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Tips When Answering Questions for Couples

Question and Answer games are great conversation starters for couples. With the right questions, couples can get to know each other on a much deeper level while still keeping things fun and light. Even if you’re answering questions one after another, it should be fun! Your game could go sour pretty quickly if you treat it as an interrogation.

Before you try out our list of couple questions below, here are some tips to keep in mind when answering questions for couples to ensure that you and your partner both have a great time!

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1. Honesty builds trust!

Be honest with your partner while answering these questions.

2. Don’t be afraid!

If you and your partner are meant for each other, you should be able to talk about everything. So don’t be afraid of talking about your deepest thoughts.

3. Don’t rush your partner!

Maybe some questions make your partner feel uncomfortable. Don’t rush your boyfriend or girlfriend into answering everything. Stay patient, some things take time.

4. Don’t be judgy!

You may not understand every thought of your partner. That’s totally normal. But try to be supportive even if you’re not on the same page.

👉 For more tips on how to start a great conversation and keep it going, here you can find more Conversation Starters!

20 Deep Questions for Couples

Maybe lately things are getting too chaotic and stressful in your everyday life. You and your partner are too focused on doing your own thing that you find it difficult to connect to each other recently.

When you find the right opportunity, try asking some deep questions for couples that will allow you to have a deeper insight about each other. Here is a list of 20 deep questions for couples that will help you start heartfelt conversations with your partner.

1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I’m just trying to make it until next week!

2. Do you have my back no matter what?

Maybe your partner is the “spine” you need?

3. How much honesty do you need in a relationship?

The truth will always come out.

4. How do you think you’ve changed over the past few years?

Or maybe you never knew who you were from the start?

5. How do you deal with difficult situations?

Think of them as learning experiences!

6. Do you believe in God?

Maybe you two never talked about religion deeply?

7. What do you personally think of your friend’s relationships?

Is the grass greener on the other side of the farm?

8. Have you ever cheated on someone?

You’re only cheating on yourself.

9. What’s on your bucket list?

The first item on my bucket list is the bucket.

10. How would you describe your relationship with your family?

The one weird relative is always me.

11. What are some unfulfilled things in your life?

Struggling artist?

12. Is there something that you’ve dreamt of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you?

Unfulfilled dreams are scary, but regret is even scarier.

13. What are your life’s dreams, and what do you want for your future?

The future is uncertain.

14. What adventures would you like to have before you die?

Let’s explore the world together just like Dora!

15. What one thing would you like to change about me?

Change starts from within.

16. What do you think about having kids?


17. What is the meaning of cheating for you?

Relationship status: It’s complicated!

18. Are there any times you feel lonely, left out, or like I’m not reachable emotionally?

Anybody free to talk?

19. Do you remember the first thing we said to one another?

Was it a good first impression?

20. What do you wish you were really good at?

I wish I was really good at being cool.

20 Intimate Questions for Couples

Answering intimate questions is a great way to build trust between couples. Although you may share a lot with your friends, there are things that you could only share with your significant other. Who else would you trust with intimacies than your partner?

Spark a conversation that only you and your partner can have by asking any one of these intimate questions for couples.

21. What does love look like to you?

Love looks like the first flower blooming in Spring.

22. What do you want out of this relationship?

I want hugs.

23. How did your last relationship end?

Hope we don’t have the same problems!

24. What’s the length of your longest romantic relationship?

Me and my first love had a relationship that only lasted 1 week.

25. If you could ask me anything and have me answer truthfully, what would it be?

If you wanna know what I had for lunch, it’s a healthy burrito.

26. What do you like about me?

Is it my charming personality and my sweet smile/

27. What’s one similarity between us that you absolutely love?

I know we finish each other’s sentences!

28. Would you say that I understand what you are feeling? Why do you say so?

You and me, are “we.”

29. How content are you with the amount of non-sexual affection in the relationship?

Basically, are my cuddles enough or not?

30. Do you think of me when I am not around?

I miss you when you’re not around. Hope you feel the same!

31. Do you think I can be both your best friend and your lover?

It’s like killing two birds with one stone.

32. How long did you think our relationship would last when we first started dating?

How long is forever?

33. When did you realize you wanted to spend the rest of your life with me?

The moment I wake up!

35. Are you happy?

I’m happiest when I’m with you.

36. Which is your favorite body part of mine?

Please say my eyes!

37. What can I do to support and encourage you?

Support me like my bra does!

38. What can I do to make you feel more loved?

Shower me with presents and spend more time with me!

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39. What do you first think of in the morning?

I need to go to the toilet.

40. Are you happy with the time we spend together?

I’m always grinning from ear to ear.

20 Random Questions for Couples

The sky’s the limit when it comes to asking questions to your partner. That’s the beauty of relationships. You can ask questions that are deep, funny, sexy or whatever! Questions can be totally random!

Random questions for couples add a fun element into your conversations. Maybe you guys have different answers to the question, “What’s your spirit animal?” Or maybe your answers will be the same after all?

With these 20 random questions for couples, you can spice up any discussion with your partner and maybe find out something surprising about your partner!

41. Which animal would you like to ride on at least once in your lifetime?

Can you ride on a giraffe’s neck?

42. If you had to switch lives with someone, who would you choose?

I wanna live like a literal Queen.

43. Given the choice of anyone in the world, who would you want as a dinner guest?

Bernie Sanders.

44. If you had the superpower of invisibility, how would you use it?

No wrong answers here.

45. If you could see into the future, what’s one thing you want to see?

Will we be invaded by robot AI’s?

46. If you could be any animal, what would you be?

Would they want to be a cunning fox? Or a clever chimpanzee?

👉 Suggested read: 👩‍🦰 200+ Questions to Ask a Girl: Get to Know Her Better

47. Where do you see yourself living when you retire?

Up by the beach.

48. If you had to rename yourself, what name would you choose?

Princess Consuela Banana Hammock

49. If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or visit the future?

If only I could turn back time…

50. If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you go?

They say Norway is one of the best countries to live in.

51. What is the super-power you most want to have?

I want to be able to fly and escape traffic.

52. If you could be the richest person in the world, what would you do with your money?

Donate half of it and end world hunger!

53. If you could look like anyone else in the world, who would you pick and why?

Who doesn’t wanna be Gal Gadot.

54. What would you do if you won $1,000,000?

Put them all in the bank.

55. What is the strangest thing you’ve eaten?

I’ll pass on crickets!

56. What is the craziest dream you had?

I once had a dream that I was a superhero fighting against a huge robot head.

57. What would you do if you only had 1 more day to live?

We never know when the fat lady sings.

58. Would you want to be born the opposite sex?

Girls have more fun!

59. If you could go to space, what planet would you want to see?

Inter-planetary migration is the future.

60. What would you bring if you were stuck on an island?

I would bring someone who has a higher survivability than me.

📖 Suggested read: 70 Great Relationship Questions To Ask Your Partner

20 Romantic Questions for Couples

Keep the romance alive with some of our romantic questions for couples. Want to hear something that makes your heart flutter? Try asking any of these romantic questions to take your romance to new heights!

61. Do you feel that we make each other better people?

You. Complete. Me.

62. Can you make a poem about me?

Make sure to throw in something about giving me the moon and the stars!

63. If we were both reincarnated, do you think we would still end up with each other?

I’ll always find my way back to you.

64. What is your idea of a perfect honeymoon spot?

Did you know the number 1 hottest honeymoon destination is Italy?

65. If you could design the perfect house for us, what would it look like?

I want a cozy little shack on the top of the Andes mountains where we can frolic along a field of yellow flowers, bask under the morning sun, and take a sip from the clear river water. Sounds too specific? Yeah, I know.

66. What is your idea of a perfect romantic date?

Dinner by the beach is a classic.

67. How would you want to spend a special day with each other?

Together hand in hand.

68. What’s your idea of a romantic vacation?

Candles everywhere!

69. Are you happy with the amount of us-time and apart-time we have?

I want less of me, and more of we.

70. How do you feel most loved?

In actions or in words?

71. What do you think makes me smile?

Little notes with funny memes written on them.

20 Questions: Conversation Starter Game | Gameplay
Suggested read: 20 Questions: Conversation Starter Game | Gameplay

72. What do you remember most about our first kiss?

It felt just right.

73. What’s the most romantic thing I have ever done for you?

I want to be serenaded.

74. If you had one word to describe our relationship, what would it be?

Words are not enough!

75. What’s that one thing about our relationship that makes you the happiest?

It’s nice knowing someone has your back always.

76. What is your favorite memory with me so far?

Everyday is a favorite memory!

77. What did you think when you first met me?

First Impressions last!

78. What’s one difference between us that you absolutely love?

You are the yin to my yang.

79. If you had one word to describe our love, what would it be?


80. What about me made you fall in love?

Absolutely everything!

20 Sex Questions for Couples

Are you ready to spice things up? If just like the rest of the world, you and your partner are separated because of the pandemic, asking them sex questions for couples can help you reconnect with each other.

If you need something to spice up your sex life, you can play this game and ask each other some pretty hot questions. It will help rekindle the fire in your relationship in no time!

Talk about your desires, kinks, fantasies and other sexual desires with these questions that have been collected. Go ahead and have a fun and steamy date night with these 20 sex questions for couples!

👉 Suggested read: 250+ Questions to Ask a Guy: The Only List You'll Need

81. What turns you on?

Time to learn how to flip that switch.

82. What is your wildest fantasy?

Just how wild are we talking about here?

83. What do I do that turns you on the most?

What do you do that doesn’t turn me on!

84. What would you like to do more of in bed?


85. What’s a naughty fantasy you have about me?

Think Princess Leia in chains.

86. Would you say you have any secret fetishes?

Try out that secret fetish!

87. In your opinion, what does it mean to be good in bed?

Knowing the right spots to hit.

88. When was the last time you had a dirty dream of me?

Last night, maybe?

89. What part of my body do you like to touch the most?

Which are the soft touchable areas!

90. What do you think of threesomes?

Three is a party!

91. What’s the best thing I can do for you in bed?

Don’t be selfish now!

92. Is there anything you won’t do in bed?

What are your limitations? Safe word “yellow”, anyone?

93. What’s your favorite time of day to have sex?

You know what they say about things that go bump in the night.

94. What sex position would you like to try?

I’m up for anything!

95. How often do you masturbate?

Do they have fun on their own without inviting you?

96. Which body part do you want to be touched the most?

Maybe find out your partner’s most sensitive spot.

97. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?

Let’s do it sometime!

98. What kind of porn do you watch?

Maybe you guys can watch it together.

📖 Suggested read: 💛 Platonic Relationship: Rules & What It Is

99. If you could have sex anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Think something like on top of the Eiffel tower overlooking the Parisian skyline.

100. Do you prefer to give or to receive?

Just how selfish or generous is your partner?

20 This or That Questions for Couples

If you are looking for easy and quick questions to play with your partner, This or That questions are always a good way to go! It’s a great way to get a sense of your partner’s likes and dislikes too!

This is a fun and quick list that you and your partner can burn through in no time. Don’t think too hard when you answer these questions! They’re all just for fun!

101. Chocolate or vanilla?

I’m more of the vanilla type.

102. Ice cream or french fries?

This is a hard one!

103. Hero or villain?

Villains have more fun.

104. Cookies or cake?

Let them eat cake.

105. Text message or call?

Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me.

106. Summer or winter?

Winter is the best for cuddles.

107. Book or movie?

I don’t have the time to read books so–movie’s all the way!

108. Coca-Cola or Pepsi?

It’s like Sophie’s Choice.

109. Gold or silver?

Gold makes my eyes shine.

110. Fruits or vegetables?

Fruits are as sweet as candy.

111. Ketchup or mustard?

Ketchup me up!

112. Piercings or tattoos?

Tattoos make a statement.

Cute things to say to your girlfriend
Suggested read: Cute things to say to your girlfriend

113. Sweet or salty?

Sometimes too sweet can be overbearing, salty on the other hand gives a kick.

114. TV Shows or movies?

TV Shows! Let me invest in the characters and watch them get killed off by the end of the season.

115. Pasta or pizza?

Pizza is for sharing.

116. Family or friends?

Blood is thicker than water.

117. Pop or Indie?

Shake it Off!

118. Wine or beer?

Wine makes good company for dark lonely nights.

119. Concert or play?

I wanna hear loud music until my ears bleed.

120. Cards or board games?

Board games are so much fun when you have to lie to people.

Question Games for Couples

So, you have asked your partner all the questions above, and are still looking for more questions to play with them? Well we have got you covered! If you think these questions aren’t enough, then here are more games that you can play with your special someone.

Check out our list of other question games for couples.

1. Would You Rather

Would You Rather is a fun conversation starter/drinking game that can be easily played with your partner. With this game, you can talk about what you like, don’t like, and just talk about what your preferences are. With this playful little icebreaker, you can learn more about your partner!

If you don’t have time to make up your own questions, check out our list of more Would You Rather questions!

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2. Never Have I Ever

Never Have I Ever is a classic party drinking game that can be enjoyed with your friends or your partner too! It’s fun to discover things that your partner may or may not have done before. Imagine finding out that your partner has never watched the movie Pearl Harbor. That’s a travesty!

To help you get started on your game, here’s our list of Never Have I Ever questions for all sorts of topics!

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3. Truth or Dare

If you think Truth or Dare is only a game that you once played as a teenager, think again. Truth or Dare is a perfect game for couples since you can easily turn it into a sexier game with some steamy questions and alcohol! Playing Truth or Dare with naughtier questions and wilder dares will spice up any relationship!

Want to play the ultimate Truth or Dare game during date night? Check out some of our Truth or Dare questions for couples!

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Truth or Dare Rated 4.8 stars out of five stars

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4. This or That

Feeling like our list of This or That questions isn’t enough? Well, we have more This or That Questions for you! Learn more about playing This or That questions and enjoy getting to know your partner a little better through this quick and easy game!

Maybe, you’ll learn something new about your partner and realize how much you have in common (or not)! Don’t worry if you don’t have a lot in common. Remember, opposites attract!

If you’re looking for advice on strengthening your relationships, check out these books. They offer tips on everything from communication to conflict resolution and can help you build a stronger, more lasting bond with your partner!

  1. Love: The Psychology of Attraction: A Practical Guide to Successful Dating and a Happy Relationship
  2. Single, Dating, Engaged, Married: Navigating Life and Love in the Modern Age
  3. The Power of Four Bases for Relationships: Can You Hit a Home Run in a Relationship?
  4. Couple’s Bucket List: 101 Fun, Engaging Dating Ideas
  5. Helping Gay Men Find Love: Tips for Guys on Dating and Beginning a Healthy Relationship
100+ Fun Relationship Questions for Couples
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