💛 Best Friend Quiz How well do your friends know you? 1 Create your own quiz 2 Share it with your friends 3 See their results & discover your real best friends
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What’s the best way to get to know somebody? It might seem like an easy answer: Ask questions and listen. But, there is more to it than that. The secret to getting to know people starts with talking about things they are interested in.

If you want people to feel like they can trust you, and love talking to you, then the best way to talk about things is by asking questions that show that your concern is more about what they think of it than yours.

Best Friend Quiz
How well do your friends know you?
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Tips for great conversations

A great conversation is one that is caring and compassionate, while still being interested and respectful. It can be a bit harder than casual chit-chat because the point of a great conversation is to get to know somebody better, but it’s worth it in the end.

If you want them to open up to you, then make sure your conversations are open and caring! Make sure they know you’re listening to what they have to say, maybe ask a question or two to let them know that their opinion of the topic is important before moving on.

1. Be honest! Nobody likes liars. Try to be open and honest in every conversation. Honesty is the key to a healthy relationship!

2. Keep listening! The best conversations include good listening. Try to listen to your conversation partner and never hesitate to ask further questions to keep the conversation alive!

3. Don’t make judgments! Just don’t judge other people.

4. Enjoy the silence! In every conversation, there will be a short silence. Don’t panic and start talking about boring, useless things, use your time to refocus and think of other interesting topics.

👉 For more tips on how to start a great conversation and keep it going, here you can find more Conversation Starters!

400+ Small Talk Questions

Small talk is great to make the first conversation a little more fun. If you can share a laugh or two with somebody, they’ll be more inclined to talk to you again! It’s important that your small talk is genuine though.

The following 400+ small talk questions are great when spending time with someone to build deeper and closer relationships. They’re not all appropriate for every situation, after all, some are more interesting than others. Enjoy these random topics!

Small Talk Questions about Weather

Talking about the weather can be so boring, right? Wrong! The weather is a broad topic and can be a great way for starting many different conversations. After all, everyone talks about it and anyone can add their two cents to the conversation.

  1. What is your favorite type of weather?
  2. Are you a Grad Celcius or Grad Fahrenheit person?
  3. How would you define perfect weather?
  4. What is your favorite season?
  5. Do you prefer swimming in summer or skiing in winter?
  6. What makes raindrops tear-shaped?
  7. When you hear the word “weather” what comes to your mind?
  8. Are you worried about climate change?
  9. Have you ever experienced extreme weather?
  10. Do you think we can count on the weather forecast?
  11. What do you think the weather will be like 50 years from now?
  12. What do you think about snow?
  13. When was the last time that the weather destroyed one of your plans?
  14. What are some funny stories that happened to you because of the weather?
  15. What new kind of weather would you like to invent?
  16. Have you ever experienced a natural disaster like a tsunami or hurricane?
  17. How do you think was the weather 3.000 years ago? Was it different than today?
  18. Do you like sunshine?
  19. What do you think about umbrellas?
  20. Would you rather build a snowman or take part in a snowball fight?

Small Talk Questions about Food

Everybody loves food. Big surprise. When there’s an opportunity to talk about food, take it! Talk about what you’re cooking, what you had for dinner last night or the last time you ate at a restaurant and liked their food - share your experiences and stories!

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  1. What’s your favorite food for a family gathering?
  2. Do you prefer Asian, European, or American food?
  3. What is the traditional food of your home country?
  4. Do you like to cook?
  5. In your opinion what’s the best restaurant in your city?
  6. Do you prefer sweet or spicy?
  7. Are there any foods that you didn’t like to eat as a child that you like now?
  8. Have you ever tried eating low carb, keto, or Atkins?
  9. What meal you can’t stand?
  10. When do you eat usually?
  11. Do you prefer breakfast or lunch?
  12. Do you eat meat usually?
  13. Who in your family is the best cook?
  14. Do you ever skip breakfast? If so, how often and why?
  15. Do you prefer coffee or tea?
  16. What are your favorite flavors of ice cream?
  17. How often do you eat at a fast-food restaurant?
  18. What meals are your guilty pleasures?
  19. What is the most expensive meal you have ever eaten?
  20. Do you prefer cake, ice, or chocolate?
  21. What’s an embarrassing story with food that ever happened to you?
  22. What is your favorite drink?
  23. Have you ever tried a vegetarian or vegan diet?
  24. What would you like to eat in this current situation?
  25. Do you have a favorite cook?
  26. What’s the best restaurant you know?

Small Talk Questions about Movies

Who doesn’t love movies? Even people who don’t like watching them tend to have some opinion on the latest and greatest. If you’re having trouble thinking of things to talk about, just ask somebody how they feel about a new movie that might have come out recently!

🤓 Suggested read: Best Friend Quiz: 300+ How Well Do You Know Me? Questions

  1. What’s your favorite movie?
  2. What things happen too often in movies?
  3. Do you prefer funny, scary, or lovely movies?
  4. What kinds of movies do you like the most?
  5. How often do you go to the cinema?
  6. What was the last movie you have seen at the cinema?
  7. What is the best movie you’ve ever seen that emphasized a controversial topic?
  8. Who is your favorite actor?
  9. Which movie could you watch over and over again?
  10. What is your favorite movie soundtrack?
  11. What is the first movie you saw that made you cry?
  12. How would you make a really bad movie?
  13. What is the scariest movie you have ever seen?
  14. What movies are your guilty pleasures?
  15. Would you let a movie crew film at your house?
  16. Who is your favorite Harry Potter character?
  17. Have you ever fallen asleep while watching TV?
  18. Do you prefer Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?
  19. Who is your favorite movie hero?
  20. What movie relationship is a perfect relationship for you?
  21. What is your perfect idea for a movie?
  22. Who is your favorite movie villain?
  23. What is your favorite movie scene?
  24. What is the best movie couple you can think of?
  25. If you had to marry a fictional character, who would you choose?
  26. Would you do a naked scene for a famous director?
  27. Would you rather have to fight against Darth Vader, Joker, or Hannibal Lecter?

Small Talk Questions about TV-Shows

Like with movies, everybody loves TV-Shows. If you’re truly struggling for things to talk about, why not ask somebody if they like the latest show that has come out? Everyone has an opinion on at least something. You can even share your opinions and see if they agree or disagree! It’s a great way to get conversations going.

🤓 Suggested read: Speed Dating Questions: Tips, Advice & Icebreakers

  1. Who is your least favorite actor?
  2. What is your favorite series?
  3. Which Disney character are you?
  4. What do you like to watch as a kid?
  5. Are you a Friends or How I Met Your Mother person?
  6. How often do you watch TV?
  7. What do you think about commercials while watching TV?
  8. Would you like to appear in a series?
  9. Do you prefer Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Apple Plus?
  10. Who is your favorite actor?
  11. Do you think watching TV can be educational?
  12. What do you think is annoying about most series/movies?
  13. Who is your favorite actress?
  14. Who makes the best couple on TV?
  15. Who is your least favorite actress?
  16. Do you like reality TV?
  17. Which series/movie is better than the book?
  18. Could you live without watching TV for a week?
  19. What is your all-time favorite movie?
  20. What sitcom do you like the most?

Small Talk Questions about Hobbies

Everybody has a hobby, even if it’s just binge-watching TV every night after a long day of work. Talk about their hobbies and share yours too! It’ll make the conversation more interesting for both you and them. Just remember to stay positive when talking about your own hobbies, nobody likes listening to somebody else complain all the time!

  1. What is your hobby?
  2. Why do you think people need hobbies?
  3. How much money do you spend on your hobby?
  4. What do you think about card games?
  5. Would you rather spend an evening with your beloved ones or with your hobby?
  6. What do you think is the most expensive hobby?
  7. What do you like to do in your free time?
  8. Have you ever tried a form of gambling?
  9. Do you play a musical instrument?
  10. What do you consider the most boring hobby?
  11. What do you think about card tricks?
  12. Would you rather be good at writing, painting, or singing?
  13. What is the strangest hobby you’ve ever heard of?
  14. Do you think some hobbies can be dangerous?
  15. Do you prefer watching TV, playing video games, or reading a book?
  16. How do you usually spend your weekends?
  17. Is there a hobby you would like to take up?
  18. If money weren’t an issue, what hobby would you like to take up?
  19. How do you like to spend your everyday life?
  20. Would you like to turn your hobby into a career?

Small Talk Questions about Sports

Sports are a great topic to talk about when you’re getting to know somebody. They give people the perfect opportunity to share their opinions and talk about what they like and dislike. Even if they don’t seem interested in sports, sometimes knowing how others feel can be interesting in itself!

250+ Questions to Ask a Guy: The Only List You'll Need
Suggested read: 250+ Questions to Ask a Guy: The Only List You'll Need
  1. What is your favorite sport?
  2. Do you usually go to the gym?
  3. Do you prefer football or basketball?
  4. Do you prefer weight training or endurance sport?
  5. What do you think is more important, a healthy diet or regular exercise?
  6. What is your favorite football team?
  7. Who is your favorite player?
  8. What was one bad situation that ever happened to you because of sports?
  9. Do you usually watch sports on TV?
  10. Which kind of sport would you never want to watch?
  11. Do you prefer playing or watching sports?
  12. Did you ever watch a match in a stadium?
  13. What was your favorite sport as a child?
  14. Do you think all people should have hobbies?
  15. In your opinion, do athletes deserve the high salaries they receive? Why do you think so?
  16. Who are the three best athletes of all time?
  17. What do you consider a sport?
  18. How often do you exercise?
  19. Do you prefer swimming in the summer or skiing in the winter?
  20. Have you ever played golf?

Small Talk Questions about Health & Diet

Everybody cares about their health! It can be helpful to talk about how people take care of themselves and ask about what they do to make themselves healthier. Not only is it a great way to get some insight into somebody, but it gives you the perfect opportunity to share your own experiences too!

  1. Do you have any allergies?
  2. What do you think of vegan/vegetarian food?
  3. Have you ever considered becoming vegan/vegetarian?
  4. Are you addicted to anything?
  5. What do you think of illegal drugs?
  6. What do you consider healthy food?
  7. Do you prefer healthy food or fast food?
  8. Do you eat vegetables or fruits on a daily basis?
  9. Have you ever smoked? Or when did you start smoking?
  10. How often do you eat your greens?
  11. When was the last time you went to the dentist?
  12. Do you like walking? Or what’s your favorite form of transportation?
  13. Do you have any scars on your body? What’s the story behind them?
  14. Have you ever had surgery?
  15. How do you sleep? Do you get enough sleep?
  16. Do you watch your weight?
  17. Have you ever had a serious accident?
  18. What’s your blood type?
  19. Have you ever been to the hospital as a patient?
  20. How often do you brush your teeth?

Small Talk Questions about Travel

Talking about your travel experiences is a great way to spice up the conversation. Whether you’re talking about something you did last month or several years ago, it’s always fun for other people to hear what somebody has done while traveling. It can be even more interesting when sharing stories with somebody else who likes to travel!

👉 Suggested read: 👩‍🦰 200+ Questions to Ask a Girl: Get to Know Her Better

  1. Where would you like to travel?
  2. Have you ever been abroad?
  3. Would you like to go abroad alone?
  4. What was your best trip so far?
  5. What was your worst trip so far?
  6. Do you prefer to travel with your family or friends?
  7. Have you ever been in a difficult or dangerous situation while traveling?
  8. What is the most beautiful place in the world for you?
  9. Do you speak foreign languages?
  10. Do you prefer staying in a hotel or camping?
  11. How many countries have you been to?
  12. What is the most beautiful city you’ve ever visited?
  13. Do you prefer the sea or mountains?
  14. Where did you go on your last vacation?
  15. Tell me the most interesting story that ever happened to you abroad.
  16. Where will you go on your next vacation?
  17. Do you prefer relaxing or active holidays?
  18. What was your most expensive trip so far?
  19. What was the longest time you’ve ever spent abroad?
  20. Have you ever been on an airplane?

Small Talk Questions about Animals

Whether you like to go out and hug a puppy or you’re more of a cat person, this topic is one of the most popular ones. It’s up there with food and weather as something people love to talk about! If what they say piques your interest you can ask even deeper questions too or agree that they’re cute.

  1. What’s your favorite animal?
  2. Do you have pets?
  3. Did you have pets as a child?
  4. If you were an animal, what would you be?
  5. Are you afraid of any animal?
  6. Do you think there is a difference between humans and animals?
  7. What is the most intelligent animal?
  8. What is your least favorite animal?
  9. Would you rather have a spider, a snake, or a snail in your bed?
  10. Could you kill an animal?
  11. Are you a dog or a cat person?
  12. Which animal would you love to see in real life?
  13. Which animal is most helpful to humans?
  14. What is the most interesting fact about animals you know?
  15. Which extinct species would you like to see in real life?
  16. What do you think, how will your favorite animal look like in 1 million years?
  17. In your opinion, what is the most beautiful animal?
  18. In your opinion, what is the most useless animal?
  19. Who would win in a fight: A giant chicken, a flying cat, or a spinosaurus?
  20. What would you do if a bear approaches you?

Small Talk Questions about Home & Living

Talking about your home and living is a great way to start talking with somebody new. This can be especially useful when you’re in a work environment and don’t know anybody yet. It’s the perfect way to get to know somebody in a casual setting!

🤓 Suggested read: 100 Questions to Ask: Find a Conversation Topic

  1. Where would you like to buy a house?
  2. Do you prefer a flat or a house?
  3. Do you like hosting parties at your house?
  4. Would you rather live alone, with your family, or with friends?
  5. How often did you move so far?
  6. What is your favorite room?
  7. Do you share your room with someone?
  8. Are you into interior design?
  9. What do you think about house plants?
  10. Would you like to have a pet?
  11. Would you rent your room to a stranger?
  12. Do you prefer paying with cash or debit card?
  13. Have you ever painted a wall by yourself?
  14. Do you like canvas paintings in homes?
  15. Do you have any pets? If no would you like to have any?
  16. In your opinion, who is the boss in your home?
  17. How is your living situation?
  18. Do you prefer modern or vintage furniture?
  19. What do you think about tiny houses?
  20. In your opinion, what is the best and worst thing about living alone?

Small Talk Questions about Celebrities

Everybody loves hearing about celebrities! Nobody likes listening to somebody else complaint all the time, so asking questions is interesting for everybody. Not only does it give people the perfect way to talk about their favorite celebrity, but you can share what yours are too!

  1. What do you think about the Kardashians?
  2. Which celebrity would you like to meet?
  3. Who is your favorite artist?
  4. Have you ever seen a celebrity in real life?
  5. Would you like to be famous?
  6. Do you prefer Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, or Taylor Swift?
  7. In your opinion, who is the most beautiful celebrity?
  8. In your opinion, who is the most intelligent celebrity?
  9. Who was your favorite star as a child?
  10. Do you feel bad for some celebrity?
  11. What do you think about the paparazzi?
  12. What are your guilty pleasures of pet peeves?
  13. If you could lock up one celebrity in prison, who would you choose?
  14. If you could erase one artwork (song, movie, book) out of history, what would you choose and why?
  15. Which dead famous person would you like to meet?
  16. Who is your celebrity crush?
  17. In your opinion, who is the best politician in the world?
  18. Would you ever sell private pictures of celebrities to the press if you’d get the chance?
  19. What do you think is a negative aspect of being famous?
  20. Who is your favorite celebrity?

Small Talk Questions about Music

Everybody has an opinion on music! Ask somebody about their favorite band or song and you can discuss what you like. If they don’t seem interested, maybe ask if they’ve heard of the latest popular songs so everybody knows at least one thing to talk about.

400+ Great Icebreaker Questions
Suggested read: 400+ Great Icebreaker Questions
  1. What is the most overrated song?
  2. Who is the most overrated musician?
  3. What was the last concert you went to?
  4. Which song is your all-time favorite?
  5. What is your favorite band?
  6. What was the first concert you ever went to?
  7. What was your favorite band as a child?
  8. Which song is currently stuck in your head?
  9. What is your favorite music genre?
  10. If you had to sing karaoke right now, which song would you pick?
  11. What song always makes you smile?
  12. Have you ever cried because of a song?
  13. What are your favorite song lyrics?
  14. What movie soundtrack do you like the most?
  15. What do you think of classical music?
  16. Name your 3 favorite bands!
  17. Which voice of a musician you can’t stand?
  18. What’s the most annoying song you know?
  19. What would you sing if you had to write a song about me?
  20. What musician/band is beloved by all your friends but you can’t stand them?

Small Talk Questions about Video Games

Video Games are a great topic for a conversation that everybody has an opinion on. You can ask people whether they like playing them or not and share what your preferred genre of games is. Everybody likes to talk about their favorite game, even if it’s old school!

  1. What is your favorite video game?
  2. Do you prefer playing on PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, or computer?
  3. What was the first video game you’ve ever played?
  4. What was the best game on the Nokia 100?
  5. In your opinion, what game is total overrated?
  6. If you had to marry a video game character, who would you pick?
  7. Who is your favorite video game character?
  8. How many hours do you usually spend playing video games each week?
  9. What game did you last complete?
  10. Could you imagine earning money with video games? If yes with what game?
  11. What was the last game you bought?
  12. What do you think of Fornite?
  13. Have you ever watched a stream on YouTube or Twitch?
  14. Do you prefer multiplayer or single-player games?
  15. What is the first console you’ve ever had?
  16. What’s your favorite gaming genre?
  17. What’s the worst game you’ve ever played?
  18. What do you think is more important? Gameplay or storyline?
  19. What’s your favorite game series of all time?
  20. What’s the most complicated game you’ve ever tried?

Small Talk Questions about Hopes & Fears

Talking about hopes and fears is a great way to start talking with somebody new. Everybody has something they’re afraid of, even if it’s not the same thing as somebody else. It gives people the perfect opening to talk about what they want or hope for in life!

🤓 Suggested read: 250+ Questions to get to know someone

  1. Are you afraid of dying?
  2. What do you think of supernatural stuff? Are you afraid?
  3. Do you have any phobia?
  4. What do you think of horror movies?
  5. What is the scariest movie you’ve ever watched?
  6. Who do you think is the scariest person in the world?
  7. What was the most frightening experience you’ve had?
  8. What was your last nightmare?
  9. What are you most afraid of?
  10. How often do you feel afraid?
  11. What are your dreams?
  12. Do you ever break up your life into phases?
  13. What can be scarier: Horror movies or books?
  14. What is your dream job?
  15. Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
  16. Who is the most inspiring person you know?
  17. Talking about life after death can be frightening, what do you think?
  18. What are your relationship goals for the future?
  19. What goals have you already achieved in your life?
  20. What language would you love to speak fluently?

Small Talk Questions about Shopping

Everybody likes to shop! Nobody likes listening to somebody else complaint all the time, so asking questions is interesting for everybody. Not only does it give people the perfect way to talk about their favorite store or product you bought together, but you can share what yours are too!

  1. What is the most expensive item you own?
  2. How often do you go shopping?
  3. Do you like shopping?
  4. Have you ever spent too much on a single day?
  5. What is the most useless thing you’ve ever bought?
  6. What is your favorite store?
  7. What is your most expensive hobby?
  8. If you could choose a store by getting everything for free for a year, which one would you choose?
  9. Do you prefer online shopping or at your local store?
  10. Who is responsible for the grocery shopping in your household?
  11. What is the best gift you’ve ever bought for someone else?
  12. Have you ever shoplifted? If yes where and why?
  13. If you would open your own shop, what would you sell there and why?
  14. What is more important for you: Price or sustainability?
  15. Do you think it is important to buy local products? Why do you say so?
  16. What time of the day do you prefer to shop?
  17. What is the most beautiful shop you’ve ever visited?
  18. What do you think of shopping malls?
  19. What is your favorite brand?
  20. What is your least favorite brand and why?

Small Talk Questions about Dating

Talking about dating is a great way to start talking with somebody new. Some people are interested in getting to know somebody more, while others just want to share funny stories that happened when going out. Either way, it’s a perfect opportunity to have a good conversation and not just complain!

👉 Suggested read: 20 Questions: Conversation Starter Game | Gameplay

  1. Have you ever tried Online Dating?
  2. Tinder, Lovoo, Bumble - what do you prefer?
  3. What is your worst date experience?
  4. What was your best first date?
  5. Have you ever had sex on the first date?
  6. Have you ever kissed someone on the first date?
  7. How long was your longest relationship?
  8. How many serious relationships did you have so far?
  9. Have you ever lived together with your partner?
  10. What was your worst breakup?
  11. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?
  12. What was the most romantic moment in your love?
  13. What do you think of marriage?
  14. Have you ever tried to change who you are for a person of your interest?
  15. What is the happiest couple you know?
  16. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  17. How did you meet your (ex-)partner?
  18. What are you into?
  19. What was your most embarrassing sex story?
  20. How was your first time?

Small Talk Questions about Superheroes

Everybody knows what your favorite superhero is! Nobody likes listening to somebody else complaint all the time, so asking questions is interesting for everybody. Not only does it give people the perfect way to talk about their favorite superhero, but you can share what yours are too!

  1. If one superhero could be your best friend, who would you choose?
  2. What is your superpower?
  3. Do you prefer Marvel or DC?
  4. Have you ever read comics about superheroes?
  5. Who is your personal superhero?
  6. If you had to write a book about a superhero, who would be the main character?
  7. If you could marry one superhero, who would it be?
  8. Would you like to be a superhero?
  9. What would be your secret superpower?
  10. Would you rather be the superhero or the villain?
  11. Have you ever watched an anime?
  12. What is your favorite anime?
  13. Do you like reading comics? If yes what’s your favorite?
  14. What can you learn from superhero stories?
  15. What is more important for you in comics: The story or the pictures?
  16. What was the first superhero story you’ve ever heard?
  17. Why do you think comics are so popular?
  18. What qualities do you need to be a superhero?
  19. Who would win in a fight Batman, Superman, Iron Man, or Spider-Man?
  20. What real person you know is most likely to be a superhero?

Small Talk Questions about Free-time Activities

Everybody has something they like to do when they have free time! Ask somebody about their favorite activity or hobby and you can discuss what you like. If they don’t seem interested, maybe ask if they’ve heard of the latest popular activities so everybody knows at least one thing to talk about.

70 Fun Questions to Ask Your Friends
Suggested read: 70 Fun Questions to Ask Your Friends
  1. What’s your favorite place?
  2. Do you prefer hiking, cycling, or jogging?
  3. What city would you love to visit?
  4. Do you currently have enough free time in your life?
  5. What hobbies do you have?
  6. What did you do last weekend?
  7. What will you do next weekend?
  8. How do you usually spend your Sunday afternoons?
  9. Do you prefer lying in bed and watching movies or going out?
  10. Where do you like to hang out?
  11. What sports do you like?
  12. What kind of movies do you like?
  13. What kind of music do you like?
  14. How often do you meet with your friends?
  15. What were your favorite games as a child?
  16. What did/do you do usually after school?
  17. What was your best holiday experience so far?
  18. If you had more free time, what would you do with it?
  19. What is the most beautiful place in your hometown?
  20. What would you never do in your free time?

Small Talk Questions about Art

Everybody likes art in some way! Ask somebody about their favorite artist or painting and you can discuss what you like. If they don’t seem interested, maybe ask if they’ve heard of the latest popular artists so everybody knows at least one thing to talk about.

  1. Who is your favorite artist?
  2. What do you consider art?
  3. How would you define art?
  4. Which artist you can’t stand?
  5. Which popular artist do you think is totally overrated?
  6. What is your favorite kind of art?
  7. From all art eras, when did the best artworks emerge?
  8. Name one artist, dead or alive, you would live to have dinner with.
  9. What was the last art museum you visited?
  10. Do you prefer using watercolors or oil colors?
  11. How many paintings are in your home?
  12. Do you consider comics, cartoons, or mangas as art?
  13. What famous painters do you know?
  14. Do you consider photography as art?
  15. What would your life be without art?
  16. Do you think that humans need art?
  17. Do you know any famous art galleries in your hometown?
  18. What do you think of performance art?
  19. Do you think that art can change the world? Why do you say so?
  20. What is the best artwork you’ve ever seen?

Small Talk Questions about Work

Everybody likes to talk about work. Nobody likes listening to somebody else complaint all the time, so asking questions is interesting for everybody. Not only does it give people the perfect way to talk about their job or workplace, but you can share what your occupation is too!

  1. What is your dream job?
  2. Do you consider yourself a hard worker? If yes why?
  3. Do you prefer physical or mental work?
  4. What do you like more: School life or work life?
  5. When you were a child, what was your dream job?
  6. What qualities make a good boss?
  7. How important do you think is a good relationship between co-workers?
  8. What are your career goals?
  9. Did you ever get fired somewhere? If yes what happened?
  10. Do you think that the millennials are really the burnout generation?
  11. What is your opinion on the politicians’ salary?
  12. Which job would you like to have if money didn’t matter?
  13. What do you think the current job market is like?
  14. What would you do if you became unemployed and couldn’t get a job?
  15. What was the best job you’ve ever had?
  16. What did your parents do for a living?
  17. What do you think about dress codes at work?
  18. Have you ever had to work overtime?
  19. In your opinion, which professions are too well-paid these days?
  20. How many hours should someone work weekly to stay healthy?

Small Talk Questions about School

School is a great topic for a conversation that everybody has an opinion on. Ask somebody about their favorite subject or teacher and you can discuss what you like. Don’t forget that school memories can be traumatic for some people and I am sure you don’t want to trigger that.

👉 Suggested read: 200+ Great Questions to Ask a Guy

  1. Do you remember your first day of school?
  2. Who was your first friend in school?
  3. What is your favorite subject?
  4. How is your favorite teacher like?
  5. What is your least favorite subject?
  6. Is there a teacher who you never liked?
  7. What was the most embarrassing moment that ever happened to you during class?
  8. What was the worst grade you’ve ever received?
  9. What was the most complicated test you’ve taken?
  10. What was your best moment in school so far?
  11. Have you ever changed school?
  12. Do you prefer languages, science, or creative subjects?
  13. What qualities make a good teacher?
  14. Have you ever experienced mobbing at school?
  15. What should be changed about the current education system?
  16. What should be taught in school?
  17. Did/do you enjoy your school life?
  18. Have you ever had any musical or theatrical performances at school?
  19. How often did you skip school? What did you do instead?
  20. Do/Did you attend a public or private school?

👉 Need inspiration for more topics? Find a conversation topic here: List of Topics to talk about

250+ Interesting questions

Asking questions is interesting for everybody! Talk about common interests and hobbies to get the conversation started! It gives people the perfect opening to share what they like or dislike too. Enjoy these 250+ questions and start talking with somebody new!

Philosophical Questions

Keep your head straight and get philosophical! These questions keep everybody on their toes and give people the chance to share their views. It’s a great way to learn something new too!

  1. What is the meaning of life?
  2. What does freedom mean?
  3. How do you see our society?
  4. Do you believe in karma?
  5. How would you define infinity?
  6. Did you ever experience something supernatural? If yes what?
  7. What is your opinion on religion?
  8. When and how will our species extinct?
  9. Do you believe that alien life exists?
  10. Who do you think was/is the most successful person of all time?
  11. What does love mean for you?
  12. What do you think is more important: Money or freedom?
  13. What will happen after death?
  14. What does luck and bad luck mean to you?
  15. Do you think love can last forever?
  16. Is blood really thicker than water?
  17. How much does language affect our thinking?
  18. Who is the most creative person that ever existed?
  19. How do you think is happiness tied to intelligence? Is there a connection?
  20. What could turn an innocent person into a serial killer?

Questions about Ghosts & Superstitions

Everybody has heard a ghost story or two! If you’re interested in the unknown, ask somebody about their favorite ghost story or if they believe in ghosts. Just don’t forget to have a flashlight with you if you’re going out at night!

  1. Do you believe in a higher power?
  2. Do you believe in aliens?
  3. What do you think existed before the universe?
  4. Do you believe in life on other planets?
  5. How does it feel when you think about the infinity of the universe?
  6. Do you believe in God?
  7. Have you ever had a supernatural experience?
  8. Do you believe in being reborn?
  9. Do you think there was a time when magic existed?
  10. What supernatural story would you love to be true?
  11. What do you think about déjà-vu experiences? Where do they come from?
  12. Would you ever talk to a ghost?
  13. Do you believe that places can be haunted? Have you ever experienced something like that?
  14. If you were a ghost, who would you decide to haunt?
  15. Have you or someone you know ever gone to a psychic?
  16. What do you think about alien life?
  17. Do you believe you can tell something about a person just because of his star sign?
  18. Have you ever tried to contact someone already dead?
  19. Do you believe there is life on other planets?
  20. Do you think that something like a zombie apocalypse could happen?
  21. What is your favorite supernatural legend?
  22. What is your favorite vampire story?

Questions about Climate Change

This is a hot topic right now! Ask somebody about their thoughts on climate change and what they think will happen if we continue to pollute. It’s an interesting conversation starter that everybody has heard of, even if they don’t believe in it.

  1. What do you think about people who call climate change a lie?
  2. Do you believe in climate change?
  3. What do you do to save the environment?
  4. Do you believe that climate change is a natural cycle, a human product, or both?
  5. What is your opinion to waste sorting?
  6. Are you concerned about climate change?
  7. How do you think will the climate situation will be 100 years from now?
  8. Do you think we could still save the planet?
  9. How often do you think about climate change?
  10. Have you ever had a complicated discussion with someone about climate change?
  11. Do you think if every human would become vegan or vegetarian, we could stop climate change?
  12. Have you ever made any changes in your life because of climate change?
  13. What famous person has the most ridiculous opinion about climate change?
  14. What does for family think about climate change?
  15. What did you learn in school/university about climate change?
  16. Do you already notice consequences of the climate change?
  17. If you would be the king/queen of the world: What would you do to save the planet?
  18. What do you think of climate change?
  19. Are you worried that climate change could erase humanity?
  20. What species do you think is most at risk of climate change?

Would you rather Questions

Would you rather is a fun game that everybody likes to play. Ask somebody whether they would switch places with the opposite sex, steal things for money or drink water with certain qualities. These are all interesting questions that make people think about their own preferences!

👉 Suggested read: Best Hypothetical Questions to Ask

  1. Would you rather drink coffee or tea?
  2. Would you rather kill five strangers or two good friends?
  3. Would you rather die before or after your partner?
  4. Would you rather be in jail for a year or lose a year off your life?
  5. Would you rather be always 5 minutes late or 20 minutes too early?
  6. Would you rather lose or gain 10 pounds?
  7. Would you rather be married to a pretty but boring person or an ugly but interesting person?
  8. Would you rather earn a lot of money in a boring job or just enough money to survive in an interesting job?
  9. Would you rather have a key for every door or the ability to lock every door with your mind?
  10. Would you rather change your first or your last name?
  11. Would you rather look good in all clothes or with every hair color?
  12. Would you rather never use Facebook or Instagram again?
  13. Would you rather be famous on Instagram or YouTube?
  14. Would you rather be a famous musician or actor/actress?
  15. Would you rather play the main role in a romantic comedy or a horror movie?
  16. Would you rather play every instrument or speak every language perfectly?
  17. Would you rather lose your ability to hear or to see?
  18. Would you rather never wear black or white again?
  19. Would you rather never use a computer or a smartphone again?
  20. Would you rather eat a snail or a snake?

👉 Do you want to know more about the game? Learn how to play and try these 500+ Would You Rather questions!

Living & Dream Questions

Everybody has an opinion on their life and what they would like to do with it. These questions about living and dreams give everybody the chance to share their opinion. It’s interesting for people and opens up the door for more conversations!

  1. Where do you see yourself living in 10 years?
  2. When you were a child, how did your bedroom look like?
  3. Would you rather live in a flat, house, cottage, or castle?
  4. In which country would you like to live?
  5. What do you think is the best city to live in?
  6. Would you rather live in a small or big city?
  7. Would you rather live near the sea or in the mountains?
  8. How many rooms would your dream house have?
  9. How does your dream house look like?
  10. In which room of your home do you spend most of the time?
  11. Do you like decorating your room? Why/why not?
  12. What do you prefer? A balcony or a garden?
  13. How many plants do you have in your home?
  14. How many people are living in your home?
  15. Would you rather live together with roommates or alone?
  16. What does the outside of your home look like?
  17. Have you ever moved so far?
  18. Do you currently have to pay rent? If yes how much?
  19. What do you don’t like about your home?
  20. Where would you build your dream house?
  21. Have you ever felt homesick? If yes when?

Privacy Questions

Everybody has something to hide! Do you always keep yourself private? These questions about privacy give people the perfect chance to talk about their own things they like and dislike. Just remember that everybody is different and these questions could be very personal!

250+ Great Conversation Starters for Any Situation
Suggested read: 250+ Great Conversation Starters for Any Situation
  1. Do you think everybody deserves privacy?
  2. During your childhood/puberty did your parents ever violate your privacy?
  3. Have you ever violated someone’s privacy? If yes what happened?
  4. What is your deepest secret?
  5. What do you think about people’s privacy concerning social media sites?
  6. Do you think the internet increases or takes away privacy?
  7. Do you think our government is transparent enough?
  8. What do you like to do when you’re alone?
  9. What is your definition of privacy?
  10. Why do you think privacy is important?
  11. What is your opinion on surveillance cameras?
  12. Do you think there will ever be global surveillance?
  13. Have you ever eavesdropped on a conversation?
  14. Have you ever watched someone secretly? If yes why and what happened?
  15. Have you ever followed someone? If yes why?
  16. How do you maintain your privacy on your cell phone?
  17. What did your parents teach you about privacy?
  18. Have you ever lied to protect somebody’s privacy?
  19. Do you remember the first time you had a secret?
  20. Do you keep or have you ever kept a diary?

Social Media Questions

Social media has become a staple in everybody’s life. Use these interesting questions about social media to get conversations started with anybody! Just make sure you use discretion, since some people may dislike the fact that they are on social media too much!

  1. Which social media platforms do you use?
  2. Do you prefer Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok?
  3. What is your definition of a social network?
  4. What is more important for you: Real or virtual friends?
  5. Would you prefer being popular in real life or online?
  6. Would you like to be an influencer?
  7. Who is your favorite influencer?
  8. What do you like about influencers?
  9. What do you hate about influencers?
  10. Do you think social media sites show a person’s real life?
  11. Do your parents use social media? If yes how would you describe their appearance?
  12. How many followers do you have online?
  13. Would you rather become a YouTube, Instagram, or Tik Tok star?
  14. What is the most annoying thing about social networks?
  15. What is positive about social networks?
  16. Do you like social media platforms in general?
  17. Do you keep your social media sites open to the public or private?
  18. What information would you never put on a social media site?
  19. Have you ever met someone online who was later important to you in real life?
  20. Have you ever dated someone you’ve met online?

Work-life balance Questions

Everybody likes to have a good work-life balance. Nobody wants to talk about what they do at work all the time, so these questions about work-life balance are excellent for everybody! Just remember that not everybody will love their job!

👉 Suggested read: 350 Good Questions to Ask - Conversation Starter

  1. What is your definition of a work-life balance?
  2. What causes stress in your life?
  3. Have you been under stress recently?
  4. How does stress affect your body and your psyche?
  5. Have you ever had sleep problems due to stress?
  6. How do you feel right now?
  7. What always helps you to relax?
  8. Do you think stress is something humans need or don’t need in their lives?
  9. What is your best advice for someone who wants to reduce their stress?
  10. What do you think are the negative aspects of being a workaholic?
  11. Have you ever tried yoga or meditation to relax?
  12. In your opinion: Are there any positive aspects of working under pressure?
  13. Have you ever missed an important event because of your work life?
  14. What things can people do to achieve a good work-life balance?
  15. Do you think more men or women tend to become workaholics?
  16. Is it possible to achieve your work goals why raise children? Why do you say so?
  17. What is your opinion on the current work culture?
  18. Have you ever worked over the weekend to meet a deadline?
  19. At what age did you start/do you want to work full time?
  20. What do you think about part-time jobs?

Happiness Questions

Everyone wants to be happy. Ask somebody these questions about happiness and a little bit of their personality comes out every time! It’s an excellent way to get to know somebody new on a deeper level too. Just remember that everybody is different and has different definitions of what makes them happy!

📖 Suggested read: ❤️ 200 Date Ideas For Your Perfect Date

  1. What makes you always feel better?
  2. What always makes you smile?
  3. Why do you think happiness is important?
  4. Who makes you happy?
  5. How would you define happiness?
  6. Do you consider yourself a happy person?
  7. What do you think is the color of happiness?
  8. What is the happiest memory of your childhood?
  9. Can money buy you happiness?
  10. When you feel sad what can make you happy again?
  11. What was the happiest moment in your life?
  12. What was the saddest moment in your life?
  13. What song always makes you smile?
  14. What makes you really sad?
  15. Is it possible to be happy all the time? Why do you say so?
  16. How do you feel when you’re going to work?
  17. How do you feel when you’re going to school/university?
  18. Do you think rich people are happier than poor people?
  19. What is the secret of happiness?
  20. What is your comfort food?

Stereotypes Questions

Some people love to stereotype while others absolutely hate it! These questions about stereotypes give everybody the chance to say their opinion on gender roles, race, and other things. It’s an intriguing conversation starter that makes people think about how they feel too!

  1. What do you think about stereotypes?
  2. Do you think stereotypes can be positive?
  3. How do you feel about stereotypes in general?
  4. What is the stereotype of people in your country? What do you think about it?
  5. How do stereotypes spread?
  6. What is your opinion on gender stereotypes?
  7. Do you know someone who is a total stereotype?
  8. What cliche annoys you the most?
  9. What are some stereotypes of men and women which definitely aren’t true?
  10. What are some true stereotypes of men and women?
  11. What movie represents lots of wrong stereotypes?
  12. What comes into your mind when you hear the word stereotype?
  13. Could you ever prove to someone that cliches aren’t real?
  14. Have you ever had a fight about stereotyping?
  15. What cliches does Hollywood create?
  16. What cliches does media in general create?
  17. Were you ever confronted with stereotypes in your life?
  18. How do you think the belief arose that blonde people are stupider than the others?
  19. Do you think stereotypes would ever die out?
  20. What artwork represents numerous cliches?

History Questions

People have big love or hate opinions about history. Use these interesting questions about history to ask somebody and learn about their opinion! It’s a terrific way to see what somebody thinks before starting a conversation too. Just remember not everybody will agree on the same things.

  1. What do you think was the biggest mistake in history?
  2. If you could choose to kill one person to save as many persons as possible, who would you decide to kill?
  3. If you could erase one historical event, what would you choose?
  4. What’s the most interesting museum you’ve ever visited?
  5. In your opinion, what was the most important fossil someone ever discovered?
  6. What kind of history did you find most interesting in school?
  7. Why do you think we are still learning about the past in school? Is it even important?
  8. What do you think about the need of learning exact dates for tests?
  9. In your opinion, what was the most important event for equal rights?
  10. Did you learn global history in school or just important stuff in your country?
  11. If you could be part of one historical event, what would you choose?
  12. What do you think about historical novels/movies?
  13. Would you like to spend one day with your grandparents when they were young if you get the chance?
  14. What events out of the last 10 years will make it in the future history school books?
  15. What historical part should definitely be put in a movie?
  16. What is your opinion on legends? Do you think they are at least partly real?
  17. Why do ghost stories have arisen?
  18. In your opinion, which invention of the past 50 years has been the most important?
  19. Which politician who is now in office will be mentioned in history books?
  20. What would you like to write in all history books if you get the chance to?

Sleep Questions

Everyone loves to find out what people think about their sleeping habits! Ask somebody these sleep questions and get them talking about what they like, don’t like, and why. The next time you’re in a conversation with somebody, remember that everybody has something to say when it comes to sleep!

200+ Questions to Get to Know Someone For Real
Suggested read: 200+ Questions to Get to Know Someone For Real
  1. Do you think enough sleep is important?
  2. How much do you usually sleep?
  3. How does your bed look like?
  4. What do you wear when you sleep?
  5. What is the last dream you remember?
  6. What was your worst nightmare so far?
  7. Are you a sleepwalker?
  8. Do you know a sleepwalker?
  9. When did you start sleeping in your own bed?
  10. When do you usually go to sleep?
  11. When do you usually get up?
  12. How often do you dream?
  13. What do you think about snoring?
  14. Do you ever fall asleep while watching TV, reading, or listening to something?
  15. Did you ever have/do you have a recurring dream?
  16. What do you think about interpreting dreams?
  17. Have you ever heard or experienced lucid dreams?
  18. What was the longest period you haven’t slept in?
  19. What was the most inappropriate situation you’ve ever felt asleep?
  20. Do you prefer to share your bed or sleep alone?

Moral & Ethics Questions

Some people have very strong opinions when it comes to these questions! Ask somebody these moral and ethical questions and get them talking about what they believe in. It’s a perfect way to find out whether somebody has similar ideas or if they’re completely different from you too!

  1. What is your definition of morals?
  2. What is your definition of ethics?
  3. What are your own morals?
  4. What are your personal ethics?
  5. What do you consider es unethical?
  6. If you would find an expensive item such as a smartphone or a wallet on the street, what would you do?
  7. Would you ever lie to someone?
  8. Have you ever faced some ethical dilemmas?
  9. Do you think stealing is always wrong?
  10. What things are illegal, but do you still find them morally acceptable?
  11. If you could save 5 people by killing one person, would you do it?
  12. Do you consider yourself a morally/ethical person?
  13. Where do you think morals or ethics come from?
  14. What qualities make a good person?
  15. What qualities make a bad person?
  16. Would you risk your life to save another human?
  17. Have you ever had a guilty conscience?
  18. Do you think stealing from the rich and giving it to the poor is justifiable?
  19. How do you think a murderer can endure himself?
  20. What were some unethical decisions in your life?

👉 Are you looking for more questions? Here you can find good questions to ask!

200 things to talk about with a girl

It’s always good to know what people like! Here are 200 questions for girls that you can use. Just remember not everybody likes the same things, so these conversation starters aren’t necessarily geared towards every person!

Hobbies Questions to ask a girl

People love to talk about their hobbies! Ask somebody these interesting questions about their hobby and the chances of you having similar interests are definitely high! It’s an excellent way to find something new that you may be interested in too.

  1. Do you have any hobbies?
  2. What do you like to do in your free time?
  3. Why do you think people have hobbies?
  4. How much time do you spend on your hobby?
  5. What kind of sports do you like?
  6. Which hobbies do you think are the cheapest?
  7. What would you like to try, but have not yet dared?
  8. Would you rather spend your evening playing guitar, reading, or riding the bicycle?
  9. Could you imagine making money with your hobby?
  10. How do you usually spend your Saturday afternoon?

Dating Questions to ask a girl

You can never have too many dating questions to ask a girl! If you’re looking for date questions, these are perfect for beginners as well as those who want something fresh and new!

  1. How did your last relationship end?
  2. Who was your first crush?
  3. Have you ever cheated on someone?
  4. Has anyone ever cheated on you?
  5. Would you stay together with someone who cheated on you?
  6. How was your first kiss?
  7. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  8. How was your first time?
  9. How many ex-partners do you have?
  10. Have you ever lived with a partner?

TV Shows and movies Questions to ask a girl

Everybody has an opinion about their favorite shows and movies! Ask somebody these TV shows and movies questions to find out what they like, dislike, and why. It’s a great way to get people talking or even ranting too!

🤓 Suggested read: 70 Great Relationship Questions To Ask Your Partner

  1. What’s your favorite series?
  2. Which series do you think has way too many seasons?
  3. What do you think about cartoons and animes?
  4. What was the last movie you watched? What do you think about it?
  5. Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema?
  6. Would you like to make your life into a movie?
  7. What would be the perfect place for a movie night?
  8. Where do you usually watch TV?
  9. What’s your favorite and least favorite genre?
  10. Who’s your favorite actor and actress?

Fashion Questions to ask a girl

It’s always good to get fashion inspiration! Use these fashion questions to ask a girl and discover what they like and don’t like when it comes to clothing. It’s an excellent conversation starter that helps you find something in common too.

  1. What’s your favorite fashion brand?
  2. Do you care about fashion?
  3. Where do you usually buy your clothes?
  4. Do you read fashion magazines?
  5. Have you ever sewed yourself a piece of clothing?
  6. What’s your favorite piece of clothing?
  7. Do you prefer jeans, skirts or dresses?
  8. What is in fashion for women/men this year?
  9. Would you rather be a model or a designer?
  10. What is your opinion on the fashion industry?

Vacation Questions to ask a girl

It’s always fun to talk about vacations! Use these vacation questions to ask a girl and get some interesting stories that will make you laugh. It’s a terrific conversation starter that helps you get on the same page too.

🤓 Suggested read: 200+ Interesting Questions to Ask a Girl

  1. What is your favorite travel spot?
  2. What place would you love to see in real life?
  3. How many countries have you visited so far?
  4. Do you like traveling with your family?
  5. How much luggage do you usually need?
  6. What’s your favorite vacation picture?
  7. How was your last vacation?
  8. What is your definition of a perfect trip?
  9. Which place would you like to visit over and over again?
  10. What tourist place do you think is totally overrated?

Memories Questions to ask a girl

Memories are great conversation starters! Use these interesting memories questions to ask a girl and find out what the most important moments in their lives were like. It’s an excellent way to learn about somebody new too.

  1. What is your happiest memory so far?
  2. What was the wildest thing that ever happened to you?
  3. What was a moment when you were really scared?
  4. If you could travel back in time, what moment would you like to relive?
  5. Do you think your memory is good or bad?
  6. What is your first memory?
  7. If you could edit your memories, would you erase one? If yes, which and why?
  8. Do you sometimes forget important things?
  9. Would you like to have a photographic memory?
  10. How long will you remember this conversation?

Family Questions to ask a girl

Some people love talking about their family, and some don’t! Use these questions to ask a girl about their family and discover what they like or dislike about growing up. It’s such an interesting conversation starter that makes it easy to find out if you have anything in common too.

Questions to Ask Your Crush
Suggested read: Questions to Ask Your Crush
  1. How would you describe your relationship with your family?
  2. Do you have any siblings?
  3. How did you grow up?
  4. Who do you like most about your family?
  5. Have you ever had secrets from your parents?
  6. Have you ever lied to your parents?
  7. What was your biggest fight with one of your family members?
  8. What is your best memory with your mother?
  9. What is your best memory with your father?
  10. Are you a family person?

Friends Questions to ask a girl

People love talking about their friends! Ask somebody these questions about their friend and get them talking about the good, bad and ugly of being someone’s friend. It’s a terrific conversation starter that allows you to see what they’re passionate about too.

  1. Who was your first friend?
  2. Who is your best friend?
  3. Where did you meet your best friend?
  4. Who would you invite to your birthday party?
  5. Who do you call when you are sad?
  6. When something good happens in your life, who do you tell first?
  7. Has a friend ever let you down?
  8. Have you ever made friends over the Internet?
  9. How do you define the term friend?
  10. What do you think about dating a friend’s ex?

Future Questions to ask a girl

Everybody has dreams and goals they’re striving for! Ask somebody these interesting future questions to find out what they’re looking forward to when it comes to the next few years of life. It’s an excellent way to get people talking and may even help you set your own goals too!

  1. Where do you see yourself in 15 years?
  2. Do you want kids?
  3. What do you think about marriage?
  4. Have you ever considered moving to another country?
  5. Where would you want to buy a house?
  6. What are your plans for the future?
  7. Do you think it’s possible to predict the future?
  8. Which countries do you want to travel to?
  9. What are your life goals?
  10. What’s your dream job?

Likes and dislikes Questions to ask a girl

Everybody has different likes and dislikes! Use these interesting questions to ask a girl about their likes and dislikes! It’s a terrific conversation starter that helps you get on the same page too.

  1. What’s one thing you can’t stand?
  2. What was the best thing about your day?
  3. What’s one thing that can always save your day?
  4. What do you like to do to waste time?
  5. When you think back to school, what was the best and worst thing about it?
  6. In your opinion, what are the best pizza toppings?
  7. Who or what in your life brings you the most joy?
  8. What’s the most annoying habit someone can have?
  9. What’s your favorite and least favorite season and why?
  10. What do you bring with you everywhere you go?

👉 If you’re looking for more Questions to ask a girl, follow the link!

200 things to talk about with a guy

People love to talk about themselves, but it’s a little harder with men! Here are 200 questions for guys that you can use. Just remember not everybody likes the same things, so these conversation starters aren’t necessarily geared towards every person!

Music Questions to ask a guy

Everybody loves talking about music! Use these interesting questions to get the conversation started with somebody special. It’s an excellent way to get people talking too!

  1. Do you play any instruments?
  2. Do you like to sing?
  3. What’s your favorite band?
  4. In your opinion, what’s the most talented musician?
  5. Name the best 3 songs of all time.
  6. Have you ever thought of starting your own band? How would you name it?
  7. How often do you usually listen to music?
  8. How do you listen to music?
  9. What was your first favorite song?
  10. What is your least favorite song?

Food Questions to ask a guy

Food is a fantastic conversation starter! Use these food questions to ask a guy and you’ll never run out of things to talk about. It’s such an interesting topic that often helps you find something in common too.

  1. Do you cook?
  2. What’s your favorite food?
  3. Do you prefer self-cooked or fast food?
  4. What’s the best restaurant near your home?
  5. Have you ever ordered food online?
  6. What are your thoughts on food?
  7. What do you usually order in restaurants?
  8. If you could any dish against the law, which one would it be?
  9. What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
  10. What was the last thing you ate?

Hobbies Questions to ask a guy

Everybody has different hobbies they like to do! Use these interesting questions to ask a guy and get them talking about what they like to do in their free time. It’s an excellent way to learn more about somebody too!

📖 Suggested read: Best Friend Questions: Get to know them even better

  1. How do you usually spend your afternoons?
  2. What activity makes your life better?
  3. Do you prefer dancing or singing?
  4. What do you spend more time with: watching TV or reading?
  5. If you weren’t here now, what would you do instead?
  6. Do you like playing video games?
  7. What are your hobbies?
  8. What were your hobbies when you were a child?
  9. How much time do you spend on your phone?
  10. Are your hobbies compatible with your work?

Dating Questions to ask a guy

Some people are harder to date than others! Use these challenging dating questions to ask a guy and find out what they like or dislike about relationships. It’s such an interesting topic that gets people talking too.

  1. Do you believe that love can last a lifetime?
  2. Who was your first girlfriend?
  3. What was your worst date so far?
  4. Are you looking for a relationship?
  5. Did you ever have a one-night stand?
  6. Are there circumstances in which it is okay to cheat someone?
  7. What turns you on?
  8. What do you like about girls?
  9. How was your last relationship?
  10. Who was the last person you kissed?

Event Questions to ask a guy

Who doesn’t like good events? Talking about event culture is easy and interesting at once. So, grab your chosen boy and talk about the following stuff.

  1. What was the last concert you went to?
  2. What’s your favorite club?
  3. What’s the best event location you know?
  4. What’s the best restaurant in this town?
  5. Do you like sports events?
  6. What events have you attended in the past few weeks?
  7. When was the last time you visited a theatre?
  8. What do you think about poetry slams?
  9. Do you like musicals?
  10. Which event would you like to take part in?

Book Questions to ask a guy

Books are a great conversation starter! Use these book questions to ask a guy and find out what their favorite books are. It’s a terrific way to get the discussion going on an interesting topic too.

👉 Suggested read: Date Night Ideas: Spend Quality Time With Your Partner

  1. Do you like reading?
  2. What’s the best book you’ve ever read?
  3. What’s your favorite author?
  4. Have you ever thought of writing your own book?
  5. How would you name your biography?
  6. Would you rather (re-)read all Harry Potter or Lord of The Rings books?
  7. What was the last book you read?
  8. In your opinion which author is totally overrated?
  9. What is your favorite book shop?
  10. How many books do you own?

Drink Questions to ask a guy

Food is a great conversation starter, but what about drinks? Use these interesting questions to ask a guy about their favorite drinks. It’s an excellent way to find out more about somebody too!

  1. What’s your favorite drink?
  2. Are you a beer or a wine person?
  3. Have you ever mixed your own cocktail?
  4. Do you prefer whiskey, vodka, or rum?
  5. What is the best liqueur you’ve ever tried?
  6. Which drink would you never order?
  7. Where can you order the best drinks?
  8. What is more important to you: price or taste?
  9. How often do you drink alcohol?
  10. Have you ever passed out from drinking too much?

News Questions to ask a guy

Everybody loves to stay informed about what’s going on in the world! Use these news questions for guys to get the conversation started with somebody special. It’s a terrific way to get people talking too.

  1. How often do you read the newspaper?
  2. What is your opinion on the current news situation?
  3. Do you trust the media?
  4. Who is your favorite journalist?
  5. What do you think gets recently too much attention in the news?
  6. How do you get information?
  7. Do you think you still have to spend money on media these days?
  8. What do you think should get way more attention in the news?
  9. What’s your least favorite newspaper?
  10. What’s the last article you remember?

Comedy Questions to ask a guy

Everybody loves to laugh! Use these funny conversation starters to ask a guy and you’ll never run out of things to talk about. It’s such an interesting topic that often helps you find something in common too.

  1. What’s the best joke you know?
  2. What is your favorite comedian?
  3. Have you ever seen a comedian live?
  4. What would be a fun way to start a conversation?
  5. What’s the worst pickup line you’ve ever heard?
  6. What was the most embarrassing moment in your life?
  7. What’s your favorite meme?
  8. What is the funniest thing that ever happened to you?
  9. Do you like dark humor?
  10. What kind of sense of humor do you have?

Video Game Questions to ask a guy

Everybody loves video games! Use these funny questions to ask a guy about their favorite video game. It’s such an interesting topic that often helps you find something in common too.

  1. Do you like video games?
  2. What’s your all-time favorite video game?
  3. How often do you play video games?
  4. Do you remember the first time you’ve ever played a video game?
  5. What’s your favorite video game genre?
  6. What’s the best video game story you can think of?
  7. If you would make your own video game, what would it be like?
  8. What’s your favorite console?
  9. Which video game did you invest the most time in?
  10. Why do you like to play video games?

👉 Here you can find 250 more Questions to ask a guy!

Things to talk about with your crush

Talking to your crush is always nerve-wracking. Fortunately, there are plenty of interesting questions you can use! Use these questions to ask your crush and get the conversation started. It’s so much easier than talking about the weather too!

Plans & Dreams Questions to ask your crush

Talking about your future can be intimidating, but it’s definitely worthwhile. Use these questions to ask your crush and learn more about them! It’s an excellent way to find something in common too.

  1. What are your plans?
  2. Where would you like to live in 15 years?
  3. What would you like to achieve in the future?
  4. If you could see your future, what would you like to see?
  5. What do you think about marriage and kids?

Relationship Questions to ask your crush

Relationships are an interesting topic! Use these relationship questions to ask your crush and get the conversation started. It’s a great way to find out if they’re single too.

  1. How did your last relationship end?
  2. How many relationships did you have so far?
  3. What are the qualities of a good relationship?
  4. Do you believe that love can last forever?
  5. What’s your favorite real-life loves story?

Family Questions to ask your crush

Everybody has a family! Use these interesting questions to ask your crush and get them talking about their family. It’s an excellent conversation starter that gets people talking too.

  1. Are you close to your family?
  2. Do you know lot about your family history?
  3. What do you like most about your family?
  4. How did you grow up?
  5. Are you a family person?

Friends Questions to ask your crush

If you’re struggling to find things to talk about, try asking your crush about their friends. Use these questions for guys and get the ball rolling! It’s such an interesting topic that often helps you find something in common too.

  1. How did you meet your best friends?
  2. How many really good friends do you have?
  3. Where do you and your friends spend the most time together?
  4. What’s your favorite memory with your friends?
  5. How important are friends to you?

Are you looking for more questions? Here are 250+ Questions to get to know someone!

Things to talk about with your girlfriend

Communication is the key to a long-lasting relationship. Use these questions to ask your girlfriend and stay connected. It’s such an interesting topic that gets people talking too.

Future Questions to ask your girlfriend

The future is an interesting topic! Use these questions to ask your girlfriend and learn more about the future she envisions with you. It’s a great conversation starter that gets people talking too.

  1. How do you see yourself in 10 years?
  2. What is your opinion about marriage and having kids?
  3. What profession would you like to have in 5 years?
  4. What is something I can do for you to help you achieve your dreams?
  5. What do you think will change in your life in the next few years?

Life Goals Questions to ask your girlfriend

Everybody has a life goal or dream! Use these questions to ask your girlfriend and learn more about what she hopes for in life. It’s such an interesting topic that often helps you find something in common too.

  1. What do you want to achieve in the future?
  2. Do you want kids?
  3. What do you consider a life goal?
  4. What is your dream job?
  5. What are your dreams?

Past Questions to ask your girlfriend

Everybody has a past! Use these questions to ask your girlfriend and learn more about her past relationships. It’s an excellent topic that gets people talking too.

  1. What is your biggest regret so far?
  2. What is your happiest childhood memory?
  3. What was your most serious relationship so far and how did it end?
  4. Have you ever lost someone close to you?
  5. Are you still friends with one of your ex-boyfriends?

Sex Life Questions to ask your girlfriend

Let’s talk about sex! Use these questions to ask your girlfriend and get to know her fantasies and romantic past!

  1. How many sex partners did you have before me?
  2. How was your first time?
  3. What really turns you on?
  4. Are you into sex toys?
  5. What do you think about sex?

👉 In need of more questions? Here are more Questions to ask your girlfriend!

Things to talk about with your boyfriend

Talking to your boyfriend can be stressful sometimes. Use these questions to ask your boyfriend and get the conversation started! It’s such an interesting topic that often helps you find something in common too.

Love Life Questions to ask your boyfriend

Relationships are an interesting topic! Use these questions to ask your boyfriend and learn more about his relationship with you. It’s a great conversation starter that gets people talking too.

  1. Have you ever been in love?
  2. Do you think that love can last a lifetime?
  3. What is your opinion to love?
  4. Could someone be in love with more than one person at the same time?
  5. What do you think about marriage?

For more ways to spark your conversation if you’re in a relationship, check out our in-depth article of 10+ things to talk about with your boyfriend.

Sex Life Questions to ask your boyfriend

Sex can be an awkward topic to talk about sometimes. However, it’s definitely worthwhile to ask your boyfriend these sex questions. Use them and get the conversation started! It’s such an interesting topic that often helps you find something in common too.

  1. What do you like the most about sex?
  2. How often do you think about sex?
  3. What could we do to spice up our sex life?
  4. Do you remember the first person you would have liked to sleep with?
  5. What do you think about sex toys?

Future Questions to ask your boyfriend

The future is an interesting topic! Use these questions to ask your boyfriend and learn more about the future he envisions with you. It’s a great conversation starter that gets people talking too.

  1. When you think about your future, do you see me in it?
  2. What do you think about gender roles in relationships?
  3. Where and with whom will you want to grow old?
  4. What is one thing you would save several years for?
  5. What is your biggest fear about your future?

Friends & Family Questions to ask your boyfriend

Everybody has a family! Use these questions to ask your boyfriend and learn more about his friends and family. It’s such an interesting topic that often helps you find something in common too.

  1. Apart from me, who are you closest to in your life?
  2. Could you imagine moving in with your parents again?
  3. Have you and your family ever gone to a family therapist?
  4. Would you like to have more close friends?
  5. Imagine we were getting married, who would you be the first to tell about it?

👉 Here are more Questions to ask your boyfriend!

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Conversation Starters

Looking for some conversation starters and icebreakers? Check out our collection of articles full of tips, tricks, and ideas to help get the conversation flowing! Get to know how to talk to anyone anytime, anywhere!