Fun Icebreaker Games for Kids
Have you heard of Would You Rather, Most Likely To, and 20 Questions? Get to know these and more awesome games in this article!
✍️ September 15, 2021
- 😃 1. Lightning round
- 🤩 2. Getting to Know You
- 😎 3. Show and Tell
- 💃 4. Freeze Dance
- 😜 5. Would You Rather
- 🕵️♂️ 6. I Spy Game for kids
- 😄 7. Most Likely To
- 👍 8. Two Truths and a Lie
- 🤯 9. 20 Questions
- 🥳 10. Never Have I Ever
- 🦁 11. Favorite animal sounds
- ✈️ 12. Paper Airplane
Icebreakers are a great way to introduce kids to each other. Icebreakers can be used for different purposes such as getting the kids’ attention, breaking the ice between them and getting to know one another, or just to get them thinking about things that don’t always come up in conversation. There’s no shortage of icebreaker games that can be played with kids of all ages so check out these 12 interesting icebreaker games for kids!
What are icebreaker activities for kids?
An icebreaker is a fun way to get kids to talk. You can use it when kids don’t know each other or when kids are bored. There are lots of icebreakers for kids so have a look at these 8!
Discuss why kids should participate in activities that involve getting to know one another better, such as these fun activities!
Kids should participate in activities that help kids get to know one another. Kids need to play with kids! Check out these 12 icebreaker games for kids!
Why kids should play icebreaker games?
The kids should play icebreaker games because kids learn through play. They are playful, curious, and their imaginations are running wild. Playing icebreaker games helps kids get to know one another better–as well as their friends. The kids might learn something new about their friends or teams. It’s also a lot of fun for the kids!
12 Fun Icebreaker Games Kids Can Play With Kids
1. Lightning Round
Try this icebreaker as a go-to approach for breaking the ice and getting youngsters to talk! Have each youngster respond to a question, then move on to the next until they’ve been asked all of their queries. Make sure that children ask one other questions that don’t require too much thought. Here are some examples:
- What are your favorite movies?
- What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever done?
- Where did you go on vacation last year?
- Who’s your favorite basketball player?
2. Getting to Know You
This is a simple, entertaining game for children to quickly get to know one another. All you need for the game is a ball and then you follow these four steps:
- Everyone forms a circle.
- You start by throwing the ball to a random youngster and asks them a question about them, such as “What is your favorite animal?”.
- The kid answers the question, randomly throws the ball to another kid, and asks another question.
- The next youngster who catches the ball responds to that, passes it on to another kid, and asks a question too.
Tip: Prepare a list of questions and read them to the kids so they know what to asks for! Here are some examples:
- What is your favorite type of animal?
- What would you like to be when you grow up?
- What’s the last book you read, and what did you think of it?
- If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
3. Show and Tell
Stories are a fantastic way to get children to relax and be more comfortable when they’re in groups. This is a fascinating game that allows youngsters to discuss their most valuable items.
🤓 Suggested read: The Best Icebreaker Group Games For Any Occasion
Before playing the game, ask the kids to bring in something they like, such as a book, toy, or another item that they carry with them everywhere. Make sure to bring an item on your own as well! And then start playing:
- Ask the children to hold up their favorite thing and explain why it’s so special to them.
- You can ask them questions like why they take it with them when they go, or how they got it. You can ask them what they would like to do with it.
- The session may go on for a long time, which is ideal for the activity since it depends on the age of the children.
4. Freeze Dance
For this game, you just need a device to play music. Don’t worry, a smartphone with speakers is more than enough! The gameplay of this game is really easy: While the music is playing, everyone is dancing. As soon as the music stops, you freeze. The last one moving loses and leaves the game area.
To their safety, while playing this icebreaker game, the kids need to follow these rules:
- All players aren’t allowed to touch any other kid while playing!
- All players have to stay quiet while playing this game!
- All players have to move their feet while dancing!
5. Would You Rather
Would You Rather is one of the most famous conversation starter games for all ages. The main goal of the game is to ask each other questions, such as “Would you rather be a cat or a dog?”. You can either pair the kids up and let them ask each other questions or you ask the question and everyone answers.
Tip: Prepare a question list to use while playing. Here are some examples:
- Would you rather be able to fly or become invisible?
- Would you rather travel in the past or the future?
- Would you rather have grass for hair or carrot for a nose?
- Would you rather have no fingers or have no toes?
- Would you rather always be itchy or always sweat?
- Would you rather live in a house full of cheese or chocolate?
- Would you rather live in a castle or a spaceship?
- Would you rather be a dragon or a unicorn?
👉 Here you can find 100+ Would You Rather Questions for kids!
6. I Spy Game for kids
For this easy conversation starter game for kids, they only need their imagination. But what is important is that they all can identify color properly. How this game works: The first player starts with a sentence of their choice that starts with “I spy something….” and then the others try to identify what they’re looking at.
For example: David says, “I spy something orange.” The kids must look around the room and say where the orange object is. If no one can guess, they can ask questions that begin with “Is it…” until someone gives the right answer.
7. Most Likely To
The main goal of Most Likely To is to ask questions which start with “Most likely to”, such as “Who is most likely to become a teacher?” To determine who’s most likely to, there are two different options:
- All kids write the name of the player on the sheet who they think is most likely to do that.
- All kids close their eyes, point with their player to the person who they think is most likely to do that and after three seconds everyone opens their eyes.
Tip: Prepare a question list to use while playing. Here are some examples:
- Who is most likely to fall asleep in class?
- Who is most likely to own the most toys?
- Who is most likely to be afraid in the dark?
- Who is most likely to read a book in one sitting?
- Who is most likely to be in a choir?
- Who is most likely to become a chef?
- Who is most likely to have the most siblings?
👉 Here you can find more Most Likely To Questions for kids!
8. Two Truths and a Lie
Kids sit in a circle and one at a time tell three facts about themselves. Two of those facts are true, but one is false. The others must figure out which one isn’t true. If a kid guesses wrong, they’re out. If a kid guesses right, he/she participate in the next round or switch roles with the kid making three statements.
Building kids’ confidence is always important, and this is a great icebreaker activity to help kids become comfortable speaking in front of others. This game can go on for as long as the kids want it to.
9. 20 Questions
There are several variations of the well-known “20 Questions Game.” However, the basic rules are simple: you’re at least two players, one asks a question, and the other player answers. There are no right or wrong responses. The game’s primary aim isn’t to respond to a question; it’s to exchange and discuss different topics and get to know each other better!
Tip: Here are some questions, you might use:
- What do you love about yourself?
- Would you rather be Spongebob or be Patrick?
- What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
- When was the most inappropriate time you farted?
- What’s your favorite book?
- How did you meet your best friend?
- What’s your earliest memory?
- What do you think is the best thing about being a grown-up?
👉 In this artice are more questions for your 20 Questions Game!
10. Never Have I Ever
The conversation starter game Never Have I Ever I also known as Never Ever, I’ve Never… or Ten Fingers. In this game, the players ask each other questions which start with “Never Have I Ever”. The other players have to raise their hand if they already had done the certain thing and gain a point.
Tip: If you’re afraid of running out of questions, prepare a question list. Here are some examples:
- Never Have I Ever cheated on a test.
- Never Have I Ever picked my nose.
- Never Have I Ever been on a stage.
- Never Have I Ever lied to my parents.
- Never Have I Ever been in a hospital.
- Never Have I Ever fallen asleep while praying.
- Never Have I Ever played on a computer.
- Never Have I Ever cut my own hair.
👉 Here you can find more Never Have I Ever Questions for kids!
11. Favorite animal sounds
Every little kid has their favorite animal. But how many kids in your group have the same favorite animal?
In this game, ask each kid to think of their favorite animal. Then, they must make the sound of that animal.
As the kids make animal noises, they must join together with other kids in their group to make the identical sound. Some youngsters may be nervous about this at first, but after a while, your group will erupt in a cacophony of wild animal sounds.
This delightful animal game gets kids active and silly, allowing them to get rid of their first-day nerves and feel at ease with one another.
12. Paper Airplane
Make a paper airplane and write your name and two questions to ask someone else on it.
On cue, everyone launches their airplane in the air, picks up others’ airplanes, and continues to throw them. After one or two minutes, the leader shouts “stop.” One paper airplane is required for each participant.
The kids must find the owner of the plane they’re playing in and answer its questions.
Then you can start over and play another round.
Children and icebreakers go hand in hand. We all know kids enjoy playing games, but we also know they love to make new friends. What better way than through a fun game? Kids of any age can participate in these 13 different icebreaker activities that are designed with kids’ mindsets. These will help them get to know one another as well as the adults participating too!
👉 If you’re looking for more Icebreaker Ideas for Kids check this article out! Enjoy!