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Life is all about moments and connections. These moments and connections greatly depend on your relationships with other people. These relationships greatly depend on how you communicate with others.

You should not belittle the ability to spark up conversations. Others go through life seemingly shy and quiet but the truth is, you just don’t know how to start talking to people. It’s a dilemma you sometimes fail to admit.

Want to know the basics on how to start conversations? Conversation Starters

Worry no more, we prepared a list of awesome random questions you can ask whenever, wherever! These simple questions, when smoothly delivered, can definitely make your day, spice up your mood, and deepen connections!

Best Friend Quiz
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Random Questions to ask in a Bus

Here are great questions you can ask your seatmate on the bus. Others may prefer to sleep during bus travels but some people find it as an opportunity to have some quality time to talk with others. Bus rides can take hours, after all!

1. Where are you going?

You are, after all, traveling! You may ask this to strangers you just met and want to be friends with.

2. Have you ever been to _ _ _ _ _ ?

The perfect question to start talking about places you’ve been to. Who knows? You might plan to travel there together!

3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Another great road trip question that might also pave the way to future travels together!

4. What is one thing you always carry with you wherever you go?

This will totally end up showing the thing you’re talking about, where you got it and when you started using it.

5. City or country side?

This travel question will let you know your friends more. It would be fun to ask this question to everyone you’re traveling with and let them explain why!

Random Questions to ask at Work

Work life can be mundane, tiresome, and boring. Small talks and banters with your workmates can make a big difference to your day so work on your relationship with them!

1. What’s for lunch?

Admit it, there are times when all you’re thinking about is food. Talking about what you’ll have for lunch is immensely satisfying, especially when you get it to really fulfill your cravings afterwards!

2. Would you rather have more time or more money?

Being asked this juicy question while slaving away at work will really make you pause and think more about your priorities in life!

3. Would you rather get a brand-new house or a brand-new car?

It’s good motivation to think about your goals while you’re working your ass off!

4. What’s the easiest way to double your money? (Put it in front of a mirror!)

This is actually a riddle that will surely ease the tension in the office and start a game of riddles that would energize your day!

5. What is something you wish you could tell your family?

There are some things that you’re more comfortable sharing with your friends at work. Open up to them, they’re the people you spend eight hours of your waking moment with. They might actually have some great advice for you!

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Random Questions to ask during a Job Interview

If you’re an applicant who just wants to be extra ready for that job interview, might as well familiarize yourself with these and come up with your own answers.

1. How do you see yourself five years from now?

The company you’re applying to just wants to know your goals and priorities in life. And if there’s any place for them in your immediate future.

2. Why should we hire you?

This is a tough question no matter what because you don’t want to sound too arrogant and at the same time, you also want to sell yourself! Just find the balance between the two.

3. Why did you leave your last job?

You just have to be honest with this one, describe what happened and how you handled it before coming up with your decision to leave.

4. Why do you want to work for us?

You don’t wanna say that you’re just here for the money because that would reflect badly on your personality. You should do your research and make sure to always make the interviewer feel your eagerness to work with them.

5. Describe how you overcome a difficult work situation.

Make sure it reflects the ideals you’re standing up for and that it is related to the position you’re applying for.

đŸ€“ Suggested read: 70 Fun Questions to Ask Your Friends

Random Questions to ask on a date

Going on a date can be a lot of things. It can be romantic and exciting. but it can also be frightening and awkward. Here are questions that will guarantee you great and meaningful conversations with your date!

1. What’s your favorite _ _ _ _ _ _ ?

This is an effective getting-to-know-you question. You can ask about your date’s favorite color, food, song, ice cream flavor, and more! It will give you hints on how to make him or her happy in the future!

2. Tell me three things you’re scared of.

Asking about someone’s fears will make them open up to you, be comfortable with you, and eventually make them feel safe and secure with you.

3. Do you believe in love at first sight?

You might sense a cheesy pick-up line to follow but this really does give some girls the butterflies! With the right amount of flattery, dashing smile, and poetry, you’re gonna pull it off!

4. What do you think would be the most romantic place for us to travel together?

Even though it might not happen anytime soon, planning ahead will make you both look forward to something in the future. This can make you excited for your relationship!

5. What do you find hilarious that most people don’t?

This question will affirm your interest to really get to know the person. It’s not a normal question and the fact that you’re asking it will mean a lot to your date.

đŸ€“ Suggested read: First Date Conversations ❀

Random Questions to ask during Movie Night

Obviously, you may ask these questions after you’ve enjoyed the movie you’re watching. You’ll be amazed at how enjoyable it is to discuss the things you’ve just watched together!

1. What’s your favorite part of the movie?

This will undoubtedly be the first question that comes to mind, some of you will even have the same answers for this and you’ll be thrilled to know!

2. Who’s your favorite character and why?

You’ll get to know your friends and family more with this. You’ll understand which character they can relate to and why.

3. What’s the moral lesson of the story?

Of course, everyone will surely have realizations after the movie!

4. Would you change any part of the movie?

We just can’t help but want to be movie directors, can we? It’s all part of the whole movie experience!

5. Do you think there will be a sequel?

Some movies will really leave you wanting more. They’re just so good at it! You’ll enjoy spending countless hours trying to predict the plot of the next movie!

Random Questions to ask at Home

Deepening your relationship with your family is vital to a happy life. Talking with your parents, grandparents, and siblings will make you feel connected with them. You can ask these questions while you’re eating meals, doing your chores, or watching TV together.

70 Great Relationship Questions To Ask Your Partner
Suggested read: 70 Great Relationship Questions To Ask Your Partner

1. How is everything at work/in school?

It’s normal to want to know how things are going with the daily lives of your family. Remember, you should always be ready to help one another. That’s what family’s for!

2. If you’d win a million dollars, what would you do with it?

It’s free to have dreams and fantasies for one’s family. You’ll enjoy laughing while you talk about the trips you’ll go to, the new furniture or home equipment you can finally afford, or all the food you’ll eat together if you win a million dollars!

3. What shall we cook tomorrow?

Good food will always bring you together because the family that cooks and eats together, gets fat together!

4. Which movie are we watching tonight?

It’s great to decide as a family on which movies to watch next. You won’t have the same choices at first but you’ll finally compromise sooner or later. Watching it together is the best part!

5. What annoys you the most?

It would be great to just be honest about how you feel, especially with the people you live with! This will make things much easier for you. You’ll also get to understand your parents and siblings more after talking about this.

These random questions will increase one’s self-esteem and enhance interpersonal skills. Not only that, but it can also make you a much better company for your friends and family.

You’ll realize how many things there are to talk about and how much time you’re wasting just sitting there with your eyes glued to your phones. It’s time to get out there and connect with others. We are human beings and it’s the normal thing to do! Hungry for more ideas on how to start a conversation?

Hungry for more ideas on how to start a conversation? Follow this link and have fun: Conversation Starters

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Conversation Starters

Looking for some conversation starters and icebreakers? Check out our collection of articles full of tips, tricks, and ideas to help get the conversation flowing! Get to know how to talk to anyone anytime, anywhere!