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What is Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza?

Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza is a card game produced by Blue Orange Games. A family-friendly game, which according to them, is ”Easy, dynamic, fun, and highly addictive.” 🤪

It is a game that requires being alert and having your full attention while playing the game. It is incredibly fast-paced where things can happen within seconds 😰

🎦 Are you too lazy to read? No problem! Skip this part and watch our YouTube video right away! Get to know how to play and if it’s worth your money!

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How to Play Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza

The game is very simple. The recommended playing size for Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza is 3-8 players of ages 8+.

Yet just in case you’re playing with a child who can’t read yet, we think it could help if you give them the box and have it by their side. The box of Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza actually has the characters on the side (in order), so it could help them participate.

Setting Up Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza

Have all players around one another. Allot space in the middle of the table and this is where your discard pile will be.

✍🏽 Tip: make sure that everyone has an equal distance to the discard pile. This is just to make sure that Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza is played fairly.

The dealer now should start shuffling the deck, then distribute all the cards equally, among all players. Note that the cards should be facing down the whole time.

As soon as everyone is ready with their deck of cards (still facing down) in front of them, the game can begin. The person to the left of the dealer begins.

Gameplay for Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza

The first player starts by taking the top card in their deck and placing it onto the discard pile while saying “Taco.” The next player does the same, but instead says “Cat.” Then the next player says “Goat.” So on and so forth.

❗️Special rule #1: When a player takes a card from the deck, it should be done outwards (away from them).

Just remember the sequence of the words: Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, and Pizza. This will not change throughout the game. It should be said in this order.

❗️Special rule #2: The game should have a steady pace. Once a player hesitates on the word to say or forgets that it’s their turn, they have to get all of the cards currently at the discard pile and put it at the bottom of their deck.

Once the word said and the card that was recently discarded matches, everyone has to slap the pile. The last person to slap has to get all of the cards in the discard pile and put it in their own deck.

The new round begins with that player starting off again with “Taco”.

❗️Special rule #3: No hesitation. If a player shows any sign of an attempt to slap the pile even when they’re not supposed to, they also have to take all of the cards in the discard pile and put it in their own deck.

Winning at Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza

While the goal of the game is to be the first person to clear your own deck, there’s a catch 😉

Other than clearing your deck, you also have to be the first person to slap the pile 😱 This means that even if there are no cards in your deck, you are still included in saying “Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza” during your turn.

So you have to make sure that you aren’t the last person to slap the pile, otherwise, you’ll have cards in your deck all over again 😝

Special Cards for Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza

The whole deck consists of 8 different characters. Of course, there are the 5 main characters: Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, and Pizza. The 3 other characters are way more special because they’re accompanied by physical actions.

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1. 🦍 Gorilla card: When this appears, all players are required to drum on their chest and then slap the pile.

2. 🦥 Groundhog card: When this appears, all players are required to drum on the table and then slap the pile.

3. 🐳 Narwhal card: When this appears, all players are required to clap above their heads and then slap the pile.

Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza Review Video

Curious about seeing how the cards look like and how the actions are played? No problem!

Check out our YouTube video on Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza! We’ll be showing you how the packaging looks like, the cards themselves, and some of our tips and review on Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza:

Game like Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza

If you think you’ll be enjoying Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza and you’re looking for something similar, here we have a game that could give you the same vibes. 😉

Exploding Kittens

While there is no slapping involved in Exploding Kittens, there is a suspense factor in this game as well. The gameplay for Exploding Kittens is much more different than Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza, but Exploding Kittens also gives you quite the thrill.

👉 Suggested read: Exploding Kittens: Video Review & How to Play

Here’s a quick summary of Exploding Kittens: There are 4 Exploding Kittens cards somewhere in the pile. Each player gets a defuse card in their hand. With many action cards available, there’s a chance you lose your defuse card.

Is chance on your side, leaving you the last person to explode?

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