Most Likely To
App icon Most Likely To

Most Likely To is a wild party game for adults. Find out what your friends think about you and who they think is most likely to do absurd things.

It’s the craziest party game on iPhone and Android for house parties, pre-parties, frat-parties, and all other gatherings.

How to play Most Likely To:

  1. Select a category
  2. Read the statement out loud
  3. Everyone points a finger at the person they think the statement suits best
  4. The person with the most fingers pointed at is the winner

Beware, some Most Likely to questions can get really dirty and extreme!

Most Likely To questions

There are over 2,000 questions available. Enjoy our free Pre-Party pack, or turn up the heat with our Wild Times pack. Discover all ten different packs, if you dare!

Feeling dirty? There is a deck of cards for that. Want to get to know how others think about the dirty stuff? It’s in there as well. There is some relationship stuff as well, perfect for couples!

Please keep in mind that this game is for adults. If you are easily offended, this game might not be for you. That said, you can avoid dirty or sexy topics by choosing different categories!

If you enjoy the game, drop us a rating! If you dislike the game, please share it with a person you don’t like. This way we are both better off.

Let’s have some fun!

Official website: Most Likely To online


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