What Kind of Friend Are You?
A friend is family we choose ourselves to grow old with. Each friend brings something unique to the table. From the life-of-the-party who makes even the most boring board game as thrilling as can be, to the go-to person who always gives the best life advice, different kinds of friends make life worth living.
✍️ September 24, 2020
Have you ever wondered what kind of friend are you? Below, you’ll see 5 of the most common types of friends. Answer the questions below them and see how well you do. Here are some additional awesome conversation starters as well.
Before you begin, get a piece of paper and take note how many questions you answer YES to.
The Shoulder to Cry On
- Do your friends call you when they need someone to listen?
- Are you someone who friends tell their secrets to?
- Can you keep your friends’ deepest, darkest secrets until they die?
- Have you been the designated driver more often than you like?
- Are you present in the moment during conversations?
- Do you know how to “really” listen?
- Can you sense if your friend is under stress or having a personal problem?
- Are you comfortable to show your emotions, talk about your troubles, and share deep secrets to your friends as well?
- Do you try your best to make time for friends, especially those who are having a rough patch in their lives?
- Do you consider yourself patient?
- Can you switch from bouts of laughter to tons of crying when talking to a friend?
- Do you weather the storms with your friends the same way you celebrate successes?
- Are you comfortable talking about death, sickness, relationships, and other serious topics?
- Do you know what comfort food your friend needs when he/she is down, depressed or heartbroken?
- Are you vulnerable with your friends?
- Do you check in on your friends regularly?
- Are you an emphatic person?
- Can you read if your friend needs someone to talk to?
- Do you always show up on time?
- Have you ever felt that you can communicate telepathically (one look is enough for your friend to understand what you mean)?
The Life-of-the-Party
- Do your friends call you when they need a good laugh?
- Are you always the first one invited to parties, get-together and other events?
- Do you love hanging out with people?
- In a party, are you most likely seen entertaining a group of people?
- Do you usually find yourself heating up the dance floor and other people follow?
- If there’s a fight, do you usually break it up?
- Have you ever not been able to remember the night before?
- Do you enjoy singing karaoke?
- After a party, do you see photos of yourself with almost everybody posted on social media?
- Do you find your friends calling or texting you non-stop when you’re late or not attending a party?
- Have you ever thrown a party while your parents were out of town?
- Do you usually make a loud entrance during parties?
- Have you ever taught a group of people a new drinking game?
- Is it easy for you to make new friends?
- Do you usually go out with friends during weekends?
- Have you ever gone skinny-dipping?
- Is it natural for you to tell fantastic stories, no matter how big or small your audience?
- Have you ever smoked a cigar before?
- Do you throw the best parties that your friends look forward to?
- Have you ever played a harmless prank on a friend who’s asleep?
The Wise Mentor
- Do your friends call you when they are in trouble?
- Are you the go-to person of your friends when seeking life, career, or personal advice?
- Can you give advice without being judgmental?
- Do you choose to give advice that your friends need to hear over what they “want” to hear?
- Do you find yourself researching issues your friends are facing, in hopes of providing better-sounding advice?
- Are you usually the voice of reason during disagreements between 2 or more friends?
- Do you find it hard to turn your friends down, even when they seek advice with the same problems you talked about multiple times in the past?
- Do you know when your friends only need someone to listen to them, and when they need someone else’s advice?
- Do you tend to give advice on topics you also haven’t experienced personally?
- Are you inquisitive?
- During conversations, can you feedback key points of your friend’s story and make him/her feel heard?
- Do you always know what’s best for your friend?
- Are you a fan of inspirational books, shows, movies, documentaries?
- Can you put aside your own problems to help your friends with theirs first?
- Do you encourage your friends to achieve their goals?
- Are you able to put yourself in your friends’ shoes before giving advice about their current dilemma?
- Do you consider yourself open-minded?
- Have you helped a friend become comfortable in his/her own skin?
- Are you able to help your friends with their problems without making them feel inadequate?
- Do you have your friend’s best interests at heart?
The Brutally-Honest, Loyal Friend
- Do your friends call you when they are seeking advice?
- Are your opinions the most-sought after in the group?
- Do you find it hard to tell white lies?
- Can you fight for your (and your friend’s) beliefs?
- Do you often find yourself thinking, “I told you so” whenever a friend talks about the same mistake or problem he/she already did in the past?
- Do you support your friends no matter what?
- Do you think you can make a difference in your friend’s life?
- Do you work out fights with friends, no matter how big or small your disagreements are?
- Are you perfectly fine calling out a friend if he/she is wrong?
- Do you intentionally keep friends grounded?
- If you see your friend’s boyfriend/girlfriend flirting with someone else, will you tell your friend about it even if you know it will make him/her cry, get angry, or possibly end that relationship?
- Will you speak your mind even if it embarasses your friends?
- When asked for advice, can you provide suggestions instead of solutions?
- Do you encourage your friend to love himself/herself all the time?
- Do you genuinely want to hear what the other person has to say?
- Do you tend to confront a friend directly to fix misunderstandings quickly?
- Do you tell your friends whenever they’re making a mistake?
- Can you maintain open communication, even if your friend is pushing your buttons or saying something that rattles you?
- Do you consider yourself as impartial?
The Risk-taking Adventurer
- Do your friends call you when they want to try something new?
- Are you always recommending your friends to new restaurants, food and activities to try?
- Have you ever eaten something that was still alive?
- Did you invite friends to bungee-jump or sky-drive with you in the past?
- You love to do dares whenever you’re playing Truth or Dare with friends.
- Do you invite friends to travel at an exotic place every summer?
- Are you willing to go with the flow?
- Do you consider yourself as your friend’s ‘partner in crime’?
- Have you ever climbed a mountain?
- Are you someone who buys cheap airline tickets to an exotic location you’ve never been to and bring friends along with you?
- Would you do extreme sports to help friends face their fear of heights, underwater, etc?
- Did you ever encourage a close friend to get matching tattoos?
- Have you ever broken a bone before?
- When something is bothering you, do you tell it to your friend directly?
- Have you bailed a friend out of jail before?
- Do you push your friend (who has a crush on someone) to make the first move?
- Have you agreed or encouraged your single friends to go on a blind date?
- Are you comfortable setting up a surprise party for a friend?
- Have you lied to save a friend from getting arrested?
- Do you love challenging yourself and your friends to face their fears?
Which type of friend do you see yourself as?
Are you the shoulder-to-cry-on? The life-of-the-party? The wise mentor? The brutally-honest loyal friend? Or the risk-taking adventurer?
- If you answered YES to 1-9 questions out of 20 in one section, skip and go on to the next section. The score is too low to consider it your predominant friend personality.
- If you answered YES to 10-14 questions out of 20 for two or more sections, note them down.
- If you answered YES to 15-20 questions out of 20 under a particular type, then you now have a clue of your predominant friend personality.
As you can see, the results can always be a mix of two (or more) friend personalities. You can be a well-rounded friend who can give the best advice or be the wise mentor, but also push you when you need to get out of your comfort zone and experience a fun-filled day out.