Pokémon Type Chart
Here's a list of every Pokémon type, their strengths, weaknesses, and effectiveness to calculate the damage for any matchup. Including a type chart for Pokémon GO.
✍️ November 9, 2020
Pokémon Types
The type of a Pokémon decides whether it’s stronger or weaker against other Pokémon.
Example: If you’re attacking a grass-type Pokémon with a fire-type Pokémon, your damage will be super effective.
On the other hand, if you’re attacking a grass-type Pokémon with a water-type Pokémon, your attack damage will not be very effective.
In some situations, your attack could have no effect at all. For example if Pikachu (electric type Pokémon) attacks Sandshrew (ground-type Pokémon).
Even when you’re playing casual, it’s essential to know which type of attacks and Pokémon types are effective.
- List of every Pokémon types strengths, weaknesses, and effectiveness
- Pokémon Type Chart
- Pokémon Same-Type Attack Bonus (STAB) explained
- Pokémon GO Type Chart
List of every Pokémon types strengths, weaknesses, and effectiveness
Below you’ll find a list of every Pokémon type, what type is effective against this type and what against which this type is strong.
Normal Type
- Strong against: -
- Weak against: Rock, Steel, Ghost (no effect)
- Resistant to: Ghost (no effect)
- Weak to: Fighting
Fighting Type
- Strong against: Normal, Rock, Steel, Ice, Dark
- Weak against: Flying, Poison, Bug, Psychic, Fairy, Ghost (no effect)
- Resistant to: Rock, Bug, Dark
- Weak to: Flying, Psychic, Fairy
Flying Type
- Strong against: Fighting, Bug, Grass
- Weak against: Rock, Steel, Electric
- Resistant to: Fighting, Bug, Grass, Ground (no effect)
- Weak to: Rock, Electric, Ice
Poison Type
- Strong against: Grass, Fairy
- Weak against: Poison, Ground, Rock, Ghost, Steel (no effect)
- Resistant to: Fighting, Poison, Grass, Fairy
- Weak to: Ground, Psychic
Ground Type
- Strong against: Poison, Rock, Steel, Fire, Electric
- Weak against: Bug, Grass, Flying (no effect)
- Resistant to: Poison, Rock, Electric (no effect)
- Weak to: Water, Grass, Ice
Rock Type
- Strong against: Flying, Bug, Fire, Ice
- Weak against: Fighting, Ground, Steel
- Resistant to: Normal, Flying, Poison, Fire
- Weak to: Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water, Grass
Bug Type
- Strong against: Grass, Psychic, Dark
- Weak against: Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ghost, Steel, Fire, Fairy
- Resistant to: Fighting, Ground, Grass
- Weak to: Flying, Rock, Fire
Ghost Type
- Strong against: Ghost, Psychic
- Weak against: Normal (no effect), Dark
- Resistant to: Poison, Bug, Normal (no effect), Fighting (no effect)
- Weak to: Ghost, Dark
Steel Type
- Strong against: Rock, Ice, Fairy
- Weak against: Steel, Fire, Water, Electric
- Resistant to: Normal, Flying, Rock, Bug, Steel, Grass, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Fairy, Poison (no effect)
- Weak to: Fighting, Ground, Fire
Fire Type
- Strong against: Bug, Steel, Grass, Ice
- Weak against: Rock, Fire, Water, Dragon
- Resistant to: Bug, Steel, Fire, Grass, Ice
- Weak to: Ground, Rock, Water
Water Type
- Strong against: Ground, Rock, Fire
- Weak against: Water, Grass, Dragon
- Resistant to: Steel, Fire, Water, Ice
- Weak to: Grass, Electric
Grass Type
- Strong against: Ground, Rock, Water
- Weak against: Flying, Poison, Bug, Steel, Fire, Grass, Dragon
- Resistant to: Ground, Water, Grass, Electric
- Weak to: Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, Ice
Electric Type
- Strong against: Flying, Water
- Weak against: Grass, Electric, Dragon, Ground (no effect)
- Resistant to: Flying, Steel, Electric
- Weak to: Ground
Psychic Type
- Strong against: Fighting, Poison
- Weak against: Steel, Psychic, Dark (no effect)
- Resistant to: Fighting, Psychic
- Weak to: Bug, Ghost, Dark
Ice Type
- Strong against: Flying, Ground, Grass, Dragon
- Weak against: Steel, Fire, Water, Ice
- Resistant to: Ice
- Weak to: Fighting, Rock, Steel, Fire
Dragon Type
- Strong against: Dragon
- Weak against: Steel, Fairy (no effect)
- Resistant to: Fire, Water, Grass, Electric
- Weak to: Ice, Dragon, Fairy
Dark Type
- Strong against: Ghost, Psychic
- Weak against: Fighting, Dark, Fairy
- Resistant to: Ghost, Dark, Psychic (no effect)
- Weak to: Fighting, Bug, Fairy
Fairy Type
- Strong against: Fighting, Dragon, Dark
- Weak against: Poison, Steel, Fire
- Resistant to: Fighting, Bug, Dark, Dragon (no effect)
- Weak to: Poison, Steel
Pokémon Type Chart
- No effect (0%)
- Not very effective (50%)
- Normal (100%)
- Super effective (200%)
Pokémon Type Chart Legend
- Normal
- Fire
- Water
- Electric
- Grass
- Ice
- Fighting
- Poison
- Ground
- Flying
- Psychic
- Bug
- Rock
- Ghost
- Dragon
- Dark
- Steel
- Fairy
Download Pokémon Type Chart
You can download the complete Pokémon Type Chart as an image to print it out. This way you’ll always have the Pokémon Type Chart at hand while battling:
Pokémon Same-Type Attack Bonus (STAB) explained
STAB stands for Same Type Attack Bonus. STAB increases the damage of moves that are the same type as the Pokémon that is using the move. It gives the attack a 1.5x damage boost. This also stacks with any super-effective multiplier.
So if your electric type Pokémon attacks a water type Pokémon with Thunderbolt, you will get a same type attack bonus, and it’s super effective, maximizing your attack.
Those kinds of moves will even outperform much higher-leveled Pokémon!
Pokémon GO Type Chart
Pokémon GO’s effectiveness is slightly different from the main series, but overall, they are similar. Here are the main changes:
- Super effective moves only do 160% damage rather than the 200%.
- Not very effective moves do 62.5% damage rather than 50%.
- If a Pokémon would be immune to a certain type, it will instead take 39% damage.
- If a Pokémon would have a double weakness (a grass and steel type Pokémon being hit with a fire type move), it will only get 256% damage instead of 400%.
That’s it. The primary effectiveness is the same, but the damage will slightly change to the main Pokémon series.