink" Questions to Ask Your Partner
12. Has anything ever screwed up your birthday party?
Hopefully not!
13. What is your favorite oral sex technique?
A very intimate question.
14. What makes you special and unique?
It is always very exciting to discover what a person thinks of themselves.
15. Would you rather be a famous director or a famous actress?
I bet she would prefer being a famous actress.
16. What is the best decision you’ve ever made?
Her best decision was to talk to you.
17. What is the worst advice someone has given you?
I bet it was a strange man who told her to smile.
18. Would you rather be Spongebob or Patrick?
I would rather be Spongebob.
19. What do you think about marriage?
Phew, shit just got serious!
20. Which fictional character would you marry if you had the chance?
Be honest!
21. What are five things that you can not live without?
One of them is her mobile phone, for sure, and I get it.
21 Questions to Ask a Guy
Want to get to know a guy better? These questions will help you do just that! Whether it’s your crush, a new friend, or even someone you’ve been dating for a while, these questions are perfect for getting to know them on a deeper level.
1. Which is more important, truth or happiness?
That’s a tricky one.
2. Do you find food places online and read reviews, or do you walk around until you find something?
This question says a lot about a person.
3. What makes you the angriest?
Hopefully, he’s not an aggressive person!

4. Clubbing or candlelight dinner?
Hm, maybe both?
5. What is the best thing I can do for you in bed?
Better listen carefully to his answer!
6. What is the length of your longest romantic relationship?
Of course, if you haven’t had a long-term relationship, that’s fine.
7. Have you ever hit the person you have been involved with?
Hopefully not! If she says yes, better run!
8. What do you think an orgy would be like?
I think it depends on the people participating.
9. What does your ideal one-night stand look like?
Of course, not everyone has to like a one-night stand.
10. What is the silliest pick-up line or a phrase someone used on you to win your attention?
Is your name Earl Grey? Because you look like a hot-tea!
11. What was your worst first date?
Hopefully not this one?
12. In your opinion, what does it mean to be good in bed?
That’s a tricky question.
13. What is one habit that you find entirely disgusting?
What do you think is more disgusting? Pick noses, bite nails, or something completely different?
14. Is there anything you won’t do in bed?
Be honest!
15. When and how did you find out that Santa isn’t real?
Hopefully, she doesn’t believe in Santa Claus anymore. Otherwise, it would be very embarrassing!
📖 Suggested read: 69+ Flirty "Truth or Dare" Questions To Ask Over Text 😏
16. What attracts you to people?
That’s an exciting question.
17. What are your feelings towards open relationships?
There are actually many couples for whom an open relationship works very well. But a lot of people wouldn’t want that at all.
18. What would your perfect day look like?
Describe it!
19. Would you instead go on a fancy date or Netflix and chill?
Definitely Netflix and chill!
20. What are you most grateful for?
Stop for a minute and think about what you can be grateful for. Life is good, enjoy it!
21. What is your dream job, and why?
Maybe she even has him dream job already?
21 Questions is a fun game to get to know someone better, whether it’s a friend, crush, or significant other. These 21 questions will give you a deeper understanding of their thoughts, desires, and beliefs. Remember to be respectful and have fun with the game!