How to tell if a girl likes you
Sometimes it's difficult to tell if a woman is interested in you or not. Here are some surefire signs that she likes you. Is she just being friendly, or does she actually like you? We'll help you find out.
✍️ October 24, 2022
- 🤔 How to know if she’s just being nice or interested
- 😎 27 signs on how to tell if a girl likes you
- 😏 11 ways on how to raise a girl’s interest
So there is this one girl who is amazingly fascinating to you, and you just can’t figure her out. Is she just being nice, or is she flirting with you? There are certain signs that can tell you whether a woman likes you or not.
However, always keep in mind that everyone is different. These are all just mere indications, so they do not have to be 100 percent correct. But the more of these points apply, the more likely it is that she’s actually into you.
How to know if she’s just being nice or interested
Before we get into the signs that she likes you, it’s important to first understand how you can tell the difference between her being friendly and her actually being interested. You don’t want to misread the signs and end up getting your heart broken.
1. Context is key
Context is key when trying to decipher whether someone is just being nice or they are interested in you. The situation that you are in together can give you some clues as to her intentions. If you are in a group setting and she is talking to you more than anyone else, then it’s likely that she is interested. However, if you are both working on a project, she may just be trying to be nice.
2. Body language
Body language is another big clue when it comes to deciphering whether someone likes you. There are some universal body language cues that you can look for. For example, if someone is leaning in toward you when you are talking, this usually indicates that they are interested in what you have to say. Additionally, if someone is mirroring your body language, this may also be a sign that they are interested.
3. Her personality
It’s also important to consider her personality when trying to figure out if she likes you. If she is generally a very friendly person, then it may be more difficult to tell if she is interested in you or not. However, if she is usually pretty reserved, then it’s more likely that she is interested in you if she is talking to you more than usual.
4. Ask her out
Sometimes, the best way to figure out if someone likes you is to just ask them out. If they say yes, then chances are that they are interested in you. However, if they say no, they’re probably just not that into you. Even though it might be scary, asking her out is the best way to know for sure if she likes you.
Do you have a hard time starting a conversation? 👉 Here is a list with all our conversation starters, things to talk about, and more!
27 signs on how to tell if a girl likes you
Don’t be afraid of the sheer number of points below; there are numerous signs of whether a woman finds you attractive. If a significant number of these apply to the girl you like, then chances are she has feelings for you. So go ahead, and take a look, but don’t drive yourself crazy.
1. She likes to talk to you
Pay attention to how often she talks to you. If it seems like she is always seeking you out, then it’s likely that she likes you. This is especially true if she goes out of her way to start conversations with you. However, keep in mind that some people are just naturally chatty. So this point may not be as accurate in those cases.
2. She’s always around
Is she usually less than five meters away from you during a break at school, at university, or in the office? Without you having made an appointment or anything like that with her, she always seems to be around. Coincidentally, she’s also at the concert or at the bar, which you mentioned in passing, being there on the weekend?
If so, it’s likely that she likes you. This is especially true if she always seems to be in your vicinity, even when there’s no reason for her to be there.
3. She laughs at your jokes
Even if you make a joke that you hardly find funny yourself, is she the first to start laughing? Almost every sentence you utter that doesn’t seem serious makes her giggle? It’s a pretty clear indication that she likes you if it is that way.
4. Pay attention to her eyes
Does she avoid eye contact? Some girls find it uncomfortable to look their crush in the eye or be caught looking at them. Others consciously look for your gaze and then keep it upright. If she even smiles, it is a pretty clear signal that she is interested in you.
5. She notices your presence
Even if she changes her behavior inconspicuously when she notices that you are entering the room, it can say a lot. Suddenly she sits upright, moves more gracefully, or smiles at you obviously and greets you warmly? Then it can all mean that she likes you a little bit more than other people.
6. She smiles warmly at you
As mentioned in the last point, a smile that comes from the heart can mean a lot. But only if she smiles at you honestly and warmly. So that she gets tiny wrinkles around her eyes, either she is generally an amicable person, or you are her motivation for smiling that way.
7. She touches you
If she touches you frequently, especially casually, seeks physical closeness, or even likes to hug you, she’ll probably like you very much; unfortunately, this can also be purely platonic. That very much depends on how she touches you.
📖 Suggested read: How to flirt with men - The Ultimate Flirting Guide
8. Pay attention to clues from her friends
If her circle of friends somehow behaves differently around you or asks what you think of her, it may mean they know more. If her friends leave you room to talk, for example, sit back and no longer take in the girl you are interested in, it may mean that she has told them about you or speaks about you regularly and that her friends want to help her to conquer your heart. If her friends giggle, smile, grin or watch you both interact as soon as you’re around, they know more: She likes you.
9. She is waiting for others to leave to talk to you
She wants to talk to you undisturbed and waits for others to leave, so she the both of you aren’t distracted by others? Does she catch you just to have a relatively insignificant conversation? Perhaps it all happens much more subtly so that you hardly notice it. Still, this behavior is usually a sign of interest.
10. She starts to be interested in the same things as you
Do you like soccer, video games, anime, art, or whatever? And she paid little attention to one of these topics in the past, but now seems to be interested in it? Then it is pretty clear that she only does all of this to make her look more exciting for you or to have conversation topics with you.
🤓 Suggested read: How to flirt with a girl: The Best Tips
11. She plays with her hair
Some consider this sign more of a myth, and others say it is legit. But what is it about? Twisting a strand of hair around her finger and/or repeatedly running her fingers through her hair while talking to you can be indications that she likes you OR that she’s just nervous, OR that it’s just a habit of hers.
Paying attention to the context of the situation can give you a better understanding of whether it’s a sign she likes you or not.
12. She’s trying to get your attention
Women are usually much more subtle than men when they want to arouse the interest of their crush. They often try to make themselves extra pretty, wear a new, maybe even provocative, outfit in your presence, or always adopt a completely different posture around you than usual.
Does she stand there differently, especially in a sexy way? You know what attractive poses I mean: shoulders back, chest out, stomach in, buttocks emphasized. If she does something like this in your presence or during a conversation with you, she is almost certainly not averse to you.
13. Her posture is open
As already mentioned in the previous point, body language can reveal a lot: An open body posture signalizes interest and is often subconsciously used when we like someone. This includes, for example, that she presents herself to you with an open chest (i.e., not crossed arms), or that her legs are not crossed.

In addition, mirrored movements also indicate sympathy: If, for example, you put your chin on your hand and she does the same a few moments later, this is usually an unconscious signal of similarity and, thus, of sympathy.
14. She’s nervous around you
If she touches her face a lot when she talks to you, is often blinking, pressing her lips together, or - as already mentioned - playing with her hair, this can be a sign of nervousness. That, in turn, can mean that in some ways, she likes you.
15. She interrupts conversations with others to speak to you
The title of this point is relatively self-explanatory. For example, if she is currently talking to friends, you enter the group, and she puts you in the center of her attention as soon as possible, it usually means that she likes you very much. So if she has the choice to talk to anyone but prefers to speak to you, that’s a big plus.
16. She listens to you very carefully
Does she hang on every word you say and also remember the things you told her? Then she definitely likes you. Because why would she pay attention to you so carefully if she didn’t find you interesting? In addition, genuine interest is also shown when, for example, she asks follow-up questions about the things you told her or expresses her own opinion on a topic that is important to you.
17. She tries not to talk to other men around you
If she’s somehow ashamed when you enter the room while she is talking to another guy, and the conversation ends as quickly as possible. It may mean that she doesn’t want you to think that she is interested in this man.
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18. She pays attention to your reactions
For example, when she says something or tells a joke in a group of people, does she look at you to see your reaction? Then your opinion is very important to her, which usually also means that you are important to her. She wants to please you.
19. She messages you all the time
That doesn’t mean anything if you know that she’s addicted to writing with people and just needs the pleasing feeling of a new message on her phone. Some people just love attention. This is especially noticeable if she keeps making you wait a long time. On the other hand, if she’s also quick to respond to your messages and obviously appreciates talking to you, then she probably likes you.
20. She writes you drunk messages
Self-explanatory: When she writes to you in a drunken state, she thinks of you. Drunk people are often said to wear their hearts on their sleeves. So if she even makes something like a confession of love, she’s pretty much into you, or she is just feeling lonely right now.
21. She follows you on social media
And by that, I don’t mean the usual followings on Instagram and so on. If she looks at each of your stories, maybe reacts to them again and again, and likes almost every new post, she likes you pretty much or at least would not be opposed to you.
22. She mentions being single or asks about your relationship status
No matter how she does it but, when she talks about being single in front of you or asking you whether or not you have a girlfriend, it can be very significant - especially if she asks you why you don’t have one.
📖 Suggested read: Everything You Need To Know About The Friend Zone
23. She compliments you, especially if you look good
Got a new hairstyle, and she’s the first person to comment on it positively? You dressed differently, and she has to express her pleasure? Then she could very well be into you. But it could also be out of courtesy.
24. She does everything to spend time with you
As I said, women like to be a little more subtle. You may not even notice the stones that she is clearing out of the way to pander to you. For example, if you ask in your WhatsApp group of friends whether someone wants to do something today and she answers immediately, she at least likes to spend time with you very much. And if you even know that she had other plans and is canceling them for you, she probably has a crush on you.
25. She opens up to you
When someone opens up to you and talks about their problems, it means that they trust you. However, this can also indicate that you have slipped into the friend zone or are on the best way to get there.
26. She plans something with you in the future
If you talk about any activity and she immediately says that you have to do it together, she may unconsciously see you already by her side. If that happens all the time and you already have a proper list of things to do, she either sees you as her very best friend with whom she can do anything, or she fancies you a lot.

27. She teases you amicably
Well, that depends on the type of person she is. If she is a lively person who does this to everyone she likes, then your crush will at least feel comfortable with you. However, if she is rather a little shy and, in your presence, dares to come out of her shell and tease you, then she definitely likes you.
11 ways how to raise a girl’s interest
Do you want to increase the interest of your crush in you because you are either still not sure whether she is into you or you just want to fan the flames? Of course, there is no guarantee that if you follow this advice, she will fall fling her arms around your neck afterward, but it certainly won’t reduce your chances.
1. Humor
Just about every woman likes guys who make her laugh. Just make sure not to be her clown; just prove that you don’t take life too seriously and have fun with it.
2. Pay attention to your body language
As mentioned in the tips above, body language is of enormous importance in love (actually in all of life). Get used to an upright posture: shoulders back (not too much), chest out, stomach in. It should all still look not too stiff.
And take your hands out of your pockets, especially when you’re talking to her. And as I said above: If you subtly mirror her gestures, it can also increase her sympathy for you.
3. Be active
If you’re more of the couch potato type, it’s time to change that now. Women like men who have something going on - even if it’s just a hobby. It doesn’t necessarily have to be sports; it can also be playing an instrument or being creative in other ways.
🤓 Suggested read: How to Get Your Crush to Like You
The main thing is that you enjoy doing it and are enthusiastic about it. That radiates and is very attractive.
4. Become your best self
Personal growth is always attractive. If you’re not happy with certain things about yourself, now is the time to change them. But do it for yourself and not for her. In the long run, you will benefit from it anyway.
Personal growth includes a lot of things: for example, you can become more confident, more self-aware, or learn to better control your emotions. Think about what would make you a better version of yourself and work on it. The results will definitely pay off.
5. Don’t pretend; be yourself
It’s always best to be authentic and not put on a show. We all have weaknesses, and that’s fine. It shows that you’re human and not perfect. Just be yourself and let her get to know the real you.
If she doesn’t like the real you, she’s not the right one for you either. So better to find that out now than to live a lie later.
6. Be polite
Give her a friendly smile when you speak to her. Make eye contact, but don’t stare at her like a creep. Be kind and respectful to her and to other people in her presence.
7. Remember what she says and listen carefully
Few things are as embarrassing as not remembering what she told you. Unfortunately, many are not gifted with outstanding memories or space out all the time (sadly, I number among that too), but that just means that we then have to work harder.
8. Treat her like a good friend, and don’t put her on a pedestal
If you douse her with compliments, gifts, etc., you overwhelm her and give her the feeling that you want to buy her and aren’t actually playing in her league. This could throw you into the friend zone fast.
If you treat her like an extremely good friend and just have fun with her, you’ll take a lot of pressure off yourself, but you’ll also show her that you are at eye level.
9. Tease her in a friendly manner
Teasing is a sign of affection. This saying is true. Teasing her lovingly every now and then can pretty much fan the flames of her feelings. Should she jump on the bandwagon and do the same, then that is an excellent sign. Just don’t overdo it.
10. Don’t bash her
As already mentioned in the previous tip, it is often very helpful to tease your crush a little. As soon as you get mean, however, you will soon be able to say goodbye to her. See her as an equal, as someone who is on eye level.
And there is nothing more pathetic than people who run down other people just to feel better. Unfortunately, there are many who do this unconsciously. So be careful not to mess around with their shortcomings.
11. Talk to her more often
By that, I mean completely harmless conversations. Ask her about her weekend, ask follow-up questions, talks about funny topics, and listen carefully. If you are a person others like to chat with, you are probably someone they like to spend time with.
If you struggle to find topics to talk about, here are 200+ questions to ask a girl. 💜
Ready to brush up on your flirting skills even more? These books can help you learn how to send the right signals, make a great first impression, and keep the spark alive in your relationships:
- Flirting: How to Flirt for Women Wanting to Date a High-Value Man, Including Seductive Body Language Techniques and a Guide to Get Your Ex Back
- How to Flirt with a Guy: A Girl’s Guide to Being Flirtatious and Getting the Guy You Want
- Flirt Fearlessly: The A to Z Guide to Getting Your Flirt On
- Dating Sucks, but You Don’t: The Modern Guy’s Guide to Total Confidence, Romantic Connection, and Finding the Perfect Partner