Icebreaker Games for the Youth
Here are the best 8 icebreaker games you can try out with the youth. Have fun!
✍️ October 16, 2020
The young generation tend to be more efficient and responsive when you feel good and relaxed. Unnecessary pressure makes going to school, participating in an activity or attending a social event downright boring and dull!
What you need is a dose of refreshing icebreaker games that will make you a lot more energized and comfortable to be yourself, connect with others and be more involved!
We prepared a list of the top 8 icebreaker games that will surely fascinate and wow you and your friends!
Top 8 Icebreaker Games for the Youth
8. Icebreaker Game - Paint Me A Picture
This is not really a drawing or sketching icebreaker game. It still revolves around art but it’s more on honing your acting skills and creativity. All you need are teams of at least 3-4 members.
The object of this game is for you to act as statues and create a scene as instructed by the gamemaster. For example, the game master says, “Paint me a picture of a birthday party scene”. Here’s a list of scenes you’d like to try with your friends for this game:
- Paint me a picture of a picnic by the beach.
- Paint me a picture of the first day of school.
- Paint me a picture of a homecoming dance.
- Paint me a picture of a Saturday night out.
- Paint me a picture of Christmas day.
- Paint me a picture of graduation day.
- Paint me a picture of a busy operating room in a hospital.
- Paint me a picture of a world war.
- Paint me a picture of the last day before summer break.
- Paint me a picture of an election day.
You should work as a team to depict the best picture using only your bodies as props. The game master chooses the best picture among all the teams for every round. The team with the most points wins!
7. Icebreaker Game - Where do you stand?
This is a great getting-to-know-you icebreaker game that will make you aware of what your friends like and don’t like. The game is very fun and the rules are very easy! You will need to play this at a spacious area.
🤓 Suggested read: 10+ Icebreaker Questions and Activities for Kids
Someone should ask everyone a series of questions with only two options. You should weigh how much you like the two options and make your stand (literally!). For example, the question is “Books or Movies?”. If you like movies more then you should stand in the rightmost area of the room, if you like movies more then stand in the leftmost part. But if you are undecided or if you like both equally then stay in the middle.
Here are some sample questions that you and your friends will definitely enjoy:
- Ice Cream or cake?
- Vampires or werewolves?
- Twilight or The Vampire Diaries?
- Black or white?
- iPhone or iPad?
- Iced tea or soda?
- Beach or mountains?
- Cat or dog?
- Classic or modern?
- Pop or country?
You can explain why you like or don’t like something so that everyone will know you more!
6. Speed Dating Icebreaker
This classic favorite icebreaker game can prove to you that making friends does not really have to take too long! All you need are a lot of people willing to make friends or date and a buzzer.
👉 Suggested read: List of the Best Icebreaker Ideas & Games
The object of this game is to get to know a person as much as you can in three minutes. After three minutes, the buzzer will signal you to find another person to get to know.
This game is exciting, especially for those who are daring enough to start new, meaningful relationships.
5. Icebreaker Game - The Hot Seat
This is a verbal game that really is just a lot like our simple chit chats and banters with our besties. You will be asked a lot of questions when it’s your turn and all you have to do is honestly answer them.
Remember, this game should really be all about relaxing and having fun so you should make sure questions are appropriate, light and at the same time juicily intriguing!
4. Icebreaker Game - Bring Me
This classic icebreaker game is everyone’s favorite because it’s so straightforward and easy to play. A game master just needs to ask all of you to bring something to him/her and whoever brings it first wins!
Here are some great, unique stuff the game master can ask for:
- Bring me a strand of white hair.
- Bring me a purple handkerchief.
- Bring me a worn out shoe.
- Bring me an expired passport.
- Bring me a hundred dollar bill.
- Bring me an actual photo (hard copy) of your mother.
- Bring me a pair of airpods.
- Bring me a yellow toothbrush.
- Bring me a heart-shaped earring.
- Bring me your birth certificate.
3. Icebreaker Game - Five of Anything Icebreaker
This is a great icebreaker game that can motivate you to really think. It’s an exercise for everyone’s brains! All you need to do is to list five things for a given category in just one minute!

Here are some great categories or topics you can use for this game:
- 5 cities they’d most like to visit
- 5 countries they plan to see
- 5 favorite TV shows of all time
- 5 most disliked tasks to do around the house
- 5 favorite dogs
- 5 worst movies that you’ve ever seen
- 5 favorite flowers
- 5 favorite vegetables
- 5 favorite dinners
- 5 foods you’d prefer not to eat again
After listing for each topic, you are encouraged to share your list to the group!
2. Icebreaker Game - Ten Common Things
This is another great getting-to-know-you icebreaker game that will let each of you know your common denominators with your friends. You never know how many shared interests and experiences you’ve had with each other…until now!
All you need to do is find ten things you have in common with each friend/person in the group. It should not include body parts or other obvious things. Take time to get to know your friends!
After everyone is done, you may each share your list with the group.
1. Icebreaker Game - The Best One-Word
This modern favorite icebreaker game is so simple yet also sort of deep. Everyone will decide on a topic/issue/category and then each one of you should share the first word that comes to their mind in relation to the topic or issue.
👉 Suggested read: The Best Icebreaker Group Games For Any Occasion
The simplicity of this game cannot undermine its impact on the players. You will be able to get to know your friends on a whole new level without them saying too much. As simple as that!
You need more than just boring and serious lectures to catch the short attention span of today’s youth. You need to think outside of the box and be creative enough to try these icebreaker games and ideas that will bring you to life!
Hungry for more icebreaker games and ideas to spice up your mood? Follow these links and have some fun: